What Works in Reducing Inequalities in Child Health? , livre ebook









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The UK has a deservedly strong reputation for work on understanding social inequalities in health, but there is some way to go in using research and other types of knowledge to reduce inequalities in child health. This revised and updated edition of an important report looks at macro public policy interventions, community interventions, and individual level interventions in a variety of settings, including infancy, early years, childhood, adolescence, and particular needs including looked after children. It considers 'what works' - or might work - in practice. There are new case studies, updated research references, and new reference to cost effectiveness - all relevant for doing the right thing in a climate of austerity. Drawing on evidence from the UK and beyond, the book presents these in an accessible form, not just for those who make decisions now, but also for the students of today who are the decision makers of tomorrow. The book is supported by a companion website, containing additional materials for both students and lecturers, which is available from the link above.
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Date de parution

28 mars 2012

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Poids de l'ouvrage

3 Mo

Helen Roberts
Fîrst pubîshed în Great Brîtaîn în 2000 by Barnardo’s,Tanners ane, Barkîngsîde, ïord, EsseX, ïG6 1QG. Thîs edîtîon pubîshed 2012 by The Poîcy Press. © The Poîcy Press 2012
The Poîcy Press Unîversîty o Brîsto Fourth Foor Beacon House Queen’s Road Brîsto BS8 1QU UK t: +44 (0)117 331 4054 : +44 (0)117 331 4093 tpp-îno@brîsto.ac.uk www.poîcypress.co.uk
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ïSBN 978 1 84742 996 4 paperback ïSBN 978 1 84742 997 1 hardcover
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For Rodney Barker and our chîdren and theîr chîdren
Figures and tables Acknowledgements Foreword by Professor Terence Stephenson Preface
One Two Three Four Five Six Seven
Introduction What kinds of studies help us understand what works? What works in early life? Infancy and the preschool period What works in childhood and adolescence? What works in keeping children safe? What works for vulnerable groups? Tackling the causes of the causes
References Appendix:Web and other resources Index
vi vii ix xi
1 19 43 59 77 93 111
129 155 163
What works in reducing inequalities in child health?
1.1 1.2 1.3 2.1 2.2 2.3 3.1
3.2 4.1 4.2 4.3 5.1
7.2 7.3
3.1 7.1
Tables and figures
Agespecific mortality in England and Wales, 1960–2000 Targeted intervention Shifting the mean The review process: young people and physical activity‘Help I’m ill’ Upstream/downstream: options for oral disease prevention Infant, neonatal and postneonatal mortality rates, England and Wales 1980–2007 Infant mortality by ethnic group, England and Wales 2005–06 ‘Stop bullying now’ ‘Don’t leave us out’ Disabled car Safety device for children crossing the road, Newtown Public School, 5 August 1938 Prevalence of mental disorders among 11 to 15yearolds: lookedafter and private household children Examination results for lookedafter children and the general population Changes in immunisation status of children looked after on 31 March in 1999 and 2000 Mean income inequality ratio and underfive mortality rate in wealthier OECD countries Child wellbeing is better in more equal rich countries The income gap is too large/too small/about right
Horses for courses: different kinds of research evidence for different kinds of question Infant death rates: definitions Examples of nudging and regulating actions
10 16 16 26 38 39 46
47 63 65 66 85
114 116
45 118
Tîme îs a scarce commodîty or those o us ucky enough to be în work. Sharîng that tîme îs a gît. Coeagues who commented, provîded data, or made suggestîons încude îsa Araî, Audrey Brown, ïan Basnett, ïan Buter, Kaîpso Chakîdou, Davîd Coîson, Katherîne Curtîs-Tyer, uîse Dawson,Anne Goymer, Ron Gray, Judîth Harwîn, Jennîer Hoowe, Jenny Kurînczuk, Catherîne aw, Krîstîn îabo, Patrîcîa ucas, Gerrî McAndrew, Dî McNeîsh, Karen Meton, Guy Pamer, Heather Payne, Dougas Sîmkîss, Mîke Steîn, Madeeîne Stevens, James Thomas and Harrîet Ward. ï have earned a great dea rom my coeagues at the Natîona ïnstîtute or Heath and Cînîca EXceence (NïCE), rom the Canadîan ïnstîtutes o Heath Research-unded ïnternatîona Coaboratîon on CompeX ïnterventîons ed by Penny Hawe and rom the Cochrane Pubîc Heath Group ed by îz Waters. ï owe them a a huge debt, partîcuary sînce ï suspect ï may not aways have done justîce to theîr însîghts. ï am grateu or permîssîon to reproduce tabes and igures whose provenance îs acknowedged în the teXt. Athough the amîy îs now rarey a ocatîon or the orma organîsatîon o work, ï have beneited rom both the înteectua and domestîc support o my husband Rodney Barker.Wîthout Ben Barker’s advîsory and cuînary vîsîts, there woud have been no book. He, Hannah, Poy and Tom Barker have, as ever, provîded a structure and narratîve to amîy îe, and theîr rîends, partners and chîdren a constant source o amusement. ï was ortunate enough to spend the decade eadîng up to the turn o the century eadîng R&D în the chîdren’s charîty Barnardo’s, askîng (among other thîngs) what works or chîdren? My work încuded a report whîch was the predecessor to thîs book. Once ît became out o date, Barnardo’s readîy agreed to aow me to draw on ît or the current work. ï am grateu to those acknowedged în my orîgîna report who aowed me to draw on joînt work and to my ormer coeagues în Barnardo’s or theîr encouragement. ï warmy acknowedge the part they pay not ony as a provîder o servîces but aso în pressîng to have outcomes or chîdren on the poîcy agenda, and as eaders o the pack în terms o the use o research evîdence în chîd socîa care. ï competed the ina stages o thîs book whîe a Vîsîtîng Feow at A Sous Coege, OXord. ï am grateu to the Warden, Feows, Mancîpe, Bursar, the Feows’ secretary Humaîra Eran-Ahmed and a the coege staf to have had the opportunîty to work în such unaccustomed spendour. My pubîshers have been a mode o encouragement. ï thank them, în partîcuar Karen Bower, Syvîa Potter, my metîcuous copy edîtor, and the anonymous reerees. Angea Martîn’s cartoons, îke the work o the poet Pîet Heîn, convey the joy o the uness o îe. ï aso thank Terence Stephenson or hîs oreword, and RusseVîner or sharîng hîs room în Unîversîty Coege ondon, whîch may be ess spendîd than A Sous, but whîch has a charm o îts own.
We know that socîa înLuences on heath are ar greater than medîca ones. ïn 2007, a UNïCEF report suggested that the we-beîng o chîdren and young peope în the UK was worse than that în many other economîcay advanced natîons. However, most o the actors whîch the UNïCEF report measured were determîned to a greater eXtent by socîa actors than by medîca ones. One o the most pernîcîous actors în socîety whîch seems to împaîr chîdren’s heath and we-beîng îs înequaîty. Fortunatey there remaîns a arge sectîon o socîety who beîeve în equaîty o opportunîty. Sînce young chîdren partîcuary cannot create theîr own opportunîtîes, socîety and the state have to pay a part în thîs as we as the amîy. ï anythîng, în the UK over the ast decade, înequaîtîes have got wîder.We ook envîousy at neîghbourîng countrîes în Europe and wonder why theîr socîetîes seem to unctîon more coherenty and why chîdren and young peope growîng up there score better on measures o we-beîng. Heen Roberts has wrîtten a ine book whîch eXamînes why înequaîtîes arîse în deveoped socîetîes and, more împortanty, what can be done to try to reduce these and împrove the heath and we-beîng o chîdren and young peope.Thîs debate îs not so dramatîc or emotîve as those around open heart surgery, genetîc testîng o the unborn or organ donatîon. However, the îssues whîch Heen Roberts raîses afect ar more chîdren. ï woud commend thîs book to every reader who woud îke to see a better socîety or our chîdren în the uture.
Proessor Terence Stephenson Presîdent, Roya Coege o Paedîatrîcs and Chîd Heath
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