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For many centuries, the politics of Sudan has been characterised by racial dichotomy and identity crisis, specifically between the North and the South. Added to these is the long history of domination, unfavourable policies and uneven development. The resulting marginalisation, neglect and underdevelopment has bred a series of fierce conflicts culminating in one of the longest civil wars in Africa - between the Khartoum forces and the Sudan Peoples Liberation Army (and Movement), SPLA/M. The war ended with the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) in Nairobi on 9th January 2005. Unlike other publications, The Southern Sudan: Struggle for Liberty provides an in-depth view of the struggle from a veteran's perspective. Having himself lived the struggle and rising to the position of Commander in the SPLA, the author renders a story of the conflict of Southern Sudan right from the Juba Conference of 1947 and the August 1955 mutiny through the Anyanya Movements to the civil war and eventual peace. Using personal experience and accounts, he also carries with him the personalities and events that shaped the struggle and expresses his hopes and fears of the future of Southern Sudan. The events in the book are captivating, the narrative riveting and the historical perspective academically stimulating. The author's standpoint on issues is so provocative that it's bound to raffle a number of feathers in the political corridors of Southern Sudan.
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02 février 2024

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6 Mo

The Southern Sudan: Struggle for Liberty
Kenway Biographies and Autobiographies
1. Memoirs of a Biscuit Baron –Madatally Manji 2. A Love Affair with the Sun –Michael Blundell 3. Tales from Africa –Douglas Collins 4. The Illusion of Power –G.G. Kariuki 5. Nothing But the Truth –Yusuf K. Dawood 6. From Simple to Complex –J.M. Mungai 7.The Mediator: Gen. Lazaro Sumbeiywo and the Southern Sudan Peace Process –Waithaka Waihenya 8. The Southern Sudan: Struggle for Liberty –Elijah Malok
Southern Sudan Struggle for Liberty
KENWAY PUBLICATIONS Nairobi • Kampala • Dar es Salaam
PublIsHed by East AfrIcan EducatIonal PublIsHers Ltd. BrIck Court, Mpaka Road/Woodvale Grove WestlandsP.O. Box 45314 - 00100 NaIrobI KENYA
EmaIl: eaep@eastafrIcanpublIsHers.comWebsIte:
East AfrIcan EducatIonal PublIsHers Ltd. P.O. Box 11542 Kampala UGANDA
UjuZI Books Ltd. P.O. Box 38260, Dar es Salaam TANzANiA
© ElIjaH Malok 2009
FIrst publIsHed 2009
All rights reserved
ThAT tHIs book Is now In prInt about eIgHt years after Its compIlatIon Is no mean feat. By any standards, tHe tIme lapse between tHe compIlatIon and going to press is not short. I was unable to înd a willing person or an InstItutIon tHat could provIde funds for Its productIon. WItHIn tHIs tIme, and wHIle In tHe process of waItIng for tHe ‘Good SamarItan’ to avaIl tHe înancial assistance, facts, events and processes in the Sudanese political landscape contInued to develop and unveIl, sometImes at a very HIgH speed, tHus renderIng some parts of tHe manuscrIpt redundant. THus, It became necessary to constantly revIse sectIons of tHe manuscrIpt wItH every development. THe wrItIng of tHIs book was motIvated by tHe desIre to put Into record tHe unfoldIng events tHat led to tHe attaInment of Hopefully, a lastIng peace In SoutHern Sudan, SoutHern Blue, and SoutHern Kordofan, after two decades of war wItH tHe ArabIsed EstablIsHment In tHe Sudan. THIs long and tedIous war Had begun In 1983 and It was not untIl 2003 tHat serIous talks for peace were InItIated followIng polItIcal developments In KHartoum. THIs culmInated In tHe sIgnIng of tHe CompreHensIve Peace Agreement (CPA) In NaIrobI on 9 January 2005 In tHe presence of tHe entIre world after two years of IntensIve negotIatIons between tHe SPLM/SPLA delegatIon led by tHe late Dr JoHn Garang de MabIor and tHe Government delegatIon led by Its FIrst VIce PresIdent, UstaZ AlI Osman TaHa. At one tIme durIng tHe
The Southern Sudan: Struggle for Liberty
peace talks (May 2002 – AprIl 2003 In MacHakos, Kenya), i was one of tHe ‘DoubtIng THomas’s’ despIte tHe fact tHat botH PresIdent Omar El BesHIr and Dr. JoHn Garang Had blessed tHe negotIatIons, only to belIeve wHen tHe real peace came. MucH about tHe HIstory of SoutHern Sudan Has been wrItten and Is now avaIlable knowledge to botH tHe foreIgn and Sudanese students. THIs book Is tHerefore not an attempt to retell tHIs HIstory, but to lay tHe foundatIons for future HIstorIans for tHe study of SoutHern Sudan In respect of Its people and tHeIr struggle for freedom, justIce and Human dIgnIty. Based on personal account and experIences, It Is wrItten In tHe belIef tHat cIvIlIsatIons of socIetIes and natIon-states are buIlt on tHe accumulated wealtH of experIence and actIons of tHe prIncIpal players. i am tHerefore makIng tHIs modest contrIbutIon to tHe already wrItten tHougH dIstorted HIstory of tHe people of tHe SoutHern Sudan. GIven tHat tHIs book Is wrItten In tHe context of personal perspectIve and from IndIvIdual vantage poInts, It Is bound to generate controversy wItH regard to wHat Is wrong and wHat Is rIgHt, wHat Is Important and wHat Is less important, the classiîcation of information into a chronological order, the sequence of known events, and tHe promInence attrIbuted to eacH pIece of InformatIon (resultIng from tHe overstatIng and understatIng of tHe Issues or sItuatIons). THese depend largely on tHe subjectIve judgment of tHe autHor. i recognIse tHat i am not an exceptIon to tHIs rule. AccordIngly, i antIcIpate botH agreement and dIsagreement on tHe presentatIon and academIc value of tHIs book and tHe way InformatIon contaIned In It Has been gatHered and presented. i am solely responsIble for tHe vIews expressed and wHatever Is In tHIs book. On a concludIng note, i would lIke to tHank tHe followIng IndIvIduals for tHeIr contrIbutIon In makIng tHIs book a realIty. THe secretarIes wHo typed tHe manuscrIpts: tHe late Ms JasmIne Ayub, Mrs. Jane MulavI and late Colonel AlI Mayen. Dr. Lual Deng gave me a lot of support and encouragement,
important, the classiîcation of information into a chronological order, the
pullIng me along tHe patH of draftIng and redraftIng. he was always at Hand to advIse me upon wHIcH we spent many Hours revIewIng some of tHe cHapters togetHer. FInally, specIal mentIon must be made of Professor Dr. George Bureng (now MInIster of internatIonal Trade In tHe Government of NatIonal UnIty), wHo put In Invaluable Intellectual efforts, offerIng guIdance botH In tHe metHodology of approacH and tHe academIc settIng of tHe work. he actually made a lot of cHanges to tHe manuscrIpt, Hence gIvIng It Its present form and content. i greatly apprecIate HIs professIonal InspIratIon wItHout wHIcH tHe compIlatIon of tHIs book would not Have been possIble. i am tHankful and greatly Indebted to HIm.
Elijah Malok Aleng Mayen NAiROBi, NOVEMBER 2008
Introduction Overview of The Struggle for Liberty
ThEterrItory tHat Is presently referred to as SoutHern Sudan comprIses ten States: Western BaHr El GHaZal, NortHern BaHr El GHaZal, UnIty, Warab, Lakes, Western EquatorIa, Eastern EquatorIa, BaHr El Jabel, JongleI and Upper NIle (FIg. 1:map of Southern Sudan regions). THe terrItory Is InHabIted by tHree maIn etHnIc groupIngs: tHe NIlotIc groupIng wHo lIve In Upper NIle and large parts of BaHr el GHaZal, tHe NIlo-hamItIc groupIng wHo lIve In EquatorIa, and Bantus wHo also lIve In EquatorIa and Western BaHr El Ghazal. These are deîned in detail as the Southern Tribes and nationalities and wHIcH Include tHe Moru, tHe AZande, tHe Makaraka, tHe BarI, tHe AcHolI, tHe DInka, tHe Nuer, tHe SHIlluk, etc. Before tHe Scramble for AfrIca and tHe European InvasIon, wHIcH exposed tHe SoutHern TrIbes to foreIgn domInatIon, tHere was not one standIng state In SoutHern Sudan. THe area was composed of small, medIum and large natIonalItIes wHo tolerated tHemselves and lIved sIde by sIde In Harmony.
Ghazal. These are deîned in detail as the Southern Tribes and nationalities
Chapter One Introduction
When the invasion înally came, it was very brutal and deadly because it was a campaIgn tHat was meant to destroy tHe people and occupy tHeIr lands by force. it began wItH tHe TurkIsH conquest of nortHern Sudan In 1820-1 tHrougH tHe PasHa of Egypt, MoHammad AlI (HImself a TurkIsH mercenary and a MuslIm from AlbanIa), wItH tHe prImary objectIve of exploItIng tHe resources, botH Human and economIc, In Sudan. THereafter, tHe conquest was extended to tHe SoutH wHere It was vIgorously resIsted; SoutHern TrIbes formed armIes and defence forces tHat stood up to defend tHe people agaInst tHe HarsH rule and slave trade. To some extent tHIs effort succeeded In keepIng some sectIons of tHe SoutH out of tHe TurkIsH rule untIl It was overtHrown by tHe MaHdIst State and forces In 1883. THe Arabs under tHe autHorIty of tHe Ottoman EmpIre and tHe MaHdIa were the îrst to invade and plunder the South; the Turkish Ottoman Empire admInIstratIon used tHe Arab agents, under a NortHern Sudanese, MoHamed AHmed el MaHdI, to IntensIfy tHe InHuman slave trade. Also specIalIsIng In gold, tHe Turks were responsIble for tHe large slave trade between tHe western HemIspHere, Europe and tHe MIddle East. in all tHe terrItorIes wHere tHe TurkIsH rule was Imposed, tHe people suffered tyranny, slavery and occupatIon. Upon tHe breakup of tHe Ottoman EmpIre, tHe BrItIsH and tHe EgyptIans agreed to occupy tHe Sudan and admInIster It joIntly under tHe Anglo-EgyptIan CondomInIum agreement. BotH tHe NortH and tHe SoutH resented tHIs polItIcal arrangement, but NortHern Sudan was easIly subdued and conquered and tHe CondomInIum quIckly establIsHed law and order In most parts of NortHern Sudan. however, tHe conquest was resIsted In tHe SoutH wHere varIous trIbes under tHeIr tradItIonal autHorItIes fougHt tHe BrItIsH/EgyptIan colonIal order for many years. THe AZande fougHt It under tHeIr KIng Gbudwe; tHe DInka natIonalIty fougHt It under cHIefs Kon Anok of AlIab, DHIeu Alam of Atuot, and BIar AbId of Bor NortH, wHIle tHe Nuer NatIonalIty, wHo were only defeated In 1928, fougHt It under tHeIr propHet Guek Ngundeng. THe present geograpHIcal SoutH was tHerefore only subdued In tHe early 1930s. SHe (tHe SoutH), exIsted as a dIfferent colony tHat was admInIstered separately from tHe NortH tHrougH tHe “Closed DIstrIct OrdInance Act”. THIs polItIcal status exIsted untIl 1947 wHen It was reversed unceremonIously by botH BrItaIn and Egypt.
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