Fantastic Lives , livre ebook









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Read the inspiring stories of 5 young entrepreneurs who worked hard to turn their ideas into real businesses. This nonfiction reader features TIMEA(c) content to keep grade 7 students engaged in reading as they build their critical literacy skills.
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Date de parution

01 août 2018

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Poids de l'ouvrage

2 Mo

Michelle R. Pr ather , M.A.

T eacher Created Materials
5301 Oceanus D rive
Hunt ingt on Be ach, C A 92649 -1 030
www .t c mp u b. co m
ISBN 978- 0 - 7439-2105-3
© 201 9 T each er Create d Mater ials , Inc.
Publishing C redits
Rachelle Cracchiol o, M.S. Ed., Publish er
Conni M edi na, M . A. Ed. , Managing Editor
Nik a Fabienke, Ed .D., Series D eveloper
June Kikuchi, Conten t Di rec to r
John Leac h, Assistant Edito r
Evan Fer rell, Graphic Designer
TIM E and t he TI ME lo go are r egis tere d tr adem ark s of T IME I nc. Us ed
under license.
Image Credits : front cover, p.29, p. 30, Cour te sy of Ma rgare t Pat tillo; p.4
(bo ttom) Se rgei B achla kov/Shutte rsto ck ; pp.6 –7 , p.8, p.9, p. 1 1 Cour tes y
of MA X’I S Creatio ns, In c.; p.1 0 (bot tom) Ole k siy Nau mov/Shut ters tock ;
pp.1 2– 1 3, p p. 1 4–1 5, p p. 1 6 – 1 7 , p p. 1 8–1 9, pp. 40 – 41 Cour tes y of Emp ower
Orp hans; p.1 5 (b otto m) Nieb oer/PPE /SIP A /New scom; p. 22 Paul Ch rist ian
Go rdon /Zum a Press/ New scom; p. 23, pp. 24 –25, pp.26 –27 Courte sy of
iRum mage; p. 28, p. 31 (top) Courte sy of Mr. Cor y ’s Cooki es; p. 3 1 (bot tom)
Featur ef lash Pho to Agen cy/Shut ter sto ck ; p.32, p. 33 Doug M esz ler/
Spla sh New s/N ewsco m; pp. 34 –35, pp. 36 –37 , pp. 38 –39 Cour tesy o f
Kidzcationz; all ot her images from iSt ock and/ or Shutterstock.
All com pan ies an d pro duc ts m enti one d in this b oo k are re gis tere d
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bo ok st ric tly f or e ditor ial pu rp oses; n o comm ercia l clai m to thei r use is
mad e by the au tho r or the p ubl ishe r .
Library of C ongress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Nam es: Prat her, Miche lle R ene?e, 1 975- au thor.
Ti tle: Fantas tic li ves : bus iness s ense / M ich elle R . Pra ther.
Des crip tion: H untin gton B each , CA : T each er Cre ated Ma teria ls, [201 9] |
Incl ude s inde x.
Ide ntif ie rs: LCCN 20 1 70584 8 4 | ISBN 9781 4258500 43 (pbk .)
Subj ec ts: LCSH : Busin essp eo ple - -Juvenil e liter atur e. |
Entrepreneurship- -Juvenile literature. | Succ ess in business--Juv enile
liter ature.
Class if icat ion: LCC HC29 . P73 201 9 | DD C 658.1 /1-- d c23
LC record a vailable at https: / / lccn.loc.g ov /20 1 705848 4

T able of C o nt ents
Great Minds .........................................................................4
Max Ash ...............................................................................6
Ne ha Gu pta......................................................................... 1 2
Be l l e Pan ............................................................................22
Cory Ni e ves ........................................................................28
Be l la T ippin g ......................................................................34
The T akea w a y.....................................................................40
Gl ossar y ............................................................................. 4 2
Inde x .................................................................................. 44
Chec k It Ou t ! ......................................................................46
T r y I t ! ................................................................................. 4 7
Abo u t the Au t ho r ................................................................48


bo ut the A uth


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G reat M i nds
Do y ou w ant to kno w some thi ng tru l y e mp ower i n g ?
There is n o ag e requireme n t wh en i t comes t o ha ving
a bril liant i dea. T rans f orm ing a co nce pt in to a su cces s
st ory isn ’ t j ust f or tech and corporate gian ts. An y one can
brainsto r m an in no va ti v e wa y to ma ke the w or l d better . B ut
peop l e wh o ha v e bu sine ss se nse o f ten sh are a fe w esse nti al
ch a racteris tic s. The y pa y attenti on to the w orl d around
them, are often creati v e, kno w ho w to so l ve pr ob lems , and
a re g oo d at see ing things through .
The y oun g peop le f eatured in t his book pos ses s a b l end
o f these quali ties—a nd m ore . T hese en trepreneurs s aw
needs and used their imaginatio ns to create oppo rt un i tie s.
Af ter bringing the ir ideas to fru it io n , t he y a ll fo und w a y s
to gi ve b ac k to their co m muni tie s. And the y’ v e done i t a ll
while s t ud ying and, w ell, j ust bein g k i ds. R ead on to l ear n
abou t t heir co mpe lling and inspirati onal storie s.
Are Y o u Savv y ?
When you are sa vvy about something, you
know how to do it well. It means you use
your knowledge to help you know wha t to
do . When you are business savvy , you use
your instincts to guide you in business.


Max A s h
Ha v e y ou e v er hea rd the sa ying “Im i tatio n is the
sincerest f orm of  attery”? W ell, w hen M ax Ash w as eigh t ,
he l ear ned that wh en y our f rien ds tr y to cop y y our i dea,
ma y be y ou ’ re on to s ome thi ng .
In 20 1 2, the Bos ton-area s tuden t w as c raft ing a m u g in
a rt clas s w hen a s t rok e o f creati v e ge niu s str uc k h im: W h y
no t add a bas ke tb all hoop to the bac k of the m ug ? T here ’ s
no be tter wa y to g et marshma llo w s int o a mu g o f ho t
ch oco la te ! Ash, an av i d spo rt s f an, w en t with his instincts
and did j us t that. Then, o ther kids added h oops o n their
mu gs, too .
A Slam Dun k
Ash ’ s p arents lis tened to him wh en he to ld them a bou t
the popul ar ity o f his id ea. He t o ld the m that he migh t w a nt
to tur n it in to a bu s iness . The y con t acted l ocal e xperts a nd
f am ily fr i en ds to he lp g et the ball ro lli n g .
Ash’ s original mug

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