Remembering the Crusades in Medieval Texts and Songs , livre ebook









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Exploring Latin texts, as well as Old French, Castilian and Occitan songs and lyrics, Remembering the Crusades in Medieval Texts and Songs takes inspiration from the new ways scholars are looking to trace the dissemination and influence of the memories and narratives surrounding the crusading past in medieval Europe. It contributes to these new directions in crusade studies by offering a more nuanced understanding of the diverse ways in which medieval authors presented events, people and places central to the crusading movement. This volume investigates how the transmission of stories related to suffering, heroism, the miraculous and ideals of masculinity helped to shape ideas of crusading presented in narratives produced in both the Latin East and the West, as well as the importance of Jerusalem in the lyric cultures of southern France, and how the narrative arc of the First Crusade developed from the earliest written and oral responses to the venture.

‘Weighed by such a great calamity, they were cleansed for their sins’: Remembering the Siege and Capture of Antioch - Andrew D. Buck
Framing the Narrative of the First Crusade: The Letter Given at Laodicea in September 1099 - Thomas W. Smith
Fear, Fortitude and Masculinity in William of Malmesbury’s Retelling of the First Crusade and the Establishment of the Latin East - Stephen J. Spencer
Refocusing the First Crusade: Authorial Self-Fashioning and the Miraculous in William of Tyre’s Historia Ierosolymitana - Beth C. Spacey
Remembering Jerusalem: Lamenting the Holy City in Occitan Lyric, c. 1187–c. 1300 - Lauren Mulholland
‘Li bons dus de Buillon’: Genre Conventions and the Depiction of Godfrey of Bouillon in the Chanson d’Antioche and the Chanson de Jérusalem - Simon John
The Gran conquista de Ultramar, its Precursors, and the Lords of Saint-Pol - Simon Thomas Parsons
Notes for contributors
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Date de parution

15 octobre 2019





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4 Mo

Rememerîng e Crusades în Medîeva Texs and Songs
Specîa ïssue o he Journa o Reîgîous Hîsory, Lîeraure and Cuure 2019
Voume 5 Novemer 2019 Numer 2 UNïVERSïTY OF WAES PRESS ps://doî.org/10.16922/jrc.5.2
Editors Proessor Wîîam Gîson, Oxord Brookes Unîversîy Dr Jon Morgan-Guy, Unîversîy o Waes Trînîy Saîn Davîd
Assistant Editor Dr homas W. Smî, Rugy Scoo
Reviews Editor Dr Nîcky Tsougarakîs, Edge Hî Unîversîy
Editorial Advisory Board Proessor Davîd Beîngon, Sîrîng Unîversîy Proessor Sewar J. Brown, Unîversîy o Edînurg Dr James J. Caude, Yae Unîversîy Dr Roer G. ïngram, Oîo Unîversîy, USA Proessor Geraîn Jenkîns, Aeryswy Unîversîy Dr Davîd Cerî Jones, Aeryswy Unîversîy Proessor J. Gwynor Jones, Cardîf Unîversîy Dr Pau Kerry, Brîgam Young Unîversîy, USA Dr Frances Knîg, Unîversîy o Noîngam Dr Roer Pope, Unîversîy o Waes Trînîy Saîn Davîd Proessor Huw Pryce, Bangor Unîversîy Proessor Kenne E. Roxurg, Samord Unîversîy, USA Dr Eryn M. Wîe, Aeryswy Unîversîy R Revd and R Hon. ord Wîîams o Oysermou, Magdaene Coege, Camrîdge Proessor Jonaan Woodîng, Unîversîy o Sydney, Ausraîa
Editorial Contacts wgî j.morgan-guy@uw TWS@rugbyscoo.ne sougarn@edgeî
Puîsers and ook revîewers wî enquîrîes regardîng revîews soud conac e journa’s revîews edîor.
ïn memory o Bernard Hamîon
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he Conrîuors Edîorîa Arevîaîons
‘Weîged y suc a grea caamîy, ey were ceansed or eîr sîns’: Rememerîng e Sîege and Capure o Anîoc Andrew D. Buck
Framîng e Narraîve o e Fîrs Crusade: he eer Gîven a aodîcea în Sepemer 1099 homas W. Smî
Fear, Forîude and Mascuînîy în Wîîam o Mamesury’s Reeîng o e Fîrs Crusade and e Esaîsmen o e aîn Eas Sepen J. Spencer
Reocusîng e Fîrs Crusade: Auorîa Se-Fasîonîng and e Mîracuous în Wîîam o Tyre’sHîsorîa ïerosoymîana Be C. Spacey
Rememerîng Jerusaem: amenîng e Hoy Cîy în Occîan yrîc,c. 1187–c. 1300 Lauren Muoand
‘î ons dus de Buîon’: Genre Convenîons and e Depîcîon o Godrey o Bouîon în eCanson d’Anîoceand e Canson de Jérusaem Sîmon Jon
heGran conquîsa de Uramar, îs Precursors, and e ords o Saîn-Po Sîmon homas Parsons
vîî îx
Andrew D. Buckîs Governmen o ïreand Posdocora Researc Feow, Unîversîy Coege Duîn and a eow o e Roya Hîsorîca Socîey. He îs e auor ohe Prîncîpaîy o Anîoc and îs Fronîers în e Twet Cenury(he Boyde Press, 2017) as we as severa arîces on e îsory o e prîncîpaîy o Anîoc and e roader îsory o e aîn Eas. Hîs curren projec examînes eCronîcono Arcîsop Wîîam o Tyre and e wrîîng o îsory înOuremer.
Simon JoHnSenîor ecurer în Medîeva Hîsory a Swansea îs Unîversîy. Hîs researc îneress încude e socîo-cuura împac o e crusades în aîn Crîsendom, rememrances o e Fîrs Crusade în e Mîdde Ages, and poîîca oug on medîeva kîngsîp. He îs e auor oGodrey o Bouîon: Duke o Lower Loarîngîa, Ruer o Laîn Jerusaem,c.1060–1100(Rouedge, 2018), and as puîsed arîces în eEngîs Hîsorîca Revîew, eJourna o MedîevaHîsoryand e Journa o Eccesîasîca Hîsory.
Lauren MulHolland compeed er PD a e Scoo o Hîsory, Queen Mary Unîversîy o ondon, în 2019. Her esîs examînes rep-resenaîons o e Hoy and în Occîan yrîc and îeraure. Her maîn researc îneress are în medîeva devoîona cuure and vernacuar î-eraure, parîcuary în Occîan and Od Frenc.
Simon homas Parsonsîs a Teacîng Feow în Medîeva Hîsory a Kîng’s Coege ondon. He as wrîen severa arîces and ook capers on Ango-Norman crusade parîcîpaîon and e aîn and vernacuar accouns o e Fîrs Crusade, as co-edîed (wî înda Paerson) e coecîon o essaysLîeraure o e Crusades(D. S. Brewer, 2018) and îs preparîng a monograp on e exua radîîon o e eary crusad-îng movemen.
homas W. SmitHeaces îsory a Rugy Scoo and îs a eow o e Roya Hîsorîca Socîey. He îs e auor oCurîa and Crusade: Pope Honorîus ïïï and e Recovery o e Hoy Land, 1216–1227(Brepos, 2017), wîc was Hîgy Commended în e Brîîs Records
The Contributors
Assocîaîon’s Janee Harey Prîze compeîîon 2018. Hîs second ook, he Leers o e Fîrs Crusade, îs orcomîng wî e Boyde Press
BetH C. Spaceya posdocora researc eow în e Scoo o îs Hîsorîca and Pîosopîca ïnquîry a e Unîversîy o Queensand. Se compeed er docorae a e Unîversîy o Bîrmîngam în 2017 and as puîsed on mîraces and mascuînîîes în medîeva aîn Crîsîan crusades sources. Her ook,he Mîracuous and e Wrîîng o Crusade Hîsory, îs orcomîng wî Boyde and Brewer.
StepHen J. Spencerîs aPas & PresenPosdocora Researc Feow a e ïnsîue o Hîsorîca Researc, Unîversîy o ondon, were e îs workîng on e memorîaîsaîon o e hîrd Crusade în wesern Europe eore 1300. He as puîsed severa arîces on e emoîona reo-rîc o crusadîng, and îs Irs ook,Emoîons în a Crusadîng Conex, 1095–1291, îs orcomîng wî Oxord Unîversîy Press.
he cover îmage rom eeds, Broeron îrary, Unîversîy o eeds, BC MS 100/28, a ae Iteen-cenury manuscrîp ro conaînîng an accoun o îîca and geneaogîca îsory rom Adam and Eve unî e îme o Kîng ouîs Xï o France, îs a good avaar or îs voume o essays on rememerîng crusades în medîeva narraîves, e ey wrîen or ora. he mînîaure depîcs Godrey o Bouîon’s conîngen on oard a sîp ound or e Hoy and on e Fîrs Crusade. Anyone wî a rudîmen-ary knowedge o e course o e Fîrs Crusade wî know a none o e maîn armîes raveed y sea (oug some o e ae Pîsan and Engîs conîngens dîd îndeed rave în îs manner). ï îs no, ereore, an accurae guîde o ‘wa reay appened’, u a vauae source or e medîeva recepîon and rememrance o crusadîng deeds and îs-orîes. ï îs îs approac o e memory o e crusades wîc înorms e presen puîcaîon. Exporîng aîn exs, as we as Od Frenc, Casîîan and Occîan songs and yrîcs, ese essays conrîue o new dîrecîons în crusade sudîes y oferîng a more nuanced undersandîng o e dîverse ways în wîc medîeva auors presened evens, peope, and paces cenra o e crusadîng movemen. From exporîng ow e ransmîssîon o sorîes reaed o suferîng, eroîsm, e mîracuous and îdeas o mascuînîy eped o sape îdeas o crusadîng, o e împor-ance o Jerusaem în e yrîc cuures o souern France, and ow e narraîve arc o e Fîrs Crusade deveoped rom e earîes wrîen and ora responses o e venure, îs voume us aîms o provîde new perspecîves on we-known opîcs wîe sîmuaneousy rîngîng new ones o îg. Our anks go o Bî Gîson and Jon Morgan-Guy or eîr usome suppor o îs voume, and o Henry Maas or îs careu work as copy-edîor. Fînay, î was wî grea sadness a we earned o e dea o Bernard Hamîon wîe îs voume was în producîon. An ousandîng îsorîan o e crusades, Bernard dîd so muc o encour-age e sudy o e opîc, especîay among emergîng scoars. ï was our grea peasure o ofer îs voume as a sma oken o graîude or
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