Czech Manuscripts , livre ebook









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The Czech Manuscripts is dedicated to one of the most important literary forgeries on the model of Macpherson's Ossianic poetry. The Queen's Court and Green Mountain Manuscripts, discovered in 1817 and 1818, went on to play an outsized role in the Czech National Revival, functioning as founding texts of the national mythology and serving as sacred works in the long period when they were considered genuine. A successful literary forgery tells a lot about what a culture wants and needs at a particular moment. One fascinating aspect of this story is how a successful fake was able to function in an integral way as part of the Czech cultural revival of the nineteenth century, both because it played to expectations and nationalist values and because it met real cultural needs in many ways better than genuine historical literary works and artefacts. Also fascinating is the vainglorious Vaclav Hanka, a prolific and dedicated forger who was likely the center of the conspiratorial ring that created the manuscripts and who went on as the librarian of the Czech National Museum to alter a number of others. David Cooper analyzes what made the Manuscripts a convincing imitation of their Serbian and Russian models. He looks at how translation shaped their composition and at the benefit ofexamining them as pseudotranslations, and investigates the quasi-religious rituals and commemorative practices that developed around them. The Czech Manuscripts brings the Czech experience into the broader developments of European history.
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Date de parution

15 octobre 2023





Poids de l'ouvrage

9 Mo

A voume în the NïU Serîes în
Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies
Edîted by Chrîstîne D. Worobec
For a îst o books în the serîes, vîsît our websîte at cornepress.corne.edu.
F O R G E R Y,  R A N SL A ï O N ,A N D N A ï O N A L MY  H
D avi d L . C o o p e r
Copyrîght © 2023 by Corne Unîversîty
A rîghts reserved. Except or brîe quotatîons în a revîew, thîs book, or parts thereo, must not be reproduced în any orm wîthout permîssîon în wrîtîng rom the pubîsher. For înormatîon, address Corne Unîversîty Press, Sage House, 52 East State Street, ïthaca, New York 4850. Vîsît our websîte at cornepress.corne.edu.
Fîrst pubîshed 2023 by Corne Unîversîty Press
Lîbrary o Congress Cataogîng-în-Pubîcatîon Data
Names: Cooper, Davîd L., 970– author. Tîte: The Czech manuscrîpts : orgery, transatîon, and natîona myth / Davîd L. Cooper. Descrîptîon: ïthaca : Northern ïînoîs Unîversîty Press, an împrînt o Corne Unîversîty Press, 2023. | Serîes: NïU serîes în Savîc, East European, and Eurasîan studîes | ïncudes bîbîographîca reerences and îndex. ïdentîIers: LCCN 2022060660 (prînt) | LCCN 202206066 (ebook) | ïSBN 9785077934 (hardcover) | ïSBN 978507794 (epub) | ïSBN 9785077958 (pd ) Subjects: LCSH: Hanka, Vácav, 79-86. Rukopîs Kráovédvorský. | Hanka, Vácav, 79–86. Zeenohorský rukopîs. | Czech îterature— 9th century. | Lîterary orgerîes and mystîIcatîons— Hîstory—9th century. | Natîonaîsm and îterature. CassîIcatîon: LCC PG5022 .C66 2023 (prînt) | LCC PG5022 (ebook) | DDC 49.8/6—dc23/eng/20230302 LC record avaîabe at https://ccn. LC ebook record avaîabe at https://ccn. /202206066
Jacket îustratîon: Detaîs rom Queen’s Court Manuscrîpt (Rukopîs kráovédvorský), page 4 and partîa page 3. Coectîon o the Natîona Museum, Natîona Museum Lîbrary, Prague, Czech Repubîc,  A b 6, o. 07v.
C o n t e n t s
Acknowedgmentsîx Note on TransîteratîonChronoogy: Hîghîghts and Lowîghts în the Lîe o the Manuscrîptsxîîî
 ïntroductîon: The Phenomenon o the Manuscrîpts  . Forgery as a Romantîc Form o Authorshîp: The Manuscrîpts în Comparatîve Perspectîve  2. Successu Forgerîes: Ora Tradîtîona Epîc Poetîcs în the Czech Manuscrîpts  3. Transatîon, Pseudotransatîon, and the Manuscrîpts  4. Faîth, Rîtua, and the Manuscrîpts  Concusîon
Notes93 Bîbîography233 Index247
7 46 87
A c k n o w l e d g m e n t s
Wrîtîng thîs book took a whoe ot o tîme and a îtte bît o money. ï woud îke to thank the sources that reed up that tîme and provîded the unds, în arger and smaer amounts. The Unîversîty o ï-înoîs Campus Research Board enabed înîtîa research on thîs project în sprîng 202 wîth trave undîng and Humanîtîes Reeased Tîme, and the research was generousy supported by a grant rom the Natîona Councî or Eurasîan and East European Research, Tîte Vïïï Natîona Research Competîtîon. An-nua unîversîty humanîtîes/arts schoarshîp support undîng kept the work hummîng rom year to year, and a recent semester teachîng reease and semester-ong sabbatîca în a 202 enabed the competîon o the manu-scrîpt. A generous Facuty Feowshîp rom the Natîona Center or Supercom-putîng Appîcatîons (NCSA) at the Unîversîty o ïînoîs Urbana-Champaîgn (UïUC) enabed a yearong project to conduct some dîgîta textua anaysîs to round out the study. An earîer versîon o chapter  appeared as “Paděky jako romantîckáorma autorství:Rukopîsy kráovédvorskýa zeenohorskýze srovnávacíperspektîvy,” Českáîteratura60, no.  (202): 26–44. Many thanks to the edîtors or permîs-sîon to reprînt here. Many coeagues have supported, encouraged, and contrîbuted to thîs book over the years. My bîggest debt îs to Daîbor Dobîášand Mîcha Charypar, aong wîth members o the nîneteenth-century group and others at the ïnstîtute or Czech Lîterature, Czech Academy o Scîences, în Prague, who an-swered my questîons, assîsted wîth pubîcatîons, and aways made me wecome: Mîcha Fránek, Martîn Hrdîna, ïva Krejčová, Vácav Petrbok, Kateřîna Pîo-recká, Petr Pecháč, and Mîchae Wögerbauer. Daîbor Dobîášofered vau-abe advîce and suggestîons or chapters  and 4 în partîcuar and transated my work or pubîcatîons în Czech. Mîcha Charypar gave învauabe support în reated projects. My thanks to the îbrarîans o the ïnstîtute or Czech Lît-erature’s îbrary, where ï spent many peasant and ruîtu hours în 202 and 205. My antastîc coeagues at UïUC înspîre me, support me, and generay make workîng there very rewardîng. Thanks to Eugene Avrutîn, Feîx Cowan,
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