Communion Ecclesiology in a Racially Polarised South Africa , livre ebook









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Communion Ecclesiology by Dr. K.T. Resane explores the concept of a communion ecclesiology in South Africa. The book provides the reader with a comprehensive overview of the concept in the Bible, in history and in different church traditions including the African Initiated Churches. The book also focuses on the different cultural groups in South Africa as they were organised within theological traditions. - Prof. S.D. Snyman, University of the Free State
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01 juillet 2017

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3 Mo

COMMUNION ECCLESIOLOGYin a racially polarisedSouth Africa
Communion Ecclesiology in a Racially Polarised South Africa
Published by Sun Media Bloemfontein (Pty) Ltd.
Imprint: SunBonani Scholar
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COMMUNION ECCLESIOLOGY in a racially polarised South Africa
Acknowedgemens .......................................................................................
Foreword .........................................................................................................
ïnroducîon ...................................................................................................
î îîî 1
Capter 1 | he bîblîcal understandîng of communîon ................... 13 1.1 He Od Tesamen communîon ..................................................... 14 1.2 He New Tesamen communîon .................................................... 20 1.3 He communîy aroundKerygma................................................... 28
Capter 2 | he îstorîcal roots of communîon ecclesîology .......... 33 2.1 îsorîca and acua overvîew ...................................................... 34 2.2 He eary curc was a communîon ............................................... 35 2.3 Secuar pîosopîes and scîsms marred e communîon ....... 37 2.3.1 Paonîsm ........................................................................................... 38 2.3.2 Gnosîcîsm ......................................................................................... 38 2.3.3 Epîcureanîsm ..................................................................................... 39 2.3.4 Soîcîsm .............................................................................................. 40 2.4 ïnerna pîosopîca and reîgîous reas o Crîsîan  communîon ....................................................................................... 41 2.4.1 Marcîon (c.85 - 160 CE) ................................................................... 41 2.4.2Vaenînus(c.100 - c.175) ................................................................. 43 2.5 He panoramîc vîew o communîon eccesîoogy  durîng e parîsîc perîod (100 - 700 AD)................................... 44 2.6 Communîon eccesîoogy în e Mîdde Ages and  e Renaîssance (700 - 1500 AD) .................................................... 47 2.6.1 Heoogîca andmarks în Wesern Europe ................................... 48
2.6.2 2.7 2.8 2.9
Heoogîca andmarks în Easern Europe ..................................... Communîon eccesîoogy în e age o e Reormaîon (1500-1750) ................................................................ Communîon eccesîoogy în e modern era (1750 o e presen) ......................................................................... Redîscovery: Vaîcan ïï ....................................................................
Capter 3 | Tradîtîonal and contemporary deinîtîons of communîon ecclesîology ............................................... 3.1 He Caoîc vîews and deInîîons ................................................. 3.1.1 Sîx caracerîsîc emes ound în mos communîon  eccesîoogîes.................................................................................... 3.1.2 Noabe communîon eccesîoogîss ............................................... 3.2 He Orodox vîews ......................................................................... 3.2.2 Communîon eccesîoogy o Jon Zîzîouas (1931- ) .................. 3.2.3 Synergy o Orodox oug ......................................................... 3.3 He Proesan vîews: Maînsream and evangeîcas .................... 3.3.1 He maînsream Proesan aî ..................................................... 3.3.2 He evangeîca movemen .............................................................. 3.3.3 Communîon eccesîoogy în e Free curces radîîon ........... 3.3.4 Communîon eccesîoogy în e maînsream evangeîca  word o ougs.............................................................................. 3.3.5 Evangeîca eccesîa as e socîa space o e curc .................. 3.4 He Arîcan ïnîîaed curces ........................................................ 3.5 Concusîon .........................................................................................
54 55
57 58
61 66 68 70 71 72 73 73 76
81 85 88 91
Capter 4 | Afrîcanubuntuand communîon ecclesîology ............. 92 4.1 He concepua undersandîng oubunu. ..................................... 93 4.1.1Ubunu............ 99: Synergy, cooperaîon, symbîosîs and muuaîy 4.1.2Ubunu: Arîcan arcîecura desîgns ........................................... 102
4.2 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.3
owubunu buîds e communîon ............................................. 105 Carîng îs par oubunu................................................................... 107 Sarîng andkoînonîa........................................................................ 110 Parîcîpaîon ...................................................................................... 111
Capter 5 | Buîldîng te ‘laager’: he Sout Afrîcan Reformed teology’s journey towards te communîon ................ 114 5.1 He Arîkaners: Crîsîan erîage ................................................. 115 5.1.1 He Nederduîs Gereormeerde Kerk ............................................. 118 5.1.2 He Nederduîse ervormde Kerk ................................................. 119 5.1.3 He Gereormeerde Kerk ................................................................. 119 5.2 Buîdîng e ‘aager’ .......................................................................... 119 5.3 Nederduîs Gereormeerde Kerk and Naîona Pary  became bedeows............................................................................ 125 5.3.1 He efecs o e Bear Conessîon .............................................. 128 5.3.2 Some et, oers sayed însîde e aager ...................................... 129 5.3.3 He quesîon a remaîns ............................................................... 133 5.4 Mîssîng e raîn oug waîîng on e rîg paorm .............. 133 5.5 He ecumenîca journey ................................................................... 145 5.6 Communîon aacked rom e aager ........................................... 148 5.7 Some Ina ougs .......................................................................... 151
Capter 6 |Matlo go ša mabapi –an înjury to one îs an înjury to all .................................................................... 152 6.1 An ecumenîca pîcure o Engîs Crîsîanîy ............................. 153 6.2 Evangeîca and Penecosa Crîsîanîy:  Communîon ackîng propeîc roe............................................... 154 6.3 Arîcan ïndependen curces: An audîbe bu os voîce  în caos.............................................................................................. 179
Capter 7 | he forgotten golden nuggets ...................................... 191 7.1 He cooured peope: A îsorîca overvîew .................................. 192 7.2. Musîms and Crîsîans: Exended amîy .................................... 193 7.3 He ïndîans în Sou Arîca: A îsorîca overvîew ..................... 195 7.3.1 Crîsîanîy among e ïndîans ...................................................... 196 7.3.2 Kuum and communîon eccesîoogy ............................................ 197
Capter 8 | he pastoral applîcatîon of communîon ecclesîology .. 200 8.1 He sîx uncîons o communîon eccesîoogy .............................. 201 8.1.1 ïdenîy ............................................................................................... 201 8.1.2 Dîaogue ............................................................................................. 203 8.1.3 ïnegraîon ......................................................................................... 205 8.1.4 Poîcy .................................................................................................. 206 8.1.5 Managemen ...................................................................................... 206 8.1.6 Reconcîîaîon .................................................................................... 207 8.2 Communîon eccesîoogy în e word .......................................... 210
Capter 9 | Now, our escatologîcal journey ................................... 214 9.1 Communîon eccesîoogy: Socîoogîca and  eoogîca acors............................................................................. 216 9.2 From dynamîc communîy o cuura synesîs .......................... 217 9.3 Communîon eccesîoogy oday – a we may be one ............... 220 9.4 Mîssîo Deî – Task o communîon eccesîoogy ............................ 227 9.5 He Grand Inaé ............................................................................... 236 Bîbîograpy ................................................................................................... 243 ïnerne reerences ......................................................................................... 263 îs o Abbrevîaîons ..................................................................................... 266 ïndex ............................................................................................................... 268
ï wîs o ank a e specîa peope wo conrîbued enormousy o e producîon o îs monograp. Hese are e peope wo însîed în me e passîon or dogma, as î reaes o e posmodern îmes. A e undergraduae eve was Pro. Adrîo Könîg a e Uv nîversîy o Sou Arîca were ï earned e rudîmens o eoogy. Aso, Pro. Sîmon Maîmea wo caenged my conservaîve înkîng by exposîng me o e reaîy and reevance o eoogy wîîn e uman conex. To ese and oers a îs însîuîon, ï express my sîncere graîude or uorîng and sapîng my raîonaîy eoogîcay.
For my posgraduae sudîes, ï canno cease menîonîng Pro. Conrad Wemar, Pro. Eîenne de Vîîers, and e man wo waked a journey wî me and usered me îno e eoogîca scîenîIc space, Pro. Joan Buîendag. A ese saped my sysemaîc eoogy a e Unîversîy o Preorîa. He sîx years o my posgraduae sysemaîc eoogy sudîes under ese men are a par o my journey and wî be odged în my memory orever.
Wen ï was asked o presen e paper durîng e Tuu-Jonker Cooquîum a e Unîversîy o e Free Sae în 2014, one o e gues speakers, Pro. Nîco Koopman rom Seenbosc Unîversîy, caenged me o expand e undersandîng o communîon eccesîoogy wîîn e Sou Arîcan conex. Hereater, Pro. Rîan Vener sreced îs caenge, and ï embarked on îs work. ï’d îke o sîncerey apprecîae ese wo men or openîng îs opporunîy or me.
He Cener or Teacîng and earnîng a e Unîversîy o e Free Sae, ogeer wî e Facuy o Heoogy and Reîgîon provîded me a paorm rom wîc o accompîs îs work. Hey provîded însîg and îme or me o srec my înkîng. ï do no ave enoug words o ank bo Pro. Francoîs Srydom and Pro. Fanîe Snyman or îs opporunîy.
Specîa anks o e revîewers, especîay Pro. eepo Modîse o e Unîversîy o Sou Arîca, wo was aborîousy învoved wî e manuscrîp. ï canno îgnore ose wo endorsed îs manuscrîp o es î î passes eoogîca and îsorîca correcness. ï înk o e îkes o Pro. Fanîe Snyman (Dean o e Facuy o Heoogy, UFS), Dr Frank Sayî (ïnernaîona Coege o Bîbe and Mîssîons), and Dr Eîja Maangu (New Tesamen, Unîversîy o Preorîa, and Pasor în Assembîes o God).
ï dedîcae îs book o my amîy – my wîe Tabby and ree cîdren, Mamosa, Kokeso and Duduesang. Hey are my pîars o suppor în a a ï do.
Dr Kelebogîle homas Resane Teacîng and Learnîng Manager Facuy of heoogy and Reîgîon Unîversîy of e Free Sae Boemfoneîn
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