Breaking the Illusions , livre ebook









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Breaking the Illusions is the story of resolve and grit in the face of seemingly insurmountable challenges. In this tell-all book, the author paints an insider's view of government, exposing the odds that are inexorably ranged against those who challenge the status quo and are perceived to be all-powerful. Hers is the intriguing story of a mistaken tag that at once opens multiple warfronts with shadowy detractors and opens previously unimaginable doors. The author provides a window into statecraft in a way that leaves the reader, researchers, ministers and even serving and aspiring public servants the richer.

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Date de parution

08 février 2024

Nombre de lectures






Poids de l'ouvrage

6 Mo

Breakîng e ïusîons
Kenway Biographical Works
1. SUSAN WOOD:A Fly in Amber 2. MïCHAE BUNDE:A Love Affair with the Sun 3. JOMO KENYATTA:Facing Mount Kenya 4. PROF JOSEPH MAïNA MUNGAï:From Simple to Complex: The Journey of a Herdsboy 5. G.G. KARïUKï:Illusion of Power: Fifty years in Kenya Politics 6. WAïTHAKA WAïHENYA:The Mediator: General Sumbeiywo and the Sudan Peace Process 7. MADATAY MANJï:Madatally Manji: Memoirs of a Biscuit Baron 8. AAN DONOVAN:My Journey Through African Heritage 9. YUSUF K DAWOOD:Nothing but the Truth 10. DOUGAS COïNS:Tales from Africa 11. ANNABE MAUE:Theatre Near the Equator 12. EïJAH MAOK:The Southern Sudan: Struggle for Liberty 13. VAERïE CUTHBERT:Wings of the Wind 14. DAVïD GODSWORTHY:Tom Mboya: The Man Kenya Wanted to Forget 15. OGïNGA ODïNGA:Not Yet Uhuru 16. TOM MBOYA:Freedom and After 17. NGŨGĨ WA THïONG’O:Dreams in a Time of War: A Childhood Memoir 18.NGŨGĨ WA THïONG’O:In the House of the Interpreter 19. NGŨGĨ WA THïONG’O:Birth of a Dream Weaver 20. NGŨGĨ WA THïONG’O:Wrestling with the Devil 21. NGŨGĨ WA THïONG’O:Detained: A Writer’s Prison Diary 22. NJENGA KARUME wî MUTU WA GETHOï:Beyond Expectations: From Charcoal to Gold 23. WANJïRU WAïTHAKA and EVANS MAJENï:A ProIle of Kenyan Entrepreneurs 24. KEVïN ïïS:Running for Black Gold: Fifty Years of African Athletics 25. PETER KAGWANJA wî HUMPHREY RïNGERA:Kiraitu Murungi: An Odyssey in Kenyan Politics 26. ROBERT F STEPHENS:Kenyan Student Airlifts to America, 1959-1961: An Educational Odyssey 25. JEREMïAH GïTAU KïEREïNï:A Daunting Journey 26. JOE KHAMïSï:Dash before Dusk: A Slave Descendant’s Journey in Freedom 27. GEORGE MAGOHA:Tower of Transformational Leadership 28. îeuenan Genera DANïE OPANDE:In Pursuit of Peace in Africa: An Autobiography 30.NJERI RUGENE:Beyond Politics – A Conversation with Kiraitu Murungi 31.M.G.WAWERŨ:Kenya’s Tax Czar: The Autobiography of MG Wawerũ 32. DR FRANCIS K. MUTHAURA:A Moving Horizon: A Memoir 33. SICILY K. KARIUKI:Breaking the Illusions: A Memoir
Breaking the Illusions
Pubîsed by Kenway Pubîcaîons an împrînt o
Eas Arîcan Educaîona Pubîsers d. Sreejî Road, of Nor Aîrpor Road, Embakasî, Naîrobî. P.O. Box 45314 - 00100 Naîrobî, KENYA Mobîe: +254 722 205661 / 722 207216 / 734 652012 WasApp: +254 722205660 Emaî: eaep@easarîcanpubîs Websîe: www.easarîcanpubîs
Eas Arîcan Educaîona Pubîsers aso as oIces or îs represened în e oowîng counrîes: Uganda, Tanzanîa, Rwanda, Maawî, Zambîa, Boswana and Sou Sudan.
© Sîcîy K. Karîukî, 2024
All rîghts reserved
Fîrs pubîsed 2024
eISBN: 978-9966-56-814-4
Aoug e auor and pubîser ave made every eor o ensure a e înormaîon în îs book was correc a press îme, e auor and pubîser do no assume and ereby dîscaîm any îabîîy o any pary or any oss, damage, or dîsrupîon caused by errors or omîssîons, weer suc errors or omîssîons resu rom negîgence, accîden, or any oer cause.
To my Mum, ï owe you a onne o graîude or eacîng me a umîîy aways wîns. And o my usband Karîukî Cege, our cîdren: Cege, Seîa, Njerî, Comy, Nonî and grandcîdren: Rîokî and Mîmî or beîng a consan source o înspîraîon. May îs book sand as a oken o apprecîaîon or e împac you ave ad on my îe.
Dedîcatîon Acknowledgements Foreword Caper 1 he ca Caper 2 he ‘îny one’ Caper 3 A ong îme ago Caper 4 My roos Caper 5 We rounded Caper 6 he irs sep Caper 7 os în e cîy Caper 8 ‘Form Seven’
Caper 9 Headeacer a 21 Caper 10 Knîg în sînîng armour Caper 11 he borrowed weddîng dress Caper 12 he unknown errîory Caper 13 he corner oIce Caper 14 he îg abe Caper 15 Cad în buîbuî Caper 16 Wo are e wo sîsers? Caper 17 Rîdîng on e îusîons Caper 18 Wo are your generas? Caper 19 Anoer NYS scanda! Caper 20 On knîe edge
v îx 1 5 8 12 15 18 21 23 26 30 34 38 41 49
54 56 60 64 70 79
Par o e eam accused o pannîng o assassînae e DP
Caper 21 Boced surgery Caper 22 ïnrîguîng and compex Caper 23 My ‘îe cîe advîsers’
he UHC Pîo aunc Caper 24 Deep rooed îneress Caper 25 ïnspîrîng esamens Caper 26 he COVïD-19 sorm Caper 27 Remaîn vîgîan
Caper 28 Famîy îs amîy NonîFamîy suppor
My ome by coîce Caper 29 he prîce o oyay ïnrîgues, women and poîîcs
Caper 30 My îme o pîvo Caper 31 hrowback momens ïnegrîy în îg oIce On medîaOn poîîca ygîene
On amîy and prîvacy On workï’s oneîer once you vacae îg oIce
he pursuî o efecîve eadersîp
ïnspîred by roe modes Index
83 87 91 94 97 101 104 106 108 114 115 115 117
118 126 130 134 134 136 136 137 137 139 140 141 143
e împossîbe appens wen you are surrounded by a grea T suppor sysem. ï may no be abe o ank a e peope and enîîes wo were însrumena în brîngîng îs book o ruîîon. ï, owever, mus convey my proound graîude o e oowîng: To Karîukî Cege, my usband, wo beîeved în me enoug o say ‘you can make îs appen’, and kep nudgîng me every sep o e way o make sure î appened. Your encouragemen and guîdance conrîbued îmmensey o makîng îs book possîbe. To my cîdren, Cege, Seîa, Njerî, Comy and Nonî, wo ave rused me o ‘keep goîng’. To my ovîng moer, Eunîce Wandîrî Mugo and er broer Parîck Muaara, wose grea însîgs and sarp memory made îs book possîbe. To my sîbîngs, wo know a a grea book îs no born unî we a poo our prîceess memorîes o umby growîng up ogeer. To my rue rîends, wo ave aug me a rue rîendsîp means sandîng în e gap, even wen everyîng seems no o work. To my many menors, wo generousy added eîr genuîne însîgs. Sîncere graîude aso goes o îz Gîonga, wo ook my scaered ougs and knew exacy ow o capure em. Your paîence, îme and undersandîng mean a o. To e grea Team a Eas Arîcan Educaîona Pubîsers, ancored by Kîarîe Kamau and e consuan edîor, Henry Munene, your dedîcaîon, eedback and îme wî aways be greay apprecîaed. Fînay, o a my coeagues wî wom we served ogeer în e governmen and corporae secors, and e peope wo ave aug me grea essons în îe, ï ank you. Wîou you, ï woud never ave become e person ï am oday.
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