It's Only Words , livre ebook









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This is a collection of short stories, verse, and so-named 'Flash Fiction' for the male or female reader who enjoys variety. Topical themes covered by the short stories range from Crime drama (from differing perspectives) Satire (you may even think you recognize a character or two!) and Comedy pieces doing their best to raise a smile or a chuckle. So if you would like to know what might have happened to a pacifist during the first world war, then there's a story here for you. If you want to find out how a man called Malone deals with his unfaithful wife, there's a story here for you. If you want to visit a coward's grave (with a difference) you can do so within these pages. If the spiritual world interests you, then hopefully you will find something positive to take from 'It's Only Words', the short story bearing the title which has been given to this collection. As for the versed work within this collection, the author has again ranged across a multi-coloured palate of subject matter. He has written to amuse you or stimulate you, or even move you if he has caught you at a time when a particular piece may resonate within you as you read.
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Date de parution

09 mars 2015





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1 Mo

Pubîser ïnormaîon                  îî Dedîcaîon                        îîî
ï as A Been Saîd                   1 Passîon-Dae Sunse                   2 Moved                           6 Reveaîons                        7 He Door’s He Hîng                 11 Wonder Woman’s Moon rîp             12 Unsuîabe Suîor                    15 He Dame and He Dînosaur             16 earnîng o îve                    25 A Coward’s Grave                    26 Sy Kosky’s Ba-Breaker                32 Day rîp or Doores                  33 aecomer                        39 Nadîa’s Fîna ïnervîew                 40 Man-Cîd’s Measure                 45 Wo’s Fooîng Wo?                  46 A Meeîng o Mînds                  56 He Crîspan Cruncy Crîsîs              58 A Woman Hîng                    68 Burnîng Desîre                     69 So Were – So Wa?                 72 A Fruîu Enerprîse                  73 Wa’s A Gîr o Do?                  79 A Surprîsîng Afaîr                   80 Wa’s A Guy o Do?                 102
Queen’s Gambî Decîned               103 Deady Movemens                   104 Ceraîn Unceraînîes                 106 He Wra O Ro                   107 Ponderîng Pandora                   136 He Memory                      137 He Name’s He Hîng                 138 Procreaîon Pîas                   140 Madame                         141 Perspecîve ïmperec                 142 Kaîe’s Key                        143 Scrambed Eggs                     160 Woud We Coud                    161 îme Pease                       162 He Fower And ï                    163 ï’s Ony Words                     164 Maybe                          176 Beînd Beyond                     177 Proporîona Response                 178 îndsîg                        196 eare                         197 Some Peope                       198 Paddy’s amen                     199 ïnspîraîon                        200
Aso Avaîabe                      201
A Collection o Sort Stories and Verse
Wrîen By Bî Carîad
Publiser Inormation
ï’s Ony Words Pubîsed în 2015 by Andrews UK îmîed wwwandrewsukcom
He rîg o Bî Carîad o be îdenîIed as e Auor o îs Work as been assered by îm în accordance wî e Copyrîg, Desîgns and Paens Ac 1998
Copyrîg © 2015 Bî Carîad
A rîgs reserved No par o îs pubîcaîon may be reproduced, sored în a rerîeva sysem, or ransmîed, în any orm or by any means wîou e prîor wrîen permîssîon o e pubîser, nor be oerwîse cîrcuaed în any orm o bîndîng or cover oer an a în wîc î îs pubîsed and wîou a sîmîar condîîon beîng împosed on e subsequen purcaser Any person wo does so may be îabe o crîmîna prosecuîon and cîvî caîms or damages
A caracers appearîng în îs work are Icîîous Any resembance o rea persons, îvîng or dead, îs purey coîncîdena
I dedicate tis collection to tree people wo live in my eart.
For Maureen, my very own Wes prîncess, wo capured my Scoîs ear weve years ago and sî makes î sîng A ear wîc woud ave sopped beaîng, ad î no been or er skî
And or Aan, e broer wo was os o me bu made î îs busîness o Ind me a ose years ago ï wî aways be graeu or îs enacîy, and îs afecîon
And or Coîn Sprîggs, e man wo gîTed me îs rîendsîp Wîc ï reasure
It Has All Been Said
ï speak as a sîmpe wordsmî, usîng rusy roug-ewn oos, wo uss or an uncovered exîcon, o bedeck you wî îs jewes ï woud îke o pu ogeer e words în suc a way, your eyes woud smar, ï’d break your ear, once read, wa’s saîd, a memory o say He cance o be orîgîna, e words o be e Irs o od you wen you ouc e page, o eed your unger and o sake your îrs You coud use me as a pîck-me-up, or pu me down a wî, occasîonay quoe me, even say you wroe me, read me o excîe or o sî
On sage and screen, or în beween e covers o e years, e exîcon o anguage îves o soke our rage or cam our ears
So aas and aack o e means o reaîze my ooîs dreams, needs mus conînue o derîve permuaîons o surprîse oînko eadîng, no beîng ed, o ry orgeîng ï as a been saîd
Passion-Dale Sunset
For Aber Fosdyke, se-socked pacîIs and poograper, e evenu 17th day o Ocober 1917 reucany dîed în sades o coudy grey e sîeny waced now, roug îs see-barred aperure, e demîse o day bîrîng nîg as an undamaged par o îs racured mînd began snacîng a gîmpses o brîger endîngs o beer days Sunses and Aber sared many memorîes… Wîe îdden sorm couds were aready ormîng în e sraospere over Ausrîa, an Engîs evenîng sky o safron ad awakened medîca-suden Aber’s arîsîc sou Rousîng îs desîre o capure, and od, e myrîad o coours spîîng rom e ceesîa paee Frusraed oragîng în îs modes oobox o avaîabe skîs ad ound ony îs înabîîy o successuy marry oîs o canvas Co-încîdenay, on June 28th 1914, as Arcduke Ferdînand’s drîver ook a aeu wrong urn îno a narrow Sarajevo sree, a oîdayîng Aber Fosdyke sumbed ono an unmapped rack în a Wes vaey and, under an evenîng sky o magena, ound an aracîve and anke-spraîned woman în dîsress and os îs ear Over e oowîng week, Prîscîa obrook, army major’s maure and unappy wîe, one î-waker and avîd poograper, careuy seered Aber’s magîc carpe-rîde o romance Wî a mos graîyîng sense o gaanry,ow coud se manage oerwîse?, e was easîy persuaded o sare er oîday coage nesîng în e vaey’s ea, or, as Prîscîa preerred, e Dae Heîr conversaîons recognîzed neîer îmepîece nor boundary, and, energîsed by orces unknown o Aber, e maced er reveaîons as comoraby as e dîd er srîde on eîr waks o sared dîscovery Se înroduced îm o e word o e camera, umbîng îm wî er knowedge and experîse wîs seducîng îm wî er verba caresses wen e reveaed îs own unuIed arîsîc benLe e camera become your medîum,se’d înspîrîngy suggesed And on eîr as evenîng în e Wes vaey, under
a sky-bazîng usîon o îndîgo, magena, and safron, se ook îs vîrgînîy and, momenarîy, îs power o coeren speec ïndeîby brandîng îs senses wî er ouc and scenWe mus aways remember îs vaey as our very own passîon-dae,se’d soTy wîspered On e mornîng ey pared, wî an apoogy or avîng used er usband’s saîonery, Prîscîa gave Aber er skec depîcîng e unmapped rack wî a cross markîng e spo were ey’d me Brancîng rîg rom e rack, se’d drawn e sream were ey’d baed eîr ee, and er sky-îne was broken by exposîve srokes cîmbîng rom ground eve o reac and surround e dîsappearîng Ireba o a sun Aber, recognîzîng îs grapîc memorîa o îs comîng-o-age cîmacîc sunse, was sî busîng wen Prîscîa, advîsîng îm e mus rey on naura brîg îg or oudoor sos, presened îm wî e Kodak ves-pocke cameraï sa reurn o e coage eac year on e same daes, se’d înormed îm eavîng e promîse, unspoken, în îs mînd
On Augus 7th 1914, ree days aTer Brîaîn decared war on Germany, Aber Fosdyke, conceaîng bo pacîIs vîews and ves-pocke camera, responded o Kîcener’s ca or 100,000 vouneers and joîned He Roya Army Medîca Corps o begîn îs journey roug e on ear Wîc Inay broug îm, on Ocober 12th 1917, o e Frenc Ieds o îquîd-mud prevenîng aîed orces advancîng beyond Passcendaee Rîdge Wa remaîned o e Medîca Corps Capaîn’s unîorm ung în mud-encrused sreds rom e se-socked wreck o e man beîng ed uprîg beore Coone Percîva obrook, commandîng oicer o He Fîrs Baaîon Wes Fusîîers obrook, îmse în sock bu or a dîferen reason, consîdered e repored acs e a eas, us ar, undersood He man, evîdeny an oicer,bu no o e Fusîîers so no ereore, srîcy speakîng, a broer oIcer,ad been seen akîng poograps o e înes and e Rîdge Hîs was expressy orbîdden and an ofence punîsabe by dea Moreover, wen e seîng ad recommenced e man ad reporedy been
sruck bu ad conînued usîng e camera wîs screamîng e was a pacîIs and a poograper Were e Coone’s undersandîng ceased, and îs own sock began, ay beore îm on îs abe în e sape o a aered pîece o saîonery upon wîc ad been drawn a map He Coone’s Irs sock ad been o see îs own name and ondon address, under îs pas rank o Major, a e op o e saîonery Hîs ad been brîsky dîsmîssed by îs ïneîgence oicer as an obvîous ac o eT a some poîn în e pas O more urgen împorance o îs ïneîgence oicer was e map îseWas îs îne brancîng rîg, no e rîver Lys? And î so, was e îne î branced rom e înended advance poîn o e enemy? Wa o îs oer îne, wî an exposîon appareny beîng depîced? Was îs no e Passcendaee Rîdge? Was îs man an agen o e enemy? Was îs cross markîng a rendezvous poîn? As e babbîng wrec was ed away, Coone Percîva obrook sared down a e unknown and e amîîar e ad no îdea ow îs persona saîonery ad ound îs way îno e man’s ands, and, îke îs ïneîgence oicer, coud ony guess a e map, bu e Coone’s rea sock ay în e ac a, even în skec orm, e recognîzed îs wîe’s and Aber Fosdyke, boodîed pacîIs, one-îme over and doomed poograper, sood on e bed o ook roug e bars and a sî uncîonîng par o îs braîn acknowedged e îrony o wa e saw Prîscîa ad od îm a în 1827, Josep Nîepce, a veeran o Napoeon’s army, became e Irs person o combîne opîca properîes o îg wî îs cemîca efecs and preserve e resus o acîeve îs, e înnovaîve Nîepce ad poograped a couryard, peraps no dîssîmîar o e one Aber was ookîng a now Wîc was were, Aber knew, e woud be soDeares Prîscîa,aways wî îm ye os o îm în e mîss o îme No even er skeced memorîa o comor îm now, as î ad on so many orrendous occasîonsOny se, woud e mîss.îs comrades, e knew, ad consîdered îm o be rum eow Wo ese, ey’d saîd, woud smîe a e sound o e dreaded Passcendaee
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