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27 janvier 2011
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27 janvier 2011
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Normand Pettersen – AndréDurivage
Presses de l’Université duQuébec
Le Delta I, 2875, boul. Laurier, bur.450
Québec (Québec) Canada G1V2M2
Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québecand Library and Archives Canada cataloguing in publication
Pettersen, Normand
The structured interview : enhancing staffselection
ISBN 978-2-7605-1537-6
ISBN 978-2-7605-2850-5 (epub)
1. Employment interviewing. 2. Employeeselection. I. Durivage, André, 1956- . II. Title.
HF5549.5.I6P47 2008 658.3’1124C2007-942227-6
Nous reconnaissons l’aide financière dugouvernement du Canada par l’entremise du Programme d’aide au développementde l’industrie de l’édition (PADIE) pour nos activités d’édition.
La publication de cet ouvrage a été renduepossible grâce à l’aide financière de la Société de développement desentreprises culturelles (SODEC).
Révision linguistique : Louis Courteau
Mise en pages : Infoscan Collette Québec
Couverture : Richard Hodgson
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9PUQ 2008 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Tous droits de reproduction, de traduction etd’adaptation réservés
© 2008 Presses de l’Université duQuébec
Dépôt légal – 1er trimestre 2008
Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec/ Bibliothèque et Archives Canada
A book is rarely the product of its authorsalone, and this one is no exception. We would like to thank all the peoplewho each in their own way helped us so generously.
In particular, we thank Hélène Guévin,Gilbert Guindon and Stéphane Migneault, at the Quebec Secrétariat du Conseildu trésor, for their advice and comments while we were writing a trainingmodule on the selection interview, the real starting point for this book.Diane Lambert-Tesolin, from the Quebec Ministère des Servicesgouvernementaux, deserves special praise for her remarkable editing skills.Manon Geoffroy and Marc-André Verrette, consultants at Groupe ressources(DGO), and Jean Fortin, consultant at ANCIA, methodically revised the firstcomplete version of the manuscript. Spurred on by their comments and thediscussions that followed, we wrote a second version. GillesLajoie,
consultant, then carefully examined andquestioned practically every section of the new manuscript. We havebenefited a great deal from his ideas, which were always constructive. Justbefore going to press, Claude Guindon, an industrial/organizationalpsychologist at Hydro-Québec’s Human Resources Directorate, made judiciousremarks on the final manuscript. The employees at Évaluation PersonnelSélection International (EPSI) helped strengthen the practical aspects ofthe book with their pertinent comments and professional expertise,especially with the exercises and the guide to formulating questions. Theteam of advisors at the Mouvement Desjardins, particularly Hélène Boileau,Jocelyne Goyer and Philippe Reitz (now with the Quebec Commission de lasanté et de la sécurité au travail), ardent supporters of the structuredinterview, allowed us to refine several of the approaches and methodspresented in this book. Nor can we forget the team at Presses del’Université du Québec, who are real artisans, motivated by the ideal ofquality work. To all these people we offer a heartfelt thank you.
Normand Pettersen is grateful to and proud ofhis children, Géraldine and Renaud, whose maturity gave him the peace ofmind so essential for an author. André Durivage thanks his spouse, JulieThibault, for her support and her wise professional advice on the use ofstructured interviews. He also thanks his three children, Gabriel, Joël andPascale, for their support, love and patience.
The interview is the most frequently employedtool for selecting personnel; almost every organization uses them. Becauserecruiters consider interviews are more reliable for hiring decisions, theyplace more confidence in the interview than any other means ofselection.
Over the years, many authors have tried toexplain the popularity of the interview. [1] First of all, most managers and other decision makers thinkthat by the end of an interview, they can evaluate candidates’characteristics and abilities and know whether they meet the jobrequirements. A large number of managers are further convinced that theinterview is the best way to evaluate a candidate, even though theyrecognize the virtues of more objective tools such as tests. They think itessential to meet candidates face to face to make a judgment on theirqualifications. Besides, managers and employers usually like conductinginterviews, especially meeting the candidate in person. In any event,candidates see the interview as an opportunity to demonstrate theirqualifications. Whatever the reason, the interview has clearly becomestandard in the organization and it is taken for granted that there can beno selection without an interview.
In contrast to other methods of evaluation,the interview is not only used to evaluate. It can be a way of recruitingcandidates, pointing out the organization’s strengths, or the first step insocializing future employees. It may also be that the interview is used tocontrol the selection process. It is true that the interview’s flexibilitygives managers the opportunity to establish and consolidate their influenceover the choice of future employees, whereas more objective, even mechanicalmethods, such as psychometric tests, reduce this influence.
Purpose and contents of this book. Since the selection interview is the employers’preferred tool for choosing their staff, it is crucial to maximize itseffectiveness by using tested techniques and preparing interviewersappropriately. This book presents the most recent knowledge and techniquesin the field of the selection interview. It is a practical guide thatrecognizes the many constraints in the organizational world. Rather thanproposing a single approach, a recipe that applies to every situation, thisguide instead offers various ways of conducting an interview, each withtheir advantages and limitations, so that the appropriate interview for eachsituation can be chosen intelligently. Of course, this versatility requiresmore judgment and effort on the part of interviewers, therefore more time.However, all we need to convince us that such an investment is required isto think of the consequences of one bad hiring decision that could bedisastrous for the organization and its entire staff. [2]
The selection interview consists of aconversation with a candidate to obtain information on his or her ability tocarry out the duties involved in a given job. Interviews can be used atdifferent stages of the selection process.
a ) At the beginning of the process: A brief pre-selection interview may be held to ensure that the person issufficiently qualified to be a candidate for the position. Sometimes thisinterview is also used to attract the candidates who seem mostappropriate.
b ) During the process: One or more in-depth interviews are usually conducted to precisely evaluate the candidate’sknowledge, skills and other qualities in relation to the jobrequirements.
c ) At the end of the process: The hiring interview is often the last step. It is useful for offeringthe job to the best candidate and for discussing the arrangements forbringing him or her into the organization.
The knowledge and techniques presented hereprimarily relate to the in-depth interview. Drawing on numerous researchstudies, we first outline the advantages of the structured interview overthe traditional interview too often favoured by organizations. We followwith detailed explanations of what has to be done at each of the six stepsthat make up the structured interview process: 1) conducting a job analysis,2) determining the selection criteria and the rules for making decisions, 3)creating the interview guide, 4) conducting the interview, 5) evaluating thecandidates, and 6) making the hiring decision.
Before we can judge the success of aselection interview and choose the best techniques, we must first determinewhat makes for an effective interview. An interview can be consideredeffective on the basis of four main criteria: 1) validity, 2) reliability,3) compliance with the law and the organization’s policies, as well as legaldefensibility, and 4) candidates’ reaction. [3]
1. Validity. Validity is the most importantquality of a measurement instrument - its ability to measure what it issupposed to measure, or predict what it is supposed to predict. In personnelselection, a valid interview makes it possible to find the best candidatesfor a given position. In other words, the validity of an instrument isverified when the interviewers’ evaluations predict cand