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Be inspired by the stories of real-life underdogs who overcame oppression, poverty, and physical challenges to achieve their goals. Featuring TIMEA(c) content, this book keeps grade 7 students engaged in reading as they build their critical literacy skills.
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Date de parution

01 août 2018





Poids de l'ouvrage

2 Mo

Lesle y W ard

T eacher Created M aterials
5301 Oceanus D ri ve
Hunt ing ton B eac h, C A 92649 -1 030
www . t c m pu b . c o m
ISBN 978- 0- 7439-2108- 4
© 201 9 T e ache r Create d Mate rials , Inc .
Publishing C redits
Rachelle Cracchiol o, M.S .Ed., Pub lishe r
Conni M ed ina , M. A . Ed ., Managing Editor
Nik a Fabien ke, Ed. D., Series Developer
June Kikuchi, Conten t Di re c tor
John Leac h, Assistant Edito r
Regina Frank, Graphic Designer
TIM E an d the T IME l og o are r egi ste re d tra dem ark s o f TI ME In c. Us ed
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T able of Conten t s
Everyone Lo ves an Underdog!........................................ 4
Underdogs in History ..................................................... 6
Underdogs in Business ................................................. 12
Underdogs in Sports ..................................................... 18
Underdogs in Entertainment ........................................ 24
Underdogs in Literature ................................................ 35
Chase Y our Dream ........................................................ 40
Glossary ........................................................................ 42
Index ............................................................................. 44
Check It Out! ................................................................. 46
T ry It! ............................................................................ 47
About the Author ........................................................... 48

Ever y one Loves
a n Under dog !
Why do we love underdogs so much? It is probably
because we enjoy hearing success stories. W e enjoy it
even more when people in difficult circumstances go on
to accomplish amazing things. History is full of people
who have overcome oppression , poverty , and bad luck
to achieve their goals. Some have gone on to become
heroes who inspire others.
Many people feel motivated when they hear about a
person who started a business with very little money and
huge dreams. People like to believe that if they work
hard, they can be successful, too.
Underdogs can be humans, animals, players on a
sports team, and even characters from your favorite
books. Let’ s meet some underdogs whose stories are
sure to inspire you!
The Real Un de rdog
Underdog is the name of a cartoon
superhero and his TV show . He
is just an ordinar y shoeshine boy
by day , but when trouble comes
to town, he transforms into
Underdog! He is often clumsy and flies
into walls and other objects. However ,
he always saves the day .

Child ren’ s F a ble
When you were little , you may ha ve read
the fable about the tortoise and the hare.
They compete in a race. The hare hops so
far ahead of the tortoise that he decides
to stop and take a nap . While the hare
is snoozing, the slow and steady tortoise
passes him and crosses the finish line first.
The hare was convinced he would win, but
the underdog tortoise beats him!

Underdog s i n H i s tor y
Let’ s take a look at three people who had humble
beginnings but still went on to change the world in
extraordinary ways.
A brah am L i nc oln
Abraham Lincoln was born in a log cabin in Kentucky .
When he was seven, his family fell on hard times and
had to squat in a shack on public land in Indiana. T wo
years later , Lincoln’ s mother died, which left the nine-
year -old Lincoln devastated. It was his mother who had
instilled in him how important education was. Although
he only spent a total of 12 months in school, Lincoln
loved to read and would walk for miles to borrow books.
Lincoln became a shopkeeper in Illinois in 1830
and taught himself to be a lawyer . He became involved
in politics—a journey that eventually led him to the
White House in 1860. During this time, the country
split and fought in the Civil
W ar , which lasted four
years. In the end, the North
won over the South. In
1864, Lincoln was reelected
as president near the end of
the war .
Honest Abe
People gave Lincoln the
nickname Honest Abe because
he had a reputation f or being
truthful. According to one story ,
Lincoln mistakenly took too
much money from a customer
while working as a stor e clerk.
After the store closed for the da y ,
Lincoln walked three miles to
return the customer’ s mone y!

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