It’s been ten years since open data first broke onto the global stage. Over the past decade, thousands of programmes and projects around the world have worked to open data and use it to address a myriad of social and economic challenges. Meanwhile, issues related to data rights and privacy have moved to the centre of public and political discourse. As the open data movement enters a new phase in its evolution, shifting to target real-world problems and embed open data thinking into other existing or emerging communities of practice, big questions still remain. How will open data initiatives respond to new concerns about privacy, inclusion, and artificial intelligence? And what can we learn from the last decade in order to deliver impact where it is most needed? The State of Open Data brings together over 60 authors from around the world to address these questions and to take stock of the real progress made to date across sectors and around the world, uncovering the issues that will shape the future of open data in the years to come.WebsiteVisit the State of Open Data website to read the book online, download individual chapters and to read blog posts about the book.
Edited by Tim Davies, Stephen B. Walker, Mor Rubinstein, and Fernando Perini
The State of Open Data H i s t o r i e s a n d H o r i z o n s
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The State of Open Data
H i s t o r i e s a n d H o r i z o n s
African Minds Cape Town
Internaîonal Development Research Centre Oawa • Amman • Montevîdeo • Naîrobî • New Delhî
Open Data for Development (OD4D) Network
Davies, T., Walker, S., Rubinstein, M., & Perini, F. (Eds.). (2019).The State of Open Data: Histories and Horizons. Cape Town and Ottawa: African Minds and International Development Research Centre.
First published in 2019 by African Minds and the International Development Research Centre (IDRC).
African Minds 4 Eccleston Place Somerset West, 7130 Cape Town, South Africa
A copublication with International Development Research Centre PO Box 8500, Ottawa, ON, K1G 3H9, Canada /
The research presented in this publication was carried out with the aid of the Open Data for Development (OD4D) Network and a grant from the International Development Research Centre, Ottawa, Canada. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of IDRC or its Board of Governors.
SECTION 1: OPEN DATA SECTORS AND COMMUNITIES ïnroducîon Chaper 1. Accounaîîy and anî-corrupîon Jorge Florez and Johannes Tonn Chaper 2. Agrîcuure Ruhîe Musker, Ben Schaap, Marîn Parr, and André Laperrîere Chaper 3. Corporae ownershîp Jack Lord Chaper 4. Crîme and jusîce Sandra Elena Chaper 5. Deveopmen assîsance and humanîarîan acîon Caherîne Weaver, Josh Powell, and Heaher Leson Chaper 6. Educaîon Javîera Aenas and Leo Havemann Chaper 7. Envîronmen Selwyn Wîlloughby Chaper 8. Exracîves Anders Pedersen Chaper 9. Geospaîa Renée Sîeber Chaper 10. Governmen Inances Cécîle Le Guen Chaper 11. Heah Mark ïrura Chaper 12. and ownershîp Tîm Davîes and Sumandro Chaapadhyay Chaper 13. Naîona saîsîcs Shaîda Badîee, Caleb Rudow, and Erîc SwansonChaper 14. Teecommunîcaîons Sephen Song Chaper 15. Transpor Pîeer Colpaer and Julîán Andrés Rojas Meléndez Chaper 16. Uran deveopmen Jean-Noé Landry
vîîî x xî
12 17
The State of Open Data
SECTION 2: ISSUES IN OPEN DATA ïnroducîon Chaper 17. Agorîhms and arîIcîa îneîgence Tîm Davîes Chaper 18. Daa înrasrucure Leîgh Dodds and Peer WellsChaper 19. Daa îeracy Marîel Garcîa Mones and Dîrk SlaerChaper 20. Gender equîy Ana Brandusescu and Nnenna Nwakanma Chaper 21. ïndîgenous daa sovereîgny Sephanîe Carroll Raînîe, Tahu Kukuaî, Maggîe Waler, Oscar Luîs Fîgueroa-Rodríguez, Jennîer Walker, and Per Axelsson Chaper 22. Measuremen Danny Lämmerhîr and Ana Brandusescu Chaper 23. Prîvacy Teresa Scassa
Chaper 24.
Chaper 25.
Chaper 26.
Chaper 27.
Chaper 28.
Chaper 29.
Chaper 30.
Cîvî socîey Chrîsopher Wîlson Donors and învesors Fernando Perînî and Mîchael Jarvîs Governmens Barbara-Chîara Ubaldî Journaîss and he medîa Alex Howard and Eva Consanaras Muîaera organîsaîons Craîg Hammer Prîvae secor Joel Gurîn, Carla Bonîna, and Seaan Verhuls Researchers Françoîs van Schalkwyk
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SECTION 4: OPEN DATA AROUND THE WORLD ïnroducîon Chaper 31. Easern Europe and Cenra Asîa Lejla Sadîku and Yaera Chung Chaper 32. European Unîon Ruus Pollock and Danny Lämmerhîr Chaper 33. aîn Amerîca and he Carîean Sîlvana Fumega and Maurîce McNaughon Chaper 34. Mîdde Eas and Norh Arîca Nagla Rîzk, Nancy Salem, and Seanîe Felsberger Chaper 35. Norh Amerîca, Ausraîa, and New Zeaand Davîd Eaves, Ben McGuîre, and Audrey Carson Chaper 36. Souh, Eas, and Souheas Asîa Mîchael Canares Chaper 37. Su-Saharan Arîca Leonîda Muuku and Teg-wende ïdrîss (Tîno)
Concusîon and recommendaîons
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The edîors woud îke o hank he ïnernaîona Deveopmen Research Cenre (ïDRC) or îs suppor o he Sae o Open Daa projec rom începîon o concusîon, wîhou whîch hîs puîcaîon woud no have een possîe. We wîsh o aso acknowedge he ongoîng efors o he Open Daa or Deveopmen (OD4D) nework o hep creae open daa ecosysems around he word în order o spur socîa change, încrease governmen ransparency, suppor he Susaînae Deveopmen Goas (SDGs), and or îs ongoîng commîmen o promoîng and undersandîng he împac o open daa, resuîng în he puîcaîon o hîs voume. OD4D has receîved suppor rom ïDRC, he Word Bank, he Unîed Kîngdom’s Deparmen or ïnernaîona Deveopmen (DFïD), he Wîîam and Fora Hewe Foundaîon, and Goa Afaîrs Canada. The Sae o Open Daa projec îs he resu o a coaoraîon, drawîng on înpu rom over 200 îndîvîduas. Auhors have eneIed rom îndependen revîews y memers o he Edîorîa Board and învîed revîewers, as we as he înpu o many more conrîuors durîng he eary onîne “Envîronmen Scan” sage o he projec. We have endeavoured o credî a non-anonymous conrîuîons, u know here wî have een înpu and suggesîons ofered a workshops or în conversaîons ha are no recorded eow. ï you were a conrîuor o he Sae o Open Daa projec în any way, we hank you. The Sae o Open Daa projec owes îs greaes de o a o he auhors who have come ogeher o conrîue chapers o hîs voume, rîngîng o he projec an unprecedened eve o experîse and knowedge, as we as a dîversîy o învauae experîence. We have încuded more specîIc înormaîon on every auhor în each chaper. We woud îke o recognîse and hank a he memers o The Sae o Open Daa’s dedîcaed Edîorîa Board, our exremey knowedgeae eam o peer revîewers, and a hose who have provîded addîîona assîsance o he auhors hrough heîr conrîuîon o he envîronmena scans or o he deveopmen o he chapers în hîs voume.
The edîors aso wîsh o hank and acknowedge Jean-Noé andry and he eam a OpenNorh or heîr învauae suppor o he projec’s admînîsraîve processes. Specîa hanks are due o he enîre Arîcan Mînds producîon eam:Sîmon Chîse, eîh Davîs, and Tessa Boha, as we as Arîcan Mînds Dîrecor, Françoîs van Schakwyk, or hîs parnershîp în he puîshîng process. Fînay, he projec aso owes a grea de o Noa Haddadîan, he Puîsher a ïDRC, or her îreess suppor and paîence hroughou he puîshîng and edîorîa revîew process wîhou whîch he projec woud no have een reaîsed.
The State of Open Data
About the edîtors
Tîm Davîesîs an acîvîs, researcher, and socîa enrepreneur, who has een workîng on hemes reaed o open daa sînce 2009. He was Research ead or he Irs wo years o he ïDRC/Word Wîde We Foundaîon’s “Exporîng he Emergîng ïmpacs o Open Daa în Deveopîng Counrîes” research nework and coordînaed he Irs wo edîîons o he goa Open Daa Baromeer. He co-ounded Open Daa Servîces Co-op în 2015 o suppor ongoîng deveopmen o open daa înrasrucures, încudîng he Open Conracîng Daa Sandard (OCDS) and daa sandards or corporae ransparency. He was serîes edîor or he Open Daa Charer Open-Up Guîdes on anî-corrupîon and agrîcuure. A socîa researcher y raînîng, Tîm has een a eow o he Berkman Cenre or ïnerne and Socîey and has sudîed a he Oxord ïnerne ïnsîue and Unîversîy o Souhampon We Scîence Cenre. He ogs ahp://www.îmdavî wees ahps://www.wîîmdavîes.
Sephen B. Wakerîs he ormer Dîrecor Genera responsîe or eadîng open governmen and open daa or he Governmen o Canada, where he deveoped and împemened naîona poîcîes, programmes, and înrasrucure o advance open daa. A he înernaîona eve, Seve was dîrecy învoved în he deveopmen o he G8 Open Daa Charer as we as he Open Daa Charer. He aso chaîred he Open Governmen Parnershîp’s Workîng Group on Open Daa. More receny, Seve has worked wîh he Open Daa or Deveopmen (OD4D) nework and managed he ïnernaîona Open Daa Conerence. Seve aso runs hîs own consuîng company, True Norh Consuîng, specîaîsîng în advancîng open daa and ransparency poîcîes and pracîces. Seve wees înrequeny ahps://www.wî
Mor Rubînseînîs an open daa pracîîoner wîh more han en years o experîence. She was a Communîy Coordînaor and he ead Researcher or Open Knowedge ïnernaîona’s Goa Open Daa ïndex. She îs curreny he as Manager or 360Gîvîng, a UK înîîaîve or openîng up phîanhropîc grans daa or eer gran-makîng. She îs aso he co-ounder and coordînaor o he Open Heroînes communîy, a goa communîy or women în open daa, open governmen, and cîvîc ech. She hods a Maser o Scîence în Socîa Scîence o he ïnerne rom he Oxord ïnerne ïnsîue. You can oow her on Twîer ahps://www.wîîckî.
Fernando Perînîa Senîor Programme Specîaîs a Canada’s ïnernaîona Deveopmen îs Research Cenre (ïDRC), where he coordînaes he Open Daa or Deveopmen (OD4D) programme. OD4D îs a goa parnershîp ha suppors souhern eadershîp and ocay ed daa ecosysems around he word as a way o spur posîîve socîa change and susaînae deveopmen. You can oow Fernando on Twîer ahps://www.wîînî.