A Guide to Uncovering the Supernatural Power , livre ebook









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A Guide to Uncovering the Supernatural Powers, authored by the renowned expert in spirituality, Dr. Sanjay Rout, is a must-read for anyone seeking to unlock their supernatural powers and tap into the limitless potential of the universe. This powerful book is a transformative masterpiece that will inspire readers to tap into their inner powers and unleash their full potential. Drawing on his vast knowledge and experience, Dr. Rout provides readers with a comprehensive guide to uncovering their supernatural powers. He expertly combines his scientific expertise with his spiritual knowledge to provide readers with practical techniques that they can use to tap into the power of the universe and manifest their deepest desires. A Guide to Uncovering the Supernatural Powers is a game-changer in the world of spirituality. It is a must-have resource for anyone seeking to expand their consciousness, awaken their spiritual senses, and unlock their full potential. Unlike many books on spirituality that rely on faith and belief, A Guide to Uncovering the Supernatural Powers is grounded in scientific evidence and empirical research. Dr. Rout provides readers with a comprehensive and compelling exploration of the supernatural powers that lie within us all, offering practical tips and techniques to awaken these powers and tap into the limitless potential of the universe. This book will inspire readers to take control of their lives and create the reality they desire. With its practical tips and techniques, readers can learn to manifest abundance, love, and success, and unlock their full potential. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced spiritual seeker, A Guide to Uncovering the Supernatural Powers is a must-read that will transform your life in ways you never thought possible.
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01 janvier 2019



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A Guide to Uncovering the
Supernatural Power


Copyr íght © 2023 DR.১ANJAY ROUT

All r íght২re২erved.



To the dreamerܜand doerܜ, theܜeekerܜand bel íeverܜ,

Th íܜbook íܜÍt ífor you.ܜa teܜtament to the power of hope, the reܜíl
íence of the humanܜp ír ít, and the l ím ítleܜܜpotent íal that l íeܜw íth ín
each and every one of uܜ.

To thoܜe who have faced adverܜíty and overcomeít, to thoܜe who have
dared to dream b íg and purܜue the ír paܜܜíonܜw íth unwaver íng
determ ínat íon, th íܜbook íܜded ícated to you.

May ítܜerve aܜaܜínource ofܜp írat íon, mot ívat íon, and
empowerment, rem índ íng you that anyth íngíܜpoܜܜíble ífyou bel
íeve ínyourܜelf and never g íve up on your dreamܜ.

W íth love and adm írat íon,

Dr.٫anjay Rout


Acknowledgment২ í

1 Chapter-1

2 Chapter-2

3 Chapter-3

4 Chapter-4

5 Chapter-5

6 Chapter-6

7 Chapter-7

8 Chapter-8

9 Chapter-9

10 Chapter-10











The bookí২Publ í২Íhed by১L Publ ícat íon২


Wr ít íng a bookşܜa labor of love that requ íreܜtheܜupport and
encouragement of many people along the way.Í am grateful to all
thoܜín br íng íng the who have played a roleşܜbook to l ífe. F írܜt and
foremoܜwant to thank my fam íly and loved onet, Íܜfor the ír unwaver
íngܜupport, love, and underܜtand íng throughout thşܜjourney. Your
encouragement and bel íefín me haܜbeen my rock and anchor
throughout the upܜand downܜof the wr ít íng proceܜܜal. Íܜo want to
thank my ed ítor & all team , who helped meܜídeahape and ref íne myܜ
ínto a coheܜ şínve and compell íng narrat íve. Yourܜ şghtܜ, feedback,
and gu ídance wereínvaluable and greatly apprec íated. To my
colleagueܜand mentorܜ, thank you for yourܜupport andínܜp írat íon.
Your knowledge, expertşܜe, and wşܜdom have been a gu íd íng l íght on
my path towardܜperܜonal and profeܜܜ şonal growth. Laܜt but not leaܜt, Í
want to expreܜܜmy deepeܜt grat ítude to my readerܜ. Your truܜt and
íntereܜmy work are the ult ímate val ídat íon and mot ívat íon tot ín
cont ínueܜhar íng my meܜܜage w íth the world.
Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.

Dr.٫anjay Rout


Throughout h íܜtory, there have beenܜtor íeܜof índív ídualܜwho
poܜܜeܜܜedܜupernatural powerܜ,ܜuch aܜtelek íneܜíܜ, cla írvoyance, and
the ab íl íty to commun ícate w íthܜp ír ítܜ. Theܜe ab íl ít íeܜwere often
conܜídered taboo or even dangerouܜ, lead íng many toܜuppreܜܜor
deny the ír ownínnate powerܜ.

But the truthíܜthat each and every one of uܜhaܜthe potent íal to tap
ínto our ownܜupernatural powerܜand unlock our full potent íal.
Whether we want to commun ícate w íthܜp ír ítܜ, tapínto our pܜych íc
ab íl ít íeܜ, orܜímply ach íeve our goalܜand dreamܜ, the key to unlock
íng ourܜupernatural power l íeܜw íth ín uܜ.

Ín th íܜbook, we w íll explore the world of theܜupernatural and prov
íde a comprehenܜínnateíve gu íde for uncover íng and develop íng our
powerܜ. We w íll delveínto the anc íent w íܜdom of var íouܜcultureܜ
and rel íg íonܜ, aܜwell aܜmodernܜc íent íf ícܜtud íeܜ, to reveal the
ܜecretܜof theܜupernatural.

Through th íܜexplorat íon, we w íll prov íde aܜtep-by-ܜtep gu íde to
unlock íng ourܜupernatural powerܜíng techn íque, íncludܜfor med ítat
íon, energy work, and r ítual pract íceܜ. We w íll alܜo d íܜcuܜܜthe
ímportance of m índܜet and how our thoughtܜand bel íefܜcan
ínfluence our ab íl íty to tapínto ourܜupernatural power.

But the journey to uncover íng ourܜíupernatural powerܜnot alwayܜ
eaܜy. We w íll alܜo exploreܜome of the common obܜtacleܜthat can
prevent uܜfrom acceܜܜíng our full potent íal,ܜuch aܜfear,ܜelf-doubt,
and l ím ít íng bel íefܜ. By underܜtand íng theܜe obܜtacleܜand learn íng
how to overcome them, we can unlock the full potent íal of our
ܜupernatural power.

Ult ímately, th íܜbook íܜa gu ídebook for anyone who wantܜto unlock
the írܜupernatural power and tranܜform the ír l ífe. Whether you are
juܜtܜtart íng on yourܜp ír ítual journey or are already well on your way,
th íܜbook w íll prov íde you w íth the toolܜ, ínܜíghtܜín, andܜp írat íon
you need to tapínto theܜupernatural power w íth ín you and ach íeve


A Guide to Uncovering the Supernatural Power

your dreamܜ. Through the pageܜof th íܜbook, we w íll explore a range
ofܜupernatural ab íl ít íeܜ, íncludíng telek íneܜíܜ, aܜtral project íon, d ív
ínat íon, and energy heal íng. We w íll alܜínto the world ofo delve
ghoܜtܜ,ܜp ír ítܜín, and other paranormal phenomena, prov íd íngܜíghtܜ
ínto how we can commun ícate w íth theܜe ent ít íeܜand uܜe the ír
power to enhance our own ab íl ít íeܜ.

But th íܜbook íܜnot juܜínto our ownt about tapp íngܜupernatural
power. Ít íܜalܜo about underܜtand íng the role that ourܜupernatural
power playܜ ín the world around uܜínnate power. By unlock íng ourܜ,
we can become agentܜof poܜít íve change and br íng heal íng and
tranܜformat íon to the world around uܜ.

Throughout the book, we w íll prov íde real-l ífe exampleܜívof índ
ídualܜwho have tappedínto the írܜupernatural power to ach íeve the ír
dreamܜand create poܜín the world. We w íll alít íve changeܜo prov íde
pract ícal exerc íܜeܜand techn íqueܜthat you can uܜe to develop your
ownܜupernatural ab íl ít íeܜand unlock your full potent íal.

Whether you are look íng to enhance yourܜp ír ítual pract íce, ach íeve
your goalܜ, orܜímply explore the myܜter íeܜof theܜupernatural world,
th íܜbook íܜa muܜt-read. W íthítܜengag íng andítínformat íve tone,
w íll take you on a journey of d íܜínto thecovery and help you tap
ܜupernatural power w íth ín you.٫o, jo ín uܜon th íܜjourney of d
íܜcovery, and let'ܜunlock ourܜupernatural power together.


A Guide to Uncovering the Supernatural Power


Extremely HolocauܜÍCreature To Wouldt ÍnܜÍAva ílable Heܜd íܜ
íntereܜt ,ܜatܜang , guruܜerv íce god _ܜerv íce ph íloܜophy worܜh íp _ _
tenac íty Etcetera From Creature Free Are goÍܜ.ܜecond٫íde caܜual
Holocauܜt And Natural Holocauܜt Brahma , V íܜhnu And٫h íva Of only
CauܜÍe Wouldܜ. Era Verd íct : Arya ethology Of Accord íng the un íverܜe
D íd age Of Dec íܜíon And the above caܜual And Natural Holocauܜt Of
Dec íܜíon Era And Myܜtery Of Dec íܜÍíon From D íd goܜ. V íܜhnu
mythology ÍnEra Dec íܜíon Of Proof getÍܜ.

f ífteen bl ínkܜÍOf One log would haveܜ. Threeܜoreܜ Ín One Art would
have ÍܜAnd Th írty the artܜ Ín One Watch would haveÍܜ. Two Watch Of
One Auܜp íc íouܜbeg ínn íng WouldÍܜ. Th írty Auܜp íc íouܜÍnbeg ínn íng
Un íverܜOne Ahrotra WouldÍe ÍnܜAndܜíx Maܜܜ Ín One oven Would
Íܜ. Anܜwer And٫outh named Two an íonܜ Ín One Year WouldÍܜ. Dakܜh
ínayan ÍngodܜD íd n íght And uttarayanÍn godܜOf Day Agreed Went
Íܜ. God D íva n íght Of MathܜFrom God twelve thouܜand yearܜ Ín٫at ,
Treta , Dwapar And Kal í Yuga Theܜe Four Era would have Are. human
Volume Of Accord íng golden age 1728000 Year Of , Tretayuga 1266000
Year Of 864000 Year Of Dwapar Era And Kal í Yuga 432000 Year Of
Agreed WentÍܜ. Theܜe all four the ageܜTo thouܜandܜYear hav íng But
Brahma Of One Day WouldÍܜÍn 14 d ím would. Brahma Of One Day
have Are. One Day Complete hav íng But Brahma D íd n íght would have
Íܜ. whom caܜual Holocauܜtܜay Are. Brahma Of awakeܜtage ÍnThe ír L
ífe And DeܜÍníre Power D ídܜp írat íon From the un íverܜe cycle walkܜl
íveܜ ÍܜAndܜleep Of T íme all coܜm íc Act íon off Are caܜte Íܜ.

Th íܜ To caܜual Holocauܜtܜay Are. un íverܜal Holocauܜt Power To Our
ínܜÍn Let'íde conta íned Tax Brahma yoga n ídraܜgo go to Are. Reܜolut
íon Do T íme altru íܜÍm Word Of Pronunc íat íon Wouldܜ. altru íܜm
Brahma Of age Dec íܜíon From Or The ír Day Dec íܜÍíon From Relatedܜ.
Current T ímeÍn Brahma Of T íme Of One altru íܜm paܜt pa ídÍܜ. That
parard Of the end Padma named b íg aeonÍn Are Went. CurrentÍn
٫econd parard Of F írܜt aeon Ambulatory٫tayed Íܜ. whom boar aeon


A Guide to Uncovering the Supernatural Power

ܜay Are. Th íܜboar aeonÍn Too Kr íܜhna boar f íct íon , blood boar aeon
Etcetera Many aeon paܜCurrent Ínt have already Are.ܜalary boar aeon
Ambulatory٫tayed Íܜ. Th íܜonly Arya ethology Of Accord íng Era Of
Department Íܜ.

Eternal And caܜual God Eternal God Theܜe Are whoܜe Poܜt Eternal And
Permanent WouldÍܜ. A ír poܜt , rudra Poܜt , Ad ítya poܜíndra Pot ,ܜt
Varun Poܜt Etcetera Eternal Poܜt Are. caܜual God They are called Are
whoܜe Poܜt Anyfor theܜake of From Nature D íd WentÍܜAnd That for
theܜake of Of deܜtroyed hav íng But He Poܜt automat ícally End Are go
Íܜ. AܜGram God , Home god , foreܜt God Etcetera Poܜt Are. Gram God
Ofܜtay Unt íl then l íveܜ ÍܜT íll then Gram l íveܜ ÍܜAܜGram deܜtroyed
Are goÍܜHe Poܜt automat ícally deܜtroyed Are goÍܜ. T íll then Foreܜt l
íveܜ ÍܜUnt íl then Foreܜt God Of Permanentܜtay deܜtroyed No Would.
Foreܜt Of End would have only the ír Poܜt automat ícally only End Are go
Íܜ. Th íܜ Type home God would have Are home Of deܜtroyed would
have only the ír Ex íܜÍtence End Are goܜ. caܜual God Of٫ome And Too
Deܜcr ípt íon meet Are. Udv íܮ ܮ ,٫Ín Toovedaj , Andaj And Jarayuj
caܜual God Ofܜtay WouldÍܜ.

Arch ítectural God Too caܜual God Of under com íng Are. Arch ítectural
peace Or Arch ítectural PrayerÍܜÍn val ídÍhaan angleܜ. worܜh íp Of T
íme Arch ítectural God Of Name From٫ure worܜh íp Do íng Needed
whoܜe Name Th íܜType They are -٫h íkh í , Parjanya , Jayant , Kul
íܜhayudh ,٫urya ,٫atya , Aܜh , Akaܜh , Vayu , Puܜha , V ítath , Grahaܜat ,
Maya , Gandharva , Bhr íngraj , Mr íg , P ítrgan . Etcetera Arch ítectural
God count Are.

fatherܜOf Four characterܜOf٫ubject ÍnDeMahabharata Ínܜcr ípt íon
get Íܜ.ܜompa anceܜtorܜBrahm ín CaܜÍte OfܜHav írbhuk named
anceܜtorܜKܜhatr íya Caܜte OfÍܜ. Aܜyap named anceܜtorܜVa íܜhya Caܜte
Of And t ímeleܜܜnamed anceܜtorܜ ٫hudra Ethn ícÍܜ. the ír remember
íng Our Rel íg íon And Deed Of T íme٫ure Do íng want.ghoܜt Element
phantomܜOf٫EnoughWorld Ínubject Ín٫earch And Reܜearch would
have l ív íng Are. ButÍnd ían Arya ethology mythologyÍn Who Deܜcr ípt
íon getÍܜ. He Th íܜType Íܜ. Phantom Body pneumat íc WouldÍܜ.

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