Images from the Region of the Pueblo Indians of North America , livre ebook









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Aby M. Warburg (1866-1929) is recognized not only as one of the century's preeminent art and Renaissance historians but also as a founder of twentieth-century methods in iconology and cultural studies in general. Warburg's 1923 lecture, first published in German in 1988 and now available in the first complete English translation, offers at once a window on his career, a formative statement of his cultural history of modernity, and a document in the ethnography of the American Southwest. This edition includes thirty-nine photographs, many of them originally presented as slides with the speech, and a rich interpretive essay by the translator.
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Date de parution

01 novembre 2016

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Poids de l'ouvrage

17 Mo

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IMAGES rO the Kégîon of thé Puéblo indîàns of NoRTh aéRîcà
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COre uerty pre îbç d lôdô
The translation ofBilder aus dem Gebiet der PuebloIndianer in NordAmerikais published by arrangement with the Warburg Institute, University of London.
Copyright © 1995 by Cornell University
All rights reserved. Except for brief quotations in a review, this book, or parts thereof, must not be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the publisher. For information, address Cornell University Press, Sage House, 512 East State Street, Ithaca, New York 14850, or visit our website at
First published 1995 by Cornell University Press.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Warburg, Aby, 1866–1929.  [Bilder aus dem Gebiet der Pueblo-Indianer in Nord-Amerika / English]  Images from the region of the Pueblo Indians of North America / Aby M.Warburg ; translated with an interpretive essay by Michael P. Steinberg.  p. cm.  Includes bibliographical references.  ISBN 978-0-8014-2973-6 (cloth : alk. paper)  ISBN 978-0-8014-8435-3 (pbk. : alk. paper)  1. Pueblo Indians—Religion. 2. Serpent worship. I. Steinberg, Michael P. II. Title.  E99.P9W32 1995  299.784—dc20 95-9564
The text of this book is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License:
PrEfatory otE vï
ist of ïllustrations X
ABy M . War B urg, ï r  ï AGEs RO thE EG îON O tE UEBlO NdîANs n a O ORth ERîcA NOeŚ  
MichaEl P. StEinBErg, a  k  BY ARBURG s REUZlîNGEN EctURE a r EAdîNG  9 NOtEs o
PrefàtOry NOte
ïn ABy War B urgs " ïmagEs from thE Egion of thE P u E B l o ïndians of  o r t h AmEriÈa  wE havE thE t r a n s È r i p t o f a slidE lEÈturE givEn By a p atiEnt in udwig inswangErs KrEuzlingEn S a n a t o r i u m to an invitEd a u d i E n È E on 2 1 April 1 9 2 3 . hE GErman tExt was EditEd from War B urgs fin a l draft, in amBurg, By Fritz Saxl and GErtrud ing, WarBurgs a s s i stants, Both of whom latEr sErvEd a s dirEÈ­ t o r s o f thE Wa r B u r g  i B r a r y and Wa r B u r g ï n s t i t u t E . War B urg d i d not È o n sid E r thE lEÈturE p u B l i s h a B l E . ï n a lEttEr of 2  Apri 1 9 2 3 , hE a s k E d S a x l to filE a thE lEÈturE matErial and show it to no onE without h i s ExpliÈit a p  Roval, w ih hé éxcéionŝ of h i ŝ wifé ,  i ŝ B Ro h é R Max, a n d two ÈoE a g u E s , o f whom o n E w a s Érnst C a s s irEr. C a s s i rEr, hE s uggEstEd, might BE intErEstEd in looking fur­ hEr into his notEs Bro ught B a È k from AmEriÈa in 1 8 9 7 . Eond thEsE modEst u s E s , thE piEÈE w a s , for War B urg, a pris onEđ of its multiplE limitati o n s . ït i s , hE wrotE, " thE gruEsomE Èonvul s i o n o f a dEÈapitatEd frog,  " forml E s s a n d p h i l o l o g i È a l l y unfoun d E d ,  a n d m i g h t h a v E v a l u E o n l y " a s a doÈumEnt in thE history of symBoliÈ praÈtiÈE .  ïn 1 9 3  , ninE yEars a ftEr Wa rBurgs dEath a n d ust ovEr fo ur y E a rs a ftEr thE WarB u rg iBrary w a s movEd from amBurg to ondon, Saxl and ing Èommi s s i o n E d a n a B r i d g E d É n g l i s h t r a n s l a t i o n fr o m a C a m B r i d g E
p r ÉF a t o r y n ot É
GErmanist, " u B l i s h E d his was p M ainland . A EcturE o n S ErpEnt itual  i n hEôurál ô thé Wárbur istîtuté2  9 2 ) .  2 [ 1 9 3 8  3 9   l G hE ful tExtE rm a n was puBlishEd for thE first timE in 1 9 8 8 , undEr thE titlE " S ErpEnt itua l An Account o f a ournEy Schlaé rîtual eî R éîsébérîcht,with an aftErword By U l r i c h  a ulff [Erin K  a u s WagEnBach, 1 9 8 8  ) . A s aulff suggEstEd in his a ftErword, " ABy War Burgs KrEuzlingEn lEcturE i s a structurE with many EntrancE s .  hE tExt c a n B E r E a d a s a window on thE lifE and work o f a grEat Éurop E a n scholar. ït c a n B E r E a d a s a n ins ightful and quirky documEnt in thE history o f thE Ethnography of thE ativE AmErican S o uthwE s t . hEsE a rE , a s it wErE, its two " s u BEcts .  At thE samE timE, thE tExt h a s its own s u BEctivity, its own voicE, which transcEnds Both its a u ­ t h o r and his o BEcts of a n a lys i s . ït i s a v o i c E o f spira ling and EndlEss m Ediation BEtwEEn c u lturE s , BEtwEEn p a s t s and p r E s E n t s , BEtwEEn thE s E l f t h a t i s k n o w n and thE sElf that i s sEcrEt hE intErprEtivE E s s a y that follows War Burgs lEcturE is an attEmpt to draw out thE various and ovErLapping héRmEnéucs o f hé éx séf s  é ngh DéRvés fRom hé wish to sErvE WarBurgs tExt and cErtainly not to ovEr­ shadow it . As such, thE E s s ay continuEs thE ork of tra n s­ lation, w h ic h can B E s a i d to in v o lv E thE rEproduction o f rEsonancE s . M y work on this B o o k h a s BEEn guidEd B y a sE n sE o f dual homagE to A B y WarBurg himsElfto h i s complEx, v u  n E r a B  E , and h u m o r o u s m i n d ; and to nnE M a r i E MEyEr, w h o h a s B E En a s s ociatEd with t h E WarBurg ïnsti­ tutE for morE than half a cEntry and w hosE friEndship, k n o w  E d g E , and c r i t i c i s m havE B E E n E s s E n t i a l t o m E within a n d BEyond t H E Bonds of this proE c t .c o u L d not havE complEtEd thE proEct without hEr;w ould not havE triE d . hE WarBurg ïnstitutE s two dirEctors during thE pEriodhavE BEEn at work,   ic h o la sn d app a . . r Mann , havE BEEn gEnErous hosts and advisErs .a l s oa m
p r Éfa t or y n ot É
gratefu l to the institute s photographic staff for their help o n the p l a t e s , any o f which required the reconstruction o f worn negative s . Finally,thank the scholars who have read, heard, a n d iproved drafts of y e s say, especially  a r B a r a  a B c o c k , We n d y  o n i g e r, al F o s t e r, C a r l o G i n z B u r g , A n t h o n y G r a ft o n , C u r t i s  i n s l e y, M i c h a e l A n n  o lly,  u t z iethaer, and Anthony Vidler.
ithaca, néw Yôrk
RÉFa T oRy n oT É
  ŝ îchAEl  tEîNBERG
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