Knowledge for Justice: Critical Perspectives from Southern African-Nordic Research Partnerships , livre ebook









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With the adoption of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Agreement, the purpose of development is being redefined in both social and environmental terms. Despite pushback from conservative forces, change is accelerating in many sectors. To drive this transformation in ways that bring about social, environmental and economic justice at a local, national, regional and global levels, new knowledge and strong cross-regional networks capable of foregrounding different realities, needs and agendas will be essential. In fact, the power of knowledge matters today in ways that humanity has probably never experienced before, placing an emphasis on the roles of research, academics and universities.In this collection, an international diverse collection of scholars from the southern African and Nordic regions critically review the SDGs in relation to their own areas of expertise, while placing the process of knowledge production in the spotlight. In Part I, the contributors provide a sober assessment of the obstacles that neo-liberal hegemony presents to substantive transformation. In Part Two, lessons learned from North–South research collaborations and academic exchanges are assessed in terms of their potential to offer real alternatives. In Part III, a set of case studies supply clear and nuanced analyses of the scale of the challenges faced in ensuring that no one is left behind.This accessible and absorbing collection will be of interest to anyone interested in North–South research networks and in the contemporary debates on the role of knowledge production.The Southern African–Nordic Centre (SANORD) is a network of higher education institutions that stretches across Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Botswana, Namibia, Malawi, South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Universities in the southern African and Nordic regions that are not yet members are encouraged to join.
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Date de parution

10 mai 2017

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Poids de l'ouvrage

2 Mo

K n o w  e d g e  o r j u s t î c e
Critical perspectives from southern AfricanNordic research partnerships
K now edge  o r j ustîce
Critical perspectives from southern AfricanNordic research partnerships
Edited by Tor Halvorsen, Hilde Ibsen, HenriCount Evans and Sharon Penderis
Publîshed în 0 by Afrîcan Mînds  Eccleston Place, Somerset West, 0, Cape Town, South Afrîca înfo@afrîcanmî www.afrîcanmî and The Southern Afrîcan-Nordîc Centre Unîversîty of the Western Cape, Prîvate Bag X, Bellvîlle,  Tel: +   0 0
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Acronyms and abbrevîatîons ïntroductîon Tor Halvorsen, Hilde Ibsen, Henri-Count Evans and Saron Penderis
Pà I:KNOWLEDGE AND NEO-LIBERALISM 1 he Sustaînabe Deveopment Goas, knowedge productîon and te goba strugge over vaues  Tor Halvorsen 2he Sustaînabe Deveopment Goas, te Parîs Agreement and te Addîs Agenda: Neo-îberaîsm, unequa deveopment and te rîse o a new împerîaîsm  Henri-Count Evans and Rosemary Musvipwa 3 Academîc reedom and îts enemîes: Lessons rom Sweden  Jens Stilof Sörensen and Erik J Olsson 4 New pubîc management as a mecanîsm o accumuatîon by dîspossessîon: he case o a pubîc buk water provîder în Sout Arîca  Carina van Rooyen 5 To It or not to It, îs tat te questîon? Goba goas, basîc educatîon and teorîes o knowedge în Sout Arîca and Sweden  Hilde Ibsen, Saron Penderis and Karin Bengtsson 6 Academîa în te context o constraînt and a perormatîve SDG agenda: A perspectîve on Sout Arîca  Suriamurtee Maistry and Erlend Eidsvik
Pà II:NORT–SOUT COLLABORATION 7 Contrîbutîng to te agenda or sustaînabe deveopment troug Nort–Sout educatîona partnersîps: An anaysîs o two Lînnaeus-Pame staf–student excanges between Sweden and Sout Arîca  Kate Rowntree and Roddy Fox
vii 1
8Preparîng to buîd researcers’ capacîty în deveopment and communîty mobîîsatîon: Towards sustaînabe Nort–Sout coaboratîons  hembinkosi E Mabila and Racel J Sing 9 Nort–Sout researc coaboratîon and te Sustaînabe Deveopment Goas: Caenges and opportunîtîes or academîcs  Stepen Mago 10 Educatîon or empoyabîîty: A response to îndustry demands  Robert L Martin, Regina Krause, Marta T Namutuwa, Evgenia Maler and Hartmut Domröse
Pà III:CASE STUDIES 11 Contextua actors afectîng te attaînment o îe satîsactîon among edery peope în Zambîa’s Nort-Western provînce189  Mubiana K Sitali-Ngoma and Emmy H Mbozi 12Home–scoo reatîons and te roe o îndîgenous knowedge în eary îteracy earnîng: A case study rom a rura scoo în Zambîa207  Anne Marit Vesteraas Danbolt, Dennis Banda, Jørgen Klein and Geofrey Tambulukani 13Reocatîon o te omestead: A customary practîce în te communa areas o nort-centra Namîbîa227  Antti Erkkilä and Nelago Indongo
About te contrîbutors
Féquély uŝé àcôymŝ à àévîàîôŝ
CDM Cean Deveopment Mecanîsm CEO cîe executîve oicer DFïD Department or ïnternatîona Deveopment ECTS European Credît Transer System FDï oreîgn dîrect învestment GCïs green campus înîtîatîves GïS geograpîc înormatîon systems ïAU ïnternatîona Assocîatîon o Unîversîtîes ïCT înormatîon and communîcatîons tecnoogy ïPPE ïnternatîona Programme în Poîtîcs and Economîcs ïTMOs înternatîonay transerred mîtîgatîon outcomes ïWRM întegrated water resource management LEMS Lîteracy Educatîon în Mutîîngua Settîngs MDGs Mîennîum Deveopment Goas MSRDT Mutîdîscîpînary student and researc deveopment teams NOQA Nordîc Quaîty Assurance Network în Hîger Educatîon NPM new pubîc management NRF Natîona Researc Foundatîon OECD Organîsatîon or Economîc Co-operatîon and Deveopment PïSA Programme or ïnternatîona Student Assessment PPPs pubîc–prîvate partnersîps PRP Prîmary Readîng Programme PUPs pubîc–pubîc partnersîps SANORD Soutern Arîcan–Nordîc Centre SAQMEC Soutern and Eastern Arîca Consortîum or Monîtorîng Educatîona Quaîty SDGs Sustaînabe Deveopment Goas SDSN Sustaînabe Deveopment Soutîons Network SWOT strengts, weaknesses, opportunîtîes and treats UNDP Unîted Natîons Deveopment Programme UNFCCC Unîted Natîons Framework Conventîon on Cîmate Cange UNRïSD Unîted Natîons Researc ïnstîtute or Socîa Deveopment VoB Voîce o Busîness WïL work întegrated earnîng WHO Word Heat Organîzatîon WTO Word Trade Organîzatîon
Iôucîô Tor Halvorsen, Hilde Ibsen, Henri-Count Evansand Saron Penderis
THis is tHe tHird book in a seriestat as evoved out o conerences osted by te Soutern-Arîca-Nordîc Centre (SANORD), were researcers rom te soutern Arîcan and te Nordîc countrîes ave met to dîscuss aspects o knowedge productîon reevant to sustaînabîîty. hîs 2017 voume aso marks SANORD’s tent annîversary as a network tat candîdy and crîtîcay engages wît te îdeoogîes and knowedge systems tat span te two regîons and wîtîn te dîferent member înstîtutîons. Sînce te eary 2000s, înternatîona academîc networks ave grown penomenay and are încreasîngy acknowedged to be a crîtîca part o te work done în unîversîtîes and researc înstîtutîons. From îts începtîon, SANORD ad a ead start, în te sense tat many o îts oundîng înstîtutîons ad aready orged cose reatîonsîps over prevîous decades troug numerous cross-regîona înkages and coaboratîve projects. O course, te soutern Arîcan and Nordîc countrîes ave oowed very dîferent trajectorîes reated to modernîsatîon and deveopment, but as reatîonsîps between te two regîons ave evoved, te sîmîarîtîes between tem ave come to te ore. Framed by our posîtîons în te goba economy, and wîtîn te înternatîona geopoîtîca baance o power, we ave numerous common înterests as ‘sma-states’. ïn a word domînated by arge economîc bocs suc as te OECD, OPEC and BRïCS, our two regîons represent a dîferent set o înterests and can tereore artîcuate a range o aternatîve îdeas about ow a sustaînabe word can and soud be deveoped. Certaîny, we ave a ong way to go beore academîcs rom îger educatîon înstîtutîons în soutern Arîca and te Nordîc countrîes are abe to consîstenty work cosey togeter on ong-term projects and beneIt rom te co-created knowedge tat comparatîve researc supports. Neverteess, SANORD brîdges cutura barrîers and trîes to promote and acîîtate înterdîscîpînary work. Ten years în, progress îs beîng made. Sînce 2007, SANORD’s dîferent nodes ave enabed scoars to earn rom one anoter about wo we are and ow we can do better în terms o knowedge
co-creatîon. As coaboratîve researc drîves academîc co-operatîon down new patways, uture pubîcatîons wî no doubt provîde încreasîngy useu teoretîca and empîrîca studîes o te sîmîarîtîes and dîferences between our regîons, tus oferîng new and împortant perspectîves on ow we mîgt cose up te Nort–Sout dîvîde. he contrîbutors to tîs tîrd book în te serîes take tîs process orward. Crîtîca perspectîves on te Unîted Natîons’ Sustaînabe Deveopment Goas (SDGs) (UN 2015b) ave guîded te coectîon, and a te contrîbutors ave brougt teîr knowedge and competence to bear to crîtîcay revîew te întentîons o te SDGs în reatîon to teîr own areas o expertîse. One o te undamenta îdeas underpînnîng te SDGs, atoug arguaby te east deveoped, îs tat no country soud aîm to împement tem în ways tat prevent oter countrîes rom doîng so too. A crucîa step, ten, îs to overcome te knowedge ceavages between Nort and Sout, tat ave been created over many years by structura înequaîtîes and poor eadersîp. he contrîbutors sow ow cross-regîona researc networks can contrîbute to sîtîng te condîtîons tat create unequa deveopment and, în amost every capter, suggest aternatîves to te one-sîze-Its a soutîons tat render te twenty-Irst century’s domînant neo-îbera paradîgm so îmîted and so dangerous. As a network o academîc înstîtutîons, SANORD as an împortant roe to pay în meetîng te caenges o academîc reedom and te decoonîsatîon o knowedge. ït îs pertînent to raîse awareness about knowedge îndependent rom poîtîcs and economîc înterests, and create a cîmate or te SDGs to be dîscussed openy, crîtîcay and creatîvey.
Upàcîg é SDGŝ ïn 2015, eads o state and government representatîves rom around te word adopted te 17 SDGs and te assocîated 169 targets wît te aîm o eradîcatîng extreme poverty, reducîng înequaîtîes, buîdîng a just and more equa socîety and acîevîng economîc deveopment, socîa încusîon and envîronmenta sustaînabîîty. he SDGs are based on te prîncîpe o ‘eavîng no one beînd’. Turnîng prîncîpe înto practîce îs te rea caenge. he SDGs’ca or transormatîon presents opportunîtîes and caenges or te academîc word generay and îger educatîon înstîtutîons în partîcuar. Questîons tat urgenty requîre answers învove ow our înstîtutîons and networks wî contrîbute to te coectîve journey set out în te SDGs, wîe aso reairmîng te vîsîon o unîty set out în te preambe to te Unîted Natîons’ oundîng carter back în 1945. ïn terms o te SDGs, îger educatîon înstîtutîons ave been gîven responsîbîîty or deveopîng modes or goba justîce and or mobîîsîng a
crîtîca mass o academîc support (see UN 2015b). For rea cange to occur, owever, actîon must take pace at te goba, natîona, regîona and oca eves, and across borders, regîons and contînents. he success o te SDGs undoubtedy requîres a deeper understandîng o te probems acîng te word and o te kînds o skîs and abîîtîes tat wî enabe governments, te prîvate sector, academîa and cîvî socîety to coaborate în addressîng tese. Taken togeter, te 17 SDGs partîcuary ca înto questîon te so-caed deveopment mode propagated by te Nort or so ong, most recenty în te guîse o neo-îbera reorms. But wî we reay see goba deveopment înîtîatîves takîng te îssues o cîmate cange adaptatîon and mîtîgatîon serîousy and reducîng bot înequaîty and carbon emîssîons în ways tat actuay eave no one beînd?
Iéàlîŝm wî làgé? ïmportanty, te process o determînîng te SDGs was more încusîve and coaboratîve tan te ormuatîon o te Mîennîum Deveopment Goas (MDGs), în tat ît încuded not ony te word’s weaty natîons, but aso mîdde-încome and ow-încome countrîes (Abe et a. 2016; Sacs 2012). ïn împementîng te SDGs, te Unîted Natîons envîsages a partîcîpatory process between mutîeve stakeoders and te osterîng o goba partnersîps between governments, te prîvate sector, NGOs, aîd organîsatîons and oca communîtîes (Prescott and Stîbbe 2016). ïn tîs regard, te Unîted Natîons Genera Assemby Resoutîon tat was adopted în September 2015 on te SDGs states:
We are determîned to mobîîze te means requîred to împement tîs Agenda troug a revîtaîzed Goba Partnersîp or Sustaînabe Deveopment, based on a spîrît o strengtened goba soîdarîty ocused on te needs o te poorest and most vunerabe and wît te partîcîpatîon o a countrîes, a stakeoders and a peope. (UN 2015: Preambe)
Unîke te MDGs, te SDGs relect te Unîted Natîons’ attempt to ofer a more întegrated approac to sustaînabe deveopment, brîngîng togeter te economîc, socîa and envîronmenta dîmensîons (Sterîng 2016). ïn decîdîng on a new goba agenda, te Unîted Natîons’ argument îs tat progress made towards acîevîng te Mîennîum Deveopment Goas proved tat umanîty can work togeter to acîeve common goas. Atoug many ad seen te MDGs as too îdeaîstîc and unreaîstîc, sîgnîIcant progress was made towards uIîng tem. he consensus, tereore, was tat ‘wen muc îs dared, muc can be acîeved’. ïn addîtîon, te wîder appîcabîîty o te SDGs was seen as sîgnaîng a new era or goba poîtîcs and deveopment.
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