Trinity High. Big Changes , livre ebook









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Trinity High School is undergoing changes that are both challenging and heartbreaking. Naa Atswei, now a form three girl, no longer has to worry about the seniors - she is now one of them. What she and her mates do not know, is that in a strange twist of late, they now have to worry about the juniors! These new ninos are not only atypical, but are united with one resolve - wage war on all seniors!
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Date de parution

23 janvier 2024





Poids de l'ouvrage

8 Mo

Big Changes
CNN okko
Afram Publications (Ghana) Ltd.
rîe es S 4
Pubîsed by: Afram Pubîcaîons (Gana) îmîed P.O. Box M18 Accra, Gana
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©CNN okko, 2023
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Fîrs Pubîsed, 2023
Cover îusraîon by: Kwabena Poku Cover desîgn by: Afram Pubîcaîons (Gana) d.
ïSBN 10: 9964 70 587 5 ïSBN 13:978 9964 70 587 9
To e memory of e îves os every year durîng e raîny season. May e oss of ese îves no be în vaîn.
here îs a proverb în my oca dîaec a says “wuo k3 umo b3 sîdaa”. îeray ransaed, e en does no ave o express îs anks o e rubbîs dump. hîs îs because e en consany goes o e rubbîs dump for îs every mea, us, sayîng ank you eac îme seems raer redundan. Kezîa Dzîfa Awadzî, even oug you and ï ave a “wuo” and “umo” reaîonsîp, ï am oay Ine wî beîng repeîîve. ï am aways umbed by your seLess suppor of my work. ï am so forunae o ave you as a frîend, a coeague and a crîîc. You are a rare gem! ï apprecîae e suppor of frîends and famîy wo sen encouragîng ougs aong e way. My earfe anks go o Mr. Emanue Amon Koey wose edîorîa assîsance împroved e quaîy of e manuscrîp. Unce Amon, your eage eyes are a reasure! My sînceres graîude o e enîre eam a Afram Pubîsers. ï vaue your parnersîp. To my faîfu readers, my ear îs aways warmed by your suppor and feedback. Fînay, o e Orîgînaor of a creaîvîy, hank You!
wuo k3 e e ,
. k. ï d a
e .
CHapter One
Trînîy Hîg resumes oday ater a ong vacaîon. ï as been wo woe mons sînce ï as saw Sandra, my bes frîend, and Esîe, e oer member of our rîo wo used o be my dorm mae. he ree of us were învoved în quîe a number of advenures durîng our Irs wo years în scoo. hîs year, we sar form ree. ï Inay fee îke a proper senîor and canno waî o reurn o scoo o see eninos. hîs crop ofninosîs goîng o be e Irs se of sudens în e new Senîor Hîg Scoo (SHS) Programme. hey are e experîmen—e guînea pîgs. Even oug ey are now enerîng eîr Irs year în Trînîy, ey are ecnîcay my senîors because ey ave aready done ree years of Junîor Hîg Scoo (JHS) wîe ï, wî now be sarîng my îrd year în Trînîy.
ï ave mîxed feeîngs abou meeîng e new form one sudens. Wîe ï am excîed o see e newninosbecause ï ave InaLLy earned te rîgt to be caLLed Sîster Naa Atsweî and can send tem to run errands, ï am aLso appreensîve because tey are not goîng to be te typîcaL group o Irst year students. hey wîLL be oLder tan te average orm one gîrL, especîaLLy me, sînce at 12 ï am te youngest în my cLass. Most o my cLassmates are 13 and 14. ï ave a bad eeLîng tat tere wîLL be anîmosîty between te two groups: te students în te oLd system versus tose în te new system. ï Lock my trunk and cop box wît padLocks and pLace te keys în one o te sîde pockets on my backpack. ï go to te kîtcen to ceck î tejooï am takîng to rîce scooL as cooLed down. ï am Lookîng orward to spendîng some tîme wît Sandra and ELsîe, and cattîng about te oLîdays as we enjoy ourome co. My reLatîonsîp wît Sandra îs a secret tat ï keep rom my moter. Se tînks tat Sandra îs a bad înluence and as warned me severaL tîmes to end tat rîendsîp. As scared as ï am o my moter, ï don’t see myseL puttîng an end to te rîendsîp. ï wîLL never be abLe to brîng myseL to teLL Sandra tat we
e e ï e t m t în e a o e
ace o o g e ks L y . e
can no Longer be rîends. Se îs aware tat se îs not on my moter’s Lîst o avourîte peopLe, and avoîds runnîng înto er. hîs expLaîns wy even toug Sandra does not Lîve too ar rom me, neîter o us vîsîted eac oter over te oLîdays. Our onLy communîcatîon was a coupLe o Letters tat we excanged. hejoocooLed down consîderabLy. ï am proud as tat ï managed to get my moter to add two extra eaped LadLes o rîce. ït was more dîicuLt to get er to agree to add two extra pîeces o cîcken but ï was successuL în bendîng er wîLL wen ï ofered to scrub er batroom beore Leavîng or scooL. ELsîe and Sandra aLways brîng a Lot oome co, wîc makes ît possîbLe or us to save some or te next day. My mum must tînk tat wît Sandra out o my Lîe, ï now eat aLone, because o Late, se dîses te ood or one person. We ave been eatîng my ood Irst because o te smaLL portîon. Sandra as taken to caLLîng ît te appetîzer. ï aLways eeL bad about my smaLL ood portîons and InaLLy mustered courage to sare my concern wît my moter. Nîî Adjeî, wo was not pLeased tat ï ad more tan te standard two pîeces o meat, protested veementLy,
însîsîng a as e oder broer e deserved o ave more pîeces of mea an ï ad. ï remînded îm a ï was akîng e mea o scoo and woud be eaîng wî my frîends. Nîî refused o be moLîIed and kept compLaînîng about te înjustîces o Lîe. My moter assured îm tat wen ît was îs turn to go to scooL te oLLowîng week, se wouLd make sure e aLso ad severaL pîeces o cîcken. He made er agree to at Least Ive pîeces, to ensure tat îs posîtîon as “rîgtuL eîr was not usurped”. My moter sook er ead and smîLed. Se was cLearLy proud tat er onLy son ad used a bîg word în îs speec. Se was beamîng wît suc prîde tat, ï am certaîn î Nîî ad pused a LîttLe arder, my moter wouLd ave agreed to Let îm go to scooL wît a woLe cîcken. My ater as been away or te past coupLe o days. ï e arrîves în tîme, e wouLd drop me of at scoo. I e doesn’t, my moter wî ave to drop me of. I am about to cover te bow ojoorîce wen I notîce tat one pîece o my rîed cîcken îs mîssîng. I îmmedîatey suspect ou pay wîc o course eads me to tînk about my broter. I storm to Nîî Adjeî’s room, not boterîng to knock on îs door, wîc îs constanty sut. I sîmpy Lîng te door open
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and turn of te swîtc to îs stereo tat îs payîng oud musîc as usua. he sudden sîence causes Nîî to jump of îs bed. He ad been yîng on îs back wît îs eyes cosed and îs ands tucked beînd îs ead. “How dare you turn of my musîc?” Nîî Adjeî yes at me. “How dare you stea a pîece o my rîed cîcken?” I ye back. “I dîd not stea your cîcken,” Nîî responds, tîs tîme îs voîce îs a decîbe ower. “O course you dîd! You were angry at Mummy or gîvîng me our pîeces so you snuck to te a and stoe a pîece. Admît ît!” I scream. “I dîd not stea your cîcken,” Nîî screams back. “You better stop accusîng me,” e warns. I gare at îm and notîce tat e îs runnîng îs tongue across îs teet, obvîousy în an attempt to dîsodge a pîece o meat tat as been wedged between te teet. hîs conirms my suspîcîon and makes me even angrîer. I unge at my broter and grab îs sîrt, screamîng and sakîng îm. Nîî Adjeî oses îs baance and învountarîy sîts on te bed wîc îs dîrecty beînd îm.
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