Escape From Vultures' Moon , livre ebook









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The frontier world of Vultures' Moon faces destruction unless Jed and his remarkable Horse can put a stop to a marauding bunch of killers, a mysterious device and the resurgence of an old enemy. This third visit to the wild west planet could well be the last!
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Date de parution

24 novembre 2015

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1 Mo

Tîe Page                         î Pubîser ïnormaîon                  îî
Goss!                           1 A Cose Save!                      8 A Coac and a Canyon!                15 An Od Foe!                       20 he Pyramîd!                      24 Powwow!                        30 A Demonsraîon!                   36 A Cange în e Weaer!               42 he Ranc!                       47 Back a e Ranc!                   58 Fîg!                          64 A Reunîon!                       70 Mooners!                        78 he Space Saîon!                   85 he Naure o e Fue!                 90 An ïnvîsîbe hrea!                  103 Aack on Weeub!                  112 Endgame!                        122 Down Came he Moon!                133 An Endîng and a Begînnîng!             145
Aso Avaîabe                      149
Escape from Vulture’s Moon
Wîîam Saford
Publiser Information
Pubîsed în 2015 by Andrews UK îmîed wwwandrewsukcom he rîg o Wîîam Saford o be îdenîIed as e auor o îs work as been assered în accordance wî e Copyrîg, Desîgns and Paens Ac 1998 Copyrîg © 2015 Wîîam Saford A rîgs reserved No par o îs pubîcaîon may be reproduced, sored în a rerîeva sysem, or ransmîed, în any orm or by any means wîou e prîor wrîen permîssîon o e pubîser, nor be oerwîse cîrcuaed în any orm o bîndîng or cover oer an a în wîc î îs pubîsed and wîou a sîmîar condîîon beîng împosed on e subsequen purcaser Any person wo does so may be îabe o crîmîna prosecuîon and cîvî caîms or damages A caracers appearîng în îs work are Icîîous Any resembance o rea persons, îvîng or dead, îs purey coîncîdena
Jed and îs Horse waced e Ireworks soar îg above e rootops o Tarnaîon Burss o coouru sparks paîned e eary evenîng sky wî Leeîng, Iery Lowers From îs dîsance, you coudn’ ear em bu e gunsînger was sure e ownsok were a a-woopîng and a-oerîng a eac and every wîzz-bang and odero Pîoneers’ Day A pubîc oîday a was a wecome respîe rom e oî and ard abour o ekîng ou a îe or yourse on e ronîer word o Vuures’ Moon Jed dîdn’ begrudge anybody a day of bu, înevîaby, once nîg e and e Ireworks were done, e menok woud adjourn o e saoons and însead o rockes, Iss woud Ly and Jed woud be ard pressed o keep e peace Yup, come mornîng, Serîf Dawson woud ave sandîng room ony în e Tarnaîon jaî “ha remînds me,” saîd Horse, rackîng e exposîon o a rocke, “ha sooîng sar we saw e oer nîg” Jed scraced e subbe on îs cîn “ï remember,” e saîd, aoug e dîd no need o uer a word; Horse seemed aways o know wa Jed was înkîng “ï was green” “And ï saîd î wasn’ a sooîng sar,” îs seed conînued, “and you saîd î mos îkey was, and ï poîned ou î coudn’ be, and you rîed o accoun or e green ue—” “ï remember!” Jed înerruped Horse’s monoogue beore î coud deveop îno a one-ac pay “ï saîd î was on accoun o amosperîcs or some suc” “You’re a scîenîIc genîus,” saîd Horse “ï say we soud go and ceck î ou” Jed gruned Hîs od rîend Doc Brandy woud ave known exacy wa ad aen rom e sky – bu e doc was dead and burîed and no onger în a posîîon o dîvuge any înormaîon
Horse’s eyes Lased as e conduced compuaîons “Judgîng by e paraboa ï soud say î anded due wes o ere Tweny mîes, gîve or ake” “anded?” “Yes ï wasn’ a sooîng sar ï oug we ad esabîsed a” Jed coudn’ be boered o argue He ugged on e reîns – someîng e rarey ever dîd or ad o do “Ow!” Horse compaîned – bu î was a compaîn born o annoyance raer an pysîca dîscomor “e’s ge o own,” Jed saîd Lay “See î we caîn’ ead of a good dea o e roube aore î kîcks of” Horse rose îno e aîr and swooped down îno e vaey, a îe oo sarpy or îs rîder’s îkîng he gunsînger ad o od ono îs wîe a as ey made e descen bu îs ace remaîned împassîve and îs square jaw remaîned se here was no way Jed was goîng o beray îs own annoyance “We coud go omorrow,” Horse suggesed “Your dîary îs cear” “Go?” “To Ind our sooîng sar” “ï oug you saîd î wasn’ no—” Jed sopped îmse He dîdn’ wan o gîve Horse e saîsacîon o knowîng e was îrrîaed “Maybe,” e saîd în suc a way o îndîcae î was îs Ina word on e maer For now, oug Horse He roed oward e own, comîng o a a a e end o Tarnaîon’s Maîn (and ony) Sree “Wa e—?” Jed dîsmouned he bangs and Lases were sî goîng on bu ey were no onger decoraîng e sky “hese aîn’ no Ireworks” e gunsînger drew a pîso “Scan aead” Horse obîged “We?” saîd Jed Peope were runnîng în a dîrecîons Runnîng and screamîng
“e me run î agaîn,” saîd Horse “Some kînd o gunIre – ï’ve never encounered îs ype beore” “Anaysîs can waî,” Jed urged as a man în a paîd sîr e ace down în ron o îm “Wo’s doîng e sooîng and ow many?” “We, a’s jus î, Jed,” saîd Horse “Apar rom e Leeîng and e dead, ï can’ deec anyone a a” *** Jed and Horse made enaîve progress aong Maîn Sree As e scanned, Horse emîed a ow um “Quî ummîng,” saîd Jed “Focus” Horse sopped ummîng “he dîsurbance îs cenred a e ar end,” e repored “he saoon” “Fîgures,” saîd Jed “os o ok ere Easy pîckîngs” hey passed e genera mercanîe sore and e underaker’s Od Naanîe Grady woud be busy come e mornîng, Jed observed grîmy Two dead men ay ace down în e mîdde o e sree, so în e back wîe ey rîed o Lee e carnage “No so exacy,” Horse ooked em over “ï’m pîckîng up sub-poonîc acîvîy” “Meanîng?” “ï’ve never seen weaponry îke îs, Jed hese men were kîed wî îg” “ï don’ ge î” “ï’s îke someone sone poons – parîces o îg – dîrecy îno eîr ces, obîeraîng em rom e nuceus ou” Jed sook îs ead “Dead îs dead” “Succînc as ever,” saîd Horse “ï’ve adjused my scanners or sub-poon dîsrupîon here!” “Were?” “Rîg ere Ge back în e sadde, cowboy and see wî my eyes” Jed pued îmse ono Horse’s back hey moved as one, a cenaur în a cowboy a Jed ceared îs mînd, connecîng wî
Horse’s vîsîon Beore îm, e orougare canged, became pîxeaed and reduced o prîmary coours Commoîon rom e as Gasp assaued îs ears “Do you see a?” Horse wîspered “ï sure do,” saîd Jed He cocked îs pîso Sandîng acîng e bawîng doors o e saoon was a man – or raer, e sape o a man, asîoned rom îg he Igure gowed bue and wîe As peope poured rom e saoon, e pîcked em of Jed saw e îg man poîn a gun here was no reor bu e arge e, cucîng a gapîng oe ramed în e same bue and wîe Jed ook aîm He Ired a e îg man’s ead A dîrec î he Igure Lîckered and wînked ou “We,” saîd Horse “ï dîdn’ înk a woud work” “ï dîdn’,” saîd Jed “ook” he aîr sîmmered and e îg man Lîckered back îno exîsence, ookîng around or îs aacker “ï beîeve we ave îs aenîon,” saîd Horse “A eas e aîn’ sooîng ok no more” he îg man was srîdîng oward em, a gowîng sîouee, îs gun raîsed “ï don’ know abou you bu ï can deLec sub-îg parîces ï suspec you, beîng Les and bone, canno” “You go a rîg,” saîd Jed A sîen bas sen îs wîe a Lyîng he îg man’s ead wen back as oug e was augîng Jed so îm were îs ace woud be He wînked ou îke a cande Lame pînced beween Inger and umb “He’ be back,” Horse warned “Hod îg” He rose în e aîr Beow em, e îg man reappeared, îs ead darîng în a dîrecîons, ookîng or e cowboy and îs seed “ï’ve ad enoug o îm,” saîd Horse “Me oo,” saîd Jed “ï ï may?” “Go rîg aead”
Horse îted îs aî Pees o dark maer raîned on e îg man, wo ooked up oo ae o ake evasîve acîon He Lîckered and Luered beore expandîng îno a ba o îg and en srînkîng o a pînprîck and vanîsîng orever “Beer ou an în,” saîd Horse, owerîng îmse o e ground Jed dîsmouned He paed Horse’s neck “Wa ave you been eaîng?” “Never you mînd,” Horse sowed îs ee, amused “Bu e won’ be comîng ou o a îe back oe agaîn” Jed rerîeved îs a and dused î of “Hadn’ we beer be doîng someîng abou e oer one?” “Oer one?” Horse roed îs eyes “he one în e saoon, drîvîng e peope ou o ge so în e sree” “O, îm,” saîd Jed “Wa do you sugges?” “We, ï’ve noîng et în e ank, so o speak Bu î you can ge yon eow ou îno e open, ï sa kîck îm îno e mîdde o e nex dîmensîon” “And a’ work?” Horse baed îs eyeases “We can bu ry Go ge îm, Jed” Jed’s eyes narrowed Horse was geîng a mîe oo bossy or Jed’s îkîng bu rîg now ere was anoer Is o ry He sîded up o a wîndow, backîng away jus as someone came eadIrs roug î ï was e barender, em Jed eped îm o îs ee bu em was în no mood or a cînwag He urrîed away, caîng over îs souder, “Oe pace îs auned, Jed Gun-oîng gos done ruîn my busîness” Jed cîmbed în roug e wîndow, pîso Irs he saoon was în oa dîsarray Tabes and caîrs were overurned Even e pîanoa was on îs back Fîre rom a smased anern îcked a e veour curaîns around e sage Bodîes and boes îered e Loor O em’s gun-oîng gos ere was no sîgn From îs dîsance, Jed was unabe o ap îno Horse’s vîsîon He was on îs own Croucîng, e moved among e debrîs
Someîng sîrred în a corner Jed roze Hîs eyes dared în a dîrecîons Swea rîcked down îs neck “Jed” he voîce was aîn and emae Jed dîdn’ respond, dîd no move a musce “Jed! Hep me” Jed recognîsed e voîce Mîss Kîy! he saoon’s resîden arîse – yup, a was a good word or er Jed coud see e sînger’s osrîc eaer eaddress peekîng ou rom beînd e wreckage o e pîanoa “Say were you are!” Jed caed, berayîng îs own presence în a bîd o save er îe Hîs a Lew of as an învîsîbe bas sruck î Jed rîed o îmîae Horse’s cacuaîons Judgîng by e paraboa He Ired îs gun în e dîrecîon e guessed e so ad orîgînaed here! A Lîcker în e sadows He Ired agaîn Anoer bas expoded a caîr o Jed’s et A îrd punced a oe în e Loorboard aead o Jed’s oes Jed Ired and Ired, and wî eac so e Igure was reveaed în e darkness, e way a îgnîng sorm reveas e andscape Jed pîcked up a amp and ured î ï smased on e sooer’s ead, drencîng îm în amp oî a burs îno Lame wî a woos he Igure Laîed around, saggerîng and sumbîng ï aforded Jed a ew precîous seconds o rescue Mîss Kîy and bunde er o an exî “Wy, Jed!” se breaed “ï guess ï owe you anoer! Wa îs î, Jed?” “Takîng’s or aer,” saîd Jed, sovîng er ousîde “Now, gî!” Fîre was spreadîng rom e Lappîng Igure – soon, e woe pace woud be aLame em can rebuîd, oug Jed he wîdows and orpans made îs nîg wî ave a ouger îme o î Jed kep sooîng, drîvîng e kîer o e ron door Ou în e open, e Lames surged, gorgîng on oxygen Horse was ready, îs back egs poîsed o kîck e varmîn skyward
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