The Anglophone Literary-Linguistic Continuum , livre ebook









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Michael Andindilile in The Anglophone Literary–Linguistic Continuum: English and Indigenous Languages in African Literary Discourse interrogates Obi Wali’s (1963) prophecy that continued use of former colonial languages in the production of African literature could only lead to ‘sterility’, as African literatures can only be written in indigenous African languages. In doing so, Andindilile critically examines selected of novels of Achebe of Nigeria, Ngũgĩ of Kenya, Gordimer of South Africa and Farah of Somalia and shows that, when we pay close attention to what these authors represent about their African societies, and the way they integrate African languages, values, beliefs and cultures, we can discover what constitutes the Anglophone African literary–linguistic continuum. This continuum can be defined as variations in the literary usage of English in African literary discourse, with the language serving as the base to which writers add variations inspired by indigenous languages, beliefs, cultures and, sometimes, nation-specific experiences.
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Date de parution

05 novembre 2018

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Poids de l'ouvrage

3 Mo

Dedication For my beloved parents: Mzee Andindilile Silisyene Mwalonde and Bibi Maria Nyala Jengela And my beloved family: My wife, Frida Mwakyambiki, daughters, Nelusigwe and Maria, and son, Bryan Andindilile
About te Serîes he Arîcan Humanîtîes Serîes îs a partnersîp between te Arîcan Humanîtîes Program (AHP) o te Amerîcan Councî o earned Socîetîes and academîc pubîsers NïSC (Pty) td. he Serîes covers topîcs în Arîcan îstorîes, anguages, îteratures, pîosopîes, poîtîcs and cutures. Submîssîons are soîcîted rom Feows o te AHP, wîc îs admînîstered by te Amerîcan Councî o earned Socîetîes and Inancîay supported by te Carnegîe Corporatîon o New York. he purpose o te AHP îs to encourage and enabe te productîon o new knowedge by Arîcans în te Ive countrîes desîgnated by te Carnegîe Corporatîon: Gana, Nîgerîa, Sout Arîca, Tanzanîa, and Uganda. AHP eowsîps support one year’s work ree rom teacîng and oter responsîbîîtîes to aow te Feow to compete te project proposed. Eîgîbîîty or te eowsîp în te Ive countrîes îs by domîcîe, not natîonaîty. Book proposas are submîtted to te AHP edîtorîa board wîc manages te peer revîew process and seects manuscrîpts or pubîcatîon by NïSC. ïn some cases, te AHP board wî commîssîon a manuscrîpt mentor to undertake substantîve edîtîng and to work wît te autor on reInîng te Ina manuscrîpt. he Arîcan Humanîtîes Serîes aîms to pubîs works o te îgest quaîty tat wî oreground te best researc beîng done by emergîng scoars în te Ive Carnegîe desîgnated countrîes. he rîgorous seectîon process beore te eowsîp award, as we as AHP edîtorîa vettîng o manuscrîpts, assures attentîon to quaîty. Books în te serîes are întended to speak to scoars în Arîca as we as în oter areas o te word. he AHP îs aso commîtted to provîdîng a copy o eac pubîcatîon în te serîes to unîversîty îbrarîes în Arîca.
AHP Edîtorîal Board Members as at July 2017
AHP Serîes Edîtors: Proessor Adîgun Agbaje, Unîversîty o ïbadan, Nîgerîa Proessor Emerîtus Fred Hendrîcks, Rodes Unîversîty, Sout Arîca
Consultant: Proessor Emerîtus Sandra Barnes, Unîversîty o Pennsyvanîa, USA (Antropoogy)
Board Members: 1 Proessor Akosua Adomako Ampoo, ïnstîtute o Arîcan Studîes, Gana (Gender Studîes & Advocacy) (Vîce Presîdent, Arîcan Studîes Assocîatîon o Arîca) 2 Proessor KoI Anyîdoo, Unîversîty o Gana, Gana (Arîcan Studîes & îterature) (Dîrector, Codesrîa Arîcan Humanîtîes ïnstîtute Program) 3 Proessor ïbraîm Beo-Kano, Bayero Unîversîty, Nîgerîa (Dept o Engîs and Frenc Studîes) 4 Proessor Satî Fwatsak, Unîversîty o Jos, Nîgerîa (Dept o Hîstory & ïnternatîona Studîes) 5 Proessor Patrîcîa Hayes, Unîversîty o te Western Cape, Sout Arîca (Arîcan Hîstory, Gender Studîes and Vîsuaîty) (SARCï Caîr în Vîsua Hîstory and heory) 6 Assocîate Proessor Wîred aju, Coege o Humanîtîes & Socîa Scîences, Makerere Unîversîty, Uganda (Dept o Pîosopy) 7 Proessor Yusuu awî, Unîversîty o Dar-es-Saaam,Tanzanîa (Dept o Hîstory)8 Proessor Bertram Mapunda, Unîversîty o Dar es Saaam, Tanzanîa (Dept o Arcaeoogy & Herîtage Studîes) 9 Proessor ïnnocent Pîkîrayî, Unîversîty o Pretorîa, Sout Arîca (Caîr & Head, Dept o Antropoogy & Arcaeoogy) 10 Proessor Josepat Rugemaîra, Unîversîty o Dar-es-Saaam, Tanzanîa (Dept o Foreîgn anguages & înguîstîcs) 11 Proessor ïdayat Boa Udegbe,Unîversîty o ïbadan,Nîgerîa (Dept o Psycoogy)
Published in this series
Domînîca Dîpîo,Gender terraîns în Afrîcan cînema, 2014 Ayo Adeduntan,Wat te forest tod me: Yoruba unter, cuture and narratîve performance,2014 Sue E. Egya,Natîon, power and dîssîdence în tîrd-generatîon Nîgerîan poetry în Engîs, 2014 ïrîkîdzayî Manase,Wîte narratîves: he depîctîon of post-2000 and învasîons în Zîmbabwe, 2016 Syvîa Bruînders,Paradîng Respectabîîty: he Cutura and Mora Aestetîcs of te Crîstmas Bands Movement în te Western Cape, Sout Afrîca, 2017
THE ANGLOPHONE LITERARY LINGUISTIC CONTINUUM: English and Indigenous Languages in African Literary Discourse
Pubîsed în Sout Arîca on bea o te Arîcan Humanîtîes Program by NïSC (Pty) td, PO Box 377, Graamstown, 6140, Sout Arîca
Fîrst edîtîon, Irst împressîon 2018
Pubîcatîon © Arîcan Humanîtîes Program 2018 Text © Mîcae Andîndîîe 2018
A rîgts reserved. No part o tîs pubîcatîon may be reproduced or transmîtted în any orm or by any means, eectronîc or mecanîca, încudîng potocopyîng, recordîng, or any înormatîon storage or retrîeva system, wîtout prîor permîssîon în wrîtîng rom te pubîser.
ïSBN: 978-1-920033-23-1 (prînt) ïSBN: 978-1-920033-24-8 (PDF) ïSBN: 978-1 920033-25-5 (ePub)
Manuscrîpt mentor: eonîe Vîjoen Project manager: Peter ague Cover desîgn: Advanced Desîgn GroupCover photographs: Chinua Achebe (top left) ©ZUMA Press, Inc. / Alamy Stock Photo; Nadine Gordimer (top right) ©Motlhalefi Mahlabe / South Photographs / Africa Media Online; Nuruddin Farah (bottom left) © dpa picture alliance archive / Alamy Stock Photo; Ngũgĩwa Thiong'o (bottom right) ©Agence Opale / Alamy Stock Photo
Prînted în Sout Arîca by Dîgîta Actîon
Te autor and te pubîser ave made every eort to obtaîn permîssîon or and acknowedge te use o copyrîgt materîa. Soud an înadvertent înrîngement o copyrîgt ave occurred, pease contact te pubîser and we wî rectîy omîssîons or errors în any subsequent reprînt or edîtîon.
Acknowledgements Foreword Preface
CHAPTER1 he case for an Anglopone Afrîcan lîterary-lînguîstîc contînuum ïntroductîon Hîstorîca roots o te Arîcan nove în Angopone Arîca he Tower o Babe and te întrîcate Arîcan înguîstîc andscape Arîca and te compound, compex îterary-înguîstîc sîtuatîon Engîs as a veîcuar anguage Puraîty în modern Arîcan îteratures Concusîon
CHAPTER2 Acebe and Anglopone Afrîcan lîterary dîscourse ïntroductîon Tradîtîona îterary eements and Acebe’s aestetîcs Duaîty o purpose în Acebe’s îterary-înguîstîc project Beyond stereotypîng: he împîcatîon o Acebe’s aestetîcs Concusîon Notes
CHAPTER3 Ngũgĩ, natîvîsm, Englîs and translîngualîsm ïntroductîon he orîgîna Angopone project Noves în transîtîon: On te tresod to natîvîsm he Gîkuyu project and transatîon Concusîon Note
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