Tussles. Collected Plays , livre ebook









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This collection groups together four plays - The Bite, Things Fall in Place, The Will and The Imprisonment of Sende Ghandi - written between 1995 and 2006. The plays in this volume dramatize a comprehensive world view. Through characters and themes chosen for their power to articulate the intended message, the plays paint a convincing and at times funny picture of human beings tussling with daily life. With clearly non-reductionist purpose, the actions all eschew the narrow minority questions so dominant in Cameroon Anglophone drama and instead reach out to concerns of a broader nature. In these plays Nyamndi does more than entertain. He reaches into the psychology of human relations and individual drives, and intimates responses to occasioned challenges. His wide, penetrating mind meanders in society: detecting the drunk before he takes his first drop; uncovering the embezzler even before he lays his hands on the collective holding; steeling the masses before the calamities of misrule descend on them; hoisting the flag of freedom long before revolutionaries come anywhere near the mast. He uses the play for healing purposes.
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15 mai 2009





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Tussles Collected Plays
G. D. Nyamndi
Langaa& Publishing CIG Research Mankon,Bamenda
Publisher: Langaa RPCIG (LangaaResearch & Publishing Common Initiative Group) P.O. Box 902 Mankon Bamenda North West Region Cameroon Langaagrp@gmail.com www.langaapublisher.com
Distributed outside N. America by African Books Collective orders@africanbookscollective.com www.africanbookscollective.com
Distributed in N. America by Michigan State University Press msupress@msu.edu www.msupress.msu.edu
ISBN: 9956558540
© G. D. Nyamndi 2009  First published 2009
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the author’s invention or they are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual places and persons, living or dead, events, or locales is coincidental.
Preface ................................................................................................. ix
The Bite Scene 1 In Lobe’s office .................................................................................. 4
Scene 2 At the Club ......................................................................................... 8
Scene 3 In Abod’s home ............................................................................... 13
Scene 4 In an emergency ward .................................................................... 16
Scene 5 In Abod’s house ............................................................................... 19
Scene 6 In Lobe’s office ................................................................................ 21
Scene 7 In the Club ........................................................................................ 24
Scene 8 Abod alone on stage ....................................................................... 30
Scene 9 Near Tita’s house ............................................................................. 31
Scene 10 In Tita’s house. .................................................................................. 37
Tussles: Collected Plays
Things Fall in Place Scene 1 Market square ................................................................................... 48
Scene 2 Marketplace ...................................................................................... 50
Scene 3 In Okonkwo’s compound .................................................... 54
Scene 4 In Okonkwo’s house ....................................................................... 63
Scene 5 Church ............................................................................................... 67
Scene 6 In Okonkwo’s house ....................................................................... 73
Scene 7 Village square .................................................................................... 76
Scene 8 In the D.C.’s office. .......................................................................... 79
Scene 9 Marketplace ...................................................................................... 84
Scene 10 In Okonkwo’s compound ............................................................. 87
The Will Scene 1 Late Libong’s dining room .................................................. 94
Scene 2 Libong Group boardroom ......................................................... 102
Scene 3 Libong’s house ............................................................................... 106
Scene 4 Boardroom ..................................................................................... 120
Scene 5 In the Libong kitchen .................................................................... 123
The Imprisonment of Sende Ghandi Scene 1 Public square ................................................................................... 132
Scene 2 On Ewang’s farm. ......................................................................... 137
Scene 3 Co-operative Building .................................................................. 140
Scene 4 In charge office. ............................................................................. 144
Scene 5 On Nonobit’s farm. ...................................................................... 153
Scene 6 Innocent Sunday’s office ............................................................... 160
Scene 7 In Nonobit’s farm ......................................................................... 164
Scene 8 In Innocent Sunday’s office .......................................................... 168
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