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Date de parution
14 août 2018
Nombre de lectures
Poids de l'ouvrage
2 Mo
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Date de parution
14 août 2018
Nombre de lectures
Poids de l'ouvrage
2 Mo
Copyright © Jacques Martel
Québec, Québec, Canada, 2014.
Legal Deposit: Bibliothèque Nationale du Québec
Legal Deposit: National Library of Canada
ISBN: 978-2-923364-98-8 (ebook)
(Original edition: Les 5 étapes pour parvenir à la guérison,
ISBN: 978-2-923364-26-1, Éditions ATMA internationales, Québec, Canada)
Les Éditions ATMA Internationales
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To Peddar Zask
Table of Contents
The 5 Steps to Achieve Healing
1 – Knowledge
2 – Openness
3 – Letting go
4 – Acceptance ↓♥
5 – Action
The Integration through the Heart ♥ Technique: IHT
Spiritual Healing
Questions and Answers
Comments from the First Group of Therapists Trained in Switzerland in 2000 with the Integration Through the Heart ♥ Technique
Reading Friends, Hello!
More and more people are OPEN and ACCEPT ↓♥ the idea that there may be various ways to influence their state of health and thus, that I may have some power over my life but also over my body and my spirit, especially when they are sick. We are pushed in that direction because, among other reasons, while the health system is doing its best, with traditional medicine, to manage the increasing number of patients within the means made available to it, we are forced to notice that many sick people are left to their own devices for variously long periods. What can they do then? Wait patiently and passively for “ my turn to come ”, or take charge of myself and do something to take responsibility and assist in setting off the process of my healing? Instead of focusing my attention on this help that is “late in coming”, whether I am already receiving care or taking medication that sometimes negatively affects my quality of life, I can DECIDE to do something concrete. Thus, I start taking ACTION while concurrently undertaking an inner search: I contact my inner power, I LET GO of my old thought patterns and I search for answers to why I am experiencing such or such an ailment or disease. I thus reclaim mastery over my life.
To obtain tangible results, I need a set of instructions; I need to be told what to do and how to do it. That KNOWLEDGE is contained in this book: The 5 Steps to Achieve Healing . Explained simply and understandably, I learn what behaviors and attitudes I should adopt, what indispensable practical tools I can use to help me with my progress and that will enable me to see concrete results in my everyday life. By regularly applying the 5 Steps , not only to any illness but also to any other situation where I experience an inner WAR (with myself or others) or an inner PRISON (involving a person or a situation), I have the tools to help me become aware of my conflicts, fears and beliefs that have, so far, controlled my life (consciously or not). The fact of becoming aware of it and freeing myself from it can allow healing to take place.
This is what is being proposed here by Jacques Martel, who is also the author of the best-seller: The Complete Dictionary of Ailments and Diseases . He is sharing with us here the fruits of his 30 years of experience, in simple words that everyone can understand. This is a practical reference book, an excellent complement to the Complete Dictionary , which has already been read by more than 1 million readers around the world, in several languages.
I hope this book will raise individual and collective awareness of the power each one of us has over their own life and of the fact that healing is possible: it is a matter of accepting ↓♥ to believe it and doing what is needed to get there!
Good reading, and great discoveries!
Lucie Bernier
This dual symbol, often found in this book, represents the energy associated with a mental image or an emotion linked to a situation that I move from my head to my Heart ♥, which then leads to healing in Love or reinforcing a positive attitude.
This book, The 5 Steps to Achieve Healing , will deal of course with health and illness. And I want to make one thing clear at the outset: Everything I assert and write here concerning illness must be read and received with much discernment. Indeed, I shall be asserting a number of things and I want it to be clearly understood that I never shut out the official medical approach, to which we must be grateful for everything good it brings us. Like each and every one of us, I am totally free regarding my health and I can go and consult a health professional if I feel the need for it, or not do so if that suits me better. The information I give in this book is information of a psychosomatic nature, which is likely to be also useful at the psychological level. I therefore state that in no way am I making any diagnoses of any nature whatsoever. It must therefore be very clear that everything I write about and explain here involves an approach that is complementary to that of medicine, of all medical systems, an approach that does not replace them in any way. Besides, in the chapter on Knowledge, I broadly sketch out the knowledge that has made and is still making healing possible, by official medicine as well as by the alternative medicines. On the other hand, I want to add that I have been working since 1978 on all the principles included in this book, namely in vitamin therapy (from 1978 to 1988) with an orthomolecular approach, and then in personal growth as a workshop leader, a therapist and a speaker since 1988.
As a reader, in everything I will feel fully free to pick out only what suits me, and whether I think that the author who wrote all that is just great, or not – both cases being possible – will depend entirely on the point of view I will take.
The rules of the game are now set out. I, as the author, will assert some things and refuse others; I, the reader, am free to accept ↓♥ or refuse, or think, do and act as I wish to. The important thing remains to have received some information. My role as the author is to reveal what I know, to provide information from the experience I have acquired over the years, to share my certainties and my experience, while leaving everyone free to agree or reject, ultimately to make decisions about their own life.
It is therefore possible that l, the reader, may well not absolutely agree with some of the statements asserted in the pages of this book. Therefore, instead of denying them outright, it will be in my best interest, then, although they do not suit me for now, for me to read them and put them aside in a memory drawer in my brain because, who knows, in a week, a month, a year or ten years, I may recall having read something that made sense and that would be pleasant or useful to retrieve today.
While reading today, I will simply take what suits me of course, but I will not reject out of hand those things that suit me less; I will simply set them aside and pursue my reading.
To achieve healing, my experience has led me to define five important steps. I will explain each step, and I have noticed that sometimes only one or two of the steps are enough for my healing, but in certain cases, two or three or all five are necessary for healing to take place in me. All the principles I will read about may seem a little heavy or a little complicated after a while, and I will sometimes feel that there are so many things that need to be changed in my life that I will feel weary. But no, I remember: I only take what I feel capable of applying, what suits me; the rest, I can digest gradually later on.
Thus, I will begin to put into practice what appears simple, gradually, at my own pace, one step at a time, and I will watch the results in my life before adding on anything more. I don’t need to change everything in my life immediately and suddenly.
Besides, if I were to suddenly change my diet completely for a new perfect diet or simply for a better one (for instance, eliminate sweet sodas, coffee, meat and everything containing chemical preservatives), my body may well be seriously disturbed. And this disturbance will not be due to my new, healthier diet as such, but to the sudden rapid major change itself. I did not allow my body the time to acclimatize, to get used to it, and such an abrupt mutation will stress it, so that instead of getting better, I will start feeling worse.
Any change creates stress
And it creates stress whether this change is seen as positive or negative. This notion of stress was developed by Doctor Hans Selye, considered as the “father of stress”, not because he was stressed himself but because he was the one who explained this phenomenon. He developed t