Franklyn , livre ebook









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Je m'inscris

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Je m'inscris








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Franklyn was born into a gritty north of England town. His expected path through life would have him live out his years in the manner of that town's baseline existence. But it wasn't to be. Perhaps he was pre-selected to break rank so that bigger dreams could be fulfilled. Whatever the prime force may have been, he was to know a different life. Perhaps, too, the corridors of our own reality are flimsier than we believe! On the other side of the wall may lie another path. As Franklyn himself discovers, a perceived reality can be as real as reality itself.
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Date de parution

17 décembre 2015

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1 Mo

Puîser ïnormaîon                  îî
Caper 1                         1 Caper 2                         6 Caper 3                        14 Caper 4                        23 Caper 5                        28 Caper 6                        33 Caper 7                        37 Caper 8                        48 Caper 9                        54 Caper 10                        59 Caper 11                        64 Caper 12                        69 Caper 13                        76 Caper 14                        81 Caper 15                        89 Caper 16                        96 Caper 17                        102 Caper 18                        110 Caper 19                        118 Caper 20                        124 Caper 21                        131 Caper 22                        136
Aso Avaîae                      139
Rîcard Cîf
Publisher Information
Puîsed în 2015 y Andrews UK îmîed wwwandrewsukcom he rîg o Rîcard Cîf o e îdenîIed as e auor o îs work as een assered în accordance wî e Copyrîg, Desîgns and Paens Ac 1998 Copyrîg © 2015 Rîcard Cîf A rîgs reserved No par o îs puîcaîon may e reproduced, sored în a rerîeva sysem, or ransmîed, în any orm or y any means wîou e prîor wrîen permîssîon o e puîser, nor e oerwîse cîrcuaed în any orm o îndîng or cover oer an a în wîc î îs puîsed and wîou a sîmîar condîîon eîng împosed on e susequen purcaser Any person wo does so may e îae o crîmîna prosecuîon and cîvî caîms or damages A caracers appearîng în îs work are Icîîous Any resemance o rea persons, îvîng or dead, îs purey coîncîdena
Chapter 1
Memory, as oug rusraed y îs own passîve exîsence and ack o pysîca orm, oten ses raps or e over conIden For însance, you may e sure o e exac pace were you pu someîng ony o Ind a î’s no ere You can reurn many îmes o a pace în e same eîe a î mus e ere, î never îs ï never was hen î urns up somewere ese O course! Now you rememer! hen ere are e occasîons wen you are angered y oers wose memory îs ovîousy a au; eîr reca îs gravey Lawed and în some însances ey weren’ even ere or e evens o wîc ey speak hen someone ese corrooraes eîr memory y precîsey macîng î o eîr own and you a sîen, dîsmayed ha’s memory or you Bu wa o e memorîes a canno e corrooraed? Wa en – wen ere’s ony you o rememer? Were, on a scae o sîx o a ousand and ree, does ru en res îs weary aunces? We, e sory a ï am aou o e douess îes as a sîtîng îng somewere aong a scae No scîenîIc ru, no ru a you coud ay any amoun o money on, jus my ru as eîeved and îved y me ï ope you’ Ind î îneresîng, even oug you are proay no my age and dîd no îve and work were ï dîd Noneeess, we may ave encounered e same sors o peope Ater a, ey do end o repîcae emseves across many dîvîdes ï was orn în 1952 – now ere’s a monocrome, acory ooer îmage or you! Anyway, ï was orn îno a workîng cass par o a workîng cass own a oten ed pea soup ogs as par o îs DNA Everyone worked; u-îme or Dads, par-îme or Mums hen cars came aong, and eevîsîons, and ree-pîece suîes, a paîd or wî someîng caed HP wîc sood or îre purcase and mean a peope wîou cas coud ure ou and uy ese îngs hey dîd
hen î ecame u-îme or Dads and u-îme or Mums ï was an age o new Brîg new everyîng Today, waever o î can sî e ound îs reerred o as rero and ang on rend Back en î was reerred o as geîng wî-î and mean no eîng square any more My junîor scoo years saw a îs evove On goîng în a Ive years o age, jus anoer cesnu oppy-aîred kîd, î was quîe common o see oys wear eîr Dad’s cu down rousers, îarîousy gaered a e waîs No one auged, î was oo norma or a On eavîng aged eeven, ose same kîds woud spor rand new ooa oos or games perîods For me, o en and în ookîng ack, ose junîor scoo years ed e es o my eary îmes ï never raîned, î dîdn’ and e o summers were ony înerruped y seasona wîe Crîsmases ï’m sure you know were îs îs goîng ï was anoer word ack en We, î was, and ï oved î ï was a îme o payîng-ou unî en o’cock a nîg, wen you woud wander ome unroued; a îme wen e coed srees were newy aîd wî ar a you coud pu away, pîck ou e sones and ro î îno – ranky, anyîng A you ad o do was avoîd e uy în e nex sree and pu your and up în cass o every quesîon asked, despîe no knowîng e answer îe was swee and rîends penîu Good rîends oo, mosy ragamuins îke myse, a skînny and u o î hîs never încuded e quîe ones în cass, e rîg ones wî e dîferen saped eads a ad e exra î a e ack Good or copyîng of în mas, oug, î you coud curve your eyesîg around eîr cra-îke eows hey were a oay separae reed wo never sufered rom no undersandîng îngs îke ï dîd heîr eads woud dîve away down e pen’s eng owards e paper o answer e sums suddeny dîspayed on e ackoard and eave me o sare în sîen panîc ïn aîrness, none o my o aîred any eer an ï dîd, î jus dîdn’ roue em ï admî ï was jeaous o e cever ones hey never soug e approva o oers, never e e asoue need o pay e cown You never saw em anywere ousîde o scoo,
goodness ony knows wa ey a dîd wîe e res o us were scavengîng ooas of a roo somewere or ryîng o make a rat rom wooden paes Fîty years on, ï can sî reca eîr names, ey won’ reca mîne o course, î îndeed, ey ever dîd ï was în îs arky manner a ose eary scoo years passed y Kîndy dînner adîes woud ovîngy doe ou îck gravy or e askîng, e gîrs kep emseves o emseves and we aways ad a o pan goîng on îe was an asoue reeze Jus occasîonay, oug, as î o remînd me o îs serîous purpose, eers o concern rom scoo woud a roug e eerox a ome; aong wî e varîous erm repors a învarîay Lagged up proems wî my mas hese occasîons aways resued în Mum sîîng me down or an our or so în e evenîngs o raw roug e supposed rouîng îs he roue en was ere weren’ any rouîng îs ï a seemed so sraîgorward and ovîous wen Mum wen roug î aer în e evenîng ï woud someîmes overear Dad ask ow our îe earnîng sessîons ad gone o wîc Mum aways repîed, ‘We, e seems o e a rîg o me’ Wîc was Ine ecause a coupe o îmes, ï’d eard menîon o prîvae uîîon în order o Ix e proem So a kep a parîcuar wo rom e door Bu as îme eased y, woudn’ you know î, everyîng canged Someîng came aong caed e eeven pus hîs was a îe cangîng exam a we were od you coudn’ aî, you woud sîmpy e canneed îno e senîor scoo a es suîed your earnîng requîremens Anyway, as expeced, us wasers aîed and wen of o secondary scoo o en I e acorîes he cever ones passed and wen of o grammar scoo o en I e unîversîîes ï never saw em agaîn My Irs proem en was a a my cums, îvîng were ey dîd, wen o some Vîcorîan souîng ouse în e mîdde o own ï, îvîng were ï dîd, e ousîde a parîcuar cacmen area and so, wen o a vas and souess pîe o oney cooured rîcks a oused mîes o emusîon-wased corrîdors and raded under e name ‘Odank Secondary Modern Scoo’ ï înk î was e
Irs îme ï’d known rea ear ï waned o run ack o my prîmary scoo, o ose wonderu dînner adîes wo ï knew woud Ix everyîng or me î ï dîd Coud ï wander around own peraps, or Ive years and preend? Ater a, none o e rîoous kîds a auged supîdy eore me were rîends o mîne here wasn’ a rîendy ace o e seen anywere, wîc încuded e eacers empowered y î a ï raîned or e nex our years, dîsmay and depressîngy ï was a pace wîou ope, a pace wî no uure promîse and ï aed î wî a passîon he ony sujec a ed any spark o îneres or me was musîc, someîng wîc ï’d aways ad a ankerîng or; mosy, oug, e one our a week essons urned îno an eîgeen cenury îsory drone aou some Ausrîan, or waever, composer Never was ere any aemp made o eac us ow o pay an însrumen or o read see musîc, îngs wîc ï woud readîy ave warmed o ïn my It year a secondary scoo, e raîn sopped Surrounded agaîn y good rîends, ere was res excîemen în e aîr ï was en e ae-60s and e word was aaze – wî us Gone was a ack-ea dross musîc and e ack and wîe dress code a ad us copy men wî anern jaws Suddeny, î was an open coîce, as ong as you wore aded denîm ï was auous Coecîvey, we coudn’ decîde weer o sîp down o ondon o e Amerîcan emassy and sîgn up or e Vîenam War or ge ourseves o Caîornîa or e surIng cum musîc scene he word was a appenîng pace and we waned în O course, we dîd none o ose îngs u someow a dîdn’ seem o maer Wa maered was eîevîng a we coud, a, and e never endîng rus o good îdeas As oug o rîng us a ack down o ear one aternoon, Mr Baîey, e Engîs eacer sroed îno cass earîng îs usua grîzzed ook and wî ovîousy no earnîng on e agenda, asked eac o us wa we’d e doîng on eavîng scoo; someîng wîc was en îmmînen One y one, we reeed of e engîneerîng
companîes a eac o us was desîned o e apprenîced o, wîc încuded my own, Newsome Toos îmîed here was o e no akîng îme ou o do any o e îngs a we aked o, no Caîornîa, no surIng, jus e waîîng acory gaes as oug we ad no conro over any par o our îves ï îmmedîaey sruck me a îs was anoer end o days ï rememer ookîng a Mr Baîey, a îs non-compreendîng ace and înkîng, ‘Wa do you know, you never et scoo în a your îe?’ ï sî înk ï was rîg A ew weeks aer we et scoo or good For me, î coudn’ come quîck enoug
Chapter 2
Wa repaced î was someîng even more dîsma Wîou even e reedom soak o a ong summer’s reak, ï sepped îke a rîgened cîd, mug în and, îno e darkes recesses o îndusry ï ooked îke e mos dangerous pace on ear O course, ï ad seen Newsome Toos rom e ousîde over many years u never gîven a momen’s oug o wa acuay wen on în ere Now, ï was o e par o î, wî îs underousy roîng overead crane, Lasîng wedîng arcs and rows o aes and mîîng macînes a seemed o go on orever Everywere, eîer spînnîng or raversîng see was eîng cu as ue-o enraîs o swar sreamed rom wînîng macînes îke razor scrîe he sme was a o o oî and e woe pace, dîm and noîsy, ooked îke î was made as some eîs pace o punîsmen No one came o me, no one even ooked a me as ï sood ere, socked A orkît ruck, spînnîng an orange îg, screamed pas so ï sepped ackwards wîou need No even sowîng, î en dîsappeared roug sappîng poyene doors, î anyone ad een comîng e oer way! Aong a road aîse eween macînes, ï coud see men sood aou, ey ooked oay a ease and unroued y e înense mayem a wen on a around as ey aked ï waned o go over and ask em were ï soud repor u a mean goîng urer însîde wîc seemed ar rom wîse How ey even go ere was uncear As ï sood ere, unsure aou everyîng, a coma aîgued eecrîc ug a was once yeow, pued up o a a esîde me and e man în overas drîvîng î saîd, ‘You e new apprenîce?’ ‘Yes’ ï repîed keeny and ony jus managed no o add ‘sîr’ He suled îmse sîdeways on e cover rîpped sea, pued a nod or me o joîn îm and of we wen as oug on a gos raîn rîde ha was my înroducîon o e nex our years Marveous Nauray, ï aed e pace, î was e as envîronmen a
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