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11 mars 2010
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Date de parution
11 mars 2010
Nombre de lectures
The correct bibliographic citation for this manual is asfollows: Cody, Ron. 2010. SAS Functions by Example, SecondEdition. Cary, NC: SAS Institute Inc.
SAS Functions by Example,Second Edition
Copyright 2010, SASInstitute Inc., Cary, NC, USA
ISBN 978-1-60764-340-1
ISBN 978-1-60764-364-7 (electronic book)
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List of Programs
Preface to the Second Edition
Preface to the First Edition
Chapter 1 Character Functions
Chapter 2 Perl Regular Expressions
Chapter 3 Sort Functions
Chapter 4 Date and Time Functions
Chapter 5 Array Functions
Chapter 6 TruncationFunctions
Chapter 7 Descriptive Statistics Functions
Chapter 8 Mathematical and Numeric Functions
Chapter 9 Random Number Functions
Chapter 10 SpecialFunctions
Chapter 11 Stateand ZIP Code Functions
Chapter 12 TrigonometricFunctions
Chapter 13 MacroFunctions
Chapter 14 SASFile I/O Functions
Chapter 15 VariableInformation Functions
Chapter 16 BitwiseLogical Functions
List of Functions
List of Programs
Chapter 1
Program 1.1: How SAS determines storage lengths ofcharacter variables
Program 1.2: Running PROC CONTENTS to determine storagelengths
Program1.3: Changing lowercase to uppercase for all character variablesin a data set
Program 1.4: Program to demonstrate the LOWCASEfunction
Program 1.5: Capitalizing the first letter of each wordin a string
Program 1.6: Program to capitalize the first letter ofeach word in a string
Program1.7: Using the COMPBL function to convert multiple blanks to asingle blank
Program 1.8: Removing dashes and parentheses from phonenumbers
Program1.9: Converting Social Security numbers from character tonumeric
Program 1.10: Counting the number of digits in a string
Program 1.11: Demonstrating the ANY characterfunctions
Program1.12: Using the functions ANYDIGIT and ANYSPACE to find thefirst number in a string
Program 1.13: Demonstrating the NOT characterfunctions
Program1.14: Using the FIND and FINDC functions to search for stringsand characters
Program1.15: Converting numeric values of mixed units (e.g., kg and lbs)to a single numeric quantity
Program1.16: Searching for one of several characters in a character variable
Program 1.17: Demonstrating the o modifier with FINDC
Program 1.18: Searching for a word using the FINDWfunction
Program 1.19: Reading dates in a mixture of formats
Program1.20: Using the VERIFY function to check for invalid characterdata values
Program1.21: Extracting portions of a character value and creating acharacter variable and a numeric value
Program1.22: Extracting the last two characters from a string, regardlessof the length
Program 1.23: Using the SUBSTR function to unpack a string
Program1.24: Demonstrating the SUBSTR function on the left-hand sideof the equal sign
Program1.25: Demonstrating the unique features of the SUBSTRN function
Program 1.26: Demonstrating the CHAR function
Program 1.27: Demonstrating the FIRST function
Program 1.28: Demonstrating the three concatenation CALLroutines
Program 1.29: Demonstrating the five concatenationfunctions
Program1.30: Left-aligning text values from variables read with the$CHAR informat
Program 1.31: Right-aligning text values
Program1.32: Creating a program to concatenate first, middle, and lastnames into a single variable
Program1.33: Demonstrating the difference between the TRIM and TRIMNfunctions
Program1.34: Using the STRIP function to strip both leading and trailingblanks from a string
Program 1.35: Comparing two strings using the COMPAREfunction
Program 1.36: Using the COMPGED function with a SAS n -literal
Program 1.37: Demonstration of the generalized editdistance (COMPGED)and Levenshtein edit distance (COMPLEV) functions
Program1.38: Changing the effect of the call to COMPCOST on the resultfrom COMPGED
Program 1.39 Fuzzy matchingon names using the SOUNDEX function
Program1.40: Using the SPEDIS function to match Social Securitynumbers that are the same or differ by a small amount
Program 1.41: Fuzzy matching on names using thespelling distance (SPEDIS) function
Program1.42: A novel use of the SCAN function to convert mixednumbers to decimal values
Program 1.43: Program to reada tab-delimited file
Program1.44: Alphabetical listing by last name when the name fieldcontains first name, possibly middle initial, and last name
Program 1.45: Demonstrating the SCAN CALL routine
Program 1.46: Using CALL SCAN to count the words in astring
Program1.47: Converting values of '1','2','3','4', and '5' to 'A','B','C','D', and'E' respectively
Program 1.48: Convertingthe values Y and N to 1's and 0's
Program1.49: Converting words such as Street to their abbreviationssuch as St. in an address
Program1.50: Demonstrating the LENGTH, LENGTHC, LENGTHM, andLENGTHN functions
Program1.51: Using the COUNT function to count the number of times theword the appears in a string
Program1.52: Demonstrating the COUNTC function to find one or morecharacters or to check if characters are not present in a string
Program 1.53: Demonstrating the COUNTW function
Program 1.54: Usingthe CHOOSEC function to randomly select one of three reviewers for each candidate (numbered 1 to n )
Program1.55: Using CHOOSEN to randomly select a reviewer (bynumber) for each of n candidates
Program1.56: Determining if there are any missing values for all variablesin a data set
Program 1.57: Demonstrating the MISSING function with.A, .B, etc. numeric values
Program 1.58: Demonstrating the COALESCEC function
Program1.59: Using the IFC function to select a character value, basedon the value of a logical expression
Program1.60: Using the collating sequence to convert plain text to MorseCode
Program 1.61: Using the REPEAT function to underlineoutput values
Program 1.62: Using the REVERSE function to createbackwards writing
Program 1.63: Demonstrating the NLITERAL function
Program 1.64: Demonstrating the NVALID function
Program1.65: Using the NVALID function to count the number of validV7 and non-valid V7 variable names in a data set
Chapter 2
Program 2.1: Using a Perl regular expression tolocate lines with an exacttext match
Program 2.2: Using a regular expression to searchfor phone numbers in astring
Program2.3: Modifying Program 2.2 to search for toll-free phone numbers
Program2.4: Using PRXMATCH without PRXPARSE (entering the regularexpression directly in the function)
Program 2.5: Locating all 5- or 9-digit ZIP codes in alist of addresses
Program 2.6: Extracting a phone number from a textstring
Program 2.7: Using the PRXPOSN CALL routine to extract the area codeand exchange from a phone number
Program 2.8: Using regular expressions to read veryunstructured data
Program 2.9: Finding digits in random positions in an input string usingCALL PRXNEXT
Program 2.10: Demonstrating the PRXPAREN function
Program 2.11: Demonstrating the CALL PRXCHANGE function
Program 2.12: Demonstrating the use of capture bufferswith PRXCHANGE
Program2.13: Data cleaning example using PRXPARSE andCALL PRXFREE
Chapter 3
Program 3.1: Program to grade quizzes, dropping thetwo lowest quiz scores (using CALL SORTN)
Program3.2: Another example of CALL SORTN using array elements asthe arguments
Program 3.3: Demonstrating the CALL SORTC routine
Chapter 4
Program 4.1: Creating a SAS date value from separatevariablesrepresenting the day, month, and year of the date
Program 4.2: Program to read in dates and set theday of the month to 15 if the day is missing from the date
Program 4.3: Determining the date, datetime value, andtime of day
Program 4.4: Program tocreate the DATES data set