Eat Plants Every Day , livre ebook









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In this exceptional collection of plant-forward meals, chef Blair Warsham and his wife Carolyn Warsham, an acclaimed culinary writer, bring 90 original recipes designed to help families transition to healthier eating. With a focus on high-flavor recipes that are easily accessible for home cooks, the authors share their expertise for bringing more plants into every meal and extol a diet that’s rich with vegetables, fruits, beans, and whole grains.
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Date de parution

18 janvier 2021

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154 Mo

Eat Plants

90+ Flavorful Recipes t o Bring More Plants into Y ou r Daily Meals Blair & Carolyn Wa rsham
Eat Plants
Contents 18 20 21 23 25 26 28 29 31 33 34 36 37 38 42 45 46 47 49 51 52 54 57 59 60 62 63 65 66 68 71 74 76 77 79 80 82 84 85 87 88 89 89 92 SOUPS & SALA DS Health-Booster Salad with Seeds, Beets & Turm eric Vinaigrette Chilled Summer T om ato-Melon Soup Souped-Up Miso Pho Broth with Vietnamese-Style Me atballs Spring Pea Soup with Sesame Grano la Curried Squash Soup with Dates & Seeds Hearty Corn Soup with Miso, Bro wn Butte r & Black-Eyed Pe as 10-Minute Arugula Salad with Citrus, F enn el & Avocado Miso Kale Caesar with Grilled V eg etables & Crunchy Chickpeas Smoky Salad with Honey-She rry Vinai grette 10-Minute Wa termelon, Cucumber & Basil Salad Arugula, Aromatic Cheese & Fr uit Salad Little Gem Salad with Av ocado & Green Goddess D ressing Roasted Eggplant & Noodle Salad MAINS Green Curry Ve getables with Sticky Black Rice Dal with Mint, Thai Lime & Crunchy Chickpeas Orecchiette with Sausage & Broccolini Spring Risotto with Cordyc eps Purple Gnocchi with Lemon & Asparagus Saucy Tahini-Av ocado Rice Bowl s Summer T om ato-Bread Salad with Ricotta Whip & Smoked T of u Balls of Goodnes s with So rta-T ikka Sauce & Pickled Carrots Veg etable Paella with Saffron & Sausage Warm Farro with Caram elized Broccoli, Tof u & Creamy Miso Barbecue-Grilled V ege tables & Beyond Sausage Hot Dogs with Fuji Apple Slaw Sichuan Mapo-Style T of u Baja-Style T of u Tacos with Apple-Sprout Slaw Mushroom Bolognese with Pappardelle & Chard General Ts o’s Mushrooms with T of u & Chinese Broccoli Fancy-T asting Imposs ible Burger SIDES Curried Cauliflowe r with Muhammara Shishito Peppers with Pre serve d Lemon & Celery Broccolini with Miso Bagna Cauda Smashed Cucumbers with Sesame, Cilantro & Vinegar Roasted Marble Potato es with Black Garlic & Charr ed Green Onion Aioli Brussels Sprouts with Chile, Lime , Crispy Onions & Cooling Herbs Week night Corn Bread Skin on Fries Harissa Gri lled Carrots with Lemon Crema Japanese Potatoes with Roasted Nori Butter Wok- Fired Asparagus with Lemon, Ginger & Tahini Truf fle Butter Mashed Po tatoes SNACKS & CROWD-PL EASERS Green Pea Fa lafel with Mint-Garlic White Sauce
94 95 96 99 100 102 103 108 110 111 113 114 115 116 118 119 121 124 126 129 130 132 133 134 137 138 142 143 144 145 146 147 150 152 153 154 154 155 155 156 157 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 Sprouted & Smoked Nuts King Tr umpet Mushroom Ceviche Braised Beet Poke Green Fo rest Flatbread French Onion Dip with V eg etable Chips Pan Pizza with Peppers, Onions & Sausage Blair’ s Southern Barbecue Dinner Platte r BREAKFA ST Apple Pancakes with Maple , Roasted Pe cans & Coconut Whipped Cream Banana Fritte rs with Chocolate-Hazelnut Sauce Smoked Carrot & Cream Ch eese Tartine Grilled A v ocado T oast Savory One-Pot Oatmeal with Char d, Thyme & T of u Vanil la Chia Pudding with Roasted Strawberry Sauce Green Goddess Scramble with Kale & Blistered T om atoes Savory French T oa st with Hollandaise & Seasonal Ve getables Red Salsa Chilaquiles with Av ocado & Eggs Easy Carrot Cak e Oats DESSERTS Whipped Banana Sundae Molten Chocolate–Red V el vet Cakes wit h Cream Cheese Ice Cream Buckwheat Blueberry Tr es Leches Jar Cakes with Coconut Whipp ed Cream Grilled Peaches & Ice Cre am Coconut Chia Pudding with Mango Ice Cream & Fresh Pi neapple Lemon Shortcake I ce Pops with Cardamom & Pistachio S’more Browni e Cupcakes with Brûléed Marshmallow Chocolate Chip–Almond Bu tter Oatmeal Cookies Meyer Lemon Cheeseca ke with Seasonal Fruit DRINKS Carolyn’ s Hot Cacao Hot Lemon-Cayenne-Hone y Tisane Green Chile–Infused V od ka with Cucumber Shrub Maple-Cinnamon Whiskey Sour Spice & Bubbles Smoky Carrot Cocktail FIXINS & BA SICS Marinated Fe ta with Chimichurri Tog arashi Clover Blos som Honey Quick-Pickled Carrots Pickled Onions Mint-Garlic White Sauce Cucumber Yo gurt Coconut Bacon Nacho Cheese Truf fle Butter No-Fish Sauce Muhammara Smoky Hummus Baba Ghanoush Crunchy Chickpeas Alabama White Sauce Pizza Dough Little-Fuss Pasta Dough

7 Hi there Every day, we eat much more than plants. Blair is th e chef behind Wildseed, a plant-based restaurant in San F rancisco. B ut he has a thing f or sau sage biscuits on his days off . His e very thing-loving palate info rmed the plant-based recipe s for the restaurant and fo r this book. While Blair was creating his first animal-free me nu for Wildseed in 2019, his ne wfound enthusiasm fo r this style of cooking began to wo rk its way into our mea ls at home. At the same time, w e started to notice how much lig hter and—dare we say —younger we felt wh en we avoided e ating animal-based products fo r several days in a row . Thi s is no small claim fo r two working parents o f a toddler. We also revisited our o wn outdat ed notions about plant- based diets, namely that you need to fo rego certain indulgent pleasures in or der to eat this way . W e discovered that foo d like plant-based mapo t ofu and mushroom Bolognes e could be eyes- rolling-back-in-y our-head delicious—ev en fo r people like us who f ell i n love o ver a seven-course beef d inner at a local Vietnamese re staurant. The lasting effe cts of these realizations to ok root in our lives t o diffe rent degrees. While Blair still likes to indulge in the occasional steak, I ’m stunned to r eport that I’ve become a full-blo wn vegeta rian. Aft er fifteen ye ars as a fo od writer who prided herself on try ing literally anything, the positiv e transfo rmations that have occurred in my life from eating a plant-based diet ar e too many to list h ere, and too amazing. All of this is to say that this book is n ot solely fo r the die-hard plant-based (aka vegan) eaters among us. It’ s for an yone who would like to explor e eating more plants. We are here to share an exciting new approach to plant-based eating that we hope will enrich your life. We realize the idea of fo rgoing meat may seem impos sible f or man y of you. This book does not espouse an all-or-nothing approach. But whether yo u’ve been eating a 100 percent plant-based die t for years or you are j ust dabbling in vegetable- focused meals here and there , we think y ou’ll probably hav e some fun with this book’ s perspective on eating plants e very day.
8 HOW TO KNOW IF YO U’LL LIKE THESE RECIPES? Let me tell you a little more about the way we like to eat. Then you can decide f or yourself. If you ransacked our kit chen right now , you ’d find all the usual plant-based stuff: piles of organic ve getables and fruits, and pro teins like to fu, beans, and spicy Italian sausages from Beyo nd Sausage. Bu t you’ d also find pizza dough, tahini, kimchi, Sriracha sauce, Chine se chile crisp, and miso. We are inspired by flavors from all over the globe, and the recipes in this book reflect that. In some cases, they are loose , Califo rnized takes on traditional dishe s such as Indian tikka masala or Japanese donburi—all are , of course, designed to fit the plant-based life style. Y ou ’ll find dal with crunchy chickp eas, curried cauliflow er with muhammara, and sw eet roasted straw berries laced with star anise. In no way do we pretend t o replicate the clas sic v ersions of culturally important dishe s. Finally, have you ev er ordered a salad only to be greeted with a moun d of lettuce, two cherry tomatoes, and a f ew cuc umber slices? Did it make you fe el sad? Or even worse, wer e you ready to rant about your woes on Y el p? Our philosophy of cooking is a direct reaction to this particular br and of disappointment. Our salads are treasure trov es of produce, seeds, and flavor-rich dre ssings. Our pastas and rice dishes lead with v egetables and pro tein, n ot carbs. And even our dessert s and breakfasts int ersperse healthy dose s of fruits and greens. W e like to keep it interes ting, and we do that by placing v egetables and/ or fruits at the center of every dish. If th at sounds good to you, you’ll probably lik e a lot of these r ecipes.

10 WHY PLA NTS MA TT ER—SOME REAL TA LK We compiled the majority of the recipes in this book while we we re sheltered in place in our home in Marin County , Cali fornia , during the coronavirus outbreak o f 2020. As many can attest, it’ s been a time of incredible discomf ort and loss . But the isolation had silver linings f or u s. For s tarters, we are chit chatting with neighbors and talking on Zoom with cross - country friends l ike we’ve n ever done befo re. Despite our separation, w e fee l more connection in som e ways. Y es , collectively there’ s more bickering, more drin king, more Netflix. Bu t we are also playing more b oard games, learning ne w languages, building furniture, baki ng bread, and cooking much, much more. The bonding inherent in preparing a f amily meal may be t he most brilliant silver lining of this whole experience . Even our thr ee-year-old son, Jame s, settles dow n to foc us when the whole family is t earing up kale or mixing a batte r. Many of the se HELP! THIS DOESN’T T ASTE AMAZING. You can’t remov e an ingredient once it has been added t o a dish. But you can add to a dish in order to balance out a slightly off flav or profile. It’ s bland. Add a pinch of salt, which helps to enhance flavors. It’ s too sw eet. Blair normally discards half of the batch an d makes that half again fro m scratch with no sw eetness. He then combines the two halves and begins adjust ing the seasoning from this new start ing point. Y ou could also try a squeeze of lemon or a little cocoa pow der, dep ending on the dish. It’ s too fatty . Add an acid, like vinegar or lem on juice. If some thing tastes to o fatty in the pan, ad d a splash of wine and then cook it off . It’ s too bitter. Add sweetn ess.

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