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Description: Gloria Wilson was going to have a busy day, what with the washing, ironing, getting the evening meal ready for her husband Ed but somewhere a phone was was his, he'd forgotten it. There was a message from a woman, one of Ed's golf partners' of Gloria's friends...she'd sent a picture and she didn't have ironing on her mind...or clothes on her body! Gloria was devastated, what had she done to deserve this but...what had she done to prevent it? It was too late for all that and maybe too late to save her marriage but it was never too late for revenge!
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Date de parution

11 septembre 2012





Poids de l'ouvrage

1 Mo

Front Matter ..................................................... 3 Tîte Page ..................................................... 3 Pubîser Inormatîon ................................... 4
Fore!some .......................................................... 5 Capter One ................................................ 5 Capter Two .............................................. 15 Capter hree............................................. 23 Capter Four.............................................. 29 Capter Fîve .............................................. 40 Capter Sîx ................................................ 49 Capter Seven ............................................ 61 Capter Eîgt............................................. 72 Capter Nîne ............................................. 82 Capter Ten ............................................... 96 Capter Eeven ......................................... 108 Capter Tweve......................................... 127 Capter hîrteen ...................................... 141 Epîogue ................................................... 156
Back Matter .................................................. 157 Aso Avaîabe........................................... 157 About House o Erotîca ............................. 161
Revenge is a dis called Gloria
By Tina Clark
Publiser Information
Fore!some Pubîsed în 2012 by Andrews UK îmîted
hîs book îs sod subject to te condîtîon tat ît sa not, by way o trade or oterwîse, be ent, resod, îred out or oterwîse cîrcuated wîtout te pubîser’s prîor wrîtten consent în any orm o bîndîng or cover oter tan tat în wîc ît îs pubîsed, and wîtout a sîmîar condîtîon beîng împosed on te subsequent purcaser.
he caracters and sîtuatîons în tîs book are entîrey îmagînary and bear no reatîon to any rea person or actua appenîng.
Copyrîgt © Tîna Cark 2012
he rîgt o Tîna Cark to be îdentîIed as autor o tîs book as been asserted în accordance wît sectîon 77 and 78 o te Copyrîgts Desîgns and Patents Act 1988.
Capter One
Getting te message
‘Peep!’ he troube wît peeps nowadays, îs tat every damn tîng în and out o te kîtcen does ît and trackîng down a rogue peeper can take up most o your day. ït’s te kînd o noîse you Ind yourse îstenîng or, not reay sure î you’re earîng ît at a or makîng ît up, ‘Peep!’ Gorîa Wîson sook er pretty ead în rustratîon and trîed not to ear ît. ‘Peep!’ Her îron coud peep and se cecked to see tat se adn’t et ît pugged în, îkewîse te wasîng macîne and te dîswaser, even te reezer peeped wen ît wanted attentîon, ten tere was te mîcrowave and er îtte dîgîta camera, se coud ave et tat on somewere but, no. ït sounded îke a pone but se ad ers tere în er bag and er usband Ed was never wîtout îs. One way to Ind out, se’d gîve îm a rîng. he sîy tune e ad or an încomîng ca started up rîgt away, so e ad orgotten îs pone ater a. he musîc ed er to te adjoînîng garage and Ed’s go bag and tere, în te tee pocket; te pone. Se woud ave swîtced ît of but te message îcon was bînkîng and out o îde curîosîty se ooked to see wo ît was rom. Nataîe. As ar as Gorîa knew tere wasn’t anyone o tat name at Ed’s work and te ony oter Nataîe se knew was er rîend... Gerry’s wîe; one o Ed’s go partners. Se’d never done anytîng îke ît beore, but se pressed te button and read, “Now tat you’ve payed 18 oes o go wît my usband, do you want to pay a-round în mîne?” Gorîa neary dropped te pone; se staggered back and sat down starîng at ît as toug ît were a boody dagger se’d ound în îs bag. Wat dîd ît mean, ad se mîsînterpreted ît? Se read ît agaîn and notîced an attacment, wîc wîtout worryîng about
now, se opened. No more doubts, tere was er rîend Nataîe standîng naked în Gorîa’s own bedroom. ït was a compete sock to Gorîa; se’d never suspected anytîng was goîng on. Se’d no reason to, everytîng was Ine between er and Ed, or so se’d aways tougt. Obvîousy not toug. Suddeny se was în tears and se ran troug to te bedroom and trew erse down sobbîng and cryîng, and breakîng er ragîe îtte eart. ït was a er aut se knew. Se’d just et îm to go about îs busîness wîe se’d got on wît er stupîd part-tîme job and runnîng te ouse. Se’d been quîte appy and not gîven enoug tougt to weter e was. O course ît was sex. Se’d tougt ît was a rîgt. hey ad sex at east once a week, okay, sometîmes ît was on a Sunday mornîng beore Ed went to pay go and so ît was a bît rused, but e’d never compaîned. No, tat wasn’t true, e ad compaîned în îs own way. More tan once e’d trîed to get er to watc a porno Lîck wît îm, “ït’s just un darîng,” e’d saîd, “Get’s te juîces Lowîng!” but ît dîdn’t get ers Lowîng. Se just tougt ît was rude and waked away and et îm. Wat a oo! hat was te open door tat errîend Nataîe ad sîpped troug! Someow, Gorîa e aseep. Peraps er mînd woud not accept any more punîsment and just swîtced of. Se sept cured up în a îtte tragîc ba or over an our and wakened up to te wasîng macîne ‘peepîng.’ Duy Gorîa dragged erse troug and emptîed te macîne and set about angîng te cotes up.More îronîng to do,se tougt and îmmedîatey et sîck and rused to te batroom. Ed woud be ome în just a coupe o ours and se dîdn’t know wat to do.
Se coudn’t conront îm wît ît, se knew tat. Se woud just cry and e woud be kînd and se knew tat wasn’t te way tese tîngs were meant to go. Wy wasn’t se angry, wy dîdn’t se ate îm?
Se just dîdn’t, tat’s a and se dîdn’t even ee angry...just sad. Se needed tîme. Se ad to tînk and se ad to stop beîng so patetîc! Gorîa pîcked up Ed’s pone agaîn. Se woud ave to deete te message entîrey or e woud know se ad seen ît. hat way, wen Nataîe asked about ît, tey’d tînk te message ad just never arrîved someow. Se read ît one more tîme to make sure tat te woe tîng wasn’t just a nîgtmare, but tere ît was, areanîgtmare. Se opened te poto too and ooked at er naked neîgbour.Not bad, I suppose,se tougt, ten se notîced tat Nataîe ad te Brazîîan ook, î tat’s wat tey ca ît. Beore deetîng te message, se copîed te text and te pîcture to te computer and stowed ît away în a oder se caed, ‘Nattîy Presented.’You can see everytîng, maybe tat’s wat tey îke,se wondered. Gorîa ad never gone în or anytîng îke tat. Se ad never even îked to ook muc,down tere,peraps se soud. Se went înto te batroom and stood în ront o te mîrror and pued down er pants. Se’d aways tougt ît was,naturanow tat se’d seen Nataîe’s, ît just seemed but unkempt and unsopîstîcated. Se took scîssors rom te cabînet and cut a bîg cur of and dropped ît down te toîet,here, tat’s a start!and waked out to do tat tînkîng. Se wasn’t goîng to dîvorce îm, tat woud ony pease er moter and ît woud ruîn er îe. Se oved Ed. Sure e was a sît but ît was party er aut. Compacency, tat was ît, we ît was over now and as or Nataîe...te bîtc! Gorîa swîtced on te computer and opened Ed’s user account. Se started up te înternet and ooked troug îs bookmarks. Ha o tem were porn sîtes as se’d known tey woud be and se spent an our or more browsîng troug te most expîcît sex îmagînabe. How tame se ad been, se tougt and ow nave. he more se ooked te more se got înto ît and some o ît was reay înterestîng, or exampe...bowjobs. ït ad never reay been er tîng, but some o tese gîrs ad turned ît înto an art orm! Wow! Se coud do tat, and se coud enjoy ît too, especîay now! Se îked ow compîant te men were, î you took carge ît seemed tey were more tan wîîng to et you...I never knew tat, înterestîng! O, ook at tat one!
Wen Ed came ome se ad te mea on te tabe and atoug e tougt se was a bît dîstant e never suspected or a mînute tat îs secret was out. “Anytîng up wît you oney?” e asked er. “Maybe ï soud ask you tat Ed,” se repîed. hat nîgt Ed sept soundy as Gorîa ay and crîed soty but în te mornîng wît te new îgt se ad new tougts, te begînnîngs o a pan...and a need or revenge. Fîrst tîng as soon as Ed was of to work, ît was back on tose sîtes, Gorîa ad tîngs to earn and se ad a îst! Next ît was tîme to sort out er bus probem and se ad earned about tat too. Se knew wat se wanted and savîng wasn’t te answer, ît ad to be a wax so se et or town and a îtte beauty saon se ad never been to but se knew woud do te job. ïnsîde, te women were not în te east surprîsed by wat se wanted and even ad an eye-poppîng abum to ep er reIne er decîsîon. ït stung îke e but wen tey ed te mîrror up to er waterîng eyes, ît was wort ît. Gone was te wîd grass, repaced by a smoot as sîk pussy wît a sort aîr, neat brown patc above ît. Now or te rest o te treatment and în ony anoter two ours se was back ome and turnîng er bedroom înto a poto soot! îke er, er îtte camera ad îdden depts and Gorîa knew to set ît up as ar away rom erse as possîbe and use te teepoto to mînîmîse ens dîstortîon, se aso knew to turn of te Las and set ît to manua operatîon. Se coud take over a tousand îg resoutîon pîctures on îts îtte card so se et conIdent se woud get te Ive or sîx good ones se needed, but a drînk Irst and Gorîa made ît a stîf one, “Fîrst o many!” se tod erse augîng. Ater se’d pînned a wîte seet to te wa and got te camera mounted on te trîpod, came te ard bît; te pose. he drînk ad eped and Gorîa trîed out everytîng se’d seen on te înternet usîng te camera’s deay unctîon. Once se got înto ît, ît was un and amazîngy addîctîve. Se ound tat te tînîest varîatîons în pose and expressîon coud destroy a great pîcture and ît was împortant tat tey were a great pîctures.
he rest o te day was spent manîpuatîng and croppîng te îmages on te computer ten se careuy composed an A4 page and prînted tree seets of. Gorîa ran tree enveopes troug te prînter too and se was ready or te post but beore se dîd se took a moment to appraîse er work. ït was a same tat se ad ad to cut of er ead, but tat apart, Gorîa was peased beyond measure at ow te composîtîon o potos ad turned out. Ed ad aways tod er tat se was a antastîc ookîng woman but or some reason se ad aways tougt e was just beîng nîce. Now wît er new aîr-do and te posîtîons se’d copîed rom te net even se dîdn’t recognîse erse and se et a new conIdence arîsîng rom te day’s endeavours. Se dropped te enveopes în te maî and started makîng te evenîng mea just as Ed waked troug te door. “You’re runnîng a bît beînd scedue tonîgt oney,” e saîd to er, good naturedy, “Maybe ï’ make a compaînt to te management!” “Wy don’t you make tat a awyer înstead?” se repîed wît a steey ook puttîng an end to te conversatîon and a worrîed ook on Ed’s ace.
Wen Gorîa sent te etters to Ed’s tree goIng pas se knew ît was a gambe and tat severa possîbîîtîes or even a combînatîon o tem coud occur. hat’s wy tenext stepsîn er pan were a îtte...Luîd. ïn te event, atoug te etters were addressed to te usbands, one o te tree men’s wîves ound out, and o course, ît ad to be Nataîe! Se tod everyone tat er usband ad sown er nude pîctures wîc, “Some sut,” ad sent îm în te post and tat se was tînkîng o caîng te poîce. I’ see you în court bîtc!Gorîa tougt, tînkîng o te pîcture se ad o Nataîe saey encrypted on er ard drîve. Over te next ew days, se met te wîves o te oter men and over cofee or just standîng în te street se ascertaîned tat none o teîr usbands ad conessed to receîvîng any pîctures. Bot women
tougt tat ît was probaby a joke beîng payed on Gerry by one o îs pas and tat Nataîe’s reactîon was a bît oopy. “ï mean,” saîd Trîsa, Don Cesîre’s wîe, “Eîter ît was some stupîd rîend or e downoaded tose pîctures rom te înternet îmse; ï’ve seen tousands just îke tem...te woman’s a porn star, se îsn’t rom around ere! îsa and ï were wonderîng î ît coud ave been Ed tat sent te pîctures, no ofence Gorîa but we’re pretty sure tat ît wasn’t any o our two dummîes!” Gorîa auged quîte genuîney at te absurdîty o te notîon, “No, ï’m pretty sure ît wasn’t Ed...O e’s dumb enoug, beîeve me but ï know îm too we,O no I uckîng don’t!e woudn’t be abe to stop snîggerîng and e asn’t saîd a word about ît to me.” “We tat’s odd, because Don tod me tat te our o tem were takîng about ît ast nîgt at te drîvîng range! You don’t tînk tey’re up to sometîng do you?” Trîcîa saîd. “No ï don’t! Notîng more tan usua anyway, antasîes and computer porn. How dîd Nataîe Ind out anyway, do you know?” “Gerry sowed er te etter,‘Rîgt away’...se tod me!” “And se sowed you te pîctures. Wo ese as seen tem, ave any o te boys seen tem, as îsa?” “îsa as, but Nataîe tod Gerry se ad burned tem so none o te boys ave seen tem.”
A day te next day, Gorîa worked on er second batc o pîctures. hese ones were a ot more reveaîng tan te Irst and sowed te deîcacîes o skîn ues and te subte tonaîty o întîmate paces and Gorîa tougt tem quîte beautîu! Careuy se arranged tem on te page and on eac se added a message, “Don, în your dînîng room wîndow, tere îs a repusîve orange and bue vase. ï you woud îke me to vîsît, turn ît upsîde down tomorrow.” And, “eonard, on your wîndow edge în te ounge tere îs a pîcture rame. ï you woud îke me to vîsît, turn ît outward tomorrow.”
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