Story of Michael , livre ebook









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The sequel to 'The Story of Caya'. Michael Paymer undertakes a journey to Nigeria to find out the whereabouts of his kidnapped girlfriend, Catherine Morgan. Little did he realize he too will partake in the same fate that she did. This is his story.
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Date de parution

30 novembre 2016





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1 Mo

îe Page                         î Puîser ïnormaîon                  îî Proogue                         îîî
Par One                          1 Gîrrîend Mîssîng                     2 On a Mîssîon                       16 rave                            28 Down e Raî oe                  40 îgs Go Ou                       53
Par wo                         74 Camp Ae-Run                      75 Saves                            88 Jason/Escape                       103 Caug                           117
Par Hree                        132 Back Maser Soa                     133 Back Mîsress îfany                  143
Aso Avaîae                      156
Damien Dsoul
he Sory of Micael Fîrs puîsed în 2013 Hîs revîsed edîîon puîsed în 2016 y House o Erotica wwwouseoeroîcaookscom Dîgîa edîîon convered and dîsrîued y Andrews UK Limited wwwandrewsukcom © Copyrîg 2013, 2016 Damîen Dsou He rîg o Damîen Dsou o e îdenîIed as e auor o îs work as een assered în accordance wî e Copyrîg, Desîgns and Paens Ac 1998 A rîgs reserved No par o îs puîcaîon may e reproduced, sored în a rerîeva sysem, or ransmîed, în any orm or y any means wîou e prîor wrîen permîssîon o e puîser, nor e oerwîse cîrcuaed în any orm o îndîng or cover oer an a în wîc î îs puîsed and wîou a sîmîar condîîon eîng împosed on e susequen purcaser Any person wo does so may e îae o crîmîna prosecuîon and cîvî caîms or damages
A caracers appearîng în îs work are Icîîous Any resemance o rea persons, îvîng or dead, îs purey coîncîdena
All I’m going o ell you appened exacly as I’m abou o ell i. here mig be some deails I let ou. Trus me, i’s for your own good. he leas you know, e beer you are.
Part One
Girlriend Missing
ï opened e ron door o my ome and ere were wo men în suîs sandîng ere a my paren’s ron porc Heîr suîs were grey; ere was a car parked esîde our drîveway Hey ooked oicîa One o em enquîred î ï was Mîcae Paymer; ï repîed yes ï was As î knowîng wa my nex quesîon woud e, o o em reaced îno eîr jacke and wîpped ou eîr adges Hey were securîy oicîas rom e Sae Deparmen Hey asked î ey coud come însîde or a mînue and speak wî îm ï was curîous waever î was ey waned o speak o me aou u a mînue aer ey menîoned my gîrrîend’s name and en ï knew ey weren’ kîddîng He men’s names were Arnodson and Carence Arnodson, e one wo’d sown me îs adge, was oder wî grey aîr, somewere în îs ITîes, wî a voîce a made îm sound îke someone rom exas or down sou; Carence appeared o e în îs eary îrîes, ack and a mîd-weserner ï was e ony one a ome and ï was gad or a; my parens woud ave een unseed and sîrred some reacîon ad ey een ere o ear em e me everyîng ï needed o know aou e as wereaous o my gîrrîend Caerîne and er parens ï ad een our days sînce as îme ï saw Caerîne; er and er parens ad eT e counry eadîng o Nîgerîa Se adn’ waned o go and se’d compaîned o me aou î and ï’d sympaîze wî er, knowîng î woud upse er parens î se decîned o go ï’d
expeced er o ca me once se arrîved u so ar no a word ï knew e Lîg was a ong one oug ï adn’ eard rom er sînce ï woud ave caed ad ï known wa oe se and er parens ad cecked îno and î was e eary par o summer ï knew ey woudn’ e ack î mon’s end … î no more No someîng ï was appy aou, u ï coud waî ï knew se woud reurn o me Bu îs was someîng ï wasn’ expecîng o ear My gîrrîend and er parens mîssîng, presumed kîdnapped ï reay ook e wînd ou o my saîs “Wen was e as îme you saw er?” e oder one, Arnodson asked me e quesîon and ï od îm e as îme ï’d seen Caerîne “ave your receîved any pone ca rom er sînce as îme you saw er?” ï answered no, ï aven’ ï dîdn’ even know were ey were sayîng excep e cîy ey’d gone o—Auja, î was caed Carence ook ou an enveope rom îs jacke and poured ou some poos and presened em o me Here were aces o oer Amerîcans wo were as we decared mîssîng, e expaîned A o em ad one îme or anoer eîng spendîng quaîy îme and oîday în Wes Arîca u ad suddeny upped and vanîsed wîou so muc as a race ï pîcked up e snapso o Caerîne rom amongs e pîcures ere My ear was acîng; ï e îke cryîng Once agaîn ï ooked a em o make sure îs wasn’ some sîy prank eîng payed on me and e grave ook on eîr aces remînded me agaîn a î wasn’ He oder deecîve, Arnodson, was sayîng someîng u ï wasn’ îsenîng Fînay e snapped îs Inger and a made me raîse my ead “Were you payîng aenîon, Mr Paymer?” e asked me “Yes … yes, sîr, ï was You menîoned a a îs appened down în Wes Arîca?”
“SpecîIcay eween Nîgerîa and Gana,” Carence answered “Houg ere’ve een appenîngs în oer Arîcan counrîes as we as în Asîa, u îs one as goen quîe a spîke” “My God ï never knew Wa do you înk wî appen o Caerîne and er parens?” Bo men excanged gances wî eac oer, Idgeîng, no knowîng weer o answer my quesîon or no ï înk Carence waned o u dîdn’ wîs o reak prooco ï was Arnodson wo answered “We’re sî workîng on geîng em ack Hîs wîe savery racke îs muc oo ecnîca or me o expaîn our efors rîg now Wa we’d îke you o do îs maînaîn sîence aou îs So ar you’re e ony one we’ve conaced aou îs and we’d îke or î o remaîn a way Aso, soud în case any o e vîcîms—your gîrrîend—soud manage o conac you, ï’d advîce you conac us rîg away aou îs” e reaced îno îs ron pocke and ook ou a card and gave î o me and od me o reac îm anyîme Hey eT me wî Caerîne’s poos, once agaîn apoogîsed or my roue and en eT ï sood y e doorway and waced em ener eîr car and drîve of Everyîng was ack o norma agaîn, excep noîng was ï e so os ï dîdn’ know wa nex o do, or ow o ge my ead around a wa ad jus eîng saîd o me My gîrrîend Caerîne and er parens and severa oers kîdnapped în Arîca … ï coud ee e onse o a mîgraîne comîng on o me ï su e door and ran upsaîrs o ec e mîgraîne pîs rom my medîcîne caîne and popped one îno my mou ï was panîng îke ï’d jus ran a race ï e o e Loor odîng e poo o Caerîne o my ace ï was cryîng even eore ï reaîsed î My parens reurned ome ours aer ï was up în my edroom and dîdn’ reaîze wen ey’re arrîved unî ï eard a knock on my door and my Mom opened my door and suck îno my room o know î ï was ou a e gym aready ï od er my sparrîng parner ad caed earîer sayîng e ad a Lu and woudn’ make î He ru was ï was comîng roug e ne searcîng ou more o e
sujec regardîng kîdnappîng o oreîgners în Arîca, ocusîng my aenîon on Nîgerîa wîc was were Caerîne and er parens ad journeyed o Here was a wea o înormaîon o e ound regardîng e sujec, and my ony proem was avîng îme sîTîng roug everyîng a was wrîen aou î în numerous oreîgn newspapers as we as ose în Nîgerîan press papers; îe o î was ound în Amerîcan edîîons ï was eîng mecanîca în my searc ï dîdn’ wan someîng a woud ake me e enîre week or more o read roug ï seeced e împoran ones and prîned em ou and ay on my ed perusîng em ï read o ow e aeged îsory o e nearîous acîvîy, daîng as ar ack as e eary wenîe cenury, and ow wî îme î ad deprecîaed and en goen a resurgence durîng e perîod e counry ad dîced îs mîîary îesye and acceped Democraîc eadersîp wîc ad done îe o curaî e corrup maîgnance occurrîng în e counry’s underey He acîvîy ad assumed e orm o a cancerous ce, spreadîng îs enaces as we as geîng oder în îs works and ye someow î ad conînued o remaîn one o e word’s es kep secre ï was sedom eîng deaed în e UN even ere în e US, muc o e ak was aou e war în Aganîsan and e ongoîng ragedy appenîng în e Mîdde Eas; Arîca was akîng a acksea în e word’s eyes He Arîcan governmens emseves were a a oss a ow o acke e sujec A o o e reasons wy, ï came o reaîze e more ï read, came down o greed, corrupîon, ree-mîîan groups, and îneicîen execuîve poîcîes o coma e crîme wave ï go îrsy and wen downsaîrs o e kîcen o ge a gass o waer and made myse a sandwîc and wen ack o my room o conînue wî my readîng Done wî waever ï’d read, ï reurned o my compuer and searced ou some more edîorîas and prîned em ou ï wondered î y any cance e wo Sae Deparmen eows knew as muc aou îs sujec as ï was Indîng ou Ovîousy ey mus ave—îs was oo îg or anyone no o e aware o, especîay sînce î now învoved Amerîcans Hey soud know … rîg?
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