King or Kaiser , livre ebook









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This is a story of rebellion. In 1914, as the Kaiser's ships threaten the trade routes to Britain, the Westminster government asks South Africa to destroy the Windhoek wireless station that keeps the Kaiser's navy advised of ship movements around the Cape. First, however, the South Africans must deal with a rebellion by those who choose the Kaiser rather than the King. As the Royal Navy battles with the Kaiser's sailors, Koos Jacobs, a young coloured man, rebels against his brother, Abel, being beaten by a farmer and they go on the run. When the Army mistakes Koos for white, he rebels against officers being chosen by the colour of their skin and doesn't correct them. As an officer, further rebellion finds him in Intelligence under Captain Phoxx. This apppointmkent takes him into battle with instructions to be captured and escape. 'Should be easy,' Phoxx tells him. His escape, with Abel's help, leads him to espionage and desperate deeds. There is a price to be paid for rebellion, however. Will the army discover his coloured background and quietly murder him? Will it be the happiness of the white girl who fell in love with him when he saved her from possible mugging?
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Date de parution

14 octobre 2014





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Fron Maer ........................................................... î Title Page ........................................................ i PublisHer Information ................................... ii Dedication .................................................... iii
Kîng Or Kaîser ...................................................... 1 King Or Kaiser............................................... 1 CHapter 1 ....................................................... 2 CHapter 2 ..................................................... 11 CHapter 3 ..................................................... 15 CHapter 4 ..................................................... 19 CHapter 5 ..................................................... 31 CHapter 6 ..................................................... 41 CHapter 7 ..................................................... 47 CHapter 8 ..................................................... 59 CHapter 9 ..................................................... 70 CHapter 10 ................................................... 78 CHapter 11 ................................................... 89 CHapter 12 ................................................. 101 CHapter 13 ................................................. 117 CHapter 14 ................................................. 129 CHapter 15 ................................................. 136 CHapter 16 ................................................. 138 CHapter 17 ................................................. 149 CHapter 18 ................................................. 156
CHapter 19 ................................................. CHapter 20 ................................................. CHapter 21 ................................................. CHapter 22 ................................................. CHapter 23 ................................................. CHapter 24 ................................................. CHapter 25 ................................................. CHapter 26 ................................................. CHapter 27 ................................................. CHapter 28 ................................................. CHapter 29 ................................................. CHapter 30 ................................................. CHapter 31 ................................................. CHapter 32 ................................................. AutHor’s note..............................................
171 183 191 204 217 238 240 246 260 268 281 288 298 304 308
Back Maer .......................................................310 Also Available ............................................ 310
Suaober Daon
Publisher Information
Pubîsed în 2014 by Andrews UK îmîed
he rîg o Suaober Daon o be îdenîIed as e Auor o îs Work as been assered în accordance wî e Copyrîg, Desîgns and Paens Ac 1998
Copyrîg © 2014 Suaober Daon
A rîgs reserved. No par o îs pubîcaîon may be reproduced, sored în a rerîeva sysem, or ransmîed, în any orm or by any means wîou e prîor wrîen permîssîon o e pubîser, nor be oerwîse cîrcuaed în any orm o bîndîng or cover oer an a în wîc î îs pubîsed and wîou a sîmîar condîîon beîng împosed on e subsequen purcaser. Any person wo does so may be îabe o crîmîna prosecuîon and cîvî caîms or damages.
A caracers appearîng în îs work are Icîîous. Any resembance o rea persons, îvîng or dead, îs purey coîncîdena.
his book is dedicated to tHe people of Pniel, tHe village ApartHeid forgot.
King Or Kaiser
ïn 1914, wo words, sîx ousand mîes apar, one, e wîner word o dus and sumpy buses o e Sou Arîcan Karoo, e oer, în e mîds o e buse o ondon, were summer sunsîne warmed Engand’s green and peasan and, were broug ogeer by wîreess and e efors o a capaîn o army îneîgence caed Poxx.
Chapter 1
In one of those worlds... he dogs were ater em. he wo Cape Cooured men coud ear eîr bayîng as e aer o e wo dragged îs boodîed broer îno e donga.
Mînues beore, Koos Jacobs ad been urryîng îs seps across e ved, e sun aready a down and wîner cî seîng on e scruband a domînaed îs Norern Cape area o Sou Arîca. Tomorrow was Sunday and eîr sîser, now weve, eîg years younger an Koos, was beîng conIrmed în e mornîng. ï Abe and e were o ge o Kîmberey and eîr paren’s ome beore î was oo ae, ey’d ave o sep ou. Peope aked o e Karoo ved beîng La bu î was reay a serîes o unduaîons, roîng one ater e oer îke mîe ong swes în an endess sea. he sma srubs a survîved în e dry cîmae sood apar îke srangers a a pary. Cose, e red ear sowed roug e spaces beween e srubs. As î sreced away, e orîzon ook on e sot grey green o e buses. Here and ere, seep sîded îs, koppîes, e rocks on eîr sîde’s burn brown and back by e endess sun, înerruped e orîzon. ïn e rougs beween e swes, e raînsorms a dropped rom e aternoon couds în crases o under and crackîng sreaks o îgenîng urned e oows îno sreams, în paces erodîng ragged guîes, deep enoug o îde a man, were recen unseasonabe raîns ad et rîckes and puddes o waer.
As muc o keep warm în e bîîng wînd as o urry, Koos broke îno a opîng run. He oped îs broer Abe woud be waîîng bu you coud never e wî Abe’s armer empoyer, Ras. Ras ad no sympay wî cooured peope. Hîs bîbe aug îm ey were a basard race, useu ony or carryîng waer and coppîng wood. Sînce ere was no possîbîîy o em aspîrîng o God’s Heaven, Ras coud see no poîn în eîr goîng o worsîp and mîg sop Abe rom goîng o eîr sîser’s conIrmaîon. Despîe e puddes în e dongas, e recen raîn ad been îe more an sowers and e consan wînd ad drîed e surace o e ved and Koos’s bare ee urned up îe spurs o dus as e ran, ong usage avîng ardened e soes agaîns e odd sone and orn. He ran îgy or îs Ive oo en, a or a cooured man, carryîng îs eîg and muscuar body we and wîou e roundîng o e souders norma or peope o îs owy saus în eîr aemps o avoîd ofendîng any wîe man. Peope îke Ras dîd ake ofence; oers o a îk ad beaen Koos on e preex a e was geîng oo wîe and needed a esson. Even wî îs worn work coes, Koos ooked îke a anned, saow skînned wîe and a încreased e îrrîaîon o some o Ras’s ype. Koos avoîded em wen ey were în augîng drunken groups. Abe, a year younger, a nîneeen, was sorer, darker and sîm, no noîceaby scrawny. he kînd o person wo meed îno a crowd. Peope ended o assume Abe was passîve and, în e maîn, a was rue. ï was Abe’s îneîgence a kep îm ou o roube. Few woud ave acceped work wî Ras bu Abe ad no ony acceped e job bu ad sayed ou o roube - so ar. Coser o e arm buîdîngs, Koos coud see ow e raîn ad spased red ear as îg as a man’s waîs on e scaîng wîe paser o e was o e buîdîngs. here was a maîn ouse, a mîserabe buîdîng wî a rusy, mo eaen, corrugaed îron roo; an ououse or sorîng arm împemens and oos; and a ong ow buîdîng se back rom bo o ese were e arm abourers îved, our o a sma room, în cos.
ï was ony dîferen rom many oer arms, încudîng e one were Koos worked, în a, în e sunny cî o ae aternoon, î ad a more dîsma, amos abandoned aîr. he pace was so desered, Koos was surprîsed o ear severa dogs barkîng excîedy beyond e ouse. ï ey’d been barkîng a îm, an înruder, e’d ave undersood, bu eîr aenîon seemed o be soey on someîng e coudn’ see on e oer sîde o e ouse. Curîous, bu în oo muc ase o învesîgae, e srode pas e maîn ouse owards e ow buîdîngs were e oped Abe woud be waîîng. As e passed e ouse, e saw e dogs were caîned o e draw bar o a wagon. hey were barkîng a a scene a broug bood pumpîng angrîy o îs ace. Two wîe men, a younger one wî a sjambok, a wîp made rom a ong srîp o rînoceros îde, e oer, oder, carryîng a sogun over îs arm, were sandîng cose ogeer ookîng a someîng, no, someone, îed o e wee o e wagon. he sîr a covered e îed up orso was orn and marked wî red. ‘Hî îm some more, Frîkkîe,’ e oder man soued, augîng. ‘hese damned Hoen’os need a rea good esson o ge anyîng îno eîr îck cury eads.’ Koos was urnîng away wen e person îed o e wee îted îs ead and Koos recognîsed e movemen as îs broer, Abe’s. he young wîe man grînned and raîsed e wîp. ï Lîcked across Abe’s back eavîng anoer red srîpe. Koos sared o run. he young wîe man drew e wîp back agaîn bu Koos caug î and jerked î rom îs and. ‘Hey!’ e oder man soued, raîsîng e sogun. Koos used e ande o e wîp o î îm a gancîng bow on e sîde o e ead and e man dropped. he young wîe urned o grab Koos. Koos î îm wî e sîf ande ow în e croc. He screamed în agony. Koos î îm wî îs et and, sendîng îm sprawîng.
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