All Power To The Councils! , livre ebook









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This definitive documentary history collects manifestos, speeches, articles, and letters from the German Revolution-Rosa Luxemburg, the Revolutionary Stewards and Gustav Landauer amongst others-introduced and annotated by the editor. Many documents, such as the anarchist Erich M hsam's comprehensive account of the Bavarian Council Republic, are presented here in English for the first time. The volume also includes materials from the Red Ruhr Army that repelled the reactionary Kapp Putsch in 1920 and the communist bandits that roamed Eastern Germany until 1921.
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18 juillet 2012





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PraIse for a POwER tO thE COuNcîS! a DOcumENtàRy HîStORy OF thE GERmàN rEvOutîON OF 1918-1919
Gabriel Kun’s excellent volume illuminates a profound global revolutionary moment, in wic brilliant ideas and debates lit te sky, and from wic emerged te likes of Ret Marut, a.k.a. B. Traven, peraps istory’s greatest proletarian novelist. Herein lie te roots ofheTreasure of the Sierra Madreand muc else besides. —Marcus Rediker, autor ofVillains of all Nationsandhe Slave Ship
his remarkable collection, skillfully edited by Gabriel Kun, brings to life tat most pivotal of revolutions, crackling wit te acrid odor of street figting, insurgent opes, and ulti-mately defeat. Had it triumped, millions would ave been spared te inferno of fascism; its failure usered in counter-revolution far beyond its borders. In an era brimming wit anticapitalist aspirations, tese pages ring wit tat still unmet revolutionary promise: I was, I am, I sall be. —Sasa Lilley, autor ofCapital and Its Discontentsand co-autor ofCatastrophism
Drawing on newly uncovered material troug pioneering arcival istorical researc, Gabriel Kun’s powerful book on te German workers’ councils movement is essential reading to understanding te way forward for democratic worker con-trol today.All Power to the Councils! A Documentary History of the German Revolution of 1918–1919confers important lessons tat will avert te setbacks of te past wile providing pen-etrating and invaluable istorical documentation crucial for
anticipating te inevitable dangers in te struggle for building working class democracy. —Immanuel Ness, Graduate Center for Worker Education, Brooklyn College
An indispensable resource on a world-istoric event. Gabriel Kun’s remarkable, ricly annotated documentary collection gaters eyewitness accounts and revolutionary voices from Germany’s 1918–1919 worker-soldier-council revolution. Wereas te Independent SPD and te Spartakusbund/ KPD dominate most accounts, up to te point of exaggera-tion, Kun’s balanced work at last recovers te vital, central contributions and alternative perspectives of oter mass pro-letarian currents: te anarcists and syndicalists of Bavaria, te Rur, and elsewere, including Landauer and Müsam, te Revolutionary Stewards, mutineers at Wilelmsaven and Kiel, and te Rur Red Army. —Lucien van der Walt, Rodes University, Sout Africa
A Documentary Hîstory of the German Revolutîon of 1918-1919 Edited and Translated by Gabriel Kuhn
All Power to the Councils! A Documentary History of the German Revolution of 19181919 Edited and translated by Gabriel KuHn
ISBN: 978-1-60486-111-2 LCCN: 2011927962 his edition copyrigHt ©2012 PM Press All RigHts Reserved
PM Press PO Box 23912 Oakland, CA 94623
Cover by JoHn Yates/ Layout based on design by Daniel Meltzer
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Printed in tHe USA on recycled paper, by tHe Employee Owners of homson-SHore in Dexter, MicHigan.
PublisHed in tHe EU by he Merlin Press Ltd. 6 Crane Street CHambers, Crane Street, Pontypool NP4 6ND, Wales ISBN: 978-0-85036-649-5
TabLe of ConTenTs
INtROductîONGabriel Kuhn GOSSàRy TîmEîNE
Wîlhelmshaven and Kîel ThE WîhEmShàvEN rEvOt: a ChàptER OF thE rEvOutîONàRy MOvEmENt îN thE GERmàN nàvy, 1918–1919IcarusWîth thE rEd fàg tO VîcE-admîRà sOuchONKarl Artelt
Berlîn The Revolutionary Stewards rEpORt By thE eXEcutîvE COuNcî OF thE WORkERS’ àNd sOdîERS’ COuNcîS OF GREàt bERîNRichard MüllerThE nàtîONà aSSEmBy MEàNS thE COuNcîS’ DEàthErnst DäumigThE COuNcî IdEà àNd ItS rEàîzàtîONErnst DäumigDEmOcRàcy OR DîctàtORShîpRichard Müller“rEvOutîONàRy GymNàStîcS”Richard Müller
Spartacus ThE nEXt oBjEctîvES OF thE stRuggEGruppe Internationale (Spartakusgruppe)ThE bEgîNNîNgRosa LuxemburgThE USuà GàmERosa LuxemburgThE nEw buRgFRîEdENKarl LiebknechtThE nàtîONà aSSEmByRosa LuxemburgThàt Whîch ISKarl LiebknechtoN thE eXEcutîvE COuNcîRosa LuxemburgWhàt DOES thE spàRtàcuS LEàguE WàNt?Rosa LuxemburgCONFRONt thE COuNtERREvOutîON!Karl LiebknechtTO thE eNtRENchmENtSRosa LuxemburgnàtîONà aSSEmBy OR COuNcî GOvERNmENt?Rosa Luxemburga PyRRhîc VîctORyRosa LuxemburgaBOut thE nEgOtîàtîONS wîth thE rEvOutîONàRy stEwàRdSKarl LiebknechtDESpîtE It a!Karl LiebknechtnOSkE àNd thE bEgîNNîNg OF thE COmRàdES’ MuRdERSKarl Retzlaw
Xvî XXîv
5 19
31 40 51 59 76
79 81 84 87 90 93 96 99 107 109 113 116 119 122 126
Brunswîck ThE rEvOutîON HàS COmEVolksfreund
Bremen WE fOught îN bREmEN FOR thE COuNcî rEpuBîcKarl JannackshàmE! bOOdShEd By thE GOvERNmENt TROOpSDer KommunistThE COuNcî IdEà îN GERmàNyKarl Plättner
Bavarîa LEttERS FROm bàvàRîàGustav LandauerThE UNîtEd rEpuBîcS OF GERmàNy àNd ThEîR CONStîtutîONGustav LandauerfROm eîSNER tO LEvîNé: ThE emERgENcE OF thE bàvàRîàN COuNcî rEpuBîc Erich Mühsam
Appendîx 1: Ruhr Valley DOcumENtS FROm thE rEd ruhR aRmy DORtmuNd àFtER thE bîEEFEd rESOutîONAnton KaltWhàt HàS bEEN rEày bOthERîNg ME a ThOSE YEàRS…Johannes Grohnke
Appendîx 2: Vogtland fROm thE “WhîtE CROSS” tO thE rEd fàg: YOuth, stRuggE, àNd PRîSON eXpERîENcES (eXcERptS)Max Hoelz
143 147
149 152 161 164
167 171 199
265 268 273 275
Ruhr Valley
Wilhelmshaven Bremen
aLL PoWer To THe CoUnCILs!
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