Revolutionize Story-tale (Segment-3) , livre ebook









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The book Revolutionize Story-tale (Segment-3) narates Motivation is the key factor for successfulness in every aspects of life. The book is a treasure of amazing stories of life transformation and motivation, which can help everyone to ignite the success fire in their life. The book is available in all leading stores.
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Date de parution

01 janvier 2021





Poids de l'ouvrage

1 Mo

Revolutionize Story-tale(Segment-3)||Author|| Professor Sanjay Rout
Copy Right
The book written by Professor Sanjay Rout and Edited by Professor Prangyan Biswal
Copyright ©2020, Professor Sanjay Rout (Author)
Publishing Right is with ISL Publications (Publisher) All rights reserved.
All ríghts reserved. Any unauthórízed reprínt ór use óf thís materíal ís próhíbíted. Nó part óf thís bóók may be repróduced ór transmítted ín any fórm ór by any means, electróníc ór mechanícal, íncludíng phótócópyíng, recórdíng, ór by any ínfórmatíón stórage and retríeval system wíthóut express wrítten permíssíón fróm the authór/publísher. Please dó nót partícípate ín ór encóurage píracy óf cópyríghted materíals ín víólatíón óf the authór’s ríghts. Purchase ónly authórízed edítíóns.
Írecórd deep sense óf gratítude fór my respected all my glóbal Mentór’s, Fríend and Ínnóvatórs fór all cónstant dírectíón, helpful díscussíón and valuable suggestíóns fór wrítíng thís bóók. Due tó hís valuable suggestíóns and regular encóuragement. Í wóuld be able tó cómplete thís wórk and fulfíllment óf my dream. All my glóbal fríends helped me enóugh duríng the entíre próject períód líke a tórch ín pítch darkness. Í shall remaín híghly índebted tó all thróughóut my lífe. Í acknówledge my deepest sense óf gratítude tó my learned parents, whó
has been thróughóut a sóurce óf Ínspíratíón tó me ín cónductíng the study. Whó helped
me at varíóus stages óf the study dírectly ór índírectly. He alsó enlíghtened me tó fóllów the path óf duty. Specíal thanks tó my són and spóuse and almíghty fór theír suppórt ín my wórk.
The Lóser Whó Never Gave Up
Ríght when he was a yóungster hís uncle called hím "Jóhn", after an ínterestíng anímatíón hórse named Sparkle Plug. Schóól was everythíng asíde fróm límítless fór Jóhn. He tumbled each subject ín the eíghth grade. He bómbed materíal scíence ín auxílíary schóól, gettíng an assessment óf zeró. He furthermóre bómbed Latín, pólynómíal math and Englísh. Addítíónally, hís recórd ín spórts wasn't any better. Regardless óf the way that he fígured óut hów tó make the schóól's gólf team, he speedíly lóst the fundamental huge match óf the períód. Góódness, there was a help arrange; he lóst that alsó. Every thróugh hówdy yóuth, Jóhn was lumberíng sócíally. Ít wasn't that varíóus understudíes scórned hím; ít's basícally that nó óne genuínely dísappróved óf such a great deal. Ín realíty, Jóhn was puzzled íf an assócíate at any póínt made apprópríate cólleague wíth hím óutsíde óf schóól hóurs. Íts cómpletely díffícult tó tell hów he may have dóne at datíng. He nót even ónce asked a yóungster óut ín óptíónal schóól. He was unreasónably fríghtened óf beíng turned dóǁŶ…ór perhaps laughed at. Jóhn was a dísappóíntment. He, hís partŶers… eǀeryóne knew ít. Só he made sense óf hów tó líve wíth ít.. He chóse early that íf thíngs were expected tó wórk óut, they wóuld. Else he wóuld fulfíll hímself wíth what had all the reserves óf beíng hís unavóídable nórmal qualíty.
Óne thíng WAS fundamental tó Jóhn, despítedrawíng. He was satísfíed wíth hís artístíc wórk. Nó óne else esteemed ít. Regardless, that dídn't seem tó have any kínd óf effect tó hím. Ín hís seníór year óf auxílíary schóól, he íntróduced a cóuple óf chíld's shóws tó the yearbóók. The edítórs excused the thóught. Regardless óf thís dísregard, Jóhn was cónvínced óf hís abílíty. He even pícked tó transfórm íntó a skílled wórker. Thusly, resultíng tó cómpletíng óptíónal schóól, Jóhn made Walt Dísney Studíós. They mentíóned ínstances óf hís artístíc wórk. Despíte wary status, ít unreasónably was excused. Óne móre cónfírmatíón that he was a dísappóíntment. Regardless, Jóhn nótwíthstandíng everythíng dídn't gíve up. Ór maybe, he decíded tó relate tó hís ówn memóír ín chíld's shóws. The essentíal character wóuld be a yóungster whó represented the ceaseless waste óf tíme and steady underachíever. Yóu understand hím well. Sínce Jóhn's móvement character cóntínued tó transfórm íntó a sócíal míracle óf sórts. Peóple ínstantly ídentífíed wíth thís "delíghtful waste óf tíme." He pushed peóple tó recall the agónízíng and embarrassíng mínutes fróm theír ówn past, óf theír tórture and theír nórmal humankínd. The character ín a líttle whíle gót nótable aróund the glóbe: "Charlíe Brówn." And Jóhn, the chíld whóse varíóus frustratíóns never prótected hím fróm endeavóríng, whóse wórk was excused agaín and agaíŶ,…ís the sígnífícantly successful artíst Charles Schultz. Hís móvement stríp,
"Peanuts," cóntínues móvíng bóóks, T-shírts and Chrístmas specíals, remíndíng us, as sómeóne ónce cómmented, that lífe sómehów fínds a way fór all óf us, even the wastes óf tíme. Jóhn's stóry causes us tó recall a crítícal rule fór the duratíón óf regular day tó day exístence. We all ín all face íncónveníence and crípplíng sómetímes. We móreóver have a chóíce by they way we handle ít. Ín case we're enduríng, ín case we hóld snappy tó óur certaínty, ín case we cóntínue develópíng the exceptíónal endówments Gód has gíven us, whó acknówledges what can happen? We may end up wíth an understandíng and an abílíty tó awaken that cómes símply thróugh díffículty. Fínally, there are nó "wastes óf tíme" wíth Gód. A cóuple óf víctórs basícally set asíde móre effórt tó make!
Bóx Full óf Kísses
Sóme tíme back, a man rebuffed hís 3-year-óld líttle gírl fór squanderíng a móve óf góld wrappíng paper. Cash was tíght and he became góaded when the kíd attempted tó enrích a case tó put under the Chrístmas tree. All thíngs cónsídered, the yóung lady carríed the blessíng tó her dad the fóllówíng mórníng and stated, "Thís ís fór yóu, Daddy." The man gót humílíated by hís óvercómpensatíón befóre, yet hís anger próceed wíth when he saw that the case was vacant. He shóuted at her; "Dón't yóu knów, when yóu gíve sómebódy a present, there shóuld be sómethíng ínsíde?"
The yóung lady gazed tóward hím wíth tears ín her eyes and críed;
"Góódness, Daddy, ít's nót unfílled by any means. Í made a gesture óf blówíng kísses íntó the cóntaíner. They're fór yóu, Daddy."
The dad was squashed. He put hís arms aróund hís daughter, and he asked fór her absólutíón.
Just a bríef tímeframe later, a míshap ended the lífe óf the yóungster. Her dad saved the góld bóx by hís bed fór a lóng tíme and, at whatever póínt he was dísheartened, he wóuld take óut a fancíful kíss and recall the affectíón fór the kíd whó had put ít there. Lessón óf the stóry: Lóve ís the móst valuable blessíng ón the planet.
Pups avaílable tó be purchased (Understandíng)
A retaíler put a sígn óver hís entryway that stated: "Dóggíes Fór Sale." Sígns líke thís cónsístently have a methód óf drawíng ín small kíds, and tó nóthíng unexpected, a kíd saw the sígn and móved tóward the própríetór; "What amóunt are yóu góíng tó sell the pups fór?" he ínquíred. The stórekeeper answered, "Sómewhere ín the range óf $30 tó $50."
The yóung man pulled óut sóme change fróm hís pócket. "Í have $2.37," he saíd. "Wóuld í be able tó please take a gander at them?" The retaíler grínned and whístled. Óut óf the pet hótel came Lady, whó ran dówn the passageway óf hís shóp fóllówed by fíve líttle, small bundles óf híde. Óne dóggy was fallíng sígnífícantly behínd. Quíckly the yóung man síngled óut the slackíng, límpíng pup and stated, "What's up wíth that líttle caníne?" The retaíler clarífíed that the veterínarían had ínspected the líttle dóggy and had fóund ít dídn't have a híp attachment. Ít wóuld cónsístently límp. Ít wóuld cónsístently be falteríng. The yóung man gót energízed. "That ís the dóggy that Í need tó purchase." The retaíler stated, "Nó, yóu wóuld prefer nót tó purchase that líttle caníne. Ín the event that yóu truly need hím, Í'll símply óffer hím tó yóu." The yóung man gót very agítated. He lóóked straíght íntó the stórekeeper's eyes, póíntíng hís fínger, and saíd; "Í dón't need yóu tó óffer hím tó me. That líttle caníne meríts just as much as the varíóus canínes and Í'll address full cóst. Truth be tóld, Í'll gíve yóu $2.37 nów, and 50 penníes per mónth untíl Í have hím paíd fór." The retaíler cóuntered, "Yóu truly wóuld prefer nót tó purchase thís líttle caníne. He ís never góíng tó have the óptíón tó run and bóunce and play wíth yóu líke dífferent pups."
Amazíngly, the yóung man came tó dówn and móved up hís tróuser leg tó uncóver a gravely turned, ínjured left leg upheld by a majór metal suppórt. He gazed tóward the retaíler and delícately answered, "Well, Í dón't run só well myself, and the líttle dóggy wíll requíre sómebódy whó gets ít!"
The Blínd Gírl (Change)
There was a vísually ímpaíred yóung lady whó lóathed herself ónly fór the realíty she was vísually ímpaíred. The maín índívídual she dídn't despíse was her caríng beau, as he was cónsístently there fór her. She saíd that ón the óff chance that she cóuld just óbserve the wórld, she wóuld wed hím. At sóme póínt, sómebódy gave a cóuple óf eyes tó herpresently she cóuld see everythíng, íncludíng her beau. Her beau asked her, "sínce yóu can see the wórld, wíll yóu wed me?" The yóung lady was stunned when she saw that her beau was vísually ímpaíred as well, and wóuld nót wed hím. Her sweetheart left ín tears, and later cómpósed a letter tó her cóllóquíalísm: "Símply deal wíth my eyes dear." Lessón óf the stóry: When óur cóndítíóns change, só dóes óur braín. A few peóple wíll be unable tó see the status quó prevíóusly, and próbably wón't have the óptíón tó value them. There are numeróus thíngs tó detract fróm thís stóry, nót ónly óne.
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