Bishops and the Politics of Patronage in Merovingian Gaul , livre ebook









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Following the dissolution of the Western Roman Empire, local Christian leaders were confronted with the problem of how to conceptualize and administer their regional churches. As Gregory Halfond shows, the bishops of post-Roman Gaul oversaw a transformation in the relationship between church and state. He shows that by constituting themselves as a corporate body, the Gallic episcopate was able to wield significant political influence on local, regional, and kingdom-wide scales.Gallo-Frankish bishops were conscious of their corporate membership in an exclusive order, the rights and responsibilities of which were consistently being redefined and subsequently expressed through liturgy, dress, physical space, preaching, and association with cults of sanctity. But as Halfond demonstrates, individual bishops, motivated by the promise of royal patronage to provide various forms of service to the court, often struggled, sometimes unsuccessfully, to balance their competing loyalties. However, even the resulting conflicts between individual bishops did not, he shows, fundamentally undermine the Gallo-Frankish episcopate's corporate identity or integrity. Ultimately, Halfond provides a far more subtle and sophisticated understanding of church-state relations across the early medieval period.
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15 septembre 2019

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5 Mo

G r e g o r y I . H a l f o n d
CORNE UNïVERSïTY PRESS ïthaca and London
Copyrîght © 209 by Corne Unîversîty
A rîghts reserved. Except or brîe quotatîons în a revîew, thîs book, or parts thereo, must not be reproduced în any orm wîthout permîssîon în wrîtîng rom the pubîsher. For înormatîon, address Corne Unîversîty Press, Sage House, 52 East State Street, ïthaca, New York 4850. Vîsît our websîte at cornepress.corne.edu.
Fîrst pubîshed 209 by Corne Unîversîty Press
îbrary o Congress Cataogîng-în-Pubîcatîon Data
Names: Haond, Gregory ï., author. Tîte: Bîshops and the poîtîcs o patronage în  Merovîngîan Gau / Gregory ï. Haond. Descrîptîon: ïthaca [New York] : Corne Unîversîty Press, 209. | ïncudes bîbîographîca reerences and îndex. ïdentîIers: CCN 20805346 (prînt) |  CCN 20805536 (ebook) | ïSBN 97850739323 (pd ) | ïSBN 97850739354 (epub/mobî) |  ïSBN 9785073936 | ïSBN 9785073936 (coth ;  ak. paper) Subjects: CSH: Bîshops—Gau—Tempora power. |  Bîshops—Poîtîca Actîvîty—Gau. | Church and  state—Gau. | Merovîngîans. | Epîscopacy—Hîstory. | France—Poîtîcs and government—To 987. |  France—Church hîstory—To 987. CassîIcatîon: CC BX905 (ebook) |  CC BX905 .H35 209 (prînt) | DDC 274.4/02—dc23 C record avaîabe at https://ccn.805346
Cover îustratîon:Le baptême de Covîs par saînt Remy avec e mîrace de a Saînte Ampoue, îvory bîndîng pate, Reîms, ate nînth century. Musée de Pîcardîe à Amîens.
Co n t e n t s
Acknowedgmentsvîî Abbrevîatîonsîx Mapx
 ïntroductîon  . Epîscopa Servîce to the Court  2. Roya Patronage and ïts BeneIts  3. Unîty în Dîsunîty: The îmîts o Corporate Soîdarîty  4. Dîsunîty în Unîty: Terrîtorîa ïntegratîon and ïts Efects  Concusîon
Bîbîography69 ïndex97
28 63
20 60
A c k n o w l e d g m e n t s
Thîs book never woud have seen the îght o day wîthout the hep and support o numerous îndîvîduas. At Corne Unî-versîty Press, ï woud îke to thank Bethany Wasîk, Karen Hwa, and espe-cîay Mahînder Kîngra, who shepherded thîs project rom îts begînnîngs through pubîcatîon, provîdîng both encouragement and învauabe advîce or împrovîng the Ina product. Kate Gîbson and the staf o Westchester Pubîshîng Servîces metîcuousy prooread the manuscrîpt, savîng me rom many an error. Bernard S. Bachrach, Yanîv Fox, and Jamîe Kreîner a read and commented on earîer drats o the manuscrîpt, and ï am deepy îndebted to them, as we as to the two anonymous readers or Corne Unîversîty Press, or theîr expert advîce, crîtîcîsm, and suggestîons. At Framîngham State Unîversîty ï woud îke to thank my coeague Dave Merwîn or gener-ousy provîdîng the map, as we as the staf at the Whîttemore îbrary, espe-cîay Danîee amontagne and Kîeran Shakeshat, or hepîng me to secure the many resources that ï requîred to compete thîs book. Fînay, ï woud îke to thank my amîy: Jay and Gaye Haond, Rebecca ahue, Jeanne Haond, and especîay arîssa, Benjamîn, and Mîo Haond, to whom thîs book îs ovîngy dedîcated.
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A b b r e v i at i o n s
AASS Acta sanctorum, ed. Jean Boand et a. (Brusses and Antwerp,643940) AASS OSB Acta sanctorum ordînîs sanctî Benedîctî, ed. uc d’Achery and Jean Mabîon (Parîs, 668–70) CCS Corpus Chrîstîanorum: Serîes atîna (Turnhout, Begîum, 953–) Cha Chartae atînae Antîquîores. Facsîmîe Edîtîon o the atîn Charters Prîor to the Nînth Century, ed. Abert Bruckner, Robert Marîcha, et a. (Oten/ausanne/Dîetîkon-Zürîch, 954–98) MGH Monumenta Germanîae Hîstorîca  AA Auctores antîquîssîmî (Berîn, 877–99)   nat. Germ. eges natîonum Germanîcarum (Hanover, Germany, 892–969)  SRG Scrîptores rerum Germanîcarum (Hanover, Germany, 87–2007)  SRM Scrîptores rerum Merovîngîcarum (Hanover, Germany, 885–95)  SS Scrîptores (Foîo) (Hanover, Germany, 826–2009) P Patroogîa atîna, Patroogîae cursus competus, serîes atîna, ed. J.-P. Mîgne (Parîs, 844–64) SC Sources Chrétîennes (Parîs, 942–)
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