Reappraisals , livre ebook









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Reappraisals is a provocative account of the development of modern critical theory in Germany and the United States. Focusing on the period since World War II, Peter Uwe Hohendahl explores key debates on the function of critical theory, illuminating the diverse positions and alliances among the participants. Bringing together six essays, as well as new introductory and concluding chapters, Hohendahl interprets and subjects to critical scrutiny many of the central ideas of the Frankfurt School. He first maps the trajectory of neomarxist criticism in Germany to the 1980s. Individual chapters then focus on the work of Georg Lukacs, Theodor W. Adorno, and Jurgen Habermas, and on such issues as the politicization of German criticism after 1965 under the influence of the Frankfurt School.
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Date de parution

01 novembre 2016





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ALso by eter Ûwe ohendahL
Uilding a Na iOn al iera Ure The Çase Of Germany 8-8 ( transLated by enâte žaron Franciscno
Th e nsiUiOn Of Çriicism
SifiNg ALigNmENs iN pOsWàR CRiicàL TEORy
Peter Uwe Hohendahl
CorneL University Press Ithaca and London
Copyright © 1991 by Cornell University
All rights reserved. Except for brief quotations in a review, this book, or parts thereof, must not be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the publisher. For information, address Cornell University Press, Sage House, 512 East State Street, Ithaca, New York 14850, or visit our website at
First published 1991 by Cornell University Press.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Hohendahl, Peter Uwe.  Reappraisals : shifting alignments in postwar critical theory / by Peter Uwe Hohendahl. p. cm. Includes index. ISBN 978-0-8014-2455-7 (cloth : alk. paper) ISBN 978-0-8014-9706-3 (pbk. : alk. paper) 1. Criticism. 2. Critical theory. I. Title. PN98.S6H6 1991 801'.95'09045—dc20 91-10127 The text of this book is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License:
ntrOduçtiOn  arx, the Frankfurt ŚçhOOl, and West German istOry
eOrOmantiç AntiçaPitalism  GeOrg ukáçs's Śearçh fOr Authentiç Culture
Art WOrk and Odernity  he egaçy Of GeOrg ukáçs
AutOnOmy Of Art  OOking žaçk at AdOO'sA ÈSth ÈtISchÈ Th ÈoRIÈ
IalÈctic 0 ÉnlIgh tÈnmÈn tevisited  aBermas's Critique Of the Frankfurt ŚçhOOl
aBermas 'sPhIloSophIcal iScouRSÈ 0 ModÈIty
e OlitiçizatiOn Of Aesthetiç heOry he eBate in Aesthetiçs sinçe1 9 5
eaPPraisals Of Critiçal heOry  he egaçy Of the Frankfurt ŚçhOOl in Ameriça
2 1
5 3
9 9
1 3 1
1 5 
1 9 8
2 2 9
he TiTle Of This BOOk çalls aTTeNTiON TO sigNiçaNT shifTs iN The deBaTe aBOuT aNd The use Of CRiTiçal heORY ŚiNçe aBOuT1 9 8 NOT ONlY The PaRameTeRs BuT alsO Te çhaRaçTeR Of The disçussiON have çhaNged efORe ThaT, BY aNd l[Rge, The FRaNkfuRT ŚçhOOl aNd CRiTiçal heORY weRe PeRçeived a PaRT Of The laRgeR PROJ eçT Of WesTe aRxismas a RevisiONisT veRsiON Of The aRx isT TRadiTiON iN whiçh egel's dialeçTiç sTRONglY ResuRfaçed, BReakiNg uP The sçieNTiç ORieNTaTiON Of The ŚeçONd NTeR NaTiONal aNd The NeOORThOdOxY Of The hiRd NTeaTiONal While The evaluaTiON Of The FR[nkfuRT ŚçhOOl R[nged fROm OuT sPOkeN hOsTiliTY TO emPaTiç PRaie, TheRe was a çOnseNsus aBOuT The lOçus Of The FRaNkfuRT ŚçhOOl wiThiN The aRxisT TRadiTiON eçeNTlY, hOweveR, The BOuNdaRis Of This TRadiTiON have Be çOme mORe uid he iNTeRfaçe and exçhaNge wiTh OTheR TRa diTiONs have çhanged OuR uNeRsaNdiNg Of BOTh WesTe aRxism aNd CRiTiçal heORY he essaYs çOlleçTed iN This vOl ume ReeçT as well as ResPONd TO These shifTs heY aTTemPT TO ReçONsidR Te FRaNkfuRT Ś çhOOl fROm Te vaNTage POiNT Of The çONTemPORaRY deaTe iN uROPe aNd The NiTed ŚTaTes A ThOugh TheY weRe ORigiNallY wRiTTeN uNdeR vaRied çiRçumsTaN çes aNd wiTh diffeReNT PuRPOses iN miNd, TheY shaRe a çOmmON Theme The develOPmeNT Of CRiTiçal heORY, in P[RTiçulaR iTs hisTORY afTeR The ŚeçONd WORld WaR
PReface ore than is usual,have emPhasized the connection with the early ukács, a link the members of the Frankfurt Śchool never fully acknowledged. ediated through ukács's Prewar writings, the German romantic tradition, sometimes in its neo­ romantic gestalt, left its traces on the Frankfurt Śchool f crucial imPortance for the contemPorary debate is the transi­ tion from the rst to the second generation of Critical heory, which must not be understood as a mere temPoral sequence ather,suggest in these essays that this transition is a com Plex and intertwined reconguration Śometimes advances oc­ cur in the form of a return to older Positions, sometimes exPected directions change because of confrontations with comPeting theoretical traditions For this reason, the essays cannot be organized as a linear historical evolution oreover, national theoretical develoPments rarely coincidetry to sow that the German and the American PersPectives visvis Crit­ ical heory have differed signicantly during the last two decades wh hé éxcépo othehéïodÛco ad hé îaL oé, chaPters of this book have all aPPered in J ournals and sPecial collections beforenearlier version of ChaPter1aPPeared in German inGeSchIch tLIchkeIt und AktuaLItted Klaus-ieter üller, Gerhard asternack, Wulf Śegebrecht, and udwig Śtockinger ( übingen  ax emeyer erlag,1 9 8 8 ChaPter  rst aPPeared inNew GeRman RItIque4 ( F all1 9 8 7  ChaP­ ter3cae out iNThe GeRman QuaRteRL 5  1 9 8 1  CaPter 4 is a revised version of an essay that aPPeared inNew GeRm an RItIque 3 5ˆ ŚPringÎ Śummer1 9 8 5  nearlier version of CaP ter5was Publised inTeLoS ( Fall1 9 8and a versio of ChaPteraPPeared indeSRepuDeutSche ItRàtuR In deR Bun LI SeIt6BeRIchteun d ùn teRSu ch ungen ed aul icael üzeler and gon Ścwarz ˆ KŀnigsteiNń Atenum uBlishiNg ouse,1 9 8   ouals aNdam grateful to te editors of te J essay collections for the Permission to rePrint xcellent draft translations of ChaPters1andwere Provided by Karen Kenkel and rian Ûrquhart
reface n the nal PreParatiOn Of the manuscriPt  was assisted by Andreas Kriefall and effrey Śchneider, whOse tireless effOrts  greatly aPPreciate. Finally,  thank Gisela Odleski fOr tyPing Parts Of the manuscriPt. ÕÕ ÛÕ ŊÕŊ thaca New oRk
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