Hospital Corners , livre ebook









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When a film crew descends on Dedley to resurrect an old soap opera for the big screen, the team at Serious go undercover to catch a murderer. One member short, the detectives find themselves in the spotlight for the wrong reasons. Brough and Miller are back for this fast-moving and funny investigation, their sixth but not their last.
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21 juin 2016

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Fron Maer ...................................................................î Title Page................................................................i Publiser Inormation ......................................... ii Dedication........................................................... iii
Hospîa Corners ..........................................................1 1 .............................................................................1 2 ...........................................................................10 3 ...........................................................................18 4 ...........................................................................31 5 ...........................................................................43 6 ...........................................................................47 7 ...........................................................................62 8 ...........................................................................70 9 ...........................................................................82 10 .........................................................................89 11 .........................................................................95 12 .......................................................................102 13 .......................................................................106 14 .......................................................................115 15 .......................................................................121 16 .......................................................................126 17 .......................................................................139 18 .......................................................................147 19 .......................................................................157 20 .......................................................................167 21 .......................................................................170
Back Maer .............................................................. 172 Also Available ...................................................172
A Broug and Mîer învesîgaîon
Wîîam Saford
Publisher Information
Pubîsed în 2014 by Andrews UK îmîed
he rîg o Wîîam Saford o be îdenîIed as e Auor o îs Work as been assered by îm în accordance wî e Copyrîg, Desîgns and Paens Ac 1998
Copyrîg © 2014 Wîîam Saford
A rîgs reserved. No par o îs pubîcaîon may be reproduced, sored în a rerîeva sysem, or ransmîed, în any orm or by any means wîou e prîor wrîen permîssîon o e pubîser, nor be oerwîse cîrcuaed în any orm o bîndîng or cover oer an a în wîc î îs pubîsed and wîou a sîmîar condîîon beîng împosed on e subsequen purcaser. Any person wo does so may be îabe o crîmîna prosecuîon and cîvî caîms or damages.
A caracers appearîng în îs work are Icîîous. Any resembance o rea persons, îvîng or dead, îs purey coîncîdena.
For Jamie
Deecîve Sergean Meanîe Mîer wîsed ey woud go away. Se wîsed se coud ge ou o bed and go and srec er egs. Se was în suc a bad mood even a cup o cofee rom e emperamena vendîng macîne în e corrîdor woud be wecome. Peraps e seamîng brown îquîd woud kî er of once and or a and se woudn’ ave o pu up wî e încessan quesîons o Deecîve Consabe Paîmore wo kep askîng er were Broug was. “ï don’ uckîng know; ow many more îmes?” se saîd roug grîed ee. A e oer sîde o er bed, Deecîve ïnspecor Benny Sevens cucked. “Here, Me; does îs remînd you o wen you was în ospîa sîx mons back?” Mîer sen e mousacîoed rowback a wîerîng gare. “And wa abou me yîng ere în a paper gown wî ubes srapped o my arm coud possîby remînd me o a?” Sevens auged. “Wa was î agaîn, Me? Wa was î you was dîagnosed wî ater a a pukîng and passîng ou?” “You know damned we,” saîd Mîer. “Jason,” se appeaed o Paîmore, “ge îs wanker away rom me beore e wînds up în a ospîa bed or rea.” “e me see... ” Sevens apped îs cîn, “Wa dîd e docor ca î? A, yes!” “ï’m warnîng you,” Mîer cas around or someîng o cuck. “Beaver ever!” Sevens capped în deîg. “ï’d never eard o î beore. Aoug î does sound îke e kînd o mucky Im ï’d
wac. Sex-crazed ezzas goîng a î, îke knîves - îke scîssors, ï suppose!” Mîer and Paîmore excanged ong-suferîng gances. Sîx mons down e îne and Sevens was sî crackîng e same jokes and beîng îs obnoxîous, unîmagînaîve se. “Can’ you ake îm ou and drown îm?” Mîer peaded. “ove o,” saîd Paîmore, “bu e boss wans us o say pu wîe ey do e nex se-up.” he boss în îs însance was no e ead o Dedey’s Serîous Crîmes Dîvîsîon, e ormîdabe, and ou-moued Cîe ïnspecor Karen Weeer, bu e assîsan dîrecor wo was ryîng, vîa raug negoîaîons wî e îgîng boys, o ge e se adequaey and arîsîcay î or e maser so, în wîc e proagonîs Docor Kîmore woud marc roug e ward wî urgen srîdes beore beîng cornered by e canankerous bu ovabe Maron wî some grîevance or oer. he deecîves weren’ pary o e compee scrîp. hey were presen în eîr oicîa capacîy bu no one mus know, and so ey’d been recruîed as exras “ï’s e perec cover,” so saîd Superînenden Ba. Cîe ïnspecor Weeer ad voîced a dîferen vîew. “Pîe o od wank,” se’d saîd în e brîeIng. “ï’m aready one man down and you’ve go mos o my eam payîng dress-up and sîîng around on eîr arses a day. ï soud uckîng cocoa.” he case was cenred on e Imîng o HOSPïTA CORNERS - once a popuar, Dedey-based eevîsîon soap, î was now beîng revîved as a Im and anîcîpaîon was runnîng îg. Aready ere’d been one myserîous dîsappearance: e wrîer ad gone AWO, akîng e Ina drat o e scrîp wî îm. Fou pay was suspeced and so Superînenden Ba, one o e sow’s mos arden devoees, ad commandeered e orce’s crack deecîve squad o înIrae e soo - agaîns Cîe ïnspecor Weeer’s wîses. “ï’ be a cange or em,” e saîd, “hey deserve an easîer îme o î ater a a unpeasanness a e gay bar.”
Weeer snared. heîr prevîous case ad been a nasy one - ere was no arguîng agaîns a - bu er deecîves weren’ pussîes. Se woud ave eaen em up and sa em ou ong beore now î ey were. “ï’s quîe,” Ba ad conînued. “Town’s în sock. No one’s doîng any more murders, so ï say e e eam do someîng a îsn’ so... Serîous.” He’d waked of, smîrkîng beore e dîmînuîve Weeer coud ec a sepadder so se coud knock îs bock of. he assîsan dîrecor appeared a e oo o Mîer’s bed, muerîng îno a wakîe-akîe a cracked and squeaked, aoug î wasn’ cear î î was ese noîses or e îrae voîce a e oer end a was makîng îm wînce. “No, Dabney, ove. Oscar’s no ere ye. Cusoms ave sî go îm a Bîrmîngam ïnernaîona. Yes, ï oug e’d gîven up a a oo. Are we no o beîeve a wordOiMagazîne says?” Mîer cewed er boom îp. he one good îng abou îs job was e sar o e Im, Hoywood bad boy Oscar Buzz. To înk: se’d be în e same room as îm or a o o e îme, breaîng e same aîr. Peraps e’d come over and ake er puse - Mîer oug abou askîng e A.D. î a coud be wrîen în - Buzz woud Ind Mîer’s ear beaîng nîney o e dozen. A runner approaced e A.D. and saîd ey were ready. A ey needed was e eadîng man. “Can you beîeve î?” e A.D. ooked a e deecîves wî a paîned smîe, “Haven’ so e Irs ake ye and we’re aready beînd scedue.” He Lîed away and en Lîed back agaîn. “Don’ ea e uckîng grapes,” e sneered a Sevens. “Conînuîy. You know?” Sevens spa ou a pîp and cenced îs Is. he A.D. urrîed away. “ï’s so borîng,” saîd Paîmore. “Gîve me a nîce juîcy sakeou any day o e week.”
“ï înk î’s excîîng,” saîd Mîer, opîng ey dîdn’ make er ook so î se’d pu Oscar Buzz of e Irs îme e saw er. “he magîc o e movîes!” “So e me, Mîer: ow do you ge Beaver Fever agaîn? Someîng abou a dîry oîe, îsn’ î?” “Pîss of,” saîd Mîer. “Your od boyrîend no was îmse - was a î? Be e used o come ome overed în a sors, workîng în a cemeery.” “Wy aven’ you pîssed of ye?” Sevens nodded ater e A.D. “Go o say pu. Cony-wossname, îsn’ î? How îs... Gary, îs î?” “Jerry,” Paîmore correced îm, earnîng îmse a dîry ook rom Mîer în e process. “Don’ know, don’ care,” saîd Mîer. Se sîted uncomoraby. “hînk ï’m geîng bedsores aready.” “Beaver Fever... ” Sevens reLeced. “You coudn’ make î up.” “Jus dîe,” saîd Mîer. “he proper name or î îs gîardîasîs. You’d înk you’d know a, beîng a uckîng parasîe yourse.” A be rang. ï was e end o e day and noîng ad been so. he banks o îgs were urned of and e workîng îgs, dîmmer by ar, came on. Gafers and doy grîps and a ose oer peope you see îsed a e end o Ims busîed around, suîng e se down or e nîg. Wîîn mînues ey were ou o ere. Mîer swung er egs ou o e bed and padded bareoo owards wardrobe, wakîng backwards so a Sevens coudn’ cac a gîmpse o er backsîde. “ï’m sure you coud ave kep your knîckers on, Me,” Paîmore gaany ed ou îs raîncoa o cover er. “Seeîng as ow ey were ony goîng o Im you rom e ron.” “Don’ quesîon my meod!” Mîer auged. Se wen îno e caravan o ge dressed. “Fuck îs or a game o docors,” saîd Sevens, “ï’m goîng o e pub. Comîng?” “Ge em în,” saîd Paîmore. “ï’ make sure Me ges o er car.”
“Se’s a uckîng copper,” saîd Sevens. “e er ake care o erse.” Bu Paîmore sayed pu. Suckîng grape seeds rom îs ee, Sevens et îm o î and drove of în îs ancîen Ford Caprî. Mîer emerged rom e caravan, rusîng one arm and en e oer îno e seeves o er mackînos. “He’s rîg you know; ï am a uckîng copper.” “Me... ” “Don’! Jason, jus don’!” Paîmore oowed Mîer across e car park, wîc was îe more an a pac o wase ground cordoned of or e duraîon o e Imîng. “Don’ wa?” e afeced înnocence. “Don’ uckîng ask me î ï’ve eard rom îm. ï aven’ eard rom îm.” “We, you woud say a, woudn’ you? Dîd e e you o say a?” “No, e dîdn’ because ï HAVEN’T FUCKïNG HEARD FROM HïM.” Se sabbed e car door wî îs key. Paîmore backed away. “Sorry, Me,” e grîmaced. “Bu do you - ” “No, ï don’ know were e îs. eave î, Jason; e’ be în ouc wen e wans o be. ï’m as muc în e dark as you are.” Se wrenced open e door and rew er bag ono e backsea. “Do you wan a ît?” “ï’m meeîng Benny în e Cowsed. Come wî us?” “No uckîng ank you.” Se sared e engîne. “Me... ” Paîmore ed e door open. Apar rom îs unger or word abou îs ex-boyrîend, e was aso concerned abou Mîer. Se was a o more îrrîabe aey and was ceraîny swearîng a o more an se used o - and a coudn’ jus be Weeer’s înLuence. “Wa?” “e’s bow Sevens of.” “Ug!”
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