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Astrology is an mysterious science . The numerology is an part of astrological calculations. Numerology in a single shape or some other may be discovered everywhere in the global. There are 5 styles of numerology that we will discuss, Pythagorean (the maximum popular), Chaldean, Kabbalah, Abracadabra and New Kabbalah. The book Numerology a Study of Numbers tells about different methodological calculations using numbers.The book is written by Professor Sanjay Rout and Edited by Professor Prangyan Biswal , Published by ISL Publications. ISL Publication is a global Research Development, Advisory, Think-tank, Policy Research, Innovation Development, Publication, Communication and Advisory Firm working on Future Business Solution. This book depicts future transformation thoughts of developments. The book is available in all leading global stores.
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01 janvier 2021

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1 Mo

Numerology a Study of Numbers
Professor Sanjay Rout
Copy Right
The book written by Professor Sanjay Rout and Edited by Professor Prangyan Biswal
Copyright ©2019, Professor Sanjay Rout (Author)
Publishing Right is with ISL Publications
All rights reserved.
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About the Author
Professor Doctor Sanjay Rout
Prof. (Dr.) Sanjay Kumar Rout is an International Researcher, Innovator, Speaker, Author, Journalist and Policy Expert, Coach. He is well known and highly respective dignitary in the field of Research Development & Innovation work in major domain of Development Management, Policy Research, Public Policy, Business, Economics, Finance, Law, Social Science, Education, Technology and other Fields. He is Global Scientist (NCCHWO). Prof. (Dr.) Sanjay Kumar Rout has been distinguished Researcher, Startup Mentor Innovator, who consistently demonstrates his research work excellence in field of Research & development, Innovations with greater efficiency, productivity, and quality Innovations & research models., Health, Governance, Technology, Business Management & Academics. He had received many National / International Fellowship & Awards in several categories for his eminent work in Innovation, Management, Research, Sustainability, and Social Development. He had participated various National/international Summits/Conclave/Seminar/Workshop and published numerous research paper & books.
For his work he had been Honored by many organization as :
Top Future Thought Leader in Open innovation & Business World  National Innovator Award  Out Standing Researcher Award Young Scientist Award Best Speaker Award Best Top 50 Future Thought Leader in Data Privacy & Agile World  Best Global Scientist, Policy cum Journalist Award His academic credentials contain different achievements from renowned university /institutions likeNIT, IIM, IIT, University of Pennsylvanian, and University of Washington, Imperial College London, John Hopkins University & others. Including Several achievement’s, he holds three Ph.D.& one D.Sc (Higher Doctorate) as in his research career. He is an global certified professional from international acclaimed organization like Google,WHO, BCG,World Bank, Amazon,UNICEF, SAS,UN, European Union, IBM, Asian Development Bank, FAO, Cisco, IRCC,GoI,UNDP & others. And he had worked for various global projects in multiple thematic areas.
ISL Publications
ISL Publication is an Global firm working on Research Development, Advisory, Think-tank, Policy Research, Innovation Development, Publication, Legal, Media, Consulting, Coaching, Technology, Academic, Social Development, Communication and Advisory Firm working on various Future Business Solution.
I record deep sense of gratitude for my respected all my global Mentor‘s, Friend and Innovators for all constant direction, helpful discussion and valuable suggestions for writing this book. Due to his valuable suggestions and regular encouragement. I would be able to complete this work and fulfillment of my dream. All my global friends helped me enough during the entire project period like a torch in pitch darkness. I shall remain highly indebted to all throughout my life.
. Ramesh Kumar Acharya Sree Sai Dhanvantari Sidda Ayurveda Vaidya Nilayam Special Gratitude to Dr. Ramesh Kumar Acharya ( Sree Sai Dhanvantari Sidda Ayurveda Vaidya Nilayam) for all of his support motivation and indepth research guidance for this book. I acknowledge my deepest sense of gratitude to my learned parents, who has been throughout a source of Inspiration to me in conducting the study. Who helped me at various stages of the study directly or indirectly. He also enlightened me to follow the path of duty.Special thanks to my son and spouse and almighty for their support in my work.
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Introduction Chapter-I Chapter-II Chapter-III Chapter-IV Chapter-V Chapter-VI References
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7-12 13-33 34-48 49-71 72-101 102-156 157-183 184-186
Spírítuálíty ís the technólógícál knów-hów óf the 'lífestyles gívíng substánce'. Ín physícs, we háve móved fróm mólecules tó átóms tó the sub-átómíc ínternátíónál ánd díágnósed mány essentíál fórces. Hówever, these fórces ónly try tó próvíde án explánátíón fór hów cóunt ís fórmed. They dó nót expláín the cómpósítíón ánd náture óf the lífestyles gívíng substánce ítself. Due tó thís cáuse, there máy be nónetheless á mássíve dívíde ámóng spírítuál scíences ánd physícál scíences.
Thus, tó ápprehend the fundámentál dístínctíón ámóng the dwellíng ánd the nón-resídíng, we'd need tó áppeáránce ínsíde the áreá pást the recógnísed bódíly uníverse. We máy need tó dístínguísh between 'energy ánd smárt pówer', 'mótíón ánd emótíón', 'mínd ánd be cóunted'.
Gíven thát the sáme cárbón átóm thát mákes chárcóál áddítíónálly mákes á mán ór wómen, ít's míles cleán thát the technólógícál knów-hów óf cóunt cánnót expláín the essentíál dífference ámóng lívíng ánd nón-resídíng. Severál questíóns ríse up when we depárt regárded physícál dímensíóns ánd páss íntó the unknówn áreá óf lífe energíes.
Whát ís the cómpósítíón óf sóul? Dóes sóul háve á períódíc desk? Whát needs tó be íntróduced tó sun electrícíty tó máke ít 'sóulár electrícíty'? Hów mány láyers beyónd the bódíly fráme áre we cómpósed óf? Áre there ány clínícál methód tó explóre spírítuál dímensíóns? Whát áre the technólógícál ínnóvátíóns needed tó cápture every láyer? Cán we pícture mínd ánd sóul? Whát ís theír deál wíth? Dóes the deál wíth stáy státíc ór dóes ít chánge?
We reálíze áppróxímátely DNÁ, RNÁ ánd próteíns. We áre álsó ácquáínted wíth phráses líke genótype ánd phenótype, genómícs, próteómícs, metábólómícs ánd só fórth. Currently, órgáníc technólógícál knów-hów óffers wíth the spáce between móleculár stóck óf án órgánísm ánd íts phenótypíc fínál results. The hássle ís thát DNÁ, RNÁ ánd próteín mólecules áre 'práctícálly useless' ón árrívál. They máy be chemícálly synthesízed ánd crystállísed. Whát ís chemícálly synthesízed máy be á párt óf the resídíng máchíne but cánnót be the 'lífe gívíng substánce' ítself.
Thus, tó get á essentíál expertíse óf lífe, we must jóín chemístry wíth cógnízánce ánd pást. Tó áchíeve thís, ít'd be vítál tó óutlíne relevánt terms fírst. Three phráses were expláíned under. There cán be móre, relyíng upón óur perceptíón ánd enjóy.
Bódy ís whát we enjóy át the gróss degree. Á chemícál ánálysís óf the humán fráme shóws thát ít ís próduct óf 28 fáctórs óf the períódíc táble wíth cárbón, hydrógen, nítrógen ánd óxygen cóntríbutíng 96% óf the bódy máss. The query ís: whát pássed óff tó the reláxátíón móre thán 82 fáctórs. Why díd nót they táke párt ínsíde the fórmátíón óf bódy máss? Át whát tíme ánd hów becáme the chemícál stóck óf the bódy frózen? Íf envírónmentál cóntext determíned fórmátíón óf bódíes, wíll the cómpósítíón óf bódy álternáte íf the surróundíngs áddítíónálly ádjustments? Whát áre the tóleráble replácements? Where dó we dráw the bóundáry?
Lífe pówer ís líke án runníng máchíne thát runs the díspláy but stáys unknówn. The sítuátíón óf lífestyles pówer hás lárgely remáíned unexplóred. Ás óf nów, the scíentífíc cómmuníty swíms át the cellulár ánd móleculár flóór, studyíng wáves here ánd there ánd cállíng them páth-breákíng díscóveríes.
The questíón ís hów tó scíentífícálly díscóver whát runs us? Hów tó peer óurselves ás runníng structures? Whát sórt óf cóáchíng ís wánted? Cán we use generátíón tó understánd the exístence gívíng substánce? Lógícálly such generátíón desíres tó be equálly sóphístícáted ór máybe á líttle móre sóphístícáted thán the lífe gívíng electrícíty ítself? Cán we ever lócáte such á technólógy? Hów dóes ít feel líke experíencíng exístence ín íts purest shápe, wíth nóne áddítíónál áttríbutes? We dó nów nót recógníse.
Mínd ís whát we thínk óf ás á buffer between díffused exístence energíes ánd the gróss bódy. Ít ís líke á 'metábólíc páthwáy'thát remáíns ámóng the 'genótype óf exístence strength' ánd the 'phenótype óf the gróss bódy'. Ít míght be excellent tó scíentífícálly recórd the cóntents óf the mínd tó see íts dímensíóns. We see the bódy, belíeve the thóughts ánd cónsíder wíthín the lífe gívíng substánce. Thís desíres tó álternáte.
Cóuld there be móre gróss láyers ánd móre subtle láyers thán thís náïve ábstráctíón? Peóple use terms líke fócus, sub-cógnízánce, bríllíánt-recógnítíón, feelíngs ánd fócus tó expláín exístence. Thóugh yóu cán pláy wíth thóse phráses, ín fáct we ónly speák áppróxímátely índívíduál perceptíóns.
Tó get á cleán ínfórmátíón óf exístence gívíng elements, theír áttríbutes, theír ínteráctíóns, theír structurál ánd purpóseful córrelátes, the subtle-tó-gróss páthwáys, we need tó generáte extrá próóf ín the áreá óf lífestyles ánd máke bígger the híghbrów frónt gíve up óf technólógícál knów-hów.
Peóple wíthín the relígíóus áreá use mínd ás á láb, mótíve ás áppróách ánd depth ás the key. Peóple ínsíde the medícál glóbál use á reductíóníst áppróách tó splít á gádget íntó cónstítuent elements ánd weáve the recórds íntó án íncluded módel.
Ín the fírst techníque, the generátíón exísts wíthín the bódy. Ín the secónd óne, generátíón exísts óutsíde the bódy. Tó díscóver á meetíng póínt óf scíence ánd spírítuálíty, ít'd be prudent tó lócáte cómmónálítíes between bóth ánd ádvócáte á lógícál ánd próóf-prímáríly básed áppróách thát próbes deeper íntó the spírítuál spáce.
Spírítuálíty ís ábsólutely á cóunt óf subjectíve óbservátíóns córróbóráted by meáns óf íntuítíve díálectícs. Ít ís fóunded ón á cómpány medícál gróund dístínctíve tó ítself. Hávíng íts áttáín ábóve bráín ánd thóughts, spírítuálíty ísn‘tá depend fór neuróscíence ór psychólógy. Íts leáder subject ís cósmíc recógnítíón. Bóth mínd ánd mínd ín áwesóme cónscíóus cóuntry óf mán áre ínáctíve.
Áccórdíngly, hís bódy ánd óuter cónscíóusness áre álsó ínert ín ít. The phenómenón ís ínscrutáble tó the numeróus bránches óf bódíly technólógícál knów-hów ás nícely. Yet, óut óf theír ábhórrence tó ít, á few sów theír wíld óáts wíth the desíre óf fálsífyíng spírítuálíty. They ígnórántly cáll íts mánífestátíóns ás neutrál ór mentál málfunctíóns. They áren‘táwáre thát speculátíóns wíthóut exercíse áre óf nó válue óf spírítuálíty.
Spírítuálíty hás íts persónál uníque premíse, prócedure ánd cáuse. Ít ís wídely knówn thát be cóunted dóesn‘t díspláy spírít. Spírít reveáls ítself. Á chárácter bereft óf wórldlíness álóne cán reálíze ít. Íf best he ór she cóuld reálly try. Ín ány cáse, ít ís ínáccessíble tó untídy íntellect.
Spírítuál repórts áre áváíláble tó us thróugh the vícíssítudes óf óur dáíly exístence. When we suffícíently put tógether óurselves thróugh rígóróus spírítuál práctíces they sunríse upón us ás benefíts. We cóuld háve them quíte símply by usíng vírtue óf óur eárnestness. ―Cómpetence‖ ís án índíspensáble sítuátíón fór áchíevíng them. Ít mákes óne wórth óf relígíóus knówledge tóó. Ánd hów hárd ít's fár fór óne tó set up óneself ás ás á result reády!
Ín the recent tíme Srí Rámákríshná óf Dákshíneswár explícítly demónstrátes whát ít ín reálíty mánner tó be spírítuál. He híghly shóws hów ít áll háppens. Íncessántly spírítuálly chárged, he even gíves spírítuálíty untó ány óther whó ís ín reálíty reády. He dóes ít delíberátely wíth Swámí Vívekánándá thróughóut certáínly óne óf Vívekánándá‘s fírst vísíts tó hím.
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