Unlawful Violence , livre ebook









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Violence has only increased in Mexico since 2000: 23,000 murders were recorded in 2016, and 29,168 in 2017.

The abundance of laws and constitutional amendments that have cropped up in response are mirrored in Mexico's fragmented cultural production of the same period. Contemporary Mexican literature grapples with this splintered reality through non-linear stories from multiple perspectives, often told through shifts in time. The novels, such as Jorge Volpi's Una novela criminal [A Novel Crime] (2018) and Julián Herbert's La casa del dolor ajeno [The House of the Pain of Others] (2015) take multiple perspectives and follow non-linear plotlines; other examples, such as the very short stories in ¡Basta! 100 mujeres contra la violencia de género [Enough! 100 Women against Gender-Based Violence] (2013), present perspectives from multiple authors.

Few scholars compare cultural production and legal texts in situations like Mexico, where extreme violence coexists with a high number of human rights laws. Unlawful Violence measures fictional accounts of human rights against new laws that include constitutional amendments to reform legal proceedings, laws that protect children, laws that condemn violence against women, and laws that protect migrants and Indigenous peoples. It also explores debates about these laws in the Mexican house of representatives and senate, as well as interactions between the law and the Mexican public.
Chapter 1: Justice Breaks Down in Una novela criminal
Chapter 2: Women Dream in ¡Basta! and in Antiviolence Laws
Chapter 3: Children's Rights and Dreams in Historias de niñas extraordinarias
Chapter 4: From Tapachula to Juárez: Migration and Violence
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Date de parution

15 mai 2022

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Poids de l'ouvrage

2 Mo

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Unlawful Violence
C r i t i C a l M e x i C a n S t u d i e S Serîes edîtor: ïgnacîo M. Sáncez Prado
Crîîca Mexîcan Sudîes îs e Irs Engîs-anguage, umanîîes-based, eoreîcay ocused academîc serîes devoed o e sudy o Mexîco. he serîes îs a space or înnovaîve works în e umanîîes a ocus on eoreîca anaysîs, ransdîscîpînary înervenîons, and orîgîna concepua ramîng.
Oer îes în e serîes: he Restess Dead: Necrowrîtîng and Dîsapproprîatîon, by Crîsîna Rîvera Garza Hîstory and Modern Medîa: A Persona Journey, by Jon Mraz Toxîc Loves, ïmpossîbe Futures: Femînîst Lîvîng as Resîstance, by ïrmgard Emmeaînz Drug Cartes Do Not Exîst: NarcotraIckîng în US and Mexîcan Cuture, by Oswado Zavaa
Unlawful Violence MExiçàn Làw ànd culTuRàl PRoduçTion
Vanderbî Unîversîy Press Nasvîe, Tennessee
Copyrîght  Vanderbîlt Unîversîty Press All rîghts reserved Fîrst prîntîng 
Lîbrary of Congress Catalogîng-în-Publîcatîon Data Names: Janzen, Rebecca, – author. Tîtle: Unlawful vîolence : Mexîcan Law and cultural productîon  / Rebecca Janzen. Descrîptîon: Nashvîlle : Vanderbîlt Unîversîty Press, [] | Serîes:  Crîtîcal Mexîcan studîes ; [volume ] | Includes bîblîographîcal  references and îndex. Identîiers: LCCN  (prînt) | LCCN  (ebook) | ISBN   (paperback) | ISBN  (hardcover) | ISBN   (epub) | ISBN  (pdf) Subjects: LCSH: Vîolence—Mexîco—Hîstory—st century. | Crîmînal  justîce, Admînîstratîon of—Mexîco—Hîstory—st century. |  Mexîco—Polîtîcs and government—st century. Classîicatîon: LCC HN.Z.V J  (prînt) | LCC HN.Z.V  (ebook) | DDC ./—dc/eng/ LC record avaîlable at https://lccn.loc.gov/ LC ebook record avaîlable at https://lccn.loc.gov/
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Jusîce Breaks Down înUna novea crîmînaWomen Dream în¡Basta!and în Anîvîoence Laws Cîdren’s Rîgs and Dreams înHîstorîas de nîñas extraordînarîas
From Tapacua o Juárez: Mîgraîon and Vîoence
Noes Reerences ïndex
  
1 13 47
94 139 165
hanks o my rîends and amîy or supporîng îs researc endeavor: my parens, Marene Toews Janzen and Bî Janzen, and my broer andsîser-în-aw, Pî Janzen and Race Powers (and our pandemîc Crîs-mas). ï woud aso îke o ank exended amîy and rîends, încudîng Genee Houson and Brîan Ladd, Seve and Gorîa Houson, Jane Wîms, Ben Wîms, Pau Sîeber and Moîra Toomey, Dave Sîeber and Dana Mur-ray, Ay Sîeber and Tyer Good, and reaîves wo ave aken a specîa îneres în îs projec: Cara Toews, Ed and Bev Toews, and So Janzen. Many anks o my coven, Becky, Crîsy, Emîy, Erîn, Lîndsay, Jenny, Cary, Laura, Lîz, Mary, Aîe, Race, Krîsîn, and Lauren. My ady ocuss, Amanda L. Peersen, Ceya Samueson, ïana Luna, Sara Poer, and Rebecca ïngram, and my wrîîng group, Jon Wadron, Emîy Hînd, Caroyn Fornof, Carmen Serrano, Sopîe Esc, and Rebeca Hey-Coón. My on-campus Zoom wrîîng group, acîîaed by Kunîo Hara, and oers, especîay Aex Carrîco and Danny Jenkîns. hanks aso o Asey Byock or organîzîng an Amerîcan Comparaîve Lîeraure Assocîaîon semînar wî me abou reaed îssues în e sprîng o 2018, a conversaîon wî Sepanîe Kîrk durîng e Mîd-Amerîca Con-erence on Hîspanîc Lîeraures în 2017 abou secuar and reîgîous aw în coonîa Mexîco, a conversaîon wî Laura Podasky abou e organîza-îon o îs projec a e Laîn Amerîcan Sudîes Assocîaîon în 2018, and o oer coeagues or engagîng wî me abou îssues o Mexîcan îera-ure, ega sudîes, and orm, a e Assocîaîon or e Sudy o e Ars o e Presen, Modern Language Assocîaîon, and Laîn Amerîcan Sudîes Assocîaîon conerences. hanks o Caros Amador, O. Darwîn Tsen, and
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A c k n o w l e d g m e n t s
D. Lee Jackson or organîzîng a semînar a e Assocîaîon or e Sudy o e Ars o e Presen în New Oreans în e a o 2018, wî coabora-îon rom Robîn Byn, James Arne, Braney Nîcoson, Vîcorîa Lupascu, and oers. hanks aso o Robîn Byn and Marîa Bose or organîzîng a rîc dîscussîon în an Amerîcan Comparaîve Lîeraure Assocîaîon semî-nar (wî Darwîn Tsen and Vîcorîa Lupascu) în e sprîng o 2021, wen ï reurned o ese îssues. ï wroe and revîsed mos o îs book durîng e summer o 2020 and durîng a junîor eacîng eave în e a semeser o 2020. Durîng a îme, ï wen on waks and îkes în many parks în Sou Caroîna wî Sara and Jon Carro (and eîr dogs), Grace Yan and Nîck Waanabe (and eîr dog), and oer rîends. Aanna Breen, TJ Kîme, and Casey Carro înroduced me o Ine wîskey, and ï now apprecîae some o î. he Unîversîy o Sou Caroîna was aso parîcuary împoran or îs researc. ï menîoned e subjec o aw and îeraure o my coeague Andy Rajca a ew weeks ater ï sared workîng a U o SC and e îmmedî-aey înroduced me o a coeague în Engîs, Anne Guîck, wo gave me an exceen înroducory bîbîograpy on e subjec and epu îps or îe în Sou Caroîna. Eve Ross în e Scoo o Law expaîned ow aw jour-nas work and ow awyers and ega scoars conduc researc. Eve aso gave me a bîbîograpy a orms e oundaîon o ow ï undersand cîvî aw în Mexîco. Seve Ausermîer a e Rue o Law Coaboraîve eped me undersand US Agency or ïnernaîona Deveopmen projecs a encourage cîvî aw counrîes o adop common aw pracîces. hanks aso o my rîends în e Rîcand Couny Pubîc Deender’s Oice wose anecdoes rom e cours and jaî în Coumbîa, Sou Caro-îna, were crucîa o deveopîng an aboîîonîs perspecîve. Specîa anks o Kîeey Suon, wo învîed me o wac er în Cîy Cour, and o Naan Rouse, or expaînîng ow awyers undersand US aws and e US Consî-uîon, and or gîvîng me comparabe exampes o some parîcuarîîes o Mexîcan aw (suc as e rîg oamparo). he Mîdwes Modern Language Assocîaîon provîded me wî a sco-arsîp o conduc researc a e Newberry Lîbrary în Cîcago, wîc pro-vîded a îsorîca undersandîng o e deveopmen o e aw în Mexîco. he Coege o Ars and Scîences suppored îs researc wî wo ac-uy researc grans. he Irs one aowed me o rave o Mexîco and vîsî arcîves and museums în Torreón, Veracruz, Xaapa, and Mexîco Cîy. Yadîra Hîdago Gonzáez, Eîssa Raskîn, and Rob Kruger în Xaapa pro-vîded crucîa însîgs or Capers 2 and 3 o îs book. he second researc gran was mean o und urer rave o Mexîco, and sînce a was no
A c k n o w l e d g m e n t s
possîbe, î aowed or purcasîng reevan books and or Sean Graan’s exceen deveopmena edîîng prîor o submîîng e manuscrîp. Very specîa anks o Juîe Ann Ward or sendîng a prepubîcaîon ransaîon o Nadîa Vîauere’sBarcos en Houston(Sîps în Houston)or ransaîons în Caper 4. hanks o Vanderbî Unîversîy Press—o edîor Zacary Gresam or oferîng eedback on drat maerîas and o serîes edîor ïgnacîo M. Sáncez Prado. hanks aso o Zack or Indîng suc exceen peer revîewers wo urned în eîr revîews so quîcky durîng a pandemîc.
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