Bloody Lies , livre ebook









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The remote farming community of Murdock, Nebraska, seemed to be the least likely setting for one of the heartland's most ruthless and bloody double murders in decades. In fact, the little town had gone more than a century without a single homicide. But on the night of Easter 2006, Wayne and Sharmon Stock were brutally murdered in their home. The murders garnered sensational frontpage headlines and drew immediate statewide attention. Practically everybody around Murdock was filled with fear, panic, and outrage. Who killed Wayne and Sharmon Stock? What was the motive? The Stocks were the essence of Nebraska's all-American farm family, self-made, God-fearing, and of high moral character. Barely a week into this double murder investigation, two arrests brought a sense of relief to the victims' family and to local residents. The case appeared to fall neatly into place when a tiny speck of murder victim Wayne Stock's blood appeared in the alleged getaway car.Then, an obscure clue left at the crime scene took the investigation down a totally different path, stretching into Iowa, Louisiana, New York, Texas, and Wisconsin. By the time this investigation was over, the charges against the original suspects were dismissed and two new individuals emerged from the shadows. Author John Ferak covered the Stock murders from the very beginning, including all of the trial proceedings. When the criminal prosecution finally ended in 2007, he remained puzzled by one nagging question: Why was the blood of victim Wayne Stock in a car that was ultimately proven to have no connection to the murders?Over the next few years, the astonishing "bloody lies" were revealed, culminating in a law enforcement scandal that turned the case on its head and destroyed the career of Nebraska's celebrated CSI director, David Kofoed.
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Date de parution

19 juin 2014





Poids de l'ouvrage

5 Mo

bloody lies
A CSI Scandal in the Heartland
BLàCk SQuIRREL Books an imprint ofThE KEnt StàtE UnIvERsIty PREss KEnt, OhIo 44242 www.KEntStàtEUnIvERsItyPREss.Com
BlacK SqUirrel BOOKS™ FRIsky, IndustRIous bLàCk sQuIRRELs àRE à fàmILIàR sIght on thE KEnt StàtE UnIvERsIty Càmpus ànd thE InspIRàtIon foR BLàCk SQuIRREL Books™, à tRàdE ImpRInt of ThE KEnt StàtE UnIvERsIty PREss www.KEntStàtEUnIvERsItyPREss.Com
© 2014 by ThE KEnt StàtE UnIvERsIty PREss, KEnt, OhIo 44242
aLL RIghts REsERvEd
lIbRàRy of congREss càtàLog càRd NumbER 2013043208
iSBN 978-1-60635-197-0
MànufàCtuREd In thE UnItEd StàtEs of amERICà
evERy EffoRt hàs bEEn màdE to obtàIn pERmIssIon fRom pERsons IntERvIEwEd
by thE àuthoR who àRE QuotEd In thIs book.
lIbRàRy of congREss càtàLogIng-In-PubLICàtIon Dàtà FERàk, John, 1973– BLoody LIEs : à cSi sCàndàL In thE hEàRtLànd / John FERàk. pàgEs Cm inCLudEs bIbLIogRàphICàL REfEREnCEs ànd IndEx. ISBN 978-1-60635-197-0 (pbk.) ∞ 1. MuRdER—NEbRàskà—càsE studIEs. 2. cRImInàL InvEstIgàtIon—NEbRàskà—càsE studIEs. 3. evIdEnCE fàbRICàtIon—NEbRàskà—càsE studIEs. 4. JudICIàL ERRoR— NEbRàskà—càsE studIEs. i. TItLE. HV6533.N2F47 2014 364.152'3092—dC23 2013043208
18 17 16 15 14
5 4 3 2 1
To my wife, Andrea
 FoREwoRdby Maurice Possley aCknowLEdgmEnts 1 eàstER MàssàCREs 2 lEgEnd 3 SuspECt 4 MystERy càR 5 No luCk 6 càsE SoLvEd 7 BLood 8 Odd FInd 9 rIng of TRuth 10 lEopoLd ànd loEb 11 WIsConsIn 12 DIàRy 13 conspIRàCy 14 rànsom ThEoRy 15 TIpstER 16 FREEdom 17 JudgmEnt 18 FIndER 19 DEEp ThRoàt 20 SmELL TEst 21 TàRnIshEd 22 BLundER 23 UndERdog 24 evIdEnCE 25 Phàntom 26 VERdICt 27 ThE cop  epILoguE  NotEs  indEx
Ix xIII 1 12 14 27 35 44 55 62 66 72 80 89 98 107 116 124 132 139 147 153 159 164 170 178 185 192 203 214 222 235
Maurice Possley
FoR most CItIzEns, It Is CountERIntuItIvE, àt thE vERy LEàst, thàt àn InnoCEnt pERson who Is not InsànE oR subjECtEd to toRtuRE oR physICàL àbusE wouLd fàLsELy ConfEss to à CRImE. Thàt Is onE of thE REàsons thE IssuE of fàLsE ConfEs-sIons REmàIns à vàstLy mIsundERstood oR unàppRECIàtEd IssuE In thE amERICàn systEm of CRImInàL justICE.  as àn InvEstIgàtIvE jouRnàLIst àt thEChicago Tribune,i, àLong wIth two othER REpoRtERs, foCusEd on thIs IssuE In à sERIEs of àRtICLEs àbout fàLsE ànd CoERCEd ConfEssIons In cook county. OnE of thE àRtICLEs dEtàILEd thE CàsE of DànIEL TàyLoR, who wàs àRREstEd àt àgE sEvEntEEn foR à doubLE muRdER. aftER houRs of IntERRogàtIon by chICàgo poLICE dEtECtIvEs, TàyLoR gàvE à ConfEssIon thàt wàs tRànsCRIbEd by à CouRt REpoRtER. OnLy thEn dId TàyLoR REàLIzE thàt hE hàd bEEn In jàIL àt thE tImE of thE CRImE.  DId thàt pRompt poLICE to QuEstIon whEthER thE ConfEssIon wàs fàLsE? it dId not. instEàd, thE dEtECtIvEs sEt àbout undERmInIng thE jàIL RECoRds ànd pRoduCIng fàLsE REpoRts to buttREss thE ConfEssIon. in 1995, DànIEL wàs Con-vICtEd by à juRy thàt uLtImàtELy CouLd not àCCEpt thàt hE hàd ConfEssEd to à CRImE hE dId not CommIt.  ThEChicago TribuneInvEstIgàtEd thE CàsE In 2001 ànd found nEw EvIdEnCE of hIs InnoCEnCE, InCLudIng à màn who wàs In jàIL wIth hIm àt thE tImE of thE CRImE. But pRosECutoRs REfusEd to àCknowLEdgE thàt TàyLoR’s ConfEssIon wàs false. It was not until the summer of 2013 that the state înally conceded Taylor wàs InnoCEnt ànd dIsmIssEd thE CàsE—moRE thàn twEnty yEàRs àftER hIs àRREst.  SàdLy, TàyLoR’s CàsE Is not àn ànomàLy. as sEnIoR REsEàRChER àt thE Nà-tIonàL rEgIstRy of exonERàtIons, à joInt pRojECt of MIChIgàn làw SChooL ànd NoRthwEstERn UnIvERsIty’s cEntER on WRongfuL convICtIons, i hàvE bEComE acutely aware of just how proliîc the problem actually is. As of September 2013, thE rEgIstRy LIstEd moRE thàn 1,220 wRongfuL ConvICtIons In thE UnItEd StàtEs sInCE 1989. a totàL of 152 of thEsE wERE thE REsuLt of fàLsE ConfEssIons, ànd thREE out of EvERy fouR InvoLvEd homICIdEs.
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