The spectacular success of Empire has brought Negri's writing to a new, wider audience. This book reveals the variety and complexity of Negri's thought and its unique relevance to modern politics. Outstanding contributors include Pierre Macherey, Daniel Bensaïd, Alex Callinicos and Judith Revel.
Negri is one of the most sophisticated analysts of modern political philosophy. His work is both difficult and exhilarating, engaging as it does with Marx, Spinoza, Deleuze, Guattari, Tronti and others. This book is ideal for readers who want to get to grips with Negri's key themes. It makes a great introduction to his work for students of political philosophy, as well as providing a comprehensive critical approach for Negri enthusiasts.
This book is the sequel to The Philosophy of Antonio Negri, Volume One: Resistance in Practice (Pluto, 2005) but can be read entirely independently.
Editors' Acknowledgements
Introduction: A Free Man's Wisdom… Timothy S. Murphy & Abdul-Karim Mustapha
Part I: Extensive Engagements
1. Negri's Spinoza: From Mediation to Constitution by Pierre Macherey (University of Lille)
2. The Potentia of Living Labor: Negri and the Practice of Philosophy by Jason Read (University of Southern Maine)
3. Legality and Resistance: Arendt and Negri on Constituent Power by Miguel Vatter (Catholic University of Chile)
Part II: Intensive Encounters
4. Antonio Negri, French Nietzschean? From the Will to Power to the Ontology of Power by Judith Revel (Université de Paris-I, Panthéon-Sorbonne)
5. Always Already Only Now: Negri and the Biopolitical by Alberto Toscano (Goldsmiths College, London)
6. Marxist Wisdom: Antonio Negri on the Book of Job by Ted Stolze (Cerritos College)
Part III: Constitutive Ontology
7. Difference, Event, Subject: Antonio Negri's Political Theory as Postmodern Metaphysics by Mahmut Mutman (Bilkent University, Turkey)
8. Antonio Negri and the Temptation of Ontology by Alex Callinicos (King's College London )
9. Materialism and Temporality: On Antonio Negri's 'Constitutive' Ontology by Charles T. Wolfe (University of Quebec)