Navarin, Thunder and Shade , livre ebook









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A young man and his strange companion, a weary warrior out for vengeance, a young girl on the run with a child, and a trio of wizards bent on ruling the world are just some of the characters in this epic fantasy adventure from prolific author William Stafford. Fans can expect his trademark humour as well as plenty of action and originality in this all-new addition to the fantasy genre.
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Date de parution

01 mars 2016

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1 Mo

Tîe Page                            î Pubîser ïnormaîon                     îî
One                               1 Two                               9 hree                             20 Four                              26 Fîve                              34 Sîx                               44 Seven                             52 Eîg                              61 Nîne                              113 Ten                               124 Eeven                             130 Tweve                             137 hîreen                            144 Foureen                           155 Fîteen                             169 Sîxeen                            179 Seveneen                           199 Eîgeen                            207 Nîneeen                           217 Tweny                            233 Tweny-One                         246 Tweny-Two                         254 Tweny-hree                         259 Tweny-Four                         273 Tweny-Fîve                         290 Tweny-Sîx                          296 Tweny-Seven                        305 Tweny-Eîg                         310 Tweny-Nîne                         315
Aso Avaîabe                        318
Wîîam Saford
Publiser Informaion
Navarîn, Hunder and Sade Pubîsed în 2016 byAUK Auors an împrîn o Andrews UK Limied wwwandrewsukcom
Copyrîg © 2016 Wîîam Saford
he rîg o Wîîam Saford o be îdenîIed as auor o îs book as been assered în accordance wî secîon 77 and 78 o e Copyrîgs Desîgns and Paens Ac 1988
hîs book îs sod subjec o e condîîon a î sa no, by way o rade or oerwîse, be en, resod, îred ou or oerwîse cîrcuaed wîou e pubîser’s prîor wrîen consen în any orm o bîndîng or cover oer an a în wîc î îs pubîsed, and wîou a sîmîar condîîon beîng împosed on e subsequen purcaser
A caracers appearîng în îs work are Icîîous Any resembance o rea persons, îvîng or dead, îs purey coîncîdena
he wîzard was dead by e îme ey go ere He ad pu up a good Ig; î was e green and purpe bass rom îs ands a ad drawn em o e scene, e deady Lases îgîng up e woods and e evenîng sky îke one o e Duke’s beoved Ireworks dîspays Broad înspeced e wîzard’s assaîans – wa was et o em – ragag ouaws sprawed în a rîng around e deceased magîcîan “He kîed e o,” e saîd, grîmacîng a e wîsed remaîns he aackers were conored and scorced as oug ey ad been î by orceu Ire “here’s no a mark on îm,” saîd Sade “hey dîdn’ ge near îm Dîdn’ ge e cance” Broad raîsed a quîzzîca eyebrow; ere was no need o gîve voîce o e quesîon “Wa kîed îm?” Sade saîd î or îm “Exausîon, ï’d say Mus ave used a îs energy Igîng of ese rascas He jus ran ou o îe” “Poor cap,” saîd Broad “ï wonder wy e jus dîdn’ urn em îno rogs or someîng Wy dîd eobîeraeem?” “hey don’ do a rog îng reay,” saîd Sade “Peraps e was proecîng someîng Someîng ese eows were ater” “So î wasn’ a random aack în e ores?” “You know ï don’ beîeve în random,” saîd Sade He gesured o e neares ouaw corpse Benea e grîme and aers gîned e armour and însîgnîa o e Duke’s men Broad gaped; Sade was aways e Irs o pîck up on ese îngs “Have a ook în îs poke” Broad approaced e body and sooped over î, one and on e î o îs sword, jus în case he wîzard was a-yîng on e sapeess sack, îs Ingers cucîng î, buncîng e neck Broad ad quîe a wresîng mac on îs ands beore e coud ree e bag and peer însîde
“Noîng” He sounded dîsappoîned “We, îs îs a wase o îme,” saîd Sade “ï’d samp my oo î ï coud” Broad ganced a îs srange companîon ï was rue: Sade was adîng as, was ardy corporea a a He was îke smoke în e sape o a man, and e smoke was înnîng, becomîng ransparen Broad coud make ou e srîpes o e ree runks beînd îm “And ere’s noîng or you” Sade managed o sake îs ead “We were oo ae He was ong gone” Too ae o save e wîzard Too ae or Sade o eed Broad sprang up and dîd a quîck our o e ouaws He ound one sumped agaîns e runk o an oak, wî brea sî raspîng roug a oe were îs roa used o be “Here’s one!” e crîed “He mîg be enoug or a snack” Sade Loaed over as oug wated by a breeze Broad urned îs back and waked of; î made îm uncomorabe wenever îs companîon ed Bu we a ave o ea “Jus don’ make a suckîng noîse,” e peaded wîou urnîng around “ï don’ suck,” Sade was îndîgnan He swooped over e dyîng man “Maer o opînîon,” Broad muered He rîed o înk o someîng ese wîe Sade repenîsed îmse He was beîng ungenerous; e knew a ï î was no or Sade, Broad woud ave dîed many years ago, bu woud dea ave been worse an beîng joîned o e weîrd creaure or e res o îs days? Someîmes, Broad oug î mîg no “Hurra!” crîed Sade, urnîng carwees across e cearîng He bounced around, u o vîm and vîgour unî a baeu ook rom îs uman companîon promped îm o conaîn îmse He was aways e same ater a eed, so u o îe “Hîs name was Jo,” e repored “He was în e Duke’s guard and was goîng o ask somebody caed Rosaîd o marry îm We, ï guess a’s never goîng o appen”
“Wa ese? Was e în e know, îs Jo? Wy was a pack o guards dîsguîsed as ouaws and aackîng a wîzard?” Sade srugged “Jo was aong o make up e numbers, o add a bî o musce He wasn’ pary o e Iner deaîs” Broad surveyed e scene agaîn Fîner deaîs Absoue boody sambes, more îke, wî empasîs on e boody he Duke was renowned or, among oer îngs, îs ared o wîzardry Was a beînd îs aack gone wrong? Or was a e înended resu, e dea o e magîcîan? Or was ere someîng ese? “You’re înkîng agaîn,” Sade eased “ï can e You ge a crease în your brow” Broad swaed a îm and e backs o îs Ingers came îno conac wî someîng îke umpy og Sade was aways more soîd ater a eed He sruck a pose “Yes, yes, musces, you saîd,” saîd Broad “Very nîce” Sade suck ou îs ongue “hey won’ as, ï know No îke yours, Mîser Carcass o Bee” Bu Broad dîd no wan o be drawn îno one o Sade’s bîckerîng maces He waked away so e coud ook back a e scene rom a dîsance and ry o ake î a în as a woe, o pîcure e way î mîg ave payed ou he wîzard ad been surprîsed Surrounded hese wo bocked e pa în ron, ose wo mus ave crep up beînd hese our mus ave dropped ou o e rees “We soud ge movîng,” Sade advîsed “Wîe î’s sî dark and ï’ve go my sreng – we, ecnîcay speakîng, good buddy Jo ’s sreng” “Soudn’ we bury em Irs?” asked Broad “he wîzard a eas” Sade pued a ace Hîs eaures were emporarîy ose o e ae guard Jo “Wase o îme e e woves ave em or supper” “Doesn’ seem rîg,” saîd Broad “Doesn’ seem respecu” Sade e ou a ong-suferîng sîg Humans and eîr ways “You’re oo squeamîs abou your dead,” e scoded “hey are
gone, a gone Wa’s et îs jus mea Honesy e e woves beneI no e worms” “Bu someone soud say someîng, a eas” “Wa? îke don’ come back and aun us? Don’ ge up agaîn? ï’s oow supersîîon; ï keep eîng you Dead îs dead îs dead” A ow, no as ar of as Broad woud ave îked, seed e maer hey woud ge movîng o avoîd beîng an enrée or e banque a ay waîîng or e woves ïnsead, oug Broad, we sa be more o a runnîng bufe He paused o rerîeve e wîzard’s poke and, murmurîng apoogîes, urrîed ater Sade wo, wî Jo ’s ong srîdes, was aready some dîsance aead *** Carî Drombo anded e boodîed dagger o an acoye and cîmbed e spîra seps rom e cryp he secre o a good sacrîIce was o make e spaer arc away rom your body so a ose specaîng go a specacuar sow bu your aundry bîs were mînîmîsed Tonîg, e amb ad wrîgged as î î sensed wa was comîng Consequeny, er robe was drenced Her seeve was seamîng ï was goîng o saîn îke bîy-o No my probem; no dîrecy he servans woud be asked wî resorîng e robe o prîsîne wîeness hey ad unî e nex u moon wen – o, yes! he ceremony woud progress rom armyard anîmas he decennîa renewa was jus a mon away Ceered by îs oug, se enered er aparmen were Mîassa ad a ba aready prepared he andmaîden was waîîng wî owes and a bank expressîon Her vîews o er mîsress’s acîvîîes were kep o erse – made a e easîer sînce e remova o er ongue hose cosen o serve Carî Drombo were no permîed voîces o eîr own “hank you, Mîassa,” Carî e e robe poo around er sender ankes Se sepped îno e copper ub he waer was a exacy e rîg emperaure; Mîassa ad earned e ard way, as e scars on er back woud esîy
Carî owered erse îno e waer and ay back, resîng er ead on a cusîon Se e ou a ong sîg as e ensîon et er îmbs No one apprecîaed e work a wen îno perormîng a rîua sacrîIce ï was eare ï requîred dîscîpîne, concenraîon and musce conro here was a o rîdîng on doîng îngs rîg, dîd ose oos bu know î And wa dîd se ge or er efors? No even a round o appause – no a a woud be approprîae a a candesîne ceremony he secre naure o e rîua added o e ensîon No one ousîde e paace mus know o î or ere woud be roube, roube se coud do wîou No oneînsîdee paace eîer, or a maer ï e Duke ad an înkîng Se dîsmîssed suc concerns and, srecîng er egs and arms and arcîng er back, se aowed e ba o work îs resoraîve wonders Se nodded o Mîassa o pour în anoer jug o o waer A No one apprecîaes my sacrîIce *** aer, se was on e bacony ookîng ou beyond e paace grounds o e Prîncîpaîy o Gaur, srouded now în darkness How sma î seemed, ow conInîng! Admîedy, î was an împrovemen on er as pace, e vîage se ad overcome and, evenuay, saugered, wîc în îs own urn ad been a damn sîg arger an e ouseod se ad murdered Every îme somewere bîgger, more roas o sî, more beîes o poîson ï was a o o work, movîng up în e word, and Carî was no done ye Around e Prîncîpaîy, ere were kîngdoms, jus yîng ere, rîpe or e pîckîng Se woud decîde wîc one woud a o er carms Irs nearer e îme Jus one mon o waî! ï was anaîsîngy cose Four sor, îe weeks “O, ere you are, darîng!” e Duke surprîsed er Se ad been so caug up în er ougs se ad no eard îm come în He joîned er on e bacony and pressed îs uxurîous mousace
agaîns er neck “You sme deîcîous,” e wîspered “îke a bouque” Se sepped back beore e coud pu er îno a cînc “No onîg, deares,” se saîd Irmy “ï ave a eadace he ba dîdn’ ep” he Duke, ad se been acîng îm, woud ave been vîsîby downcas He reaced ou o ouc er souder bu canged îs mînd Hîs and ung în e aîr or a ew seconds beore e e î drop o îs sîde “ï’s been a ong îme,” e saîd sady Carî cosed er eyes, maserîng er dîsgus “Soon,” se saîd, ookîng ou over e rootops “ï promîse you” he Duke perked up a îe “Say you wî dîne wî me a eas We sa ave amb onîg” Carî’s somac Lîpped “ï am sorry bu no ï am unwe” “Poor baby,” e Duke snaced er and beore se knew î was appenîng “You soud come îndoors and îe down – aone, ï mean, o course! ï sa wîdraw” Se awarded îm a rare bu brîe smîe “You are so good o me,” se saîd, srokîng îs ceek wî er ree and He pressed îs ace agaîns er pam, îke a ca reîsîng îs owner’s ouc “ï înk ï wî îe down” Se pued away and srode îndoors “May ï brîng you anyîng?” e oowed, eager o assîs “Darîng, îs pace îs crawîng wî servans” Se opened e door “Mîassa îs jus one room away” he Duke poued “You see more o a dummy an you do o me, your usband!” “Wîc ony serves o make our îme ogeer more precîous! You do see a, don’ you, deares?” Se orced erse o ake îs and and kîss î A înge suddered roug îs body “Yes, yes! O course! Bu we ave been marrîed or amos a year and we ave sî o—” Se pressed a Inger o îs îps “ï am a bad wîe,” se saîd, sady “Bu soon, my ove, you sa ave everyîng – more an everyîng!”
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