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Publié par
Date de parution
29 novembre 2010
Nombre de lectures
Poids de l'ouvrage
12 Mo
The Atlas of Liver Pathology, by Drs. Gary C. Kanel and Jacob Korula, provides the visual guidance you need to accurately diagnose all forms of liver disease. Organized by disease type, it points out major histological features, updates disease parameters with new images and diagrams, and helps you understand the clinical aspects of each disease. It provides quick and convenient reference to virtually all of the liver disorders commonly seen today. Nine-hundred-plus high-quality, full-color images capture the gross and histological presentation of liver pathology ideal for comparison to the specimens you encounter in practice.
Quickly and easily retrieve the information you need using a templated format that includes concise, bulleted text and abundant tables.
Publié par
Date de parution
29 novembre 2010
Nombre de lectures
Poids de l'ouvrage
12 Mo
Atlas of Liver Pathology
Third Edition
Gary C. Kanel, M.D.
Professor of Clinical Pathology, Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California
Associate Pathologist, Los Angeles County + USC Medical Center and USC University Hospital, Los Angeles, California
Jacob Korula, M.D.
Comprehensive Liver Disease Center, St. Vincent Medical Center, Los Angeles, California
Copyright © 2011, Elsevier Inc.
Front Matter
Atlas of Liver Pathology
Third Edition
Gary C. Kanel, M.D.
Professor of Clinical Pathology, Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California
Associate Pathologist, Los Angeles County + USC Medical Center and USC University Hospital, Los Angeles, California
Jacob Korula, M.D.
Comprehensive Liver Disease Center, St. Vincent Medical Center, Los Angeles, California
1600 John F. Kennedy Blvd.
Ste 1800
Philadelphia, PA 19103-2899
Copyright © 2011, 2005, 1992 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc.
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Kanel, Gary C.
Atlas of liver pathology/Gary C. Kanel, Jacob Korula. -- 3rd ed.
p.; cm.
Liver pathology
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-1-4377-0765-6 (hardcover: alk. paper)
1. Liver--Diseases--Atlases. I. Korula, Jacob. II. Title. III. Title:
Liver pathology.
[DNLM: 1. Liver Diseases--pathology--Atlases. 2. Biopsy--Atlases. 3. Diagnosis, Differential--Atlases. WI 17]
RC846.9.K35 2011
Executive Publisher: William Schmitt
Senior Developmental Editor: Andrew Hall
Publishing Services Manager: Patricia Tannian
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Printed in the United States of America
Last digit is the print number: 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
To our families who support us and our colleagues who teach us much
Although over a decade passed between the publication of the first and second editions of the Atlas of Liver Pathology, the rapid development in understanding the pathophysiologic concepts of diseases and identifying variations in morphologic features of these diseases necessitates a third edition over a much shorter time span.
The new diagnostic tools leading to more sophisticated laboratory testing have been a hallmark in learning the etiology and pathophysiology of diseases. Where before morphologic changes were ascribed to various liver disorders without a good understanding of their significance, the advent of new testing procedures such as genome sequencing much better helps us understand what we see under light microscopy. An excellent example is the ongoing research in liver tumors that examines cellular signaling pathways and molecular profiling, identifies individual genes and gene groups associated with higher instances of the development of hepatocellular carcinoma in cirrhotic livers, and correlates all of the above with the morphology seen in liver biopsy specimens.
The changes in the updated third edition include the use of gross images of various liver diseases with direct correlation with the light microscopy. In addition, the total number of images has increased by approximately 50% from the second edition. What has also been added is a second section addressing specific morphologic changes in table format and listing the various liver diseases associated with these changes. This section, which has been updated from our previous book, Liver Biopsy Evaluation, specifically aids the reader in arriving at diagnoses and differential possibilities solely on morphology, then referring the reader to the text and images of the specific diseases in the first part of the book.
We hope that this new edition will be successful in providing pathologists, clinicians, and students a better understanding of liver pathology and disease concepts and will be a useful practical tool. The overall aim does not change from the previous editions: to offer a concise illustrative text in liver and hepatobiliary pathology.
Gary Kanel, M.D.
Jacob Korula, M.D., Los Angeles, California
Table of Contents
Front Matter
Part I: Liver and Hepatobiliary Pathology with Clinical Correlations
Chapter 1: General Aspects of the Liver and Liver Diseases
Chapter 2: Viral Hepatitis
Chapter 3: Cholestasis and Biliary Tract Disorders
Chapter 4: Alcoholic and Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Diseases
Chapter 5: Drug- and Toxin-Induced Liver Cell Injury
Chapter 6: Vascular Disorders
Chapter 7: Infectious Disorders, Non-Viral
Chapter 8: Developmental, Familial, and Metabolic Disorders
Chapter 9: Diseases of Hepatic Iron and Copper Metabolism
Chapter 10: Neoplasms and Related Lesions
Chapter 11: Transplantation
Chapter 12: Miscellaneous Conditions
Part II: Liver Biopsy Evaluation: Morphology with Differential Diagnoses
Chapter 13: Introduction
Chronic Liver Diseases: Staging and Grading Systems
Part I
Liver and Hepatobiliary Pathology with Clinical Correlations
Embryology 3
Gross Anatomy 3
Microanatomy 5
Acute Hepatic Injury 12
Chronic Hepatic Injury 15
The Normal Liver
( Figs 1-1 through 1-5 )
1. The hepatic primordium anlage first appears toward the end of the third week of gestation as a hollow midline outgrowth of the endodermal epithelium (hepatic diverticulum) .
2. Eventually the diverticulum enlarges (proliferation of hepatoblasts) , projects cranially into the mesoderm of the septum transversum, and eventually develops into the hepatic parenchyma.
3. The proliferating endodermal cells form solid anastomosing cords, vesicles, and cribriform tubules that form luminal structures (precursor of the biliary canaliculi).
4. The hepatoblasts (progenitor cells) by way of rapid growth eventually develop into hepatic cords that initially are thickened at birth (muralium multiplex) but eventually evolve into trabeculae one cell thick (muralium simplex) , with those cords adjacent to the portal mesenchyme becoming the ductal plates . These progenitor cells also can generate into both mature hepatocytes and ductules, and they can express markers of both ( α-fetoprotein for liver cells and cytokeratins 7 and 19 for duct epithelium).
5. The mesoderm of the septum transversum forms the lesser omentum, falciform, coronary and triangular ligaments, and hepatic (Glisson’s) capsule.
6. The vascular network , derived from the vitelline and umbilical veins, occurs at the same time as the proliferation of the hepatoblasts, with the cords and vessels anastomosing and forming the hepatic sinusoids.
7. By the fifth week, most of the major vessels (right and left umbilical veins, transverse portal sinus, ductus venosus, portal vein) are identified.
8. The biliary system develops from membranous infoldings occurring between the junctional complexes between individual hepatoblast