Heroes and Victims , livre ebook









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The cultural politics of commemorating war

Heroes and Victims explores the cultural power of war memorials in 20th-century Romania through two world wars and a succession of radical political changes—from attempts to create pluralist democratic political institutions after World War I to shifts toward authoritarian rule in the 1930s, to military dictatorships and Nazi occupation, to communist dictatorships, and finally to pluralist democracies with populist tendencies. Examining the interplay of centrally articulated and locally developed commemorations, Maria Bucur's study engages monumental sites of memory, local funerary markers, rituals, and street names as well as autobiographical writings, novels, oral narratives, and film. This book reveals the ways in which a community's religious, ethnic, economic, regional, and gender traditions shaped local efforts at memorializing its war dead.


Introduction: Memory Traces: On Local Practices of Remembering and Commemorating
1. Death and Ritual: Mourning and Commemorative Practices before 1914
2. Mourning, Burying, and Remembering the War Dead: How Communities Coped with the Memory of Wartime Violence, 1918-1940
3. Remembering the Great War through Autobiographical Narratives
4. The Politics of Commemoration in Interwar Romania, 1919-1940: Dialogues and Conflicts
5. War Commemorations and State Propaganda under Dictatorship: From the Crusade against Bolshevism to Ceausescu's Cult of Personality, 1940-1989
6. Everyone a Victim: Forging the Mythology of Anti-Communism Counter-Memory
7. The Dilemmas of Post-Memory in Post-Communist Romania

Selected Bibliography

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Date de parution

20 novembre 2009





Poids de l'ouvrage

7 Mo

IndianaMichigan Series in Russian and East European Studies ALExàndEr RàbinOwicH ànd WiLLiàm G. ROsEnbErg, gEnEràL EdiOrs
HEROAENSD VICTIMS REmEmbEring Wàr in wEniEH-CEnury ROmànià
Indiànà UnivErsiy PrEss BLOOmingOn ànd IndiànàpOLis
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hîs book îs a pubîcaîon o
ïndîana Unîversîy Press  Nor Moron Sree Boomîngon, ïN - USA
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©  by Marîa Bucur A rîgs reserved
No par o îs book may be reproduced or uîîzed în any orm or by any means, eecronîc or mecanî-ca, încudîng poocopyîng and recordîng, or by any înormaîon sorage and rerîeva sysem, wîou permîssîon în wrîîng rom e pubîser. he Assocîaîon o Amerîcan Unîversîy Presses’ Resouîon on Permîssîons consîues e ony excepîon o îs proîbîîon.
∞ he paper used în îs pubîcaîon mees e mînîmum requîremens o e Amerîcan Naîona San-dard or ïnormaîon Scîences—Permanence o Paper or Prîned Lîbrary Maerîas, ANSï Z.-.
Manuacured în e Unîed Saes o Amerîca Lîbrary o Congress Caaogîng-în-Pubîcaîon Daa
Bucur, Marîa, [dae]  Heroes and vîcîms : rememberîng war în wenîe-cenury Romanîa / Marîa Bucur.  p. cm. — (ïndîana-Mîcîgan serîes în Russîan and Eas European sudîes)  ïncudes bîbîograpîca reerences and îndex.  ïSBN ---- (co : ak. paper) — ïSBN ---- (pbk. : ak. paper) . Memo-rîaîzaîon—Romanîa—Hîsory— cenury. . Memory—Socîa aspecs—Romanîa. . War and socîey—Romanîa. . Word War, –—Socîa aspecs—Romanîa. . Word War, –— Socîa aspecs—Romanîa. . War memorîas—Socîa aspecs—Romanîa. . Coecîve memory—Ro-manîa. . Romanîa—Hîsory, Mîîary— cenury. ï. Tîe.  DR..B   .’—dc  
           
T o a l l t h e Bucur Deckards in my ife
Preface Acknowedgments
ïnroducîon Memory Traces: On Loca Practices of Remembering and Commemorating . Dea and Rîua Mourning and Commemorative Practices before 1914 . Mournîng, Buryîng, and Rememberîng e War Dead How Communities Coped with the Memory of Wartime Vioence, 1918–1940 . Rememberîng e Grea War roug Auobîograpîca Narraîves . he Poîîcs o Commemoraîon în ïnerwar Romanîa, – Diaogues and Conlicts . War Commemoraîons and Sae Propaganda under Dîcaorsîp From the Crusade against Boshevism to Ceauşescu’s Cut of Personaity, 1940–1989 . Everyone a Vîcîm Forging the Mythoogy of Anti-Communism Counter-Memory . he Dîemmas o Pos-Memory în Pos-Communîs Romanîa
Notes Seected Bibiography Index
ix xvii
 
 
253 307 337
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he kerne o îs book was paned în . Vîsîîng Romanîa or e Irs îme sînce compeîng my dîsseraîon on e îsory o eugenîcs, ï ooked orward o reocusîng my aenîon on e pubîsîng îndusry’s înîîa lourîsîng în e Irs decade ater Communîsm. As ï scoured booksores and vendors or new and îneresîng maerîas, ï came o reaîze a a new penomenon was akîng pace beore my eyes. Everyone waned o pubîs a memoîr, and everyone ese waned o buy ese memoîrs, read em, ak abou em, and crîîque em. he genre o e memoîr was seeîng suc unprecedened grow, wî some exampes appearîng în very sma runs bu sî someow makîng e rounds, a ï began o coec ese pubîcaîons. Soon ï reaîzed a ere were wo perîods avored by mos readers: Word War ïï and e Saînîs years o Communîs persecuîon. Observîng îs îerary penomenon and aso speak-îng o peope wo were more an a generaîon oder an ï was (în eîr mîd-orîes and oder), î became apparen a or ose generaîons e projec o recoverîng and makîng sense o eîr memorîes o e s–s was an urgen ask, reevan o Indîng a new sense o socîa beongîng. hîs occurrence coîncîded wî e begînnîngs o e grow o “memory sudîes” în U.S. and pars o European academîa. ï was us orunae o begîn makîng sense o îs vîbran penomenon în pos-Communîs cuure în e company o însîgu îsorîans and oer scoars. hîs sudy sands on e souders o împoran pre-cursors a ave înspîred and caenged me o Ind my own answers o compîcaed quesîons. he work o Jay Wîner, Jon Bodnar, Jon Gîîs, Caerîne Merrîdae, Nîna Tumarkîn, Gaînes Foser, Rober Moeer, Vîeda Skuans, Rubîe Wason, and many oers, as ofered rîc exampes o ways în wîc memory îs împoran no jus as payground or poîîcîans or as a psycoogîca penomenon, bu aso as a ream or makîng cuura meanîng ou o vîoence and desrucîon.1 heîr însîgs aso ca-enged me o arîcuae were o sîuae e memory races ï was sudyîng wîîn a broader dîscourse abou remembrance and îdenîy în e modern word. Muc o e
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