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Immerse yourself in the life of a small Scottish village as it begins to shake off centuries-old traditions and eases into the transition to the modern era, with all the attendant pitfalls and problems that such a major shift entails. Author John Galt skillfully illuminates a particular time and place with lush detail and keen insight.
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01 juillet 2014

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Annals of the Parish Or the Chronicle of Dalmailing During the Ministry of the Rev. Micah Balwhidder First published in 1821 Epub ISBN 978-1-77658-091-0 Also available: PDF ISBN 978-1-77658-092-7 © 2014 The Floating Press and its licensors. All rights reserved. While every effort has been used to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information contained in The Floating Press edition of this book, The Floating Press does not assume liability or responsibility for any errors or omissions in this book. The Floating Press does not accept responsibility for loss suffered as a result of reliance upon the accuracy or currency of information contained in this book. Do not use while operating a motor vehicle or heavy equipment. Many suitcases look alike. Visit
Introduction Chapter I - Year 1760 Chapter II - Year 1761 Chapter III - Year 1762 Chapter IV - Year 1763 Chapter V - Year 1764 Chapter VI - Year 1765 Chapter VII - Year 1766 Chapter VIII - Year 1767 Chapter IX - Year 1768 Chapter X - Year 1769 Chapter XI - Year 1770 Chapter XII - Year 1771 Chapter XIII - Year 1772 Chapter XIV - Year 1773 Chapter XV - Year 1774 Chapter XVI - Year 1775 Chapter XVII - Year 1776 Chapter XVIII - Year 1777 Chapter XIX - Year 1778 Chapter XX - Year 1779 Chapter XXI - Year 1780 Chapter XXII - Year 1781 Chapter XXIII - Year 1782 Chapter XXIV - Year 1783 Chapter XXV - Year 1784 Chapter XXVI - Year 1785 Chapter XXVII - Year 1786 Chapter XXVIII - Year 1787 Chapter XXIX - Year 1788 Chapter XXX - Year 1789 Chapter XXXI - Year 1790 Chapter XXXII - Year 1791 Chapter XXXIII - Year 1792 Chapter XXXIV - Year 1793 Chapter XXXV - Year 1794 Chapter XXXVI - Year 1795 Chapter XXXVII - Year 1796 Chapter XXXVIII - Year 1797 Chapter XXXIX - Year 1798 Chapter XL - Year 1799 Chapter XLI - Year 1800 Chapter XLII - Year 1801 Chapter XLIII - Year 1802 Chapter XLIV - Year 1803 Chapter XLV - Year 1804 Chapter XLVI - Year 1805 Chapter XLVII - Year 1806 Chapter XLVIII - Year 1807 Chapter XLIX - Year 1808 Chapter L - Year 1809 Chapter LI - Year 1810 Endnotes
In the same year, and on the same day of the same month, that hisSacred Majesty King George, the third of the name, came to his crownand kingdom, I was placed and settled as the minister of Dalmailing. [1] When about a week thereafter this was known in the parish, itwas thought a wonderful thing, and everybody spoke of me and the newking as united in our trusts and temporalities, marvelling how thesame should come to pass, and thinking the hand of Providence was init, and that surely we were preordained to fade and flourish infellowship together; which has really been the case: for in thesame season that his Most Excellent Majesty, as he was very properlystyled in the proclamations for the general fasts and thanksgivings,was set by as a precious vessel which had received a crack or aflaw, and could only be serviceable in the way of an ornament, I wasobliged, by reason of age and the growing infirmities of myrecollection, to consent to the earnest entreaties of the Session,and to accept of Mr Amos to be my helper. I was long reluctant todo so; but the great respect that my people had for me, and the lovethat I bore towards them, over and above the sign that was given tome in the removal of the royal candle-stick from its place, workedupon my heart and understanding, and I could not stand out. So, onthe last Sabbath of the year 1810, I preached my last sermon, and itwas a moving discourse. There were few dry eyes in the kirk thatday; for I had been with the aged from the beginning—the youngconsidered me as their natural pastor—and my bidding them allfarewell was, as when of old among the heathen, an idol was takenaway by the hands of the enemy.
At the close of the worship, and before the blessing, I addressedthem in a fatherly manner; and, although the kirk was fuller thanever I saw it before, the fall of a pin might have been heard—atthe conclusion there was a sobbing and much sorrow. I said,
"My dear friends, I have now finished my work among you for ever. Ihave often spoken to you from this place the words of truth andholiness; and, had it been in poor frail human nature to practisethe advice and counselling that I have given in this pulpit to you,there would not need to be any cause for sorrow on this occasion—the close and latter end of my ministry. But, nevertheless, I haveno reason to complain; and it will be my duty to testify, in thatplace where I hope we are all one day to meet again, that I foundyou a docile and a tractable flock, far more than at first I couldhave expected. There are among you still a few, but with grey headsand feeble hands now, that can remember the great opposition thatwas made to my placing, and the stout part they themselves took inthe burly, because I was appointed by the patron; but they havelived to see the error of their way, and to know that preaching isthe smallest portion of the duties of a faithful minister. I maynot, my dear friends, have applied my talent in the pulpit soeffectually as perhaps I might have done, considering the gifts thatit pleased God to give me in that way, and the education that I hadin the Orthodox University of Glasgow, as it was in the time of myyouth; nor can I say that, in the works of peace-making and charity,I have done all that I should have done. But I have done my best,studying no interest but the good that was to rise according to thefaith in Christ Jesus.
"To my young friends I would, as a parting word, say, look to thelives and conversation of your parents—they were plain, honest, anddevout Christians, fearing God and honouring the King. Theybelieved the Bible was the word of God; and, when they practised itsprecepts, they found, by the good that came from them, that it wastruly so. They bore in mind the tribulation and persecution oftheir forefathers for righteousness' sake, and were thankful for thequiet and protection of the government in their day and generation.Their land was tilled with industry, and they ate the bread ofcarefulness with a contented spirit, and, verily, they had thereward of well-doing even in this world; for they beheld on allsides the blessing of God upon the nation, and the tree growing, andthe plough going where the banner of the oppressor was planted ofold, and the war-horse trampled in the blood of martyrs. Reflect onthis, my young friends, and know, that the best part of aChristian's duty in this world of much evil, is to thole and sufferwith resignation, as lang as it is possible for human nature to do.I do not counsel passive obedience: that is a doctrine that theChurch of Scotland can never abide; but the divine right ofresistance, which, in the days of her trouble, she so bravelyasserted against popish and prelatic usurpations, was never resortedto till the attempt was made to remove the ark of the tabernaclefrom her. I therefore counsel you, my young friends, not to lendyour ears to those that trumpet forth their hypothetical politics;but to believe that the laws of the land are administered with agood intent, till in your own homes and dwellings ye feel thepresence of the oppressor—then, and not till then, are ye free togird your loins for battle—and woe to him, and woe to the landwhere that is come to, if the sword be sheathed till the wrong beredressed.
"As for you, my old companions, many changes have we seen in ourday; but the change that we ourselves are soon to undergo will bethe greatest of all. We have seen our bairns grow to manhood—wehave seen the beauty of youth pass away—we have felt our backsbecome unable for the burthen, and our right hand forget itscunning.—Our eyes have become dim, and our heads grey—we are nowtottering with short and feckless steps towards the grave; and some,that should have been here this day, are bed-rid, lying, as it were,at the gates of death, like Lazarus at the threshold of the richman's door, full of ails and sores, and having no enjoyment but inthe hope that is in hereafter. What can I say to you but farewell!Our work is done—we are weary and worn out, and in need of rest—may the rest of the blessed be our portion!—and in the sleep thatall must sleep, beneath the cold blanket of the kirkyard grass, andon that clay pillow where we must shortly lay our heads, may we havepleasant dreams, till we are awakened to partake of the everlastingbanquet of the saints in glory!"
When I had finished, there was for some time a great solemnitythroughout the kirk; and, before giving the blessing, I sat down tocompose myself, for my heart was big, and my spirit oppressed withsadness.
As I left the pulpit, all the elders stood on the steps to hand medown, and the tear was in every eye, and they helped me into thesession-house; but I could not speak to them, nor them to me. ThenMr Dalziel, who was always a composed and sedate man, said a fewwords of prayer, and I was comforted therewith, and rose to go hometo the manse; but in the churchyard all the congregation wasassembled, young and old, and they made a lane for me to the back-yett that opened into the manse-garden—Some of them put out theirhands and touched me as I passed, followed by the elders, and someof them wept. It was as if I was passing away, and to be no more—verily, it was the reward of my ministry—a faithful account ofwhich, year by year, I now sit down, in the evening of my days, tomake up, to the end that I may bear witness to the work of abeneficent Providence, even in the narrow sphere of my parish, andthe concerns of that flock of which it was His most graciouspleasure to make me the unworthy shepherd.
Chapter I - Year 1760
The Anno Domini one thousand seven hundred and sixty, was remarkablefor three things in the parish of Dalmailing.—First and foremost,there was my placing; then the coming of Mrs Malcolm with he

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