Trolling Big-Water Walleyes , livre ebook









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Experts reveal surefire methods for walleye trolling, equipment techniques, tactics, and moreOn big, open water like the Great Lakes, sprawling Western reservoirs, and large North American rivers, trolling puts more walleyes in the boat-hour for hour-than any other fishing method. Why? Because if done correctly, the lure or bait is always in the fish's strike zone. If anglers do it wrong, all they will net is a long, frustrating boat ride. In this detailed instructional guide, generously illustrated with more than 50 color photos and complemented by time-tested fish-catching secrets from 17 professional fishing authorities, fishermen will learn to catch walleyes from those who chase this highly prized sport fish for a living.A veteran walleye angler himself, author Chip Gross covers every aspect of walleye trolling, offering advice on basic and advanced trolling equipment, trolling setups throughout the fishing year, choosing crankbaits and other lures, determining when and where to fish, night trolling for walleyes, purchasing and rigging a boat for walleye trolling, and how to catch that trophy walleye of a lifetime. Information on cleaning and caring for the catch, as well as Gross's favorite walleye recipe, is also included.Walleyes are finicky, will-o'-the-wisp fish, often here today and gone tomorrow. They follow schools of baitfish like hungry wolf packs; as the bait moves, they move. Often this translates to anglers enjoying spectacular fishing one day but getting scarcely a bite, or possibly none at all, the next. Successful trolling can seem like an unattainable goal, but Trolling Big-Water Walleyes makes that goal easier to reach.
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Date de parution

20 janvier 2014

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6 Mo

Trolling Big-Water Walleyes
Trolling BigWater Walleyes
Secrets of the Great Lakes Fishing Guides, Charter Captains, and Walleye Pros
W. H. “ChIp” GRoss
BLàck SQuIRREL Books an imprint ofThE KEnt StàtE UnIvERsIty PREss KEnt, OhIo 44242 www.KEntStà
BlaCK SqUirrel BOOKS™ FRIsky, IndustRIous bLàck sQuIRRELs àRE à fàmILIàR sIght on thE KEnt StàtE UnI-vERsIty càmpus ànd thE InspIRàtIon foR BLàck SQuIRREL Books™, à tRàdE ImpRInt of ThE KEnt StàtE UnIvERsIty PREss. www.KEntStà
© 2013 by ThE KEnt StàtE UnIvERsIty PREss, KEnt, OhIo 44242 aLL RIghts REsERvEd iSBN 978-1-60635-164-2 MànufàctuREd In ChInà
Every eort has been made to obtain permission from individuals whose like-nEssEs àppEàR In photogRàphs ànd fRom pERsons IntERvIEwEd by thE àuthoR who àRE QuotEd In thIs book.
CàtàLogIng InfoRmàtIon foR thIs tItLE Is àvàILàbLE àt thE lIbRàRy of CongREss.
17 16 15 14 13
5 4 3 2 1
I’ve had the same îshing buddy for more than îfty years: DàvE Hoy. PIctuREd on thE covER of thIs book, hE’s thE onE wIthout gILLs. Mày wE hàvE màny moRE yEàRs on thE wàtER togEthER, BRothER. Now, If you couLd just LEàRn how to pRopERLy nEt à wàLLEyE. . . .
 1Why WàLLEyEs? 1
 2What You’ll Need: Basic Walleye Trolling Equipment 11
 321Down and Out: Advanced Walleye Trolling Equipment
 4A Season on the Water: Basic Walleye TrollingTEchnIQuEs ànd luRE SpREàds ThRoughout thE YEàR 33
 548Choices, Choices: Choosing Crankbaits for Walleye Trolling
 659Going Walleye Trolling: Determining When and Where
 7Early-Spring Trolling: Your Best Chance at aTRophy WàLLEyE 72
 8A Shot in the Dark: Night-Trolling for Walleyes 81
 9Taking the Plunge: Purchasing and Rigging a BoatfoR WàLLEyE TRoLLIng 88
10Whàt’s à TRophy WàLLEyE? 101
PREpàRIng WàLLEyEs foR thE TàbLE 109
ChIp’s FàvoRItE WàLLEyE rEcIpE 113
Contàct infoRmàtIon PàgE 114
 indEx 115
Chapter 1
Why Walleyes?
They don’t have the îghting abilities of bass, nor do they possess thE àERIàL àcRobàtIcs of tRout. ThEy’RE not EvEn à pàRtIcuLàRLy àttRàc-tive îsh, colored mainly a muted, brownish, yellow-gold. So what is the attraction of walleyes to anglers? Why do sport îshermen across NoRth amERIcà spEnd mILLIons of houRs ànd mILLIons of doLLàRs ànnu-àLLy puRsuIng thIs ovERgRown mEmbER of thE fREshwàtER pERch fàmILy? In a word: elusiveness.  Walleyes are înicky, will-o-the-wisp îsh, often here today and gone tomoRRow. in thE GREàt làkEs; spRàwLIng WEstERn REsERvoIRs; ànd large, North American rivers, they follow schools of baitîsh like hun-gRy woLf pàcks. as thE bàIt movEs, thEy movE. How thIs oftEn tRàns-lates for anglers is spectacular îshing one day and scarcely a bite or possIbLy nonE àt àLL thE nExt.  SImILàRLy, à coLd-wEàthER fRont mày movE In ànd compLEtELy tuRn o a walleye’s desire to feed. One of the most frustrating times you’ll ever experience as a walleye îsherman is seeing your boat’s sonar screen îlled top to bottom with inverted “hooks”—sonar echoes of îsh you strongly suspect are walleyes—but being unable to get the îsh to bite no matter what techniques you try.  YEt thàt’s whàt màkEs càtchIng wàLLEyEs so REwàRdIng whEn you do succEEd. WhEn thE compLEx puzzLE thàt LEts you pIEcE togEthER à LImIt catch is înally solved, the feeling can be euphoric and last for days. But duRIng thosE dàys of mEntàLLy pàttIng youRsELf on thE bàck, don’t bE lulled into thinking the îshing will be the same the next time you’re on the water—as it likely won’t. Every day on the water is dierent, and EvEn though you mày go to thE Exàct sàmE LocàtIon ànd do thE Exàct same things you did the time before, the îsh may or may not still be thERE. and EvEn If thEy àRE, thEy mày not bItE. lIkE i sàId, ELusIvEnEss. . . .  PRofEssIonàL wàLLEyE touRnàmEnt àngLER MàRk MàRtIn of TwIn làkE, Michigan, likely described walleyes and walleye îshing best. “Catching
Why Walleyes?1
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