Communist Century , livre ebook









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From the very origins of the communism, in the radicalised European working class movements of the late 19th Century, a vast an complex ideological movement that would eventually dominate much of humanity a century later emerged. The 20th Century was communism's century, a belief system that promised utopia managed instead to spread terrific suffering and bloodshed in its wake. The expansion of communist revolutions around the world after the two world wars, communism's first state in Russia, Stalinism and the dictator's empire in Eastern Europe and the influence of communism in China, Asia, South America and Africa are all covered here in this short introductory guide by Chris Kostov. For those who are unfamiliar with the fundamentals of 20th Century history, or for students who want a better grasp of the broad scope of change during the century, this is an indispensable guide.20th Century Lives is a new series from Explaining History, taking pivotal figures from the last century and exploring their legacies in an accessible and concise way; ideal for history enthusiasts, students and first time readers of modern history.
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Date de parution

14 mai 2015





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Pubîser ïnormaîon                  îî ïnroducîon                       îîî
Caper One                       1 Caper Two                      11 Caper hree                      15 Caper Four                      39 Caper Fîve                       71 Caper Sîx                       85 Caper Seven                      90
Aso Avaîabe                      111
From Revolution To Decay: 1917 to 2000
By Crîs Kosov
Publisher Information
Pubîsed în 2015 by Andrews UK Lîmîed wwwandrewsukcom
he rîg o Crîs Kosov o be îdenîIed as e Auor o îs Work as been assered by îm în accordance wî e Copyrîg, Desîgns and Paens Ac 1998
Copyrîg © 2015 Crîs Kosov
A rîgs reserved No par o îs pubîcaîon may be reproduced, sored în a rerîeva sysem, or ransmîed, în any orm or by any means wîou e prîor wrîen permîssîon o e pubîser, nor be oerwîse cîrcuaed în any orm o bîndîng or cover oer an a în wîc î îs pubîsed and wîou a sîmîar condîîon beîng împosed on e subsequen purcaser Any person wo does so may be îabe o crîmîna prosecuîon and cîvî caîms or damages
ï îs quîe curîous ow communîsm emerged rom uopîan îdeas or abso-ue equaîy and cassess socîey, sared by varîous pîosopers roug e ages, o a deaîed socîopoîîca and economîc îdeoogy deveoped by Kar Marx and Frîedrîc Enges în e 19 cenury and ow îs îdeoogy urned îno a oaîarîan sysem wîc conroed e desînîes o ¼ o e word’s popuaîon a îs peak he conronaîon beween e communîs and non communîs words became e deInîng îdeoogîca srugge o e 20 Cenury, and î generaes no sorage o împoran quesîons or us Among e many îssues surroundîng e rîse and a o communîsm are: How and wy communîsm coapsed across e gobe? Wa are e dîferen varîaîons/devîaîons o e communîs îdeoogy? Wy was î condemned by many democraîc counrîes as a crîmîna poîîca regîme? Wa were e major eaures and crîmes o ese communîs regîmes? Wy many wesern îneecuas embraced and en abandoned e communîs îdeoogy? And wy îs ere nosagîa owards communîsm în e ormer communîs counrîes? hîs book aemps o answer ese and oer quesîons surroundîng communîsm by anaysîng e key poîns and evens în îs deveopmen and demîse hereore, îs book îs more îke a guîde an an encycopaedîa o communîsm and îs aîm îs o gîve e necessary background or urer readîngs More an 20 years ave passed sînce e a o e Berîn Wa în 1989 and many key documens abou varîous aspecs o e communîs regîmes ave been decassîIed makîng researc on communîsm muc easîer an ever beore On e one and îs dîsance în îme and new prîmary sources aow îsorîans and
oer researcers încudîng e auor o îs book o be abe o ave a more împarîa ook a e evens o e recen pas bu on e oer and, we can observe an încreasîng number o aemps o promînen communîss în Russîa, Bearus, Bugarîa, Serbîa and oer counrîes o wîewas e crîmes o e communîs dîcaorsîps hese aer aemps rey on e ack o recen popuar books and oer sources în e Wes and even în e ormer communîs counrîes wîc aîm o ofer a non-îdeoogîca bu goba ook a e communîs regîmes and erîage and e împac o communîsm on e 20 cenury îsory Ceraîny, no book or auor can caîm o be compeey împarîa and objecîve and ï wî no dare o împose suc a caîm ï wî ry, owever, o presen e îsory o communîsm în suc a way a aows e acs and major evens o ak more an my own emoîons or e emoîons o any oer îsorîan wo as ever dea wî e opîc Ceraîny, î îs very ard o ak or wrîe abou communîsm wen many o îs vîcîms, perperaors and wînesses are sî aîve and emoîonay învoved wî î bu î îs my duy as a îsorîan and exper on modern Cenra and Easern Europe o ace îs caenge ï ope a îs book wî provoke e îneres and curîosîy o many readers o go urer and expore în more deaî e împac o communîsm on e 20 cenury ï aso srongy encourage everybody wo îs îneresed îno communîsm and ow î reay works o read Anîma Farm by George Orwe (1903-1950), wo managed o summarîse e woe communîs îdeoogy wî e sores perec descrîpîon: “A anîmas are equa, bu some anîmas are more equa an oers”
Caper One
he Emergence o Communîsm în e 19 Cenury
he îdea o a cassess socîey based on common ownersîp and equaîy dîd no appear în e 19 cenury As eary as e 6 c BCE, e ancîen Greek pîosoper and maemaîcîan Pyagoras (ca 570 BCE – ca 495 BCE) ounded în Croone, souern ïay a communîy o îke-mînded pîosopers wo waned o esabîs a jus and cassess socîey hîs îdea înluenced anoer ancîen Greek pîosoper Pao (ca 428 BCE-ca 348 BCE) wo wen even urer and wroe în îs reaîse he Repubîc a în e îdea socîey peope woud sare no ony eîr propery bu aso eîr spouses and cîdren Laer, e Essenes – a Jewîs sec wîc was popuar beween e 2nd c BCE and 1s c CE aso procaîmed communa ownersîp as we as some eary Crîsîan groups Suc Crîsîans caîmed a prîvae propery was evî and quoed e New Tesamen o prove a Jesus Crîs waned egaîarîanîsm, dîsapproved o money-cangers, ax coecors and oer we-of peope and even caed em îeves hese Crîsîan communîs îdeas became very popuar among Manîceans, Gnosîcs, Caars, Bogomîs and oer eary medîeva Crîsîan secs he Bogomîs, wo emerged as a sec în e 10 c CE spread eîr eacîngs rom Bugarîa across e Bakans o ïay and France, beîeved a everyîng maerîa ad come rom e devî Oer noabe exampes rom anîquîy încude e Sparacus save revo or equa rîgs în 73-71 BCE wîc împressed Sovîe and Eas European communîss so muc a a number o Russîan and oer Eas European aeîc cubs are sî caed Sparacus (Sparak în Russîan), as we as e Mazdak movemen în 5 c Persîa wîc aso demanded communa ownersîp
he peasans în medîeva Europe sared e manorîa andodîng sysem Sîmîar sysems prevaîed în Japan and ïndîa oo Under e manorîa (known aso as seîgnîorîa) sysem e peasans ed and rom e ord, cuîvaed eîr Ieds ogeer and ad communa use o e vîage propery Feeîng a ese common rîgs were reaened, many peasans joîned e Peasans’ Revo o 1381 în Engand and e Peasans’ War o 1524-1525 în Germany he eader o e German peasan însurgens homas Münzer (1489-1525) openy rejeced prîvae propery and esabîsed a communîs egaîarîan socîey în e sma own o Müausen, hurîngîa, wîc ased ony or a year unî Münzer’s execuîon he Proesan sec o e Anabapîss pîcked up Münzer’s egaîarîan îdeas and rîed o upod em în souern Germany and Swîzerand bu ey were severey persecued by bo Roman Caoîcs and maînsream Proesans because o eîr rejecîon o prîvae ownersîp Durîng e Engîs Cîvî War (1642-1651) ere were aso some poîîca and reîgîous groups suc as e Leveers and e Dîggers wo demanded an egaîarîan socîey he Dîggers aemped o pu eîr îdeas îno pracîce by armîng on common and he 16 and e 17 cenurîes were aso e îme wen homas More (1478-1535) and Tommaso Campanea (1568-1639) wroe eîr amous works Uopîa and he Cîy o e Sun More îmagîned în îs Uopîa a perec uopîan egaîarîan socîey în wîc everybody was equa excep e aeîss wo were oeraed bu dîsrused Campanea reînsaed Pao’s îdeas or a perec egaîarîan socîey în he Cîy o e Sun were a peope îved and worked în a cîy wî a perec cîmae and îvîng condîîons and sared eîr propery, wîves and cîdren under e supervîsîon o oicîas wo made sure a e dîsrîbuîon was jus and aîr he 18 and 19 cenurîes, owever, were e îme wen modern capîaîsm emerged, anks o e încreasîng îndusrîaîsaîon în Wesern Europe he poor workîng and îvîng condîîons o e workers în e new acorîes made European workers and poor peope în genera muc more responsîve an ever beore
o communîs and oer egaîarîan îdeas wîc promîsed em radîca dîsrîbuîon o propery and wea he Frenc Revouîon o 1789 broug messages or economîc jusîce and some Frenc revouîonarîes suc as Jean-Pau Mara (1743-1793) and Françoîs-Noë (known as Graccus) Babeu (1760-1797) caed or e equa redîsrîbuîon o wea among a Frenc peope Babeu even organîsed în 1796 îs secre revouîonary acîon Conspîracy o e Equas, wîc aîmed o esabîs a new poîîca regîme based on common ownersîp o a propery Babeu was arresed and execued în 1797 bu îs îdeas înspîred a number o oer Frenc înkers and revouîonarîes în e 19 c suc as: Henrî de Saîn-Sîmon (1760-1825), Louîs Banc (1811-1882), Cares Fourîer (1772-1837), Pîerre-Josep Proudon (1809-1865), Eîenne Cabe (1788-1856) and e Brîîs socîa reormer and pîoneer în e cooperaîve movemen Rober Owen (1771-1858) hînkers suc as Saîn-Sîmon and Proudon consany aked abou eîr vîsîons o a jus egaîarîan socîey and e evîs o prîvae propery Rober Owen esabîsed în 1825 a se-suicîen cooperaîve agrîcuura-îndusrîa communîy caed New Harmony în ïndîana bu î evenuay aîed due o persîsîng dîsagreemens among îs members Cabe and Fourîer aso înspîred e auncîng o varîous seemens în e USA based on eîr îdeas o communa propery he Engîs oower o Rober Owen, Jon Goodwîn Barmby (1820-1881) ounded în 1841 e London Communîs Propaganda Socîey and caîmed a e coîned e erm communîsm în 1840 ater îs conversaîons wî Frenc revouîonarîes bu mos probaby by e 1820s, e Frenc îneecuas and revouîonarîes aready used e erm socîaîsm and by e 1830s e erm communîsm hese erms became popuar în e 1840s among e German îneecuas as we, wo used e erm socîaîsm o descrîbe a sae în wîc a or amos a propery îs owned by e sae and communîsm as e rejecîon o any ownersîp o propery a a Even oug e erm communîsm, rom e Laîn word communîs – common/unîversa, was born and appîed Irs în France în e eary 19 cenury, î urned îno a uy ledged
poîîca îdeoogy wî îs modern deInîîon ater e pubîcaîon o e pampe he Communîs Manîeso by Kar Marx (1818-1883) and Frîedrîc Enges (1820-1895) Bo o em were German pîosopers and poîîca eorîss îvîng în Engand în e 1840s as émîgrés wo led e German saes because o eîr poîîca vîews ïn a eer o îs aer Marx expressed îs persona moîvaîon wî e oowîng saemen: “ï we ave cosen e posîîon în îe în wîc we can mos o a work or mankînd, no burdens can bow us down, because ey are sacrîIces or e beneI o a; en we sa experîence no pey, îmîed, seIs joy, bu our appîness wî beong o mîîons, our deeds wî îve on quîey bu perpeuay a work, and over our ases wî be sed e o ears o nobe peope” Wen Marx and Enges me în 1844, ey reaîsed a ey ad muc în common and or a reason ey sared workîng ogeer Besîdes conrîbuîng o Marx’s wrîîng, Enges aso suppored Inancîay îs rîend unî e res o îs îe Marx and Enges creaed a new poîîca îdeoogy wîc woud aer become known as Marxîsm he wo German pîosopers recognîsed e înluence o varîous oer înkers în e creaîon o e new îdeoogy he German pîosopers Georg Hege (1770-1831), Ludwîg Feuerbac (1804-1872) and ïmmanue Kan (1724-1804) înluenced Marx and Enges as we as e îdeas and eorîes o e Brîîs economîss Adam Smî (1723-1790) and Davîd Rîcardo (1772-1823) as we as e above menîoned Frenc revouîonarîes and înkers, suc as Henrî de Saîn-Sîmon, Louîs Banc, Cares Fourîer, Pîerre-Josep Proudon and oers hese Frenc eorîss were caed by Marx and Enges uopîan socîaîss o dîferenîae em rom eîr own eory wîc ey caed scîenîIc communîsm Marx caîmed a: “he pîosopers ave ony înerpreed e word, în varîous ways: e poîn, owever, îs o cange î” hereore, Marx’s goa was no ony o wrîe bu o cange e word by Indîng oowers o îs îdeas wo were ready o appy em unîversay, across e gobe Aempîng o make îsory scîenîIc Marx and Enges deveoped e concep
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