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Publié par
Date de parution
09 octobre 2018
Nombre de lectures
Poids de l'ouvrage
4 Mo
Publié par
Date de parution
09 octobre 2018
Nombre de lectures
Poids de l'ouvrage
4 Mo
Classic B iscuit s 20
Chedda r, Bacon & H erb Bis cuit s 23
Roasted Gar li c & Caram elized Onio n
Biscuit s 24
Candi ed W al nu t–D ark Choco late
Biscuit s 27
Sav ory S cone s 28
Orange Cream Sc ones 31
Blueb erry M uff ins 32
Orange– Poppy Seed Mu ffins 35
Pump kin -S pice Muf fins 36
Crumb Cake 39
Banana Crumb Br ead 40
Sweet Ho ney Co rnbre ad 43
Chocol ate– Cho colat e Chi p Bre ad 44
Banana-Zu cchin i Bread 47
Doubl e-Bl uebe rry Loaf Ca ke 48
Espres so Poun d Cake 51
Marbl e Loaf Cak e 52
Crusty Her b Bread 57
Bread Rin g wit h Pesto B utter 58
Van illa-S cent ed Br ioch e 61
Parmesan– Blac k Pepper Brio che 63
Poppy S eed Bur ger B uns 67
Pretzel Twists 68
Chocol ate Lo af Bread 71
Chocol ate Babka 72
Cozy Cinnamo n Rol ls 75
Chocol ate Chi p Cinnam on Ro lls 78
Dinner Rolls 81
Pizza Dou gh 82
Spinac h-Art ichoke Pizza 85
Pepperoni –Roma T omato Pizza 86
Tomato -Gar li c Focac cia 89
Stuffe d Monk ey Bre ad 90
Tripl e-C hocol ate Bundt Cake 94
Cappuc cino S treusel C ake 97
Peach U pside- Down Ca ke 98
Pistach io– Ol ive Oil Cake 101
Plum- Orang e Cake 102
Gingerbr ead 105
Classic V an illa Cup cakes 106
Whit e Cupcak es 109
Chocol ate Cupcak es 110
Chocol ate- Wh iskey Cupcak es 113
Tripl e-L emon Cupcak es 114
Spice Cupcak es 117
Cocon ut Cake 118
Red V el vet S heet-B aked La yer Cake 121
Straw berries & Cream Cake 124
Ombré C hocol ate Cak e 127
Van illa Lay er Cak e 130
Whit e Choco late –Raspb erry Cak e 133
Va nilla Lat te Cake 136
Doubl e-C hocol ate Who opie Pies 139
Black berry Ch eesecake 140
Browni e Chees ecake 143
Bakery -S tyle Sugar C ooki es 147
Chocol ate S ugar Cook ies 148
Pressed Spi ce Cook ies 151
Oatmea l, Cho colat e Chip & Es press o
Cooki es 152
Classic Sh ortbr ead Cook ies 155
Chocol ate- Dipped Shor tbread Coo kies 156
Jam Th umb prin t Co okie s 159
Spice d Choco late Shor tbread Cooki es 160
Classic Ch ocol ate Chi p–W al nu t
Cooki es 163
Honey-Ro semary Sh ortbre ad Cooki es 164
Oatmea l Cooki e Thins 167
Oatmea l, Whi te C hocol ate & C ranberry
Cooki es 168
Funfe tti Mer ingues 171
Classic B rowni es 174
Raspber ry Cheesecake Brown ies 177
Peanu t Bu tter Brown ies 178
Sugar Cook ie Bars 181
Salt ed Carame l Blo ndie s 182
Berry- Lemon Crumb Bars 185
Bluebe rry Che esecake Bar s 186
Chai-S pice d Cooki e Bars 189
Butter scotch Bars 190
Toasted Mar shmallo w & Ric e Cereal Bars 193
Chocol ate Ch un k– Hazeln ut Bars 194
Peach– Che rry Pie Bars 197
S’mor es Bars 198
Flaky Pie Crust 202
Tart Crust 203
Apple Cr umble Pie 204
Lemon Meringu e Pie 207
Browni e Pie 208
Pecan Pie 211
Peach-Bl uebe rry Pi e 212
Bacon, Chedda r & V eg gie Q uiche 215
Tripl e-B erry & A pple G alett es 216
Mini Ap ple G alett es 219
Black berry Me ringu e Tart 220
Almon d Cream Tart 223
Candy Bar Tart 224
Bourbon- Spi ked Cho colat e-Car amel Tart 227
Tomato –Goa t Che ese Tart 228
Classic Be rry Cobb ler 231
Baking has alw ays been a par t of m y l ife . I started baki ng wit h my mom a t a real ly young age, be fore I coul d even reach the count er . We baked coo kies from sc ratch, and som etimes pull ed ou t m y g randm a’s recipe f or peanu t b rit tle, b ut other wise we used a lo t of boxed mixes . (I’ll admit , to this day , somet imes I j ust c rav e a good ol ’ reliabl e box- mix cake. )
As I grew u p, I started to ex perim ent more wi th f rom-s cratch baking , and yo u probab ly know how t hat w ent. I ’ve li ved at a hi gh a lt itu de fo r mos t of m y l ife , an d I’ve had a shoc king n um ber of fail ure s in the ki tchen.
When I first st arted bl oggi ng, I liv ed down near sea le vel in Boston , but I had an apartme nt- sized ov en, wh ich was a wh ole new stru ggle. When I move d in, I di dn’ t even kn ow tha t apa rtment -sized ov ens wer e a thing . After fi nally buil ding a coll ectio n of bake ware tha t ac tually fit in my oven, it was abou t tim e to mo ve bac k home to the origi nal stru ggle of baki ng at high alt itu de.
Cupcak es wer e my first st op. Listen , there ar e fe w things m ore di sappoi ntin g than driv ing to the grocery stor e, bu yi ng all the st uff, and spe ndin g hu ge amo unt s of time measurin g and mi xing ju st to pu ll sunken , dens e, egg y messes fr om the o ven. For th e lon gest tim e, I could n’ t get the flav ors ri ght and I co uld n’ t get the tex ture righ t. E ven aft er all m y e xperi ment ing, I still thi nk that homem ade cake s are one of the hardest things to mak e at alt itu de.
As hard as no rmal cak es are, fo r som e reason ch ocol ate cak es are in a w hole other
league . Ch ocol ate cak e bat ter al way s look s so lu scious and sil ky , and I w ould think, “Y e s, this is th e one. It’ s gonna be pe rfe ct. ” Then I ’d pul l it out of the oven thirty minu tes late r to fin d tha t th e mid dle had collap sed near ly all the wa y to the bot tom of the cake pan , and that the rest was full o f giant , gapi ng air poc kets.
It’s jus t a bu mmer that baking a t al tit ude requires so mu ch trial and e rror . Y ou put somethi ng in the o ven, ta sting gr eat an d looki ng righ t, an d then your oven ( an d mine too ) pull s some ki nd of mean magi c trick in there . Th e good ne ws is tha t bak ing is a scien ce, a nd hig h-a lt itud e bakin g has solut ions. I’m he re to sh ow th em to y ou.
Don’ t get me wron g—I stil l burn Pop- Tarts ® in the toast er ov en at work , and I still ha ve to fan sm oke ou t o f my kit chen wit h a disht owel o n occasi on. B ut I do ha ve some real ly reliab le r ecipes that hav e had my b ack wh en I ne ed to make a ca ke in a rush, or wh en I ne ed to wh ip u p a p ie f or a last-m inu te party .
Nowada ys, it ma kes me f eel more confid ent i n the ki tchen know ing that I can pul l ou t m y r ecipe bo x and choo se any cake, bread , pi e, or bar and it’ ll wor k. No mean tricks from th e oven! Baking is way more fun wh en it actuall y t urns ou t beau tif ully in the en d.
I hope tha t, thr ough this book , you can find e njoym ent i n baking again, an d that y ou, t oo, can hav e a secre t stas h of recipes that jus t do th eir thi ng in the oven and mak e you look good! Hav ing a kit chen full of yummy treats ain’ t so bad eit her .
As someo ne wh o grew up in a hi gh-a lti tude area, I alw ays thou ght baking wa s harder than it really is. I co nstan tly wonder ed how people were eve r making homema de cakes work. I alw ays heard peop le sa yi ng that baking i s a scien ce, a nd, of cou rse, tha t’s true. But no ma tter how s trictly I measured or how careful ly I let m y e ggs com e to room tempera ture, good things were j ust n ot happeni ng.
Why are things so pa infull y d iffe rent at hi gh al tit ude? And h ow can you fix it ? This book will giv e you the answe rs and show yo u how to bake thi ngs yo u actu ally want to eat on a regu lar basis . (I wi ll refu se all respon sibil ity fo r an y weigh t gai n du e to the imp rovement of yo ur baki ng skill s. )
While d iffe rent types of baked good s hav e a diffe rent set of diffic ult ies at alt itu de, there are some co mmon things yo u mig ht be seei ng: • C akes or cupcak es that look perfe ct wh ile baking , but immedia tely sink in the cent er after th ey com e out of the oven.
• O verl y ai ry cakes an d cupca kes tha t ha ve large holes throu ghout.
• C akes tha t are e xtremely dense, and tas te and smel l very eggy .
• D ense ba tters that take f orev er to b ake through , resul tin g in an ov ercook ed exteri or an d a ra w c ente r.
• B aked good s that hav e less fl av or tha n you exp ect, eve n thou gh y ou ad d sal t, and van illa, and other shoul d-be -de liciou s things to f lip pin’ ever ything .
• Y ea st br eads that seem to fa il fo r, like, every si ngle reason.
• M aking al l of the se pr oblems worse , your n orma l baking solu tions and fix -its don’t seem to ha ve the desir ed eff ect on your b aking .
You guy s, I ha ve been the re. B ut w e’re go nna fix it toget her .
Honestly , I alw ays fe lt l ike the resources for this wer e so limit ed. Fo r a reall y l ong time, my best gue ss as to wh at to do was to add m ore fl our to lit erall y e veryt hing . Turns ou t, t hat’ s not h ow it work s. Le t’s start wi th s ome mi sconce ptio ns abou t baking a t a hi gh a lt itu de: • A ddin g flo ur sol ves everyt hing: Addin g flo ur is m y g o-t o fix fo r cak e issue s, and it ce rtainl y d oes he lp wi th c ertain recipes . However , liqu id act ually evapor ates m ore quick ly at hi gher a lti tudes , wh ich me ans that, in some cases, al l addi ng fl our will do is sim ply dry ou t yo ur dish . Depen ding on wh at y ou’re baking , addi tion al eggs , reduce d sugar , or red uced leav ening could be your solu tion, not extra fl our .
• C ooki es are aff ecte d as mu ch as an yt hing else: This is no t an al l-e ncompas sing state ment, b ut f or the mos t part, coo kies are less af fec ted by alt itu de than other baked goo ds. I try most coo kie r ecipes wit hout any modif icat ions first, or I migh t redu ce the l eav enin g as a first step. If you red uce leav ening in any recipe , star t wit h redu cing it by 1 ⁄ 8 teaspoon fo r ever y 1 teaspoon of the l eav ening agent called f or.
• M ore bak ing pow der/so da fixe