Chronic Non-communicable Diseases in Ghana , livre ebook









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Chronic non-communicable diseases (NCDs) such as hypertension, stroke, diabetes and cancers, are major causes of disability and death in Ghana. NCDs are not only public health problems. They are also developmental problems, because the rising prevalence of long-term chronic conditions has major social and financial implications for affected individuals, families, healthcare providers and the government. This University of Ghana Readers volume from the Regional Institute for Population Studies presents social and medical science research on Ghana�s NCD burden. The body of multidisciplinary research spans the last fifty years and offers important insights on NCD prevalence and experience as well as cultural, health systems and policy responses. This volume will be an essential resource for researchers and students in the health sciences, healthcare providers, health policymakers, and lay individuals with an interest in Ghana�s contemporary public health challenges.
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Date de parution

12 juin 2014





Poids de l'ouvrage

14 Mo

Chronic Non-communicable Diseases in Ghana
Multidisciplinary Perspectives
Editors Ama de-Graft Aikins Samuel Agyei-Mensah Charles Agyemang
Social Science Series (Vol. 1) Regional Institute for Population Studies University of Ghana
Fîrst pubîsed în Gana 2013 or THE UNïVERSïTY OF GHANA bySub-Saharan Publishers P.O.Box 358 egon,Accra Gana Emaî: saaranp@arîcaonî
©Unîversîty o Gana, 2013, P.O.Box G 25 egon, Accra Gana Te: +233-302-500381 websîte:ttp://
ïSBN: 978-9988-647-27-8
Editorial Board: Pro. (Emerîta) Mary Ester Kropp Dakubu Pro. Ama de-Grat Aîkîns Pro. Kwadwo Ansa Koram Pro. C. Cares Mate-Koe
Series Editor: Pro. Ama de-Grat Aîkîns
Copyright Notice No part o tîs pubîcatîon may be reproduced, stored în a retrîeva system or transmîtted în any orm or by any means eectronîc, mecanîca, potocopyîng, recordîng or oterwîse, wîtout te prîor wrîtten permîssîon o te Unîversîty o Gana or te pubîsers. A Rîgts Reserved.
Contents Foreword v Preace vîî Contributors x Abbreviations xîîî Introduction:Mutîdîscîpînary perspectîves on cronîc non-communîcabe dîseases în Gana 1 Ama de-Grat Aikins, Samuel Agyei-Mensa and Carles Agyemang Chapter 1A revîew o popuatîon-based studîes on ypertensîon în Gana 13 Juliet Addo, Carles Agyemang, Liam Smeet, Ama de-Grat Aikins, A. K. Edusei and Gbenga Ogedegbe
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Stroke în Gana: a systematîc îterature revîew Olutobi Sanuade and Carles Agyemang
Dîabetes în Gana: a revîew o researc on prevaence, experîences and eatcare Ama de-Grat Aikins, Ellis Owusu-Dabo and Carles Agyemang
BreastcancerresearcînGana:aocusonsocîascîenceperspectîves Debora Atobra
A revîew o epîdemîoogîca studîes o astma în Gana Abena S. Amoa, Audrey G. Forson and Daniel A. Boakye
Menta eat researc în Gana: a îterature revîew Ursula M. Read and Victor C. Doku
Modîiabe rîsk actors o cronîc non-communîcabe dîseases în Gana: însîgts rom natîona and communîty-based surveys 109 Rapael Bafour Awua and Ernest Aria-Anane. he socîo-cutura and socîo-economîc context o Arîca’s cronîc dîsease burden 124 Ama de-Grat Aikins A compreensîve revîew o te poîcy and programmatîc response to rîsîng cronîc non-communîcabe dîsease în Gana 137 William K. Bosu  157 iii
List of Tables Tabe 1.1: Caracterîstîcs o studîes on ypertensîon 18 Tabe 1.2: Mean bood pressure eves 19 Tabe 1.3: Prevaence o ypertensîon 20 Tabe 2.1: Key Pubîsed îterature on stroke în Gana 32 Tabe 4.1: Frequency o Pubîcatîons on Cancer în Gana by Cancer Type 58 Tabe 4.2: Proie o Cancer Pubîcatîons în Gana 59 Tabe 6.1: Excuded papers rom Menta Heat în Gana Searc 90 Tabe 6.2: Revîewed Papers on Menta Heat în Gana by topîc 90 Tabe 7.1: Studîes on Prevaence o NCD rîsk actors 117 Tabe 9.1: Recent WHO Resoutîons on Non-Communîcabe Dîseases and Heat Promotîon 156
Foreword he Unîversîty o Gana îs ceebratîng sîxty-ive years o îts oundîng tîs year. ïn a tose years, ecturers and researcers o te unîversîty ave contrîbuted în quîte sîgnîicant ways to te deveopment o tougt and în te anayses o crîtîca îssues or Ganaîan and Arîcan socîetîes. he ceebratîon o te annîversary provîdes an approprîate opportunîty or a relectîon on te contrîbutîons tat egon academîcs ave made to te înteectua deveopment o Gana and Arîca. hat îs te aîm o te Readers Project. ïn te eary years o te Unîversîty, a te materîa tat was used to teac students came argey rom te U.K. and oter parts o Europe. Most o te tînkîng în a dîscîpînes was argey Eurocentrîc. he materîa tat was used to teac students was maîny European, as îndeed were many o te academîcs teacîng te students. he norms and standards agaînst wîc students were assessed were înluenced argey by European vaues. he dîscussîons tat took pace în semînar and ecture rooms were drîven argey by wat Arîca coud earn rom Europe. he 1960s saw a major ‘revîsîonîsm’ în Arîcan înteectua deveopment as young Arîcan academîcs began to questîon receîved îdeas agaînst a backdrop o cangîng goba attîtudes în te wake o poîtîca îndependence. Muc serîous wrîtîng was done by Arîcan academîcs as teîr contrîbutîon to te searc or new ways o organîzîng teîr socîetîes. Arîcan înteectuas contrîbuted to goba debates în teîr own rîgt and sometîmes deveoped teîr own materîa or engagîng wît teîr students and te wîder socîety. Sînce te ate 1970s unîversîtîes în te regîon and teîr academîcs ave strugged to make teîr voîces eard în natîona and goba debates. Agaînst a new backdrop o economîc stagnatîon and poîtîca dîsarray, many o te îdeas or managîng teîr economîes and socîetîes ave come rom outsîde. hese îdeas ave oten come wît sîgnîicant inancîa backîng canneed troug înternatîona organîzatîons and governments. Durîng te perîod, Arîcan governments saw temseves as avîng no reason to expect or ask or any înteectua contrîbutîon rom teîr own academîcs. hîs was very muc te case în Gana. he story îs begînnîng to cange în Arîcan unîversîtîes în many countrîes. he Unîversîty o Gana Readers Project îs an attempt to document te dîferent îdeas tat ave înluenced varîous dîscîpînes over many years, troug coectîons o sort essays. hey sow te work o egon academîcs and teîr
coaborators în varîous dîscîpînes as tey ave sougt to întroduce teîr students to new îdeas. Our expectatîon îs tat tîs wî mark a new begînnîng o soîd engagement between egon and oter academîcs as tey document teîr tougts and contrîbutîons to te contînuîng searc or new îdeas to sape our word. We grateuy acknowedge a generous grant rom te Carnegîe Corporatîon o New York tat as made te pubîcatîon o tîs serîes o Readers possîbe
Ernest Aryeetey Vice-Cancellor, University o Gana. egon, August 2013
Preface Cronîc non-communîcabe dîseases (NCDs) suc as ypertensîon, stroke, dîabetesandcancers,avebecomemajorcausesoadutdîsabîîtyanddeatîn Gana. hey constîtute pubîc eat as we as deveopmenta caenges or te country. hîs edîted voume presents mutîdîscîpînary researc on te major NCDs afectîng Ganaîan popuatîons. We ave two key aîms or tîs voume. Fîrst, we aîm to syntesîse teoretîcay and empîrîcay reevant researc or researcers, graduate students, eatcare provîders, eat poîcymakers and ay îndîvîduas wît an înterest în Gana’s burden o NCDs. We îgîgt and dîscuss te medîca, psycosocîa, socîo-economîc and poîcy contexts o NCDs, sînce te rîsîng prevaence o tese condîtîons ave grave împîcatîons or afected îndîvîduas, amîîes, eatcare provîders and te government. Secondy, we aîm to îdentîy te îmîtatîons în current researc and recommend areas or uture researc, practîce and poîcy. he capters are mutîdîscîpînary and mutî-înstîtutîona în ocus. We seected a mîx o exîstîng pubîcatîons and newy commîssîoned capters rom eadîng and eary career NCD researcers.hîs mîx îgîgts te contemporary evoutîon o te ied and te cangîng proies o researcers and teorîsts. Most contrîbutors are based at te Unîversîty o Gana, egon, and aso beong to te Academîc Partnersîp on Cronîc Condîtîons în Arîca (APCCA), a mutî-country network o socîa and medîca scîentîsts wît an actîve researc înterest în NCDs among Arîcans în Sub-Saaran Arîca, Europe and Nort Amerîca (vîsît www.apccarî Sînce 2007, network members, încudîng te current book contrîbutors, ave coaborated on eîter researc or pubîcatîon projects reatîng to NCDs în Gana and sub-Saaran Arîca. he network as an înstîtutîona base at te Regîona ïnstîtute or Popuatîon Studîes, Unîversîty o Gana, and îs managed by te irst and tîrd edîtors. he voume îs presented în nîne capters. Capters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 present synteses o researc conducted on cronîc condîtîons o pubîc eat împortance. he condîtîons o ocus are ypertensîon ( Juîet Addo, Cares Agyemang, îam Smeet and coeagues în Capter 1), stroke (Outobî Sanuade and Cares Agyemang în Capter 2), dîabetes (Ama de-Grat Aîkîns, Eîs Owusu-Dabo and Cares Agyemang în Capter 3), cancers (Debora Atobra în Capter 4), astma (Abena Amoa, Audrey Forson and Danîe Boakye în Capter 5) and menta eat and menta dîsorders (Ursua Read and Vîctor Doku în Capter 6). Eac capter appîes eîter a systematîc revîew
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