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No good deed goes unpunished. When Benor saves a man's life he finds himself the target of assassins. Poetry, politics and the quarrels of academics make a lethal cocktail.
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Date de parution

31 octobre 2016

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Poids de l'ouvrage

1 Mo

Tîe Page                         î Pubîser ïnormaîon                  îî
Caper 1                         1 Caper 2                         9 Caper 3                        18 Caper 4                        27 Caper 5                        35 Caper 6                        43 Caper 7                        54 Caper 8                        64
Aso Avaîabe                      67
A BAD PENNY Book Fîve o he Por Naaîn ïneîgence Serîes
Jim Webster
Fîrs pubîsed în 2016 by AG Books wwwagbookscouk Dîgîa edîîon convered and dîsrîbued by Andrews UK Limited wwwandrewsukcom © Copyrîg 2016 Jîm Webser he rîg o Jîm Webser o be îdenîIed as e auor o îs work as been assered în accordance wî e Copyrîg, Desîgns and Paens Ac 1998 A rîgs reserved No par o îs pubîcaîon may be reproduced, sored în a rerîeva sysem, or ransmîed, în any orm or by any means wîou e prîor wrîen permîssîon o e pubîser, nor be oerwîse cîrcuaed în any orm o bîndîng or cover oer an a în wîc î îs pubîsed and wîou a sîmîar condîîon beîng împosed on e subsequen purcaser Any person wo does so may be îabe o crîmîna prosecuîon and cîvî caîms or damages
A caracers appearîng în îs work are Icîîous Any resembance o rea persons, îvîng or dead, îs purey coîncîdena
Chapter 1
Benor DorInngî was eadîng ome or îs own bed We, ecnîcay e was eadîng back o a barge were e paîd a nomîna ren and ey e îm spread îs bedro on a sma par o e deck proeced rom e eemens by e overang o e cabîn roo, bu sî, a’s were e was eadîng Benor was on îs way ome earîer an e mîg normay ave been he unexpeced arrîva o an erran usband mean a Benor ad acuy et e scene hîs mean a an equay erran wîe was curreny caîmîng a se’d been warmîng er usband’s sîde o e bed or îm, so muc ad se been ongîng or îs arrîva he nîg was we, e raîn ad sopped and now ere was jus a consan drîzze Benor ad raveed sou o î e rîver and was now oowîng e warves a îned e esuary Hîs pan was o ake e oobrîdge over Werry Beck, and en cu across Tînker’s War From ere î woud be e sîmpe maer o oowîng e wakway aong e op o e Gravîng Dock gae beore pîckîng up e Od Espanade and en ome As e crossed e oobrîdge e raîn came on agaîn, sees o î bowîng în of e esuary By e îme e’d crossed Tînker’s War e was soaked o e skîn He was wakîng swîty; unced up ryîng no o ouc e coes e was wearîng, and e amos never eard e cry or ep ï was a man’s voîce, rom over owards e Gravîng Dock Benor broke îno a jog he anerns aong e edge o e Gravîng Dock cas an unceraîn îg hey seemed o creae more sadow an îumînaîon hen, near e sîde o e dock e saw wo men grappîng wî a îrd he aer was srîkîng ou desperaey; îs wo assaîans seemed more cîrcumspec, as î ey were wary abou ow ey anded bows Fînay, one o em caug îm on e sîde o e ead wî a eng o wood and e coapsed hey
grabbed îm by îs ee and dragged îm, ead bouncîng, oward e Gravîng Dock, as î abou o row îm în Benor ooked round desperaey Roo-runners radîîonay go unarmed Amongs e raernîy ere îs a sense a e usband îs, o a degree, e one în e rîg hîs means a î îs consîdered bad orm o Ig your way ou; a good roo-runner wî Lee, urîng noîng bu e cuckoded usband’s prîde He ound a broken barre save, snaced î up and sprîned across o e wo men wo were sî draggîng eîr vîcîm he raîn and e ac a Benor was wearîng sot soed soes mean a ey never saw îm ïndeed one ad îs back o Benor, and e knew noîng unî e barre save sruck îm on e ead and broke îno severa pîeces A îs poîn e urned round, saw Benor and soued, “Rîg, ï’ ave you” He dropped e vîcîm’s eg and unged a Benor wo dîved under îs arm, roed o avoîd e boo o e second man and en go back on îs ee Bo men were oowîng îm now, eîr vîcîm emporarîy orgoen Benor ran across e dock wî em în o pursuî, urned down a narrow ane beween wo ong sacks o barres aîd on eîr sîdes and acceeraed, ony o dîscover a î was a dead end he wo men beînd were cosîng quîcky and Benor dîdn’ esîae He scrambed up e sack as rapîdy as e coud he smaer o e wo men oowed îm, reacîng ou and grabbîng Benor’s oo Benor kîcked, broke e grîp and scrambed on, reacîng e op were e urned o ace îs pursuers he Irs o em ad amos go o e op o e sack Benor sa down, paced îs ee agaîns e op barre and pused he man cîmbîng was unbaanced, os îs grîp and e backwards wî e barre aîng on op o îm Benor asîy roed anoer barre orward and dropped a one down as we hen e ooked over e edge a îs andîwork he Irs man ad knocked e second man as e ad aen, or peraps e second man ad rîed o cac îm No
maer wa, e Irs barre ad caug em bo, and en e second barre ad burs on em jus ater ey î e Loor Benor cîmbed down, ready o scrambe back up î eîer moved Bo barres ad smased and e men were surrounded by joîns o sa mo One o îs vîcîms sîrred and Benor sruck îm wî a barre save hîs one dîdn’ break hen e asîy wen oug eîr pockes Bo ad purses, wîc Benor pockeed One ad a second purse ucked îno îs boo, îs Benor aso ook He e e was enîed o some recompense or îs roubes He îed eîr ands beînd eîr backs usîng eîr brîces, eeîng îs woud sow any pursuî Fînay e seeced a mo am rom e ruîns o e barre, sung î over îs souder and wen o Ind eîr vîcîm He was on îs ands and knees beîng sîck Benor waîed unî e’d Inîsed “How are you?” he man sared o sake îs ead, en sopped wî a ook o paîn and saîd, “My ead îs sore” “ï wî be How muc do you remember?” “ï remember beîng aacked, were are ey?” “Over ere,” Benor poîned “We’d beer go beore ey come round” “Wîc way?” “ean on me” Benor eped îm o îs ee and ad e man pu an arm round îs souder He en rebaanced e am on e oer souder and se of across e ooway he op o e dock gae was reasonaby wîde bu ere was no and raî A one poîn Benor amos os e am By e îme ey ad go o e oer sîde, ear seemed o ave made îs companîon more aer and e was wakîng unaîded Sî ey weren’ makîng good îme By e îme ey reaced e easern end o e Od Espanade î was amos dawn, e îde was aready goîng ou and e area was ronged wî sore-combers, wo regarded Benor, companîon and am wî îneres By e îme Benor go back o e boa e sun ad rîsen
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