Project Reaper , livre ebook









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What would a British Scientific Nobel prize winning Professor and the head of a South American Drugs Cartel have in common? Professor Winston Alexander Hooke is the head of the Advanced Genetic Biotechnology (AGB) Research Centre that is the largest agricultural research centre in the United Kingdom. Two years ago, a government subcommittee had approached him to find a way to eradicate the opium poppy plant; the Project became known as Project Reaper. He succeeds and the results will be devastating to the opium plant. Toledo Verdugo is the head of the Verdugo cartel in Bucaramanga Colombia. His empire has thrived on the cultivation of the opium plant and selling the Heroine derived from it, to whomever can afford it from him. When Verdugo learns of this Project Reaper he is not going to allow anything to interfere with his business. He hatches a plan and the consequences result in chaos and bloodshed on the streets and the skies above Britain. As a result of this Max Storm, Major Strayker and the Operational strike Command have once more to step up to the plate in an attempt to bring order to the chaos and retribution to people who have instigated it. From the UK to the Maldives, Washington USA and South America there will be no hiding from the OSC. The OSC; is Britain's first and last line of offence.
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25 mai 2016





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Front Matter ..................................................... 3 Tîte Page ..................................................... 3 Pubîser ïnormatîon ................................... 4
Project Reaper ................................................... 5 Bogotá Coombîa Sout Amerîca ................... 5 FïBUA Vîage Eastmere ............................. 13 Verdugo Hacîenda ...................................... 17 Home OIce ............................................... 19 A G B Researc Centre................................ 21 Baros ïsand Madîves ................................. 25 Heatrow Aîrport ....................................... 28 Heatrow Aîrport ....................................... 30 Aîrspace ..................................................... 32 Strayker’s Home Wes road Bromey ............. 35 ïndîan Ocean ............................................. 38 Batîmore Aîrport USA ............................... 44 Brîtîs Embassy .......................................... 46 Baros ïsand Madîves ................................. 48 ‘ïCïS’ Satbox Hî Bîggîn Hî Kent ............ 50 London 10 Downîng Street ......................... 53 697 Carrera 30 Bucaramanga..................... 54 Wasîngton Hîton Hote ............................ 58 Baros ïsand Madîves ................................. 59 Verdugo Hacîenda ...................................... 66 Bucaramanga Pao Negro Aîrport ................ 69 Baros ïsand Madîves ................................. 71 ‘ïCïS’ Satbox Hî Bîggîn Hî Kent ............ 75 Verdugo Hacîenda ...................................... 76 London 10 Downîng Street ......................... 81
Home o Max Storm ................................... 86 Verdugo Hacîenda ...................................... 88 Bucaramanga Coombîa.............................. 91 Verdugo Hacîenda ...................................... 93 Brîtîs Embassy .......................................... 96 Verdugo Hacîenda ...................................... 97 Sout Essex Crematorîum............................ 99 ‘ïCïS’ Satbox Hî Bîggîn Hî Kent .......... 103 ‘ïCïS’ Satbox Hî Bîggîn Hî Kent .......... 107 Hester’s Copse Engand.............................. 112 23 Harpenden Lane Redbourn Vîage ....... 115 he Wasîngton Hîton Hote .................... 124 OSC Headquarters London ....................... 128 Se bay Srî Lanka .................................. 133 Bay o Benga ........................................... 145 Strayker’s Home Wes road Bromey ........... 146 Verdugo Hacîenda .................................... 148 he Wasîngton Hîton Hote .................... 150 OSC Headquarters London ....................... 160 Verdugo Hacîenda .................................... 163 Lago de Maracaîbo ................................... 166 On route to Rut Nesons parent’s ome...... 168 Cequers .................................................. 172 Toedo Verdugo’s Wareouse........................ 176 La Cînîta ïnternatîona Aîrport, Venezuea.179 Paonegro ïnternatîona Aîrport ................. 183 HMS Ark Roya........................................ 185 Toedo Verdugo’s Wareouse........................ 191 ‘ïCïS’ Satbox Hî Bîggîn Hî Kent .......... 193 HMS Ark Roya........................................ 195 Verdugo Hacîenda .................................... 198 HMS Ark Roya.................................... 202 Mîralores Presîdentîa Paace .................... 206 HMS Ark Roya........................................ 210 La Rosa.................................................... 212
Verdugo Hacîenda...................................214 Carrera 32 ............................................... 215 ‘ïCïS’ Satbox Hî Bîggîn Hî Kent .......... 217 HMS Ark Roya........................................ 219 Toedo Verdugo’s Wareouse........................ 222 Verdugo Hacîenda .................................... 224 Toedo Verdugo’s Wareouse........................ 225 HMS Ark Roya........................................ 226 ïnsertîon Poînt.......................................... 227 ïnsertîon Poînt.......................................... 229 Verdugo’s Hacîenda ................................... 235 HMS Ark Roya........................................ 238 Verdugo’s Wareouse .................................. 240 Toedo Verdugo’s Hacîenda......................... 246 ‘ïCïS’ Satbox Hî Bîggîn Hî Kent .......... 253 London 10 Downîng Street ....................... 254 HMS Ark Roya........................................ 256 London 10 Downîng Street ....................... 258 La Rosa.................................................... 262 Wîndsor ................................................... 263
Back Matter .................................................. 264 Aso Avaîabe........................................... 264
A Max Storm Nove
By M. W. Fetcer
Pubîser Informatîon
Project Reaper pubîsed în 2012 by Andrews UK îmîted
hîs book îs sod subject to te condîtîon tat ît sa not, by way o trade or oterwîse, be ent, resod, îred out or oterwîse cîrcuated wîtout te pubîser’s prîor wrîtten consent în any orm o bîndîng or cover oter tan tat în wîc ît îs pubîsed, and wîtout a sîmîar condîtîon beîng împosed on te subsequent purcaser.
Copyrîgt © M.W. Fetcer 2012
he rîgt o M.W. Fetcer to be îdentîIed as autor o tîs book as been asserted în accordance wît sectîon 77 and 78 o te Copyrîgts Desîgns and Patents Act 1988.
Bogotá Coombîa Sout Amerîca
Lat = 4 degrees, 39.1 mînutes Nort Long = 74 degrees, 6.1 mînutes West
t Monday 12 December 1988 Fourteen undred ours and twenty tree mînutes oca tîme
ït ad been ammerîng down wît raîn or around an our, wît te temperature around sîxty-sîx degrees Fareneît. Proessor Peter hompson was bound, gagged and ooded on a wooden caîr tat was not buît or comort. Wen te ood ad înîtîay been pued down over îs ead e ad neary gagged, rom te ofensîve smes gîven of rom te oods materîa, e was now becomîng accustomed to tîs î tat was at a possîbe. How ong ave ï been ere?” e pondered. ït seemed îke orever; but coud not ave been more tan a ew ours. He ad been wakîng down E Dorado Avenue wen a oca beggar ad asked îm or some cange, as e reaced înto îs pocket e ad et te sarp bade o a knîe stîng te skîn o îs et mîdrîf. Wîtîn a second, two more men appeared and pued a essîan bag over îs ead; e was dragged kîckîng and screamîng, tat îs te ast e remembered or one o îs assaîants ad struck îm a vîcîous bow to îs ead, renderîng îm unconscîous. Peter hompson worked or te Unîted Kîngdom’s Advanced Genetîc Bîotecnoogy înstîtute and ad come to Bogotá one week ago; îs meetîng today wît a proessor Caros Aberto ad been unexpectedy canceed earîer tat mornîng, e ad et bored sîttîng în îs ote and ad decîded to take a wak.
Normay e ad been escorted wen e traveed by veîce or oot, but today e ad just wanted to wak wîtout company and ad sîpped îs Guardîans, by takîng a servîce eevator at te ote and comîng out a back door înto te back streets, e soon ound îs way onto E Dorado Avenue and wîtîn mînutes ad been kîdnapped. ookîng back; wat a stupîd, stupîd tîng to ave done, e ad been repeatedy warned o te dangers to oreîgn natîonas; ence îs mînders, bot ex specîa orces guys wom ad accompanîed îm to Bogotá rom te UK at te request o te UK government. He ad come to îaîse wît Proessor Caros Aberto to brîng togeter some înormatîon on Genetîc engîneerîng; today was to be teîr ast meetîng beore e Lew ome. Back ome în te UK e ad been workîng wît te nîneteen-eîgty sîx Nobe Prîze wînner or cemîstry Proessor Wînston Aexander Hooke. He eard a eavy door openîng and et te rus o aîr assaî îs body; sometîng was beîng weeed înto te room, a ew moments ater îs ood was brîsky yanked rom îs ead, te îgt învaded îs eyes and or a ew seconds everytîng was extremey brîgt and out o ocus. As îs burred vîsîon began to ocus, e notîced a tabe wît a T.V. screen and a VCR unît on ît; obvîousy wat ad been weeed înto te room, a man appeared to îs rîgt and stood between îm and te T.V. screen. He operated te T.V. and VCR swîtces and wîtîn a ew moments te screen came to îe, te man moved away and e was now watcîng a vîdeo; ît sowed a room wît a ooded man bound to a caîr, Proessor hompson quîcky reaîsed e was ookîng at te same room e was now în. he ood was removed and e was now ookîng at Proessor Caros Aberto. he man wom was now în te room pued a caîr up to Caros, e ad a meta rod în îs and, e spoke to Caros; “ï’m sure you know wat tîs îs proessor.”
Caros nodded, “now proessor; ï’m goîng to ask you a ew questîons, tîs catte prod wî be used to ensure ï ave te rîgt answers, do you understand?” Caros nodded îs ead. “Exceent proessor, î you are co-operatîve you can be out o ere and back în your ome wîtîn te our, îs tat wat you want?” “Yes,” repîed te proessor. “Now you ave been meetîng wît an Engîs proessor, named hompson, ï ave eard rumours tat te Engîs are desîgnîng some sort o genetîc crop dîsease tat wî wîpe out te opîum pant; ï want you to te me wat you know about ît?” “ï know notîng about tîs.” he man swîty moved te catte prod to te proessor’s torso, Proessor Aberto jerked vîoenty causîng îs caîr to tîp back onto te Loor; anoter man moved înto vîew and te caîr and te proessor were îted uprîgt agaîn. “hîs catte prod as been modîIed or umans, ît works at a very îg votage and ow current so as to maxîmîse paîn and mînîmîse te pysîca marks et on te vîctîm. As you ave just experîenced proessor; were ît cause’s întense paîn tat can be repeated many tîmes; ow many tîmes ï wî ave to repeat tîs îs down to you; now answer te questîon?” he proessor was stî sakîng rom te Irst assaut on îs body, “ï know notîng about wat you are askîng,” e repîed. he catte prod touced îs groîn area; te proessor et out an eerîe scream and agaîn was Lung backwards onto te Loor were e vomîted prousey. Agaîn, e was put uprîgt în îs caîr, “ï admîre your spîrît Proessor; owever ï can assure you tat you wî tak, î necessary ï am prepared to do tîs a nîgt, so et’s repeat te questîon; te me wat you know about tîs genetîc researc?” he proessor was now breatîng eavîy, “ï don’t know wat you are takîng about.”
Agaîn, te catte prod moved to îs body, now toucîng îs cest, te proessor agaîn crîed out but tîs tîme e remaîned uprîgt în îs caîr, e et a massîve musce tensîon în te area o îs cest oowed by a sortness o breat, îs vîsîon began burrîng and e Lopped orward în te caîr. “Quîck gîve me some water,” te man caed to îs accompîce. He pued te proessors ead up, “now don’t dîe on me know proessor.” “My eart, pîs în my pocket,” weezed te proessor. he man rummaged în te proessors pockets and ound te pîs, te oter man ad brougt a cup o water over, now proessor answer my questîon and ï’ gîve you a pî.” he proessor coud ee îmse adîng, “Project Reaper,” e repîed. “Say tat agaîn proessor.” he proessor gasped tryîng to take în more aîr, îs body stîfened and e dîed rîgt tere. he T.V. was turned of; te man wom ad carrîed out te torture dragged a caîr over to proessor hompson and sat down în ront o îm, “a pîty we dîd not know about îs eart condîtîon; owever Proessor hompson as you can see ï do not ave a catte prod wît me, beore you te me about tîs Project Reaper ï beîeve you ave a wîe and two cîdren back ome, ï trust tey are în good eat. “Wat do you know about my amîy?” “Enoug to know were tey îve and tat we ave some men watcîng tem rîgt now.” “You’re buing,” repîed te proessor. “Don’t take me or a oo Proessor, ï ave ony to pîck up a pone and your amîy wî be în arm’s way, now te me about tîs Project Reaper?” Proessor hompson capîtuated and began to tak. Back at te ote, te two mînders Merrîck and Paterson ad dîscovered Proessor hompson’s dîsappearance; tey ad spent an our trowîng money at peope în te street to gaîn înormatîon as
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