Secrets of a Time Jumper , livre ebook









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In this exciting graphic novel, a girl travels back in time to learn about the Enigma Machine from Alan Turing and the atomic bomb from Robert Oppenheimer. Along the way, she gets tangled up in the top-secret events that changed the world forever. This fast-paced, 32-page graphic novel will capture the attention of even the most reluctant reader as they learn about important events from history.

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Date de parution

15 octobre 2019





Poids de l'ouvrage

2 Mo

Bo ok Club Q ue st ion s
1. Explain wh y t h e cod es m ad e b y
t h e E nigma m ac hine w e r e s o
tough to brea k.
2. Base d o n the s to r y , w h y mi gh t
sci en tists be im porta n t to a
co un t r y d ur ing a tim e o f war ?
3. Ex p la in wh y reading a gra p hi c
n ov el like this on e is a good w a y
to l ear n abo u t h ist o r y .
4. What did D r . S zila rd m ean t
wh en h e sa i d the w o r l d co u ld
av oi d fu ture war o nly if bo th t he
U n it ed Sta te s and R ussia h ad an
a tom b omb?
5. Wh y do y o u th ink t he ill ustra to r
var ie s the s izes o f the p ane ls ?
6. If yo u coul d trav el thro u gh time ,
exp lain whe re an d wh en w o u ld
yo u go.

By C urtis Slepian
Illustrated by Bill Gree nhead
Se cret s of a
Tim e Ju m per

Publishing Credits
Rachelle C racchiolo , M.S.Ed., Publ isher
Conni M ed ina, M . A . Ed. , Edito r in Chie f
Nik a Fabien ke, Ed. D., Content Dire cto r
Véronique Bos, Creative Direc tor
Shaun N . Be rna do u, Ar t D irec tor
Susa n Dad dis, M . A . Ed. , Edito r
Joh n Leac h, Assis tant Editor
Jess John son, Gr aphic Designer
Image Credits
Illustrated by Bill Greenhead
530 1 Ocean us Dr ive
Hunti ngto n Be ach, C A 92649 -1 030
w w
© 2020 T ea che r Create d Mat eria ls, In c.
ISBN 978-0-7439-7099-0

I have a secret. My name is Kim, and I like learning
about history—but that’s not my secret. Lately, I’ve
been getting into World War II soldiers and battles.
But I discovered that some people fought a war that
was secret at the time. Not everybody knows about
it even today. It was fought with brainpower, not
weapons. While checking out this hidden war, the
names Alan Turing, Colossus, and Bletchley Park kept
popping up. I was going to search for more on them
online. But then I thought, “Why not do it firsthand?”
That’s where

secret comes in.

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