Please, Oh Please Can We Get A Dog , livre ebook









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That's one of the most dreaded questions children ask. This book helps you give the right answer--even if that answer is "no." It reminds you that getting a dog is making a commitment, and that an adorable, little puppy can turn into a boisterous, big dog. It helps you take a realistic look at your family situation and the challenges and rewards of dog ownership so you can objectively answer questions such as:
* Is your lifestyle suitable for a family dog?
* What is involved with responsible dog ownership, and how much will it cost?
* How much can you reasonably count on the kids to help once the newness of owning a dog has worn off?
* What breed or mix will best fit your family?
* How do you find the right dog?
* How do you train the dog?

If you decide to take the plunge and get a Chihuahua, Rottweiler, Poodle, Golden Retriever, Dachshund, or mixed breed, "Please, Oh Please Can We Get a Dog?" helps you get off to a good start so you and your kids can experience the joys of dog ownership for years to come.


1. Panic!

2. Are You Ready for a Dog?

3. Saying No to Your Child.

4. What Type of Dog Should You Get?

5. Where Will You Find Your Dog?

6. The Breeder and You.

7. Bringing Your Dog Home.

8. Career Corner for Your Child.

Appendix A: Registries and the Breeds They Recognize.

Appendix B: Web Sites of the National Breed Clubs.

Picture Credits.


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Please, Oh Please Can We Get a Dog?
Please, Oh Please Can We Get a Dog?
Parents Guide to Dog Ownership
Cheryl Peterson
This book is printed on acid-free paper.
Copyright 2005 by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey. All rights reserved.
Howell Book House
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data:
Peterson, Cheryl, date.
Please oh please can we get a dog? : parents guide to dog ownership / Cheryl Peterson.
p. cm.
Includes index.
ISBN=10 0-7645-7297-0 (paper: alk. paper)
ISBN=13 978-0-7645-7297-5 (paper: alk. paper)
1. Dogs. 2. Children and animals. I. Title.
SF426.P4465 2005
636.7 0887-dc22
Printed in the United States of America
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
This book is printed on acid-free paper.
Book design by LeAndra Hosier
Cover design by Jose Almaguer
Book production by Wiley Publishing, Inc. Composition Services
Dedicated to Nordic s Hobo Zak, CD, loved and greatly missed.
Alone Again
By a dog who was once loved
I wish someone would tell me
What it is that I ve done wrong.
Why I have to stay chained up
And left alone so long.
They seemed so glad to have me
When I came here as a pup.
There were so many things we d do
While I was growing up.
They couldn t wait to train me
As their Companion and a Friend.
And told me how we d always be
Together till the end.
The children said they d feed me
And brush me every day.
They d play with me and walk me
If only I could stay.
But now the children have no time,
They often say I shed.
They do not want me in the house
Not even to be fed.
The children never walk me
They always say not now!
I wish that I could please them
Won t someone tell me how?
I gave them all the love I had.
I wish they would explain
Why they said they wanted me
Then left me on a chain.
1 Panic!
2 Are You Ready for a Dog?
3 Saying No to Your Child
4 What Type of Dog Should You Get?
5 Where Will You Find Your Dog?
6 The Breeder and You
7 Bringing Your Dog Home
8 Career Corner for Your Child
Appendix A Registries and the Breeds They Recognize
Appendix B Web Sites of the National Breed Clubs
Picture Credits
I would like to thank the following people for their support and help in putting this book together:
To my parents, Bette and the late Charles Peterson, who allowed me to gain experience in the sport of dogs and develop my love for animals at a young age. I would also like to thank my mother for her input and for taking over some of my chores so I could devote my time to this book and to meet my deadlines.
For editing and proofreading: Art Andres, Jill B. Day, Deborah Keas, and Dorothy Piper.
For professional assistance: Elizabeth Becker, M.S.; Clay Coady; Jason Randall, D.V.M.;. Joann Randall, D.V.M.; and Susan Kaneer Shirley, Ph.D.
For technical support: Karin Boullion.
For photographs: Alissa Behr/Pet Personalities, Animal Hospital of Woodstock, Karin Boullion, Tim Dyer, Cathy Gallagher, Garden Studio Inc., Tim Jorstad, Jan July, Marge Mehagian, Michael Shupp, and STM.
And finally, to my Howell Book House editor, Beth Adelman-thank you for finding a diamond in the ruff.
There is nothing more rewarding in life than a canine companion. No matter what happens, your four-legged friend is there to celebrate your good times and console you in your tough times, all with unconditional love and loyalty.
There will be plenty of days of running, jumping, and carefree playing, but there will also be the other side that is not so fun-the care, expense, and time you will spend with your dog nursing sickness and injury up to the time when you take the unselfish responsibility of letting go and saying a final good-bye.
Dog ownership is a wonderful adventure for parents and children. But first you must carefully examine your living situation and lifestyle to make sure a dog will fit in smoothly. You will be taking stewardship over a living being, who will depend on you for food, water, shelter, exercise, and health care. Unless you are sure it is the right thing at the right time for your family, you must give yourself permission to say no when your child asks for a dog.
In counseling families on dog ownership issues, I have found that many families entered into ownership with little or no education. Thus, for many, the end result was a failed human-dog relationship. There are many fine and honest breeders in all of the breeds that share the same desire: making the relationship between you and your dog a positive one. However, there are also breeders whose interest goes no further than whether your check cleared the bank. My concern is that you take the time to examine your options for dog ownership, and educate yourself about the breed and about reputable breeders. Helping you do that is the reason I wrote this book.
If you do decide to get a dog, there are more than 100 breeds to choose from. You ll need to carefully consider what you want in a dog. Learning about all the breeds to find the one for you can be a fun family activity.
You will be wise to educate yourself about your chosen breed. Don t buy the first puppy you see on impulse. The best place to find a healthy puppy is from a reputable breeder, and I will explain how to find breeders you can trust. Other good ideas are rescue groups, shelters, and reputable adoption programs. Once you have taken the time to read this book and explore some of the recommended resources, you will be able to find reputable breeders and organizations to get a healthy, happy dog.
Some of this material is a reality check for your life-a way to make you put your emotions on the back burner and look at your life more closely. In the end, doing your homework really does pay off.
Good luck with your new pal. I hope you run, jump, and play carefree for many years to come.

Two of the most dreaded questions children ask their parents are: Where do babies come from? Please, oh please can we get a dog?
These questions seem to be inbred into all kids. And the usual parent response is-panic. Since you are reading this, it is safe to assume that the second question has cropped up at least once in your family s dinnertime discussions. If you have ever loved a dog, perhaps you understand your child s desire to own one. If you have not owned a dog or your view about dog ownership is generally negative, you will have to give the matter some objective thought before you can consider your child s request.
Owning a dog can be a wonderful experience that opens a child s mind to previously unknown pleasures-the pleasure of loving a living being; the pleasure of providing good care; the pleasure of seeing the world through a dog s eyes, which is a more down-to-earth, instinctual approach to life-all of which may help to ground your child in a world that is demanding a lot of him or her.
The right dog with the right child can be a wonderful partnership of fun, love, and understanding. That is the experience you can seek for your child.
The Magic of Children and Dogs
There is something magical about children and dogs. They have been depicted

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