Botsotso 18: Poetry , livre ebook









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The Botsotso literary journal started in 1996 as a monthly 4 page insert in the New Nation, an independent anti-apartheid South African weekly and reached over 80,000 people at a time – largely politisized black workers and youth – with a selection of poems, short stories and short essays that reflected the deep changes taking place in the country at that time. Since the closure of the New Nation in 1999, the journal has evolved into a stand-alone compilation featuring the same mix of genres, and with the addition of photo essays and reviews. The Botsotso editorial policy remains committed to creating a mix of voices which highlight the diverse spectrum of South African identities and languages, particularly those that are dedicated to radical expression and examinations of South Africa's complex society. With over seventy poets represented, this is a bumper edition of the journal and given the number of interesting and accomplished poems received (over the past two years since publication of Botsotso 17), we believed it worthwhile to break from tradition and dedicate this edition wholly to poetry.
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Date de parution

29 décembre 2018





Poids de l'ouvrage

6 Mo

POETRY rom Prîvae and Pubîc Paces
Fîrs pubîsed by Bososo în 2018
Box 30952 Braamoneîn 2017
Emaî: bososo@arsî Websîe:so
He poems and îmages©e wrîers and arîss emseves
ïSBN: 978-0-9947081-2-0
Edîors: Aan Koskî orwîz, Sîpîwe ka Ngwenya, Mbonenî ïke Muîa
Desîgn, ayou and make-up Vîvîenne Preson
Bososo woud îke o ank e Naîona Ars Councî o Sou Arîca or supporîng e pubîcaîon o îs coecîon.
Editorial Wî over seveny poes represened, îs îs a bumper edîîon o e journa and gîven e number o îneresîng and accompîsed poems receîved (over e pas wo years sînce pubîcaîon o Bososo 17), we beîeved î worwîe o break rom radîîon and dedîcae îs edîîon woy o poery. owever, în addîîon, an equîvaen voume o sor Icîon and essays wî soon be pubîsed as e number o poweru sorîes a reaced us was sîmîary împressîve.
ïn genera, e as wo years ave been very dîicu ones or souern Arîca. Beween Zuma, Mugabe, Mswaî and e Mozambîcan and esoo eîes, new eîgs o corrupîon, megaomanîa and abuse o sae power mean a mîîons o peope conînued o anguîs în povery and were subjec o exreme expoîaîon by equay corrup Bîg Busîness casses. Forunaey Mugabe and Zuma are emseves becomîng eaures o e pas bu eîr egacîes o same wî îve on or some îme – parîcuary î eîr îgy compromîsed and decaden parîes conînue o rue.
Wa as îs poîîca and economîc deadock mean or e ars? ow ave ar-makers (în a e dîferen orms) responded o îs îsorîc and ragîc seback or îberaîon rom coonîaîsm and apareîd?
Knowîng a î was aways goîng o be a srugge o sît e conscîousness o e generaîons o wîes aîned by racîsm and e rîg o expoî, arîss oug o be în e oreron o exposîng e noîon a Arîcanîzaîon o our socîey woud auomaîcay enaî e corrupîon and mîsmanagemen a Fanon and oers oresaw or e pos-îberaîon epoc. Ha souern Arîca as no escaped îs depressîng sîuaîon – and seen a correspondîng surge în capîaîs (bo wîe and back) accumuaîon/concenraîon –
ceraîny gîves us ‘ood or oug’. Arîss need o ‘ak back’ o a abuses o power -back or wîe, oca or goba – so a our crîîque îs ones and as objecîve as possîbe: sîedîng any pary rom crîîcîsm îs se-deeaîng or e woe o socîey bu especîay or e back majorîy wo are so margînaîsed and în need o drasîc cange în order o access e means or îvîng decen îves.
Bu wa as been e ‘arîs’ response (and more specîIcay e wrîers, poes and eare-makers)? Wîe a recen sudy o grade 4 Sou Arîcan cîdren as sown a over 80% do no undersand wa ey read, a e sae and scoo îbrary sysems conînue o îgnore e work o oca wrîers, a book caîns ave convered o an excusîve sysem o ‘sae or reurn’ drîvîng pubîsers and dîsrîbuors ou o busîness, we sî ack a wrîers or perormîng ars organîzaîon a can ake up îssues, bo specîIc o ar producîon and o e more genera maers o cuura dîversîy, anguage use and deveopmen, e medîa and communîcaîon, as we as îeracy. And, as suc, we ave no organîsed way o respond o e conînuîng sagnaîon o vernacuar anguages, ow eves o îneres în souern Arîcan creaîve wrîîng and wîdespread uncîona îîeracy.
ïn genera, despîe e need or exporîng/anayzîng/commenîng on îs ragîc neo-coonîa beraya, e ars sep cear and eave e conscîousness and aspîraîona vaues o e workîng cass o be saped by e predîcabe rouînes o eevîsîon soap opera, musîc a îs argey vacuous Aro-pop/gospe/îp-op, game sows and ceebrîy spoîgs. O course, e aîure o e SABC o raîse our genera awareness o Sou Arîca’s posîîon în Arîca, oer îner-Arîcan conacs and e wîder word îs a serîous obsace o poîîca deveopmen. And îs aîure o propery ‘înorm and educae’ and o însead eneraîn a e mos basîc eve, îs a good îndîcaor o ow e ‘ransormaîon’ process as argey been squandered or îndîvîdua sor erm Inancîa gaîn roug neworks o paronage.
And so, gîven a ese crîîca breakdowns, we are în a perîod o depressîon and unceraîny, desperaey needîng new movemens and res eadersîp în a speres o socîey. (ï îs eîng a even e very necessary “Fees mus Fa/Rodes mus Fa” suden movemens seem o ave coapsed îno secarîan and naîonaîs dîvîsîons.)
Bu îs îs e woe pîcure? Forunaey no. For îs seecîon o poems sows a many arîss are sî sensîîvey engagîng wî e îssues a afec us as socîa beîngs as we as ose more prîvae aspecs o our compex îves. And îs îs no e rue expressîon o Ubunu and e ‘ï-Hou’ reaîonsîp în wîc e ‘ï”recognîses e ‘Oer’ as an equa and as ‘wory o consîderaîon’ as îse?
As suc, despîe e goom, Bososo wî aemp o provîde a paorm or work a îs reevan, we crated and beyond cîcé.
Sodom and Gomorra –Napo Maseane1 Mîscegenaîon -M. Labuscagne2 You Few e Cacuus o e Word –Awogbemîla Temîtope Ayodejî3 Poîsed Poems; Sînky; Bona Fîde -Natalîe Raîloun4 Now ï can e you; Tea and cake; As în: e was a man wo ad o ave a woman –Mîke Alfred5 Everyîng breaks agaîns e mounaîn; Seenbosc -hokozîle Madonko6 Kua Kokwana; Xîpîrîng!!!! –Nkateko Maluleke7 ïndonesîa; Burgersor andI –Vonanî Bîla8 unc wî e Pîed Pîper; Wased –Sanet van Rensburg9 He boy ï kîssed a e greenouse -Gabrîel Hoosaîn Kan10 He Wave -Doroty Murray11 Coîbrî or a Gîr –Lepota Cosmo12 Promîse; Wen e îs were Dark; So Muc o Decare -Mîke Weeder 13 Poeîc Scrîp-Botsotso Jesters14 Somewere; Saxurns; Tou’s Bues; Tsîdî’s oboa –Kabelo Mofokeng15Maakabe; Sebankanyana e Mososo; a ke o opoa; a Peo Nkîse – Mputlane wa Bofelo16 Adam, by Eve; Cobus -Lara Potgîeter17Unconscîous Conscîence; Remînd Me; -Amy Sîbîya18 A Medîaîon on Ceraîn Tîmes and Paces -Stepen Faulkner19 Kraa o our Dreams; îs Vîva’s! -Mandla Malandela20 Yînya’uqobo; Umsasazî; încamî’îrwamncwa –Bafana Carles Peter 21 He akaînîy o boed waer; ome address; Tenaces –Makosazana Xaba22 He amous sou arîcan poe; anoer beer, guys? –Rapael D’Abdon 23 Wen women are raîn saîons –Dîmakatso Sedîte24 Quînessence; Umîo; Da înLasun rae keeps rîsîn; To Bavîno Mcana – Sîpîwe ka Ngwenya25
Brîngîng For; Knock-Knock; no one îs sae –Allan Kolskî Horwîtz 26 Psycîarîc Emergency; Seep -Rosamund Handler27 He ïnerîance; Wa o Say o e ïmmîgraîon Oicer Wen e Asks You Were You Are From; Ode o Soap –Sara Lubala28 He Serîous Moonîg –Jon Carse29 Vuka Munu Omusa; Hemba amî; Sapea ïsîzwe –hulanî Sîba 30 Here; Soîude –Kyle hobeka Allan31Cîy Buzz; Under e Souern Cross –Vera Mîaîlovîc-Dîckman32 Myserîous Gîr -LîsaMarîe Labercensîe33 Hîs as Embrace în Darkness –Josepîne Bonaparte34 You ave no me a poe –Unatî Slasa35 13 Aprî 2006 beore e Passover eve; ï am no; Eewanî N. P Muîa (Oc, 1984) –Mbonenî Ike Muîla36 Seep; Beac –Donald Parenzeev37 Herešo; easeng a rena –Kgoogo Gîlbert Molepo38 Seo –Zama Madînana39 ow dangerous ey are, e acors! –Sjaka S. Septembîr40 Musîc îs our paîn, and our paîn îs our musîc; Dragon Monoogues – Raaez Jacobs41 Tîpoed -Pelelanî Makanya42 Now we, oo, rîde în îmousînes –Mattews Posa43 Mîne, ers?; Sar; Hank You –Joop Bersee44 your moer îs jus your moer –Kadîja Sarîfe45 Porraî o e poe as young woman; Case în a oca Traîn – Candramoan S46 oy Day –Anna Varney-Wong47 ï was în ove wî a Psyco -Pozîsa Mkele48 ïdenîy (Crîsîs) –Lînda Loubscer49 Wîe Gî –Kîrby Manîa50 He Quesîon o Nocurna Carnaîons -Hyun-Jung Anna Kîm51 We woud no pu î pas us –Len Verwey52 Sad -Mbalî Masîya53 Naguî; Versoenîngsvers; Fokonou –Lunette Elle Warren54 ago –Mîke Cope55
He Rîc –Brent Meersman56 Does our ruîn beneI e ear? –Molei Lebone57 My os Cîd –Dîrontso Mtwa58 Boa More (Song o îe) –Jana van Nîekerk59 Ageîng; ove Mîned –Abu Bakr Solomons60 ïnkanankana; ïsîzukuwane –Goodwîll Sîbonîso Mkwanazî61 He Pas; Wîner Braaî –Sara Frost62 He Sorm, Krooa’s Ay; Hîs and ; He Ars–Frank Meîntjîes63 Hîrs; Naîona Unîversîy Sudown, Sou Arîca, Ocober 2015; Sea Ses; Caracers în a Psycoogîs’s Waîîng Room –Nîca Cornell64 Trade Wînds (exrac rom Vespa Dîarîes) –Arî Sîtas65 Anywere; Because –Londîwe Majozî66 He Man Wo Wîsed e was ego; He Baske and e Road; ow o Make a Saagubang eîcoper –Jîm Pasqual Agustîn67 ow ï sared wrîîng on a noepad; He Sîence o Words; Take Away – Maakomele (Mak) Manaka68 Sunday drîve în e Overberg –Heîdî Grunebaum69
Special feature
Poems and persecuîon în Occupîed Paesîne –Dareen Tatour70
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