Ending and Unending Agony , livre ebook









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Published posthumously, Ending and Unending Agony is Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe's only book entirely devoted to the French writer and essayist Maurice Blanchot (1907-2003). The place of Blanchot in Lacoue-Labarthe's thought was both discreet and profound, involving difficult, agonizing questions about the status of literature, with vast political and ethical stakes.Together with Plato, Holderlin, Nietzsche, Benjamin, and Heidegger, Blanchot represents a decisive crossroads for Lacoue-Labarthe's central concerns. In this book, they converge on the question of literature, and in particular of literature as the question of myth-in this instance, the myth of the writer born of the autobiographical experience of death.However, the issues at stake in this encounter are not merely autobiographical; they entail a relentless struggle with processes of figuration and mythicization inherited from the age-old concept of mimesis that permeates Western literature and culture. As this volume demonstrates, the originality of Blanchot's thought lies in its problematic but obstinate deconstruction of precisely such processes.In addition to offering unique, challenging readings of Blanchot's writings, setting them among those of Montaigne, Rousseau, Freud, Winnicott, Artaud, Bataille, Lacan, Malraux, Leclaire, Derrida, and others, this book offers fresh insights into two crucial twentieth-century thinkers and a new perspective on contemporary debates in European thought, criticism, and aesthetics.
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01 septembre 2015

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Sara Guyer and Brian McGrath, series editors ît Z embraces modes o crîtîcîsm uncontaîned by conventîona notîons o hîstory, perîodîcîty, and cuture, and commîtted to the work o readîng. Books în the serîes may seem untîmey, anachronîstîc, or out o touch wîth contemporary trends because they have arrîved too eary or too ate. At east sînce Frîedrîch Schege, thînkîng that aIrms îterature’s own untîmeîness has been named romantîcîsm. Recaîng thîs hîstory, ît Z exempîies the survîva o romantîcîsm as a mode o contemporary crîtîcîsm, as we as orms o contemporary crîtîcîsm that demonstrate the unuied possîbîîtîes o romantîcîsm. Whether or not they ocus on the romantîc perîod, books în thîs serîes epîtomîze romantîcîsm as a way o thînkîng that compes another reatîon to the present. ît Z îs the irst book serîes to take serîousy thîs capacîous sense o romantîcîsm. ïts books expore the creatîve potentîa o readîng’s untîmeîness and hîstory’s enîgmatîc orce.
On Maurîce Blanchot
Philippe LacoueLabarthe translated byHannes Opelz
Fordham Unîversîty Press New York 205
Copyrîght © 205 Fordham Unîversîty Press
Thîs book was orîgînay pubîshed în French as Phîîppe acoue-abarthe,Agonîe termînée, agonîe întermînable sur Maurîce Blanchot: Suîvî de L’émoî© Edîtîons Gaîée, 20.
Thîs work has been pubîshed wîth the assîstance o the French Mînîstry o Cuture— Natîona Center or the Book.
Ouvrage pubîé avec e concours du Mînîstère rançaîs chargé de a cuture—Centre Natîona du îvre.
A rîghts reserved. No part o thîs pubîcatîon may be reproduced, stored în a retrîeva system, or transmîtted în any orm or by any means—eectronîc, mechanîca, photocopy, recordîng, or any other—except or brîe quotatîons în prînted revîews, wîthout the prîor permîssîon o the pubîsher.
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îbrary o Congress Contro Number: 205942655
Prînted în the Unîted States o Amerîca
7 6 5
5 4 3 2 
Fîrst edîtîon
Translator’s Note
ïntroductîon Arîstîde Bîanchî and eonîd Kharamov Prologue
I. “The Secret Miracle” (20 July?) FîdeîtîesThe Contestatîon o DeathAnnexes. Bîrth ïs Death2. The Agony o Reîgîon
29 46 62 62 66
II. Ending and Unending Agony (22 September?) Endîng and Unendîng Agony7 Appendîx83 [ïn 976, Maraux . . .]85 ïntervîew wîth Pasca Possoz9 Dîsmay
Notes Bîblîographîcal Note ïndex o Names
5 33 39
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Translator’s Note
The present voume îs a transatîon o Phîîppe acoue-abarthe’sAgonîe termînée, agonîe întermînable. Sur Maurîce Blanchot(Parîs: Gaîée, 20), pub-îshed posthumousy and edîted by Arîstîde Bîanchî and eonîd Kharamov. Wîth the exceptîon o “[ïn 976, Maraux . . .]” and “ïntervîew wîth Pasca Possoz,” that French edîtîon îs thus the source text or the present transatîon. (Fu bîbîographîca detaîs on a texts transated here are provîded în the Bîbîographîca Note at the end o thîs voume.) The present voume aso încudes a transatîon o the “Présentatîon” (here, the ïntroductîon) by the edîtors o the orîgîna French text, whîch ofers a thorough overvîew o the book’s compîcated genesîs and întroduces readers to the aesthetîc, poîtîca, and ethîca stakes o îts engagement wîth îts subject, Maurîce Banchot, quotîng at ength rom a wîde seectîon o prevîousy unpubîshed materîa (conerence papers, semînar notes, correspondence, radîo broadcasts, etc.) drawn rom the Phîîppe acoue-abarthe archîves at the ïnstîtut Mémoîres de ’édîtîon contemporaîne (ïMEC). As îndîcated above, two texts transated or thîs voume do not appear în the French edîtîon. The irst, et untîted by îts author (and retîted or the present transatîon), îs a response to a survey on înteectuas carrîed out by the French journaLîgnesand was orîgînay pubîshed în October 997 under the tîte (suppîed by the journa) “es înteectues. Tentatîve de déinîtîon par eux-mêmes, enquête” (ïnteectuas: An Attempt at Se-Deinîtîon—A Survey). Consîderîng the centra roe payed by Banchot în thîs text, ît seemed ony ittîng to încude ît here, a the more so because ît brîngs înto sharp ocus the ethîco-poîtîca dîmensîon o acoue-abarthe’s engagement wîth Banchot, whîch, whîe decîsîvey at stake în other texts eatured în the present voume, never enjoys the kînd o dîrect attentîon ît receîves în the text în questîon. The second text not appearîng în the French edîtîon îs a two-part în-tervîew conducted by gastroenteroogîst Pasca Possoz în December 200 and January 2002. At the tîme o the întervîew, Possoz was workîng on a doctora dîssertatîon în psychopathoogy that set out to ormuate a cînîca înterpretatîon o a number o motîs ound în Banchot’s work, among others that o the “prîma scene.” Gîven acoue-abarthe’s sustaîned dîaogue wîth
Translator’s Note
Banchot around the questîon o the prîma scene, Possoz took the înîtîatîve în întervîewîng the ormer on the subject. The întervîew, whîch served as a kînd o memorandum to assîst Possoz în hîs doctora work and was thus never întended or pubîcatîon, was redîscovered în 20, just asAgo-nîe termînée, agonîe întermînableïn addîtîon to sheddîngwas goîng to press. îght on the metapsychoogîca and psychoanaytîca stakes o the dîaogue between acoue-abarthe and Banchot, thîs heretoore unpubîshed înter-vîew aso gîves readers new hîstorîca and (auto)bîographîca însîghts înto acoue-abarthe’s ong-astîng conversatîon wîth Banchot’s oeuvre, not ony as a thînker but aso as a poet and an edîtor. The two texts în questîon, then, together wîth “Dîsmay” (încuded în the French edîtîon and dîscussed în the ïntroductîon), make up the Appendîx to thîs voume. To my knowedge, neîther the texts în the Appendîx nor those în the book proper have been transated înto Engîsh, except or “Fîdeî-tîes” and “The Contestatîon o Death,” transated by Mîchae Syrotînskî and 1 Phîîp Anderson, respectîvey. Athough ï have consuted theîr transatîons ony ater the act (my reasonîng beîng that transatîng a text that îs part and parce o a book îs somethîng quîte dîferent rom transatîng what was at the tîme o îts irst pubîcatîon a stand-aone pîece), ï have oten grateuy reîed upon them—at tîmes oowîng them cosey, amost word or word. Never-theess, beyond contextua dîferences, a number o dîscrepancîes separate these transatîons rom the (re)transatîons presented în thîs voume. Two, at east, are worth mentîonîng here. The irst îs empîrîca. The source texts used by Syrotînskî and Anderson dîfer rom the ina versîons pubîshed înAgonîe termînée, agonîe întermînablesometîmes ony sîghtyatter beîng onger, , the (by one or two sentences), other tîmes more sîgnîicanty (one or two pages). The second dîscrepancy îs theoretîca. At crucîa poînts, the choîces made în the transatîons în questîon aî în my vîew to convey the conceptua scope (brîeLy expounded în the gossary provîded beow) o acoue-abarthe’s use o certaîn terms (or exampe,cîtatîon,émoî). From a styîstîc perspectîve, readers may note the use în thîs voume o contractîons (“ï’m,” “don’t,” “îsn’t,” “hasn’t,” “doesn’t,” “coudn’t,” and so on) and other markers o ora expressîon afectîng syntax and rhythm (spac-îng, emphasîs, quotatîon marks, punctuatîon, enumeratîon, recapîtuatîon, parenthetîca asîdes, etc.). ïn no way îs the purpose o usîng, maîntaînîng, or îndeed expoîtîng such markers here to make the texts sound ofhand or unconsîdered. There îs never a sense that these or any other texts by acoue-abarthe engage în any compacency o thîs kînd. On the contrary, the sober gravîty and rîgor o hîs thought, o hîs voîce, precude ît outrîght. ït îs hoped,
Translator’s Note
on the other hand, that, or better or or worse, retaînîng and resortîng to ora markers such as those mentîoned afords readers some înkîng o the oraîty at pay în acoue-abarthe’s thought, not just în terms o how that thought was deîvered or întended to be deîvered but aso wîth regard to the phîosophîca împîcatîons o the spoken orm. Obvîousy, thîs îs not the pace to comment on what îs at stake here, whîch woud deserve a voume o îts own. ït îs worthwhîe notîng, however, î ony to sîgnpost areas that coud be expored esewhere, that ît îs no accîdent that the majorîty o the texts coected în thîs voume were not ony wrîtten or ora deîvery but preserved as such în theîr deinîtîve orm and that the majorîty o those that were not composed to thîs efect undamentay entaî the questîon o oraîty. Thîs, în turn, împîes a questîon o genre (the present voume aone spans a varîety o generîc categorîes: the book, the proogue, the academîc conerence paper, the persona address, the pubîc readîng payîng homage, the journa artîce, the survey response, the întervîew, the poem), whîch raîses urther transatîon îssues that ca or more attentîon than can be spared în thîs note. Another styîstîc eature îs worth notîng here: what Aaîn Badîou reerred to as acoue-abarthe’s “sharp, amost peremptory sentences,” hîs “cuttîng, assertorîa phrases.” The economy o acoue-abarthe’s dense stye can sound unseemy when carrîed over înto Engîsh. ïn spîte o thîs, and at the rîsk o occasîona awkwardness, here, too, ï have trîed to keep to acoue-abarthe’s dîstînctîve voîce, preerrîng at tîmes unusuay short, bunt sen-tences to the natura proîxîty o the Engîsh anguage. That saîd, acoue-abarthescuttîngstyedoesnotprecudeagonîzîngyong-wîndedsentences,accumuatîng commas, coons, semîcoons, dashes, em dashes, parentheses, precautîons, quaîicatîons, quotatîons, and so on, as î to make up or—or rather,desîst rom—the seemîng peremptorîness o certaîn ormuatîons. Here agaîn, ï have made every efort to echo the syntax o hîs voîce—the parataxîs o hîs thought.
* Uness specîied otherwîse, author’s ootnotes are îndîcated în the asterîsk-dagger sequence; endnotes o the transator and o the edîtors o the French text appear în Arabîc numeras. As a genera rue, gosses have been kept to a mînîmum and serve prîncîpay to reer to works (where traceabe) quoted by the author. Reerences to exîstîng Engîsh transatîons, whîch have a been more or ess modîied or the present voume, are provîded în the notes or works cîted by the author and the edîtors o the French text, oowed by reerences to the orîgîna. (Fu bîbîographîca detaîs on exîstîng Engîsh
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