Great Paranormal Clash , livre ebook









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A tense dialogue between two different sides of the paranormal debate. Billy Roberts, one of the UK's leading stage psychics, throws down the gauntlet to Dr. O'Keeffe, sceptical voice to paranormal shows such as Living TV's Most Haunted and Jane Goldman Investigates. The Clairvoyant is saying - "Poltergeists, ghosts, telepathic powers - how can you not believe?!" And in sections devoted to different paranormal topics, The Clairvoyant and The Parapsychologist provide their opinions, formed from years of experience, and then interrogate each other. Just listen to what each has to say, and then make up your own mind. The Truth is Out There, finding it is the difficult part.
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Date de parution

14 juillet 2011





Front Matter................................................. 3 Tîte Page .................................................. 3 Pubîser ïnormatîon ................................ 4 ïntroductîon .............................................. 6 Foreword ................................................... 8 Acknowedgements.................................... 12
he Great Paranorma Cas ....................... 13 he Parapsycoogîst & he Caîrvoyant .... 13 DeInîng te Paranorma .......................... 25 Medîumsîp & Communîcatîng ..............31 Questîon Tîme - Part 1............................. 50 Gosts & hîngs tat go ‘Bump’ în te Nîgt!................................. 63 Perceptîons o te Spîrît Word .................. 75 he Trut about Medîums?....................... 79 Questîon Tîme - Part 2........................... 102 Dîvînatîon metods ............................... 111 Medîtatîon ............................................ 130 Superstîtîon ........................................... 133 Spîrîtua Heaîng ................................... 142 he Caîrvoyant & he Parapsycoogîst .. 147 Fîna hougts....................................... 159
Back Matter.............................................. 162 Furter Readîng..................................... 162 Aso Avaîabe ........................................ 164
THE GREAT PARANORMAL CLASH Dr. Cîarán Keefe and Bîy Roberts Foreword by Jane Godman APEX PUBïSHïNG TD
Publîser Inormatîon Hardback Irst pubîsed în 2008 by Apex Pubîsîng td www.apexpubîsî Dîgîta edîtîon converted and Dîstrîbuted în 2011 by Andrews UK îmîted Copyrîgt © 2008 by Dr. Cîarán Keefe and Bîy Roberts he autors ave asserted teîr mora rîgts A rîgts reserved. hîs book îs sod subject to te condîtîon, tat no part o tîs book îs to be reproduced, în any sape or orm. Or by way o trade, stored în a retrîeva system or transmîtted în any orm or by any means, eectronîc, mecanîca, potocopyîng, recordîng, be ent, re-sod, îred out or oterwîse cîrcuated în any orm o bîndîng or cover oter tan tat în wîc ît îs pubîsed and wîtout a sîmîar condîtîon, încudîng tîs condîtîon beîng împosed on te subsequent purcaser, wîtout prîor permîssîon o te copyrîgt oder. Typeset în 10.5pt Gî Sans MT Productîon Manager: Crîs Cowîn Cover Desîgn: Sîoban Smît Prînted and bound în Great Brîtaîn by Bîddes td., Kîng’s ynn, Norok
ï woud îke to dedîcate tîs book to my wîe Doy, or er understandîng and support. ï woud aso îke to gîve my tanks to Cîarán O' Keefe, or sowîng enoug înterest în my work and or sarîng îs tougts and expertîse wît me în wrîtîng tîs book.
Bîy Roberts:
Introductîon By Cîarán O’Keefe Our Irst meetîngs were a îtte tense. ïn act, te very Irst tîme we met, any outsîde observer mîgt ave tougt ît ad te same tense atmospere as a due. We were îteray “trowîng down te gauntet” beore anytîng was saîd. he Parapsycoogîst was raîsîng a provocatîve eyebrow and amost sayîng “prove ît” wîst he Caîrvoyant was sayîng “prove ï can’t”. he seed o a dîaogue between two dîferent sîdes o te paranorma was panted. Wen we orîgînay dîscussed tîs project we ad vîsîons o ît beîng “he Parapsycoogîst versus he Caîrvoyant”, a batte between two opposîng vîewpoînts. Ater numerous extended unces at te Neîgbourood Caé wen our vîewpoînts became concrete and our openness towards eac oter became cemented over a gass o wîne, we reaîsed tîs wasn’t a batte. My sceptîca vîew îs requenty mîsînterpreted as cynîca. Bîy, îkewîse, as îs sceptîca, and even cynîca, moments.he book was utîmatey wrîtten by us by comîng up wît topîcs we wanted to dîscuss. Sometîmes tîs resuted în a brîe dîscussîon over unc, sometîmes ît merey entaîed one o us gîvîng a topîc area or capter tîte to te oter. We woud, or te most part, wrîte our parts îndependenty o eac oter.We’d ten pu togeter a ew capters and read tem, notîng down questîons and ten returnîng tem to te oter or a response. So te ormat became sectîons were we întroduced varîous paranorma topîcs and eac gave our vîews on tem, întertwîned wît questîon sectîons were we eac înterrogated te oter. hîs contînued untî we reaîsed we needed to stop somew are so many topîcs to cover în te paranorma tat tîs ad te potentîa o beîng an encycopaedîa rater tan a book.Wen you take a gance at some o te topîcs dîscussed but not încuded or tose stî to cover you’ understand exacty wat ï mean: spîrît possessîon, UFOS, exorcîsm, stîgmata, reîncarnatîon, astroarcae- oogy, water-dîvînîng, aîen
abductîon, ey înes, SHC, crop cîrces, even ycantropy and even cupacabra! Wat you’re about to read, tereore, are capters were we ave gîven our opînîons on varîous paranorma topîcs. hese opînîons are based on our experîence and knowedge gaîned over te years. Eac sectîon îs eaded so te reader knows wo îs sayîng wat, essentîay îke readîng two books în one. Togeter we present our vîews on a manner o paranorma penomena, rarey seeîng eye-to-eye, but never causîng back eyes by aggressîvey puncîng ome a poînt. îsten to wat we eac ave to say, respect eac vîewpoînt, ten make up your own mînd… Cîarán O’Keefe Introductîon By Bîy Roberts As we as respectîng îs proessîona standîng, over te years ï ave come to regard Cîaran O’Keefe as a rîend, and so wrîtîng tîs book wît îm as most probaby been one o te most excîtîng projects, wîc ï ave ever undertaken. Atoug ît mîgt be seen as a conrontatîon o îdeas în paces, te prîmary motîve or wrîtîng ît, was to enîgten tose înterested în te paranorma, as to îts reaîtîes and mîsconceptîons. Even toug în te book we ave come to agree about many tîngs, ï am quîte satîsIed tat we ave acîeved exacty wat we set out to acîeve. Bîy Roberts
Foreword By Jane Godman Cîarán and ï met în te course o makîng te Irst season o te documentary serîes Jane Godman ïnvestîgates, were e accompanîed us on a-nîgt vîgîs, eped us to devîse experîments and reguary gave us te beneIt o îs weat o knowedge and expertîse, bot on and of camera, swîty becomîng an îrrepaceabe cornerstone o te programme. Untî Cîarán came aong, owever, te cardîna rue tat my team and ï ad come to adopt was to do our eve best to keep te makers o poînt and counter-poînt as ar away rom one anoter as possîbe.he contrîbutors încuded medîums, psycometrîsts, dowsers, eaers and gost unters, as we as ordînary îndîvîduas wo ad experîenced extraordînary events, and many ad brougt wît tem an înnate dîstrust o anyone rom te scîentîIc sîde o parapsycoogy, oten based on prevîous bad experîences. But wît Cîarán, tîngs were dîferent. Were once tere ad been arguments tere were now conversatîons. ït was sometîng o a reveatîon. ï came to observe, owever, tat true dîaogue between scîentîst and paranorma practîtîoner wasn’t just about tact or “peope-skîs”, or an afabe personaîty, but a deep understandîng o te beîes and experîences o oters, a sense o curîosîty, a eartet ove o te subject and an abîîty to paray a o te above înto productîve communîcatîon - în oter words, a genuîne excange o înormatîon and îdeas. he sîgnîIcance o tîs was, to my mînd, enormous. he conLîcts my productîon team and ï ad observed - and requenty been caugt up în! - represented în mîcrocosm muc tat îs probematîc în te Ied o paranorma researc. On reLectîon, ï can’t tînk o any oter areas o scîentîIc study were te state o reatîons between te scîentîsts and teîr subjects was quîte so poor
– caracterîsed by aîures o communîcatîon at best and, at worst, downrîgt ostîîty and dîstaîn rom bot sîdes. ï oten wondered weter ît was no coîncîdence tat progress în our understandîng o anomaous uman experîence was so sow - as opposed to, say, our understandîng o uman beavîour or pysîca dîsease. îtte dîd ï know, wen ï Irst wandered înto te word o paranorma study ourteen years ago tat ï was, în act, wakîng înto a batteground. ï expected conLîctîng teorîes, certaîny, and varyîng beîes, but were ï expected to Ind îvey debate ï ound sometîng more akîn to trenc warare, wît pot-sots beîng taken by eîter sîde at anyone wo stuck îs ead over te parapet, and a marked sense tat utîmatey, tere was no ope o vîctory or eîter actîon. As a journaîst and autor o non-Ictîon wo aspîred to upod te “Just te acts ma’am” scoo o neutra reportîng, ï ound myse în no man’s and. And, despîte meetîng a great number o înteîgent and ascînatîng peope rom bot sîdes o te batteIed, ï stî ad a sense o wanderîng în îsoatîon untî ï ad te great good ortune to encounter Cîarán. And boy was ï peased to see îm. Not just a eow traveer troug te aî o crossIre but – î you’ excuse me or stretcîng tîs aready over-extended metapor to wîtîn an înc o ît’s îe – one wo was unaraîd to suggest caîng a truce and avîng a game o înteectua ootba înstead. ï’d aso strugged wît te constant pressure to categorîse my approac to te subject. ï ad quîcky earned tat, în te word o paranorma enquîry, neutraîty seemed not to be a tenabe posîtîon, and tat one coud expect to be caed upon wît some reguarîty to decare one’s aegîance în te most sîmpe terms avaîabe. he maîn coîces, ît appeared, were to be eîter “open-mînded” or “a sceptîc” – soubrîquets wîc temseves made te îssue even more conusîng. For my part, ï certaîny consîdered myse open-mînded (atoug an open-mînd, îke a sense o umour, îs sometîng tat everyone tînks tey ave – even tose wo seem to sow no evîdence or ît watsoever.) But “open-mînded” ad, ît seemed, come to mean “a person wo beîeves în paranorma
expanatîons or unusua penomena”. Wîc dîdn’t descrîbe me wît any great accuracy. To me, teorîes tat purported to sove îe’s mysterîes în a way tat reîed on new and unproven aws o te unîverse were as unsatîsyîng as readîng a abuousy întrîguîng wodunnît ony to be tod at te end tat te buter dîd ît în te ocked room by magîc. Suddeny te mystery îs no onger mysterîous, te întrîgue no onger întrîguîng, and a we’re et wît îs an answer tat doesn’t It în wît ow te word works, and a woe ot more questîons. So was ï a sceptîc? We, în te true sense o te word, ï certaîny was. But în te modern exîcon, te word îs a too oten used to mean “someone wo does not beîeve în paranorma penomena and tînks tat anyone wo caîms oterwîse îs deuded or makîng ît up”. hat wasn’t me eîter. And among many smart, sîncere and rîendy medîums, paranorma researcers and peope ï’d met wo’d ad odd experîences o one kînd or anoter,”sceptîc” was pretty muc on a par wît any o te words you mîgt reac or wen addressîng someone wo ad just rear-ended your car. he îdea sceptîc woud be one wo escapes rom tîs semantîc nîgtmare – a questîoner wo îs bot open-mînded and (în te cassîca sense) sceptîca, a sînîng exampe o one wo adopts a genuîne neutraîty în teîr approac, watever ît may be.A true sceptîc îs not out to prove – as so many o te scîentîsts ï met seemed to be - tat caîms o te anomaous were tere merey to be reuted, rater tan understood. But neîter - îke so many on te non-scîentîIc sîde o te ence – soud tey accept tat some mysterîes ad aready been soved to satîsactîon. My seer deîgt at avîng met Cîarán, ten, wasn’t just about tîngs beîng consîderaby more peasant down te pub at te end o a day’s Imîng (toug tat was certaîny a nîce bonus). ït was about settîng a tempate or an approac to dîaogue and învestîgatîon tat ï stî strîve to emuate myse, and woud unesîtatîngy urge everyone, rom amateurs and students to experts aîke, to adopt. ï’ve not ad te peasure o meetîng Bîy Roberts, but îs eoquence
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