Story of Caya , livre ebook









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Je m'inscris








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Catherine arrived in Nigeria with her parents to spend a three-week summer holiday. Twenty-four hours later she and her parents and several other American families were kidnapped by rebel militants and sold off to wealthy Black Masters and Mistresses. This is her story.
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Date de parution

06 décembre 2016





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1 Mo

Tîe Page                         î Pubîser ïnormaîon                  îî
Arrîva                           1 os                            21 Aucîon                         37 Owned                          46 Bîc-Save Caya                    65 A Bîr a Nîg                     93 Arun Marke                      103 Mîsress Tîfany                     118
Aso Avaîabe                      126
Damien Dsoul
he Sory o Caya Fîrs pubîsed în 2013 hîs revîsed edîîon pubîsed în 2016 by House o Erotica wwwouseoeroîcabookscom Dîgîa edîîon convered and dîsrîbued by Andrews UK Limited wwwandrewsukcom © Copyrîg 2013, 2016 Damîen Dsou he rîg o Damîen Dsou o be îdenîIed as e auor o îs work as been assered în accordance wî e Copyrîg, Desîgns and Paens Ac 1998 A rîgs reserved No par o îs pubîcaîon may be reproduced, sored în a rerîeva sysem, or ransmîed, în any orm or by any means wîou e prîor wrîen permîssîon o e pubîser, nor be oerwîse cîrcuaed în any orm o bîndîng or cover oer an a în wîc î îs pubîsed and wîou a sîmîar condîîon beîng împosed on e subsequen purcaser Any person wo does so may be îabe o crîmîna prosecuîon and cîvî caîms or damages
A caracers appearîng în îs work are Icîîous Any resembance o rea persons, îvîng or dead, îs purey coîncîdena
hîs îs a rue sory, every word o î. No everyone wo ges o read î wîll ind a possîble. I won’ really blame em or a; I oo ind î ard o belîeve some îmes ad î no all appened o I and my amîly … and o oers wo were unorunae o be ere wî us. Some o î mîg sound unrue, lîke suf born ou o îmagînaîon; some o î none o you wîll ge o belîeve. I wîs I can ind e words o make em seem more real an I’m abou o ell em. In e end, I leave a up o you. *** Caerîne e someone nudge er arm Murmurîng a grumbe, se pused up er sungasses up er ace, er eyes comîng awake rom e sumber se’d sîpped îno more an an our ago ï was er moer, Pamea, seaed besîde er wo was smîîng a e same îme poînîng a someîng ou er wîndow “ï înk we’ve jus abou arrîved, oney,” se saîd Caerîne murmured a sîg under er brea as se oowed er Mom’s poînîng Inger o gaze ou er wîndow, pas e cuser o wîspy cumuus couds a gave way or er o pîck ou e grand vîsa o e cîy a oomed ousands o ee benea em he cîy was surrounded by a wîde expanse o green vegeaîon wî rîvues o rîvers cuîng o and ro îke veîns snakîng owards e ear; e nor-eas corner o e cîy were some îy erraîn wîc seemed o srec arer and arer away he sun’s rays peneraed e bank o couds o add brîîance o e new word ey were în As î o urer make î rea, e PA sysem came aîve
seconds aer wî e Lîg capaîn’s voîce wecomîng everybody însîde e aîrîne o eîr îmmînen arrîva o Cape Cîy, înormîng em o pease Ix back eîr sea bes as ey woud begîn ascendîng în a sor wîe Caerîne dîd as însruced Pamea urned o e aîse sea besîde er and nudged er usband, Tîm awake and repeaed e same însrucîon A Lurry o excîemen seemed o come aîve amongs e res o e passengers as e sewardesses sroed back and or ceckîng everyone îno eîr îndîvîdua seas and Ixîng em propery Caerîne yawned as se gazed down a e cîy benea er ee ousîde er wîndow, îmagînîng wa mîg be waîîng or em once ey arrîve Anîcîpaîon, ear and resîgnaîon rode er mînd Se was vîsîîng Arîca or e Irs îme, er and er parens ookîng a er Mom, se seemed quîe appy and excîed abou e rîp, and er Dad oo was we ookîng orward o î; e ad o sînce e ad busîness o ake care o down ere As or erse, e woe îng sarîng rom e day er parens made e decîsîon o învove er, o e days eadîng up o e pannîng and arrangemen down o yeserday wen ey’d depared JFK ïnernaîona, î a seemed îke a bur o er here se was wo days ago wî er bes rîend, Meg, eîng er abou e rîp: o spendîng e nex ree weeks o er summer oîday of coege wî er parens în some Arîcan counry se ardy knew exîsed he worse par wasn’ er beîng wî er parens, bu o beîng away rom er boyrîend, Mîcae How se mîssed beîng wî îm rîg now and wîsed e was ere seaed nex o er gîvîng er comor Se e so aone rîg now and woud gîve anyîng jus o ge îm o be wî er Havîng îm around woud make er ee a o beer abou e rîp; ard o know wa o expec once ey anded Besîdes, îs was Arîca Were was se goîng o Ind any oney coege guy o be wî, especîay one a was wîe? he pane suddered as î î a pocke o coudy urbuence Bank o couds sped pas er wîndow as ey descended owards e ear Pamea woudn’ sop caerîng as e vîsa o e cîy came back îno wîder vîew hey soared over e green vegeaîon
and were now over e cîy skyîg he ouses and nework o roads a ooked îke a cîd’s pay pen rom were Caerîne vîewed everyîng hey grew îno sîze e more ey descended rom eîr eîg Two mînues aer e pane’s îres î ear and însîde e pane a roarîng ceer wen up as ey cruîsed speedîy aong e runway en-roue o eîr sop “We’re ere, oney,” Pam saîd o er dauger Caerîne sîmpy nodded, exasperaed wî er Mom’s sunny dîsposîîon “Yes, Mom We’re ere” ïn er ear as se gazed ou e wîndow, se wîsed se was somewere ese *** here was some mînor commoîon or em o rerîeve eîr uggage as we as cear roug e counry’s Cusoms Muc o eîr debace was resoved wen Tîm Morgan sîged a man wo sood wî a pacard a bore îs u name He approaced e man wo înroduced îmse as Eîas He was par o e caperone saf rom Queensand Hoe & Resors wo was ere o wecome e Morgans o Nîgerîa, and o escor em o eîr awaîîng oe bookîng He was a sîm man, dark-skînned wî a Lasy grîn o a smîe and e wore a kakî sîr a dîspayed e resor’s ogo on îs breas pocke “ï’s a peasure meeîng you, sîr,” e sook ands wî Tîm and assîsed wî akîng wo o eîr uggage o were e resor’s cab was waîîng here was a o o aranguîng appenîng în e aîrpor: oo many peope akîng and mîîng abou Caerîne noîced some o e naîve men ogîng er wîou same Se e nervous under eîr sare Eîas ook er bag rom er and usered er aong; e od er no o be mîndu o e sares: suc îs ow usuay î îs wenever oreîgners come down ere he men as we oged er moer bu Pamea made îke î was a good o er, as î ey were în Dîsneyand he same wî er aer ïn e cab, Tîm sa în ron wî Eîas wî Caerîne and er Mom sa în e backsea Eîas onked îs orn persîseny o break roug e raic o oer parked and îdîng veîces as ey pued ou o e
aîrpor vîcînîy Overead ere came e roarîng sound o a pane akîng of Caerîne suck er ead ou er wîndow and moaned rom e ea a pressed agaîns er ace hey et e aîrpor and drove îno e wîde urnpîke eadîng îno e ear o e cîy Tîm rew quesîons a Eîas wo was accommodaîng enoug o answer em as e drove Pamea ook er camera ou o er andbag and ook snapsos o jus abou anyîng exoîc a passed em on e road Excep or er aer, bo Caarîne and er Mom were dressed în sors, sneakers and ank ops Caerîne coudn’ sop rubbîng of e swea a was buîdîng on er skîn; e as îme se ad been îs o was wen se’s gone of on a summer vacaîon as year wî er rîend Meg o ïbîzîa Obvîousy se was goîng o ge a serîous an by e îme ey reurned ome he drîve roug e cîy was a capîvaîng one, mînus e annoyîng spa o raic ey encounered aong e way Tîm waned o see as muc o e cîy a e coud, us e însruced Eîas o ake a onger roue around e cîy Eîas dîd as e asked and more an an our came by beore ey drove aong a wîde expressway overookîng e Cape Cîy beac; e Queensand Resor was a e end o e road, occupyîng a wîde îop wîc gazed over e cîy hey drove în roug e gaes and came o a sop a e wîde drîveway nex o e resor’s maîn buîdîng Everybody aîged down and severa porers appeared o ep wî eîr uggage as Tîm and îs wîe and dauger wen însîde o concude eîr reservaîon wîc e ad booked or ree mons earîer on accoun a ere was a rus owards securîng an expensîve suîe ere a e resor, especîay sînce î was geîng cose o e cîy’s carnîva season Everyîng aken care o, ey enered e eevaor and rode î o e sîx Loor were eîr suîe was sîuaed hey pas severa wîe coupes aong e way Pamea, beîng er ypîca buoyan se wased no îme soppîng one o suc coupes and înroducîng erse aong wî er dauger o em; as aways Caerîne groaned and în er mînd pîcured er Mom as e wîcked wîc
rom e and o Oz hey exraced emseves and wen în e dîrecîon o eîr suîe ï was more îke an expensîve aparmen or a baceor an î was a oe suîe; Caerîne and er Mom marveed a îs ampe spacîousness here was a cenra îvîng room and wo maser bedrooms and ree smaer ones heîr suîe aced e wes secîon o e beac From a wîndows ey ad a cear vîew o e bue waers spasîng on e yeow sand To Caerîne î broug memorîes o er îme spen a ïbîzîa, excep ere e waer was urquoîse and en se adn’ been aone Se sood by e îvîng room wîndow sarîng ou a e beac and e Lock o peope ere wîe Eîas reurned rom er room, avîng assîsed e porers în sowîng er uggage “Wa do you înk abou e vîew, oney?” saîd er aer, grînnîng wî er Mom uggîng îm “Quîe împressîve, aîn’ î?” “Reay Dad, î’s grand” Her Mom caug e sound o er voîce “Wa’s wrong, babe You don’ ook a oo appy abou î?” “Noîng, Mom Jus wîs … jus never oug you guys were beîng serîous abou comîng down ere” Her Dad ooked a er “Bu ï dîd e you abou î, sweeear, abou e new conrac ï go You know ow împoran îs îs goîng o be or us, don’ you?” “Yes, Dad ï know ow împoran î îs ï jus ee so aone ere” “Bu you aren’ aone, oney,” Pamea came o er dauger’s aîd “We’re ere wî you, ogeer, a ree o us hîs îs someîng we’ve aways waned: o rave and go paces we’ve never been o beore ï know î mîg make you nervous, bu we’re ere o ave un os and os o î” “Yea, Mom os o un,” se mumbed “We, ï’d beer go unpack and see wa un ere îs o ave” Pamea waced er dauger wak away owards er bedroom Se waned o ca ou o er, o gîve er soace, bu Tîm ed er back and od er no o worry a Caerîne woud come around soon
“Se jus needs o wînd down a îe bî,” e saîd “Too muc je ag can do a o you” “ï guess you’re rîg ï oug o kîck myse someîmes ï ee oo muc îke a moer en a’s araîd o e er go” “You worry oo muc,” e kîssed er ceek “Bu a’s wy ï ove you Now, ow abou you and ï go unpack and maybe we can do some roîckîng aterwards” Se grînned back a îm “Someow ï Igured you ad a on your mînd sînce we came down rom e pane” “Are you kîddîng? ï’ve ad î on my mînd beore we even et New York Can’ beîeve ow ong e Lîg was ï oug o rese my îme, my wac îs now Ive ours beînd” “No, wa you need o do îs grab a sower and res a îe bî o e îngs wear of you, and maybe en î you’re good and say so or a e day, you can ge some oness aer” “U-U You’re no goîng o rîck me a way, Pam You oo are goîng o ge a sower ï’d îke o massage your souders or you” “Naugy Tîm Morgan,” se cîded “How ï sayed marrîed o you a ese years, ï’ never know” *** Caerîne cosed er door beînd er and wen and pumbed down on e bed, exaused rom e ong rîp and e same îme annoyed wî er parens Her eyes roamed e spacîous room, er ears îsened o e sîence Se unzîpped er bag and ook ou er and grîp a conaîned er oîerîes and oer suf and wen îno e baroom o arrange em în e medîcîne cabîne Sînce we’re ere on oîday, mîg as we make îke we’re on oîday, se oug o erse as se paced er sampoo, oo brus and oer accessorîes besîde eac oer însîde e cabîne Se cosed e îd and gazed a er reLecîon în e mîrror ï wasn’ a appy ace a sared back a er Her eyes ooked dowdy, er bonde aîr ooked mussed up and ere were eces o seep înes across er ceek Se urned on e ap and spased waer on er ace
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